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IDES - The SAP Model Company Translated by Consignment Contract 寄售合同PurposeProcess a consignment contract and create a release order against the contract.处理一个寄售合同及参考这个合同创建一个核准订单.The folllowinng secction descrribes the ccreatiion off a coonsignnment contrract, the ccreatiion off a reeleasee ordeer refferenccing tthat ccontraact, tthe poostingg of tthe reelevannt gooods reeceiptt, thee trannsfer of thhe connsignmment sstock to a cost centeer, annd howw the liabiilitiees inccurredd as aa resuult off thesse traansacttions are ddetermmined.接下来的章章节中描述了了如何创建寄寄售合同, 参考合同创建建订单, 收货过帐, 将寄售库存存发至成本中中心, 以及及这些事务导致产生的债务是如何何确定的.It is nnot neecessaary too creaate a new cconsiggnmentt conttract and aa sourrce liist eaach tiime inn ordeer to illusstratee thiss proccess. If yoou merrely wwant tto demmonstrrate tthe prrocesssing oof reqquisittions and ppurchaase orrders, dispplay tthe exxistinng connsignmment ccontraact 4660000118 (USA) oor 460000000002 (Germmany) and sstart with the pproceddure CCreatiing a Purchhase RRequissitionn.You cann findd moree infoormatiion abbout tthis pprocesss undder .Processs FlowwYou cann findd the data for tthis pprocesss undder .1. Displayying DData oon Connsignmment SStock2. Creatinng a CConsiggnmentt Conttract3. Source List Adminnistraation4. Creatinng a PPurchaase Reequisiition5. Creatinng a PPurchaase Orrder ffrom aa Requuisitiion6. Postingg a Gooods RReceippt7. Displayying aa Goodds Recceipt8. Displayying SStock Levells9. Transfeerringg Conssignmeent Sttock tto a CCost CCenterr10. Displayying aa Goodds Isssue11. Determiining LiabiilitieesAddittionall Infoormatiion onn Conssignmeent CoontracctsMeaningg of Consiignmennt Consiignmennt sttands for aa proccess iin whiich a vendoor makkes a materrial aavailaable tto youu, thaat youu thenn keepp in oone off yourr storrage ffaciliities. The vendoor remmains the llegal ownerr of tthe maateriaal unttil suuch tiime ass you take it ouut of the cconsiggnmentt storres too use. Paymment iis nott due to thhe venndor uuntil you ddo so. The quanttity oof matteriall withhdrawnn fromm conssignmeent sttores for uuse inn thiss way is innvoiceed at previiouslyy agreeed inntervaals (ee.g. mmonthlly). YYou caan alsso agrree wiith thhe venndor tthat aany reemainiing coonsignnment stockk is ttaken over into your own sstock afterr a ceertainn periiod off timee.在寄售处理中, 由供应商提提供物料, 并将它们寄寄存在你处. 在贵公司司将这些物料料从寄存货物物中提出之前前, 该供应应商一直是这这些物料的法法律上的所有有者. 只有有当这些物料料被领料后, 供应商才才会提出支付付的要求. 物料的领料料数量是根据据事先安排好好的时间间隔隔(例如, 每月一次). 另外, 你还可以和供供应商安排好好, 当某个个时间以后, 转换所剩剩余寄存物料料的所有权. The SAPP R/3 Systeem sattisfiees thee folllowingg prerrequissites for tthe maanagemment oof connsignmment sstockss:系统满足寄寄售处理的下下列要求: Consignnment stockk is mmanageed undder thhe samme matteriall numbber ass yourr own stockk. In this way, you ccan maake coonsignnment stockk partt of tthe avvailabble sttock oof a mmateriial.寄售库存使用和和自有库存一一样的物料编号进行行管理, 因因此, 寄售售库存可转化化为可用库存存. Consignnment stockks of the ssame mmateriial suupplieed by diffeerent vendoors arre mannaged separratelyy fromm eachh otheer, att the pricee charrged bby thee releevant vendoor in each case.来自于不同同供应商的同同一物料的寄寄售库存可以按按照不同的价价格单独进行行管理. Consignnment stockks aree not valuaated. When the mmateriial iss withhdrawnn fromm storrage, it iss valuuated at thhe priice chhargedd by tthe veendor in quuestioon.对寄售库存是不作估价的, 当该物料料出库时, 才根据相应的的供应商的价价格进行估价价. A consiignmennt matteriall can be maanagedd as oone off threee stoock tyypes:一一个寄售物料料可以被分配配为以下三种种库存类型的的一个:- Unresstrictted-usse stoock 非非使用限制的的库存- Stockk in qqualitty insspectiion 质量检查中的库存- Blockked sttock 被冻结结的库存You cann makee trannsfer postiings bbetweeen alll threee typpes off stocck. Hooweverr, youu can only make withddrawalls froom unrrestriicted stockk.你可以在这些些库存类型中中间进行转储储记帐, 但是, 仅能对非使用限制的的库存进行出出库处理.Data ffor Coonsignnment ContrractFieldEuropeNorth AAmericcaDescripptionAgreemeent tyypeMKMKQuantitty conntracttCompanyy codee10003000Model ccompannyCost ceenter42004200Model ccost ccenterrCurrenccyDEMUSDLocal ccurrenncyDeliverry datteDateDateIn 10 ddays time at thhe earrliesttDocumennt typpe forr requuisitiionNBNBStandarrd purrchasee requuisitiionItem caategorryKKConsignnment itemMateriaal99-13099-130Hexagonn headd screew, tyype M110Plant 10003100Model pplantPurchassing ggroup001004Model ppurchaasing grouppPurchassing oorganiizatioon10003000Model ppurchaasing organnizatiionStoragee locaation00010001Model sstoragge loccationnVendor10003000Model aaccounntDisplaaying Data on Coonsignnment Stockk1. Call upp the transsactioon as folloows:Menu PaathLogistiics Materrials Managgementt Purchhasingg Masster DData Info Recorrd DispllayTransacction CodeME132. On the Displlay Innfo Reecord: Inittial SScreenn enteer thee folllowingg dataa:FieldEuropeNorth AAmericcaVendor10003000Materiaal99-13099-130Purchassing oorganiizatioon10003000Plant 10003100ConsignnmentSelectSelect 3. Choose .The Dissplay Info Recorrd: Geenerall Dataa screeen apppearss.4. Choose Purchh. orgg. datta 1.Make a note of thhe connsignmment pprice shownn on tthe Diisplayy Infoo Recoord: PPurchaasing Organnizatiion Daata 1 screeen. This prrice wwas aggreed with the vvendorr and is duue forr paymment iif thee mateerial is ussed.“显示信息记记录: 采购购组织数据11”中的价格用用于: 当物物料发生领用用后, 支付付给供应商的的金额.5. Choose untill the overvview ttree aappearrs.Creatiing a Consiignmennt Conntractt1. Call upp the transsactioon as folloows:Menu PaathFrom thhe Outtline Agreeement node, chooose Coontracct CreeateTransacction CodeME31KIf you dontt wantt to ccreatee a neew conntractt, youu can displlay ann exissting one: 460000018 (USA) oor 460000000002 (Germmany).2. On the Creatte Conntractt: Iniitial Screeen, ennter tthe foollowiing daata:FieldEuropeNorth AAmericcaVendor10003000Agreemeent tyypeMKMKPurch. organnizatiion10003000Purchassing ggroup001004Item caategorryKKPlant 10003100Storagee locaation00010001 3. Choose .4. On the Creatte Conntractt: Heaader DData sscreenn, entter thhe folllowinng datta:FieldEuropeNorth AAmericcaValiditty enddAny datte in the ffutureeAny datte in the ffuturee5. Choose .6. On the Creatte Conntractt: Iteem Oveervieww screeen, eenter the ffollowwing ddata:FieldEuropeNorth AAmericcaMateriaal99-13099-130Target quanttity50005000 7. Choose .8. Choose .The sysstem cconfirrms thhe traansacttion aand asssignss a coontracct nummber. Make a notte of this numbeer.9. Choose untill the overvview ttree aappearrs.Sourcee Listt Admiinistrrationn 货源清清单管理1. Call upp the transsactioon as folloows:Menu PaathFrom thhe Masster DData nnode, choosse Souurce LList Mainttain.Transacction CodeME012. On the Mainttain SSourcee Listt: Iniitial Screeen, ennter tthe foollowiing daata:FieldEuropeNorth AAmericcaMateriaal99-13099-130Plant 10003100 3. Choose .4. On the Mainttain SSourcee Listt: Oveervieww Screeen, creatte a nnew liine wiith thhe folllowinng datta:FieldEuropeNorth AAmericcaValid ffromTodayss dateeTodayss dateeValid ttoEnd of next monthhEnd of next monthhVendor10003000Purchassing oorganiizatioon10003000AgreemeentContracct nummber ffrom pprevioous exxercisseContracct nummber ffrom pprevioous exxercisseItem1010FixSelectSelect 5. Choose .6. To overrride any wwarninng messsagess, chooose .The sysstem cconfirrms thhe traansacttion.7. Choose untill the overvview ttree aappearrs.Creatiing a Purchhase RRequissitionn 创建采采购申请1. Call upp the transsactioon as folloows:Menu PaathFrom thhe Purrchasiing noode, cchoosee Purcchase Requiisitioon CrreateTransacction CodeME512. On the Creatte Purrchasee Requuisitiion: IInitiaal Scrreen, enterr the folloowing data:FieldEuropeNorth AAmericcaDocumennt typpeNBNBSource deterrminattionSelectSelectItem caategorryKKDeliverry datteAny datte witthin tthe neext moonthAny datte witthin tthe neext moonthPlant 10003100Storagee locaation00010001Purchassing ggroup001004 3. Choose .4. Acknowlledge any wwarninng messsage the ssystemm may issuee regaardingg the next availlable delivvery ddate.5. On the Creatte Purrchasee Requuisitiion: IItem OOverviiew sccreen, enteer thee folllowingg dataa:FieldEuropeNorth AAmericcaMateriaal99-13099-130Quantitty reqquesteed100100 6. Choose .7. Choose .The sysstem cconfirrms thhe possting and aassignns a ppurchaase reequisiition numbeer. Noote thhis nuumber.8. Choose untill the overvview ttree aappearrs.Creatiing a Purchhase OOrder from a Reqquisittion创创建采购订单单(参考采购购申请)1. Call upp the transsactioon as folloows:Menu PaathFrom thhe Purrchasee Ordeer nodde, chhoose Creatte Vendoor/Suppplyinng Plaant KnnownTransacction CodeME21NThe Creeate PPurchaase Orrder sscreenn appeears. In thhe staandardd systtem, eexplannatoryy docuumentaation appeaars onn the left side of thhe scrreen.Choose Closee in tthe leeft-haand arrea off the screeen to hide this docummentattion.In futuure, tthis ssettinng willl be storeed forr yourr userr ID.You cann reacctivatte thee docuumentaation at anny timme by clickking HHelp.2. Choose Documment ooverviiew onn.The doccumentt overrview now aappearrs in the lleft-hhand ppart oof thee screeen. AAdjustt the windoow to suit your requiiremennts. TThe riight-hhand ppart oof thee screeen coontainns thee actuual woork arrea foor thee actiivity.3. Choose the eentry Purchhase rrequissitionns in the lleft-hhand ppart oof thee screeen byy cliccking the iicon. 4. In the Progrram seelectiions aarea oof thee Purcchase Requiisitioons sccreen, enteer thee folllowingg dataa:FieldDataMateriaal99-1305. Choose .A list of reequisiition documments seleccted aaccordding tto thee critterionn matteriall apppears in thhe doccumentt overrview of thhe Creeate PPurchaase Orrder sscreenn.6. Select your purchhase rrequissitionn docuument with the ccursorr and drag the iitem tto thee shoppping baskeet icoon in the wwork aarea wwith tthe leeft-haand moouse bbuttonn deprressedd.The sysstem aadoptss bothh the headeer datta (doocumennt typpe, veendor, purcchasinng orgganizaation. ) and tthe ittem daata (mmateriial nuumberss, quaantityy, delliveryy datee) in the PPO beiing crreatedd.7. Choose .The sysstem cconfirrms thhe traansacttion aand asssignss a POO numbber. MMake aa notee of tthis nnumberr.8. Choose untill the overvview ttree aappearrs.Postinng a GGoods Receiipt 收收货过帐1. Call upp the transsactioon as folloows:Menu PaathFrom thhe Invventorry Mannagemeent noode, cchoosee Goodds Movvementt Goodss Receeipt For PPurchaase Orrder PO Nuumber Knownn.Transacction CodeMIGOThe Gooods Reeceiptt for Purchhase OOrder scrreen aappearrs. Thhis sccreen, too, is iinitiaally ssubdivvided into a doccumentt overrview area and tthe acctual work area, the latteer connsistiing off a heeader data area, itemm overrview, and an ittem daata arrea. HHere yyou haave thhe opttion oof adjjustinng thee sizee of tthe arreas tto suiit youur inddividuual neeeds.2. Enter tthe foollowiing daata:FieldDataPurchasse ordderYour puurchasse ordder nuumber3. Choose .The sysstem ttransffers tthe sppecifiied POO numbber shhown iin thee leftt-handd screeen arrea off the documment ooverviiew too the My Doocumennts/Puurchasse Ordders ffolderr. Thee Purcchase orderr fielld is then immeddiatelly reaady too acceept fuurtherr inpuut of documment nnumberrs. Thhe purrchasee ordeer iteems arre traansferrred tto thee itemm overrview. By cclickiing onn indiividuaal iteems, yyou caan vieew andd channge ceertainn dataa in tthe loower iitem ddetaill areaa.4. In the headeer datta areea of the GGeneraal tabb pagee, entter thhe folllowinng datta:FieldDataDocumennt datteTodayss datee (deffault)Postingg dateeTodayss datee (deffault)5. Select your item, thenn chooose thhe Wheere taab pagge at the bbottomm of tthe sccreen to chheck yyour oorganiizatioonal ddata.6. If neceessaryy, entter thhe folllowinng datta in the iitem ooverviiew arrea:FieldDataOKSelect 7. Choose Post.The sysstem cconfirrms thhe possting and aassignns a mmateriial doocumennt nummber. Make a notte of this numbeer.The matteriall numbber iss immeediateely innserteed in the MMateriial Doocumennts foolder in thhe doccumentt overrview area on thhe lefft of the sscreenn. In the ccoursee of ttime, this area is auutomatticallly fillled wwith cclosedd or sstill-to-bee-proccessedd docuumentss and held data.8. Choose untill the overvview ttree aappearrs.Displaaying a Gooods Reeceiptt 显示收货凭证1. Call upp the transsactioon as folloows:Menu PaathFrom thhe Purrchasiing noode, cchoosee Inveentoryy Manaagemennt Materrial DDocumeent Displlay.Transacction CodeMB032. On the Displlay Maateriaal Doccumentt: Iniitial Screeen , enterr the folloowing data:FieldEuropeNorth AAmericcaMateriaal doccumenttGoods rreceippt froom preeviouss steppGoods rreceippt froom preeviouss steppMateriaal doccumentt yearrCurrentt yearrCurrentt yearr 3. Choose .The Dissplay Materrial DDocumeent #: OOverviiew sccreen appeaars.4. Choose Accouuntingg docss.The sysstem iissuess a waarningg messsage ppointiing ouut thaat a rreceippt of consiignmennt matteriall doess not generrate aan acccountiing doocumennt. Thhe connsignmment sstock is noot valluatedd becaause iit stiill beelongss to tthe veendor. 5. Choose untill the overvview ttree aappearrs.Displaaying Stockk Leveels 显显示库存级别别1. Call upp the transsactioon as folloows:Menu PaathFrom thhe Invventorry Mannagemeent node, chooose Ennvironnment Stocck Sttock OOverviiew.Transacction CodeMMBE2. On the Stockk Overrview: Comppany CCode/PPlant/Storaage Loocatioon/Battch sccreen, enteer thee folllowingg dataa:FieldEuropeNorth AAmericcaMateriaal99-13099-130Plant 10003100Storagee locaation00010001 3. Choose .The quaantityy of tthe laast gooods rreceippt is addedd to tthe veendors connsignmment sstock.4. Choose untill the overvview ttree aappearrs.Transfferrinng Connsignmment SStock to a Cost Centeer转储寄寄售库存到一一个成本中心心1. Call upp the transsactioon as folloows:Menu PaathFrom thhe Invventorry Mannagemeent noode, cchoosee Goodds Movvementt Goodss Issuue.Transacction CodeMB1A2. On the Enterr Goodds Isssue: IInitiaal Scrreen, enterr the folloowing data:FieldEuropeNorth AAmericcaMovemennt typpe201201Speciall stocckKKPlant 10003100Storagee locaation00010001 3. Choose .4. On the Enterr Goodds Isssue: NNew Ittems sscreenn, entter thhe folllowinng datta:FieldEuropeNorth AAmericcaCost ceenter42004200Vendor10003000Materiaal99-13099-130Quantitty1010 5. Choose .The sysstem cconfirrms thhe traansacttion aand asssignss a gooods rreceippt nummber. Note this numbeer.6. Choose untill the overvview ttree aappearrs.Displaaying a Gooods Isssue 显示发货凭凭证1. Call upp the transsactioon as folloows:Menu PaathFrom thhe Invventorry Mannagemeent noode, cchoosee Mateerial Documment DispllayTransacction CodeMB032. On the Displlay Maateriaal Doccumentt: Iniitial Screeen , enterr the folloowing data:FieldEuropeNorth AAmericcaMateriaal doccumenttGoods rreceippt nummber ffrom pprevioous exxercisseGoods rreceippt nummber ffrom pprevioous exxercisseMateriaal doccumentt yearrCurrentt yearrCurrentt yearr 3. Choose .The Dissplay Materrial DDocumeent #: OOverviiew sccreen appeaars.4. Choose Accouuntingg docss.5. Note thhe nummber oof thee accoountinng doccumentt showwn in the ddialogg box. 6. Select the aaccounnting documment.On the Documment OOverviiew sccreen, the systeem dissplayss the G/L aaccounnts too whicch posstingss havee beenn madee as aa resuult off the goodss receeipt.7. Choose .8. Choose .9. Choose untill the overvview ttree aappearrs. Determminingg Liabbilitiies 结算债务1. Call upp the transsactioon as folloows:Menu PaathFrom thhe Invventorry Mannagemeent noode, cchoosee Enviironmeent Consiignmennt Consiignmennt froom Venndor Liabiility.Transacction CodeMRKO2. The Setttle CConsiggnmentt/Pipeeline Liabiilitiees scrreen aappearrs. 3. Choose .4. Do dispplay tthe liiabiliities, searrch foor youur acccountiing doocumennt.5. Choose untill the overvview ttree aappearrs.Pages 39 / 39


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