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Article 21 Non-Negotiable Sea Waybill 第二十一条 非转让海运单a. A non-negotiable sea waybill, however named, must appear to: a. 无论其称谓如何,非转让海运单必须表面上看来:i. indicate the name of the carrier and be signed by: i. 显示承运人名称并由下列人员签署: the carrier or a named agent for or on behalf of the carrier, or 承运人或承运人的具名代理或代表,或 the master or a named agent for or on behalf of the master. 船长或船长的具名代理或代表。 Any signature by the carrier, master or agent must be identified as that of the carrier, master or agent. 承运人、船长或代理的任何签字必须分别表明其承运人、船长或代理的身份。Any signature by an agent must indicate whether the agent has signed for or on behalf of the carrier or for or on behalf of the master. 代理的签字必须显示其是否作为承运人或船长的代理或代表签署提单。ii. indicate that the goods have been shipped on board a named vessel at the port of loading stated in the credit by: ii. 通过下述方式表明货物已在信用证规定的装运港装载上具名船只: pre-printed wording, or 预先印就的措词,或 an on board notation indicating the date on which the goods have been shipped on board. 注明货物已装船日期的装船批注。The date of issuance of the non-negotiable sea waybill will be deemed to be the date of shipment unless the non-negotiable sea waybill contains an on board notation indicating the date of shipment, in which case the date stated in the on board notation will be deemed to be the date of shipment. 非转让海运单的出具日期将被视为装运日期,除非非转让海运单包含注明装运日期的装船批注,在此情况下,装船批注中显示的日期将被视为装运日期。If the non-negotiable sea waybill contains the indication intended vessel or similar qualification in relation to the name of the vessel, an on board notation indicating the date of shipment and the name of the actual vessel is required. 如果非转让海运单包含预期船字样或类似有关限定船只的词语时,装上具名船只必须由注明装运日期以及实际装运船只名称的装船批注来证实。iii. indicate shipment from the port of loading to the port of discharge stated in the credit. iii. 注明装运从信用证中规定的装货港至卸货港。If the non-negotiable sea waybill does not indicate the port of loading stated in the credit as the port of loading, or if it contains the indication “intended” or similar qualification in relation to the port of loading, an on board notation indicating the port of loading as stated in the credit, the date of shipment and the name of the vessel is required. This provision applies even when loading on board or shipment on a named vessel is indicated by pre-printed wording on the non-negotiable sea waybill. 如果非转让海运单未注明以信用证中规定的装货港作为装货港,或包含“预期”或类似有关限定装货港的标注者,则需要提供注明信用证中规定的装货港、装运日期以及船名的装船批注。即使非转让海运单上已注明印就的“已装船”或“已装具名船只”措词,本规定仍然适用。iv. be the sole original non-negotiable sea waybill or, if issued in more than one original, be the full set as indicated on the non-negotiable sea waybill. iv. 系仅有的一份正本非转让海运单,或者,如果出具了多份正本,应是非转让海运单中显示的全套正本份数。v. contain terms and conditions of carriage or make reference to another source containing the terms and conditions of carriage (short form or blank back non-negotiable sea waybill). Contents of terms and conditions of carriage will not be examined. v. 包含承运条件须参阅包含承运条件条款及条件的某一出处(简式或背面空白的提单)者,银行对此类承运条件的条款及条件内容不予审核。vi. contain no indication that it is subject to a charter party. vi. 未注明运输单据受租船合约约束。b. For the purpose of this article, transhipment means unloading from one vessel and reloading to another vessel during the carriage from the port of loading to the port of discharge stated in the credit. b. 就本条款而言,转运意指在信用证规定的装货港到卸货港之间的海运过程中,将货物由一艘船卸下再装上另一艘船的运输。c. i. A non-negotiable sea waybill may indicate that the goods will or may be transhipped provided that the entire carriage is covered by one and the same non-negotiable sea waybill. c. i. 只要同一非转让海运单包括运输全程,则非转让海运单可以注明货物将被转运或可被转运。ii. A non-negotiable sea waybill indicating that transhipment will or may take place is acceptable, even if the credit prohibits transhipment, if the goods have been shipped in a container, trailer or LASH barge子母船 as evidenced by the non-negotiable sea waybill. ii. 银行可以接受注明将要发生或可能发生转运的非转让海运单。即使信用证禁止转运,只要非转让海运单上证实有关货物已由集装箱、拖车或子母船运输,银行仍可接受注明将要发生或可能发生转运的非转让海运单。d. Clauses in a non-negotiable sea waybill stating that the carrier reserves the right to tranship will be disregarded. d. 对于非转让海运单中包含的声明承运人保留转运权利的条款,银行将不予置理。Article 22 Charter Party Bill of Lading 第二十二条 租船合约提单a. A bill of lading, however named, containing an indication that it is subject to a charter party (charter party bill of lading), must appear to: a. 无论其称谓如何,倘若提单包含有提单受租船合约约束的指示(即租船合约提单),则必须在表面上看来:i. be signed by: i. 由下列当事方签署: the master or a named agent for or on behalf of the master, or 船长或船长的具名代理或代表,或 the owner or a named agent for or on behalf of the owner, or 船东或船东的具名代理或代表,或 the charterer or a named agent for or on behalf of the charterer. 租船主或租船主的具名代理或代表。Any signature by the master, owner, charterer or agent must be identified as that of the master, owner, charterer or agent. 船长、船东、租船主或代理的任何签字必须分别表明其船长、船东、租船主或代理的身份。 Any signature by an agent must indicate whether the agent has signed for or on behalf of the master, owner or charterer. 代理的签字必须显示其是否作为船长、船东或租船主的代理或代表签署提单。An agent signing for or on behalf of the owner or charterer must indicate the name of the owner or charterer. 代理人代理或代表船东或租船主签署提单时必须注明船东或租船主的名称。ii. indicate that the goods have been shipped on board a named vessel at the port of loading stated in the credit by: ii. 通过下述方式表明货物已在信用证规定的装运港装载上具名船只: pre-printed wording, or 预先印就的措词,或 an on board notation indicating the date on which the goods have been shipped on board. 注明货物已装船日期的装船批注。The date of issuance of the charter party bill of lading will be deemed to be the date of shipment unless the charter party bill of lading contains an on board notation indicating the date of shipment, in which case the date stated in the on board notation will be deemed to be the date of shipment. 租船合约提单的出具日期将被视为装运日期,除非租船合约提单包含注明装运日期的装船批注,在此情况下,装船批注中显示的日期将被视为装运日期。iii. indicate shipment from the port of loading to the port of discharge stated in the credit. The port of discharge may also be shown as a range of ports or a geographical area, as stated in the credit. iii. 注明货物由信用证中规定的装货港运输至卸货港。卸货港可以按信用证中的规定显示为一组港口或某个地理区域。iv. be the sole original charter party bill of lading or, if issued in more than one original, be the full set as indicated on the charter party bill of lading. iv.仅有系的一份正本租船合约提单,或者,如果出具了多份正本,应是租船合约提单中显示的全套正本份数。b. A bank will not examine charter party contracts, even if they are required to be presented by the terms of the credit. b. 即使信用证中的条款要求提交租船合约,银行也将对该租船合约不予审核。Article 23 Air Transport Document 第二十三条 空运单据a. An air transport document, however named, must appear to: a. 无论其称谓如何,空运单据必须在表面上看来:i. indicate the name of the carrier and be signed by: i. 注明承运人名称并由下列当事方签署: the carrier, or 承运人,或 a named agent for or on behalf of the carrier. 承运人的具名代理或代表。 Any signature by the carrier or agent must be identified as that of the carrier or agent. 承运人或代理的任何签字必须分别表明其承运人或代理的身份。Any signature by an agent must indicate that the agent has signed for or on behalf of the carrier. 代理的签字必须显示其是否作为承运人的代理或代表签署空运单据。ii. indicate that the goods have been accepted for carriage.ii. 注明货物已收妥待运。iii. indicate the date of issuance. This date will be deemed to be the date of shipment unless the air transport document contains a specific notation of the actual date of shipment, in which case the date stated in the notation will be deemed to be the date of shipment. iii. 注明出具日期。这一日期将被视为装运日期,除非空运单据包含注有实际装运日期的专项批注,在此种情况下,批注中显示的日期将被视为装运日期。 Any other information appearing on the air transport document relative to the flight number and date will not be considered in determining the date of shipment. 空运单据显示的其它任何与航班号和起飞日期有关的信息不能被视为装运日期。iv. indicate the airport of departure and the airport of destination stated in the credit. Iv表明信用证规定的起飞机场和目的地机场v. be the original for consignor or shipper, even if the credit stipulates a full set of originals. v.为开给发货人或拖运人的正本,即使信用证规定提交全套正本。vi. contain terms and conditions of carriage or make reference to another source containing the terms and conditions of carriage. Contents of terms and conditions of carriage will not be examined. Vi.载有承运条款和条件,或提示条款和条件参见别处。银行将不审核承运条款和条件的内容b. For the purpose of this article, transhipment means unloading from one aircraft and reloading to another aircraft during the carriage from the airport of departure to the airport of destination stated in the credit. b.就本条而言,转运是指在信用证规定的起飞机场到目的地机场的运输过程中,将货物从一飞机卸下再装上另一飞机的行为。c. i. An air transport document may indicate that the goods will or may be transhipped, provided that the entire carriage is covered by one and the same air transport document. c.i.空运单据可以注明货物将要或可能转运,只要全程运输由同一空运单据涵盖。ii. An air transport document indicating that transhipment will or may take place is acceptable, even if the credit prohibits transhipment. ii.即使信用证禁止转运,注明将要或可能发生转运的空运单据仍可接受。Article 24 Road, Rail or Inland Waterway Transport Documents第二十四条公路、铁路或内陆水运单据a. A road, rail or inland waterway transport document, however named, must appear to: a.公路、铁路或内陆水运单据,无论名称如何,必须看似:i. indicate the name of the carrier and: i表明承运人名称,并且 be signed by the carrier or a named agent for or on behalf of the carrier, or 。由承运人或其具名代理人签署,或者 indicate receipt of the goods by signature, stamp or notation by the carrier or a named agent for or on behalf of the carrier. 。由承运人或其具名代理人以签字、印戳或批注表明货物收讫。Any signature, stamp or notation of receipt of the goods by the carrier or agent must be identified as that of the carrier or agent.承运人或其具名代理人的售货签字、印戳或批注必须标明其承运人或代理人的身份。Any signature, stamp or notation of receipt of the goods by the agent must indicate that the agent has signed or acted for or on behalf of the carrier. 代理人的收获签字、印戳或批注必须标明代理人系代表承运人签字或行事。If a rail transport document does not identify the carrier, any signature or stamp of the railway company will be accepted as evidence of the document being signed by the carrier. 如果铁路运输单据没有指明承运人,可以接受铁路运输公司的任何签字或印戳作为承运人签署单据的证据。ii. indicate the date of shipment or the date the goods have been received for shipment, dispatch or carriage at the place stated in the credit. Unless the transport document contains a dated reception、stamp, an indication of the date of receipt or a date of shipment, the date of issuance of the transport document will be deemed to be the date of shipment. ii.表明货物在信用证规定地点的发运日期,或者收讫代运或代发送的日期。运输单据的出具日期将被视为发运日期,除非运输单据上盖有带日期的收货印戳,或注明了收货日期或发运日期。iii. indicate the place of shipment and the place of destination stated in the credit. Iii表明信用证规定的发运地及目的地。b. i. A road transport document must appear to be the original for consignor or shipper or bear no marking indicating for whom the document has been prepared. b.i.公路运输单据必须看似为开给发货人或托运人的正本,或没有认可标记表明单据开给何人。ii. A rail transport document marked “duplicate” will be accepted as an original. ii.注明“第二联”的铁路运输单据将被作为正本接受。iii. A rail or inland waterway transport document will be accepted as an original whether marked as an original or not. iii.无论是否注明正本字样,铁路或内陆水运单据都被作为正本接受。c. In the absence of an indication on the transport document as to the number of originals issued, the number presented will be deemed to constitute a full set. c.如运输单据上未注明出具的正本数量,提交的分数即视为全套正本。d. For the purpose of this article, transhipment means unloading from one means of conveyance and reloading to another means of conveyance, within the same mode of transport, during the carriage from the place of shipment, dispatch or carriage to the place of destination stated in the credit. d.就本条而言,转运是指在信用证规定的发运、发送或运送的地点到目的地之间的运输过程中,在同一运输方式中从一运输工具卸下再装上另一运输工具的行为。e. i. A road, rail or inland waterway transport document may indicate that the goods will or may be transhipped provided that the entire carriage is covered by one and the same transport document. e.i.只要全程运输由同一运输单据涵盖,公路、铁路或内陆水运单据可以注明货物将要或可能被转运。ii. A road, rail or inland waterway transport document indicating that transhipment will or may take place is acceptable, even if the credit prohibits transhipment. ii.即使信用证禁止转运,注明将要或可能发生转运的公路、铁路或内陆水运单据仍可接受。Article 25 Courier Receipt, Post Receipt or Certificate of Posting 第二十五条 快递收据、邮政收据或投邮证明a. A courier receipt, however named, evidencing receipt of goods for transport, must appear to: a.证明货物收讫待运的快递收据,无论名称如何,必须看似:Article 25 Courier Receipt, Post Receipt or Certificate of Posting 第二十五条 快递收据、邮政收据或投邮证明a. A courier receipt, however named, evidencing receipt of goods for transport, must appear to: a.证明货物收讫待运的快递收据,无论名称如何,必须看似:i. indicate the name of the courier service and be stamped or signed by the named courier service at the place from which the credit states the goods are to be shipped; and i.表明快递机构的名称,并在信用证规定的货物发运地点由该具名快递机构盖章或签字;并且ii. indicate a date of pick-up or of receipt or wording to this effect. This date will be deemed to be the date of shipment. ii.表明取件或收件的日期或类似词语。该日期将被视为发运日期。b. A requirement that courier charges are to be paid or prepaid may be satisfied by a transport document issued by a courier service evidencing that courier charges are for the account of a party other than the consignee. b.如果要求显示快递费用付讫或预付,快递机构出具的表明快递费由收货人以外的一方支付的运输单据可以满足该项要求。c. A post receipt or certificate of posting, however named, evidencing receipt of goods for transport, must appear to be stamped or signed and dated at the place from which the credit states the goods are to be shipped. This date will be deemed to be the date of shipment. c.证明货物收讫待运的邮政收据或投邮证明,无论名称如何,必须看似在信用证规定的货物发运地点盖章或签署并注明日期。该日期将被视为发运日期。Article 26 On Deck, Shippers Load and Count, “Said by Shipper to Contain” and Charges Additional to Freight 第二十六条 “货装舱面”、“托运人装载和计数”、“内容据托运人报称”及运费之外的费用a. A transport document must not indicate that the goods are or will be loaded on deck. A clause on a transport document stating that the goods may be loaded on deck is acceptable. a.运输单据不得表明货物装于或者将装于舱面。声明货物可能被装于舱面的运输单据条款可以接受。b. A transport document bearing a clause such as shippers load and count and said by shipper to contain is acceptable. b.载有诸如“托运人装载和计数”或“内容据托运人报称”条款的运输单据可以接受。c. A transport document may bear a reference, by stamp or otherwise, to charges additional to the freight. c.运输单据上可以以印戳或其他方式提及运费之外的费用。Article 27 Clean Transport Document 第二十七条 清洁运输单据A bank will only accept a clean transport document. A clean transport document is one bearing no clause or notation expressly declaring a defective condition of the goods or their packaging. The word “clean” need not appear on a transport document, even if a credit has a requirement for that transport document to be “clean on board”. 银行只接受清洁运输单据。清洁运输单据指未载有明确宣称货物或包装有缺陷的条款或批注的运输单据。“清洁”一词并不需要在运输单据上出现,即使信用证要求运输单据为“清洁已装船”的。Article 28 Insurance Document and Coverage第二十八条 保险单据及保险范围a. An insurance document, such as an insurance policy, an insurance certificate or a declaration under an open cover, must appear to be issued and signed by an insurance company, an underwriter or their agents or their proxies. a.保险单据,例如保险单或预约保险项下的保险证明书或者声明书,必须看似由保险公司或承保人或其代理人或代表出具并签署。Any signature by an agent or proxy must indicate whether the agent or proxy has signed for or on behalf of the insurance company or underwriter.代理人或代表的签字必须标明其系代表保险公司或承保人签字。b. When the insurance document indicates that it has been issued in more than one original, all originals must be presented. b.如果保险单据表明其以多份正本出具,所有正本均须提交。c. Cover notes will not be accepted. c.暂保单将不被接受。d. An insurance policy is acceptable in lieu of an insurance certificate or a declaration under an open cover. d.可以接受保险单代替预约保险项下的保险证明书或声明书。e. The date of the insurance document must be no later than the date of shipment, unless it appears from the insurance document that the cover is effective from a date not later than the date of shipment. e.保险单据日期不得晚于发运日期,除非保险单据表明保险责任不迟于发运日生效。f. i. The insurance document must indicate the amount of insurance coverage and be in the same currency as the credit. f.i.保险单据必须表明投保金额并以与信用证相同的货币表示。ii. A requirement in the credit for insurance coverage to be for a percentage of the value of the goods, of the invoice value or similar is deemed to be the minimum amount of coverage required. Ii信用证对于投保金额为货物价值、发票金额或类似金额的某一比例的要求,将被视为对最低保额的要求。If there is no indication in the credit of the insurance coverage required, the amount of insurance coverage must be at least 110% of the CIF or CIP value of the goods. 如果信用证对投保金额未作规定,投保金额须至少为货物的CIF或CIP价格的110%。When the CIF or CIP value cannot be determined from the documents, the amount of insurance coverage must be calculated on the basis of the amount for which honour or negotiation is requested or the gross value of the goods as shown on the invoice, whichever is greater. 如果从单据中不能确定CIF或者CIP价格,投保金额必须基于要求承付或议付的金额,或者基于发票上显示的货物总值来计算,两者之中取金额较高者。iii. The insurance document must indicate that risks are covered at least between the place of taking in charge or shipment and the place of discharge or final destination as stated in the credit. iii.保险单据须标明承包的风险区间至少涵盖从信用证规定的货物监管地或发运地开始到卸货地或最终目的地为止。g. A credit should state the type of insurance required and, if any, the additional risks to be covered. An insurance document will be accepted without regard to any risks that are not covered if the credit uses imprecise terms such as “usual risks” or “customary risks”. g.信用证应规定所需投保的险别及附加险(如有的话)。如果信用证使用诸如“通常风险”或“惯常风险”等含义不确切的用语,则无论是否有漏保之风险,保险单据将被照样接受。h. When a credit requires insurance against “all risks” and an insurance document is presented containing any “all risks” notation or clause, whether or not bearing the heading “all risks”, the insurance document will be accepted without regard to any risks stated to be excluded. h.当信用证规定投保“一切险”时,如保险单据载有任何“一切险”批注或条款,无论是否有“一切险”标题,均将被接受,即使其声明任何风险除外。i. An insurance document may contain reference to any exclusion clause.i.保险单据可以援引任何除外责任条款 。j. An insurance document may indicate that the cover is subject to a franchise or excess (deductible). j.保险单据可以注明受免赔率或免赔额(减除额)约束。Article 29 Extension of Expiry Date or Last Day for Presentation 第二十九条 截止日或最迟交单日的顺延a. If the expiry date of a credit or the last day for presentation falls on a day when the bank to which presentation is to be made is closed for reasons other than those referred to in article 36, the expiry date or the last day for presentation, as the case may be, will be extended to the first following banking day. a.如果信用证的截至日或最迟交单日适逢接受交单的银行非因第三十六条所述原因而歇业,则截止日或最迟交单日,视何者适用,将顺延至其重新开业的第一个银行工作日。b. If presentation is made on the first following banking day, a nominated bank must provide the issuing bank or confirming bank with a statement on its covering schedule that the presentation was made within the time limits extended in accordance with sub-article 29 (a). b.如果在顺延后的第一个银行工作日交单,指定银行必须在其致开证行或保兑行的面涵中声明交单是在根据第二十九条a款顺延的期限内提交的。c. The latest date for shipment will not be extended as a result of sub-article 29 (a). c.最迟发运日不因第二十九条a款规定的原因而顺延。Article 30 Tolerance in Credit Amount, Quantity and Unit Prices 第三十条 信用证金额、数量与单价的增减幅度a. The words about or approximately used in connection with the amount of the credit or the quantity or the unit price stated in the credit are to be construed as allowing a tolerance not to exceed 10% more or 10% less than the amount, the quantity or the unit price to which they refer. a.“约”或“大约”用语信用证金额或信用证规定的数量或单价时,应解释为允许有关金额或数量或单价有不超过10%的增减幅度。b. A tolerance not to exceed 5% more or 5% less than the quantity of the goods is allowed, provided the credit does not state the quantity in terms of a stipulated number of packing units or individual items and the total amount of the drawings does not exceed the amount of the credit. b.在信用证未以包装单位件数或货物自身件数的方式规定货物数量时,货物数量允许有5%的增减幅度,只要总支取金额不超过信用证金额。c. Even when partial shipments are not allowed, a tolerance not to exceed 5% less than the amount of the credit is allowed, provided that the quantity of the goods, if stated in the credit, is shipped in full and a unit price, if stated in the credit, is not reduced or that sub-article 30 (b) is not applicable. This tolerance does not apply when the credit stipulates a specific tolerance


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