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英汉翻译第三讲,“可译性”与“不可译性”的补偿,每日一句,Life is sweet. Man is the soul of the universe. Laugh, and the world will laugh with you;cry, you cry alone. Life is a comedy to him who thinks and a tragedy to who feels. Sleep is a thief; steals half ones life.,生命是甜美的。 人乃万物之灵。 你笑,世界也陪你笑。 于运用理智之人,人生乃一悲剧; 于诉诸感觉之人,人生乃一喜剧。 睡眠是窃贼,偷走一半人生。,Assignment Our life is a brief span measuring some sixty or seventy in all, but nearly one half of this has to be spent in sleep; some years have to be spent over our meals; some over dressing and undressing; some in making journeys on land and voyages by sea; some in merrymaking, either on our own account or for the sake of others; some in celebrating religious and social festivities; some in watching over the sickbeds of our nearest and dearest relatives. Now if all these years were to be deducted from the term over which our life extends we shall find about fifteen or twenty years at our disposal for active work.,Thats Not My Job This is a story about four people: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybodys job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldnt do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody have done.,Warm-up Exercise,1. I didnt marry her because I loved her. 2. The tourists wanted to visit more interesting places. 3. One for all and all for one. 4. Break a leg. 5. Im a woman for a week. 6. Are you a good sailor? 7. Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled pepper. 8. You are pulling my leg. 8. Quick! Mouth to mouth! 9. I am no Hamlet. 10. Give me five!,汉语亦有不可英译的成分,1. 护士:小心肝! 病人:小宝贝! 2. 上海自来水来至海上 黄山落叶松叶落山黄 爆竹声声辞旧岁 梅花点点迎新春 一去二三里,村烟四五家,亭台六七座,八九十枝花。 下雨天留客天留我不留。 黑化肥挥发会发黑,灰化肥发黑会挥发。 7. 红凤凰,黄凤凰,红粉凤凰黄凤凰 8. 知道不知道知道就知道不知道就不知道不要知道说不知道不知道说知道到头来知道变成不知道不知道还是不知道天知道地知道若要问我知道不知道知道不知道也不知道。,由于各民族的文明化进程大致相同, 思维方式和生活 内容也大同小异, 衣食住行本质上也没有太大的差别, 语 言的生成原理也都是一致的, 这就决定了语言之间的互 译互通是可能的。否则,人类社会发展到今天将是不可 想象的,人类的相互交流也就无从谈起。 因此,英汉两种语言之间能互通互译的成分肯定是占 绝大多数,不可译的只是一小部分。并且这一小部分主 要是由表达方式和文化差异造成的。实际上,由于语言 具有一种奇妙的力量,再难于翻译、难于理解的语言差 异总是能找到变通的法子。换句话说,所谓的“可译性” 与“不可译性”总是可以找到变通的补偿手段的。语言文 化交流过程中,许多曾经无法传译的内容,通过各种语 言变通手段,最终都得到了很好的处理。,如,英文单词humor, 以前汉语完全没有这个概念,采用音译法 译成汉语“幽默”不就解决问题了吗?logic译成“逻辑”;hysteria被 为“歇斯底里”, tank译为“坦克”等等就是很好的例子。当然,这种 变通译法会造成译文“失彩”或 “失真”等不可避免的令人遗憾的现 象,译者的主要任务就是要把翻译过程中“失彩”和“失真”的程度降 到最低点。此外,“不可译”语言现象大都出现在文学作品或俚俗语 或刻意为之的文字游戏里。如下面这则用回文辞格(palindrome)写 成的墓志铭: Shall we all die? We shall all die; All die shall we- Die all we shall. 全文一共四个单词,反复使用,营造出一种独特的语言效果, 但要翻译成汉语回文,恐怕不大可能。,再如这句广告词: Sea, sun, sand, seclusion-and Spain. 使用了英语头韵辞格 (alliteration), 视觉效果和朗读效果兼备,确实赏心又悦目。但译 成汉语只能是“海滨,阳光,沙滩,幽静-一派西班牙风情。”意 趣锐减。英语里还有很多习语或俚俗语本身要么意象生动传神, 要么极富文化内涵,但在翻译成汉语时,由于思维角度或表达方 式的差异,直接翻译出来会十分别扭,或者有违汉语文字习惯, 也只能舍弃其文化含义或生动意象,力争做到信息的饱满传递。 例如英语习语in birthday suit,其意思是“光着身子”,但不加以解 释,读者很难领会到其字面意思的谐趣。而Lets go Dutch这句话 译成“我们各付各的”,也只能算是达意而已,其本身的历史典故 韵味就只能通过加注来解决了。英语里很多口头禅性质的语句也 不好翻译,比如这句:Give me five, 英语国家人士说这句话时还 要相互单手击掌。如直译成“给我五”则令人莫名其妙,而译为“与 我击掌”,又过于简单。Say cheese, 照相时用语,相当于我们照 相时所说的“茄子”,只能翻译成“笑一笑”。,遇在到“不可译”语言现象时,可采用注释法、解释性译法或变换角度法处理,力争把语言意义准确地传递给读者。 相对而言,出于精确的需要,科技英语里的“不可译”现象要少得多。,优劣判断练习,【例 1】The best way to make a small fortune from gambling is to start with a large. 【译文1】 要靠赌博发小财的最好办法是携带巨款来赌。 【译文2】要靠赌博发大财的最好办法是携巨款来赌。 【例 2】 The talk about raising taxis was a red flag to many voters. 【译文1】 关于增税的谈论让许多选民看到了红旗。 【译文2】 关于增税的谈论激怒了许多选民。 【例 3】 In China men usually wear the trousers at home. 【译文1】 在中国,男人通常是一家之主。 【译文2】 在中国,男人在家通常穿裤子。,【例 4】 He is as pleased as a dog with two tails. 【译文1】他高兴得像只长着两条尾巴的狗。 【译文2】 他高兴得手舞足蹈。 【例 5】 He came safe from the East Indies, and was drowned in the Thames. 【译文1】 他大江大河都走过了,却在小小阴沟里翻了船。 【译文2】他从东印度安然归来,却在泰晤士河里淹死了。 【例 6】 You are late for the last time. 【译文1】 这是你最后一次迟到了。 【译文2】 你不用再来上班了。 【例 7】 Billy is rumored to belong to the third sex. 【译文1】 谣传比利是个同性恋者。 【译文2】 谣传比利是个双性人。,【例 8】-Judge: What makes you think that you could park your car there? -Tourist: Well, there was a big sign that read: “Fine for parking”. 【译文1】-法官:你怎么想到把车停在那里? -游客:啊,那里有个牌子,上面写着:停车的好地 方! 【译文2】-法官:你怎么想到把车停在那里? -游客:啊,那里有个牌子,上面写着:适于泊车! (注:英语单词fine既有“好”的意思,也可表示“罚款”。) 【例9】She made an oath that she would scratched Jims eyes out. 【译文1】她发誓说要把吉姆的眼珠挖出来。 【译文2】她发誓要给吉姆点颜色看看。,【例10】They catch fleas for each other. 【译文1】他们相互捉虱子。 【译文2】他们相互间非常要好。 【例11】How the old man was able to keep body and soul together is beyond me. 【译文1】他一个老人怎能保持精神与肉体的统一呢?我真是不明 白。 【译文2】那位老人怎么能维持生计呢,我真不能理解。 【例12】The pretty girl married with the left hand last year. 【译文1】这个漂亮的女孩去年与一个左撇子结了婚。 【译文2】这个漂亮的女孩去年与一个门第比自己低的人结婚 了。,【例13】-Which travels faster, heat or cold? -Heat. Because you can catch cold easily. 【译文1】-热和冷,那个的速度快? -热。因为你很容易就会抓住冷。 【译文2】-热和冷,那个速度更快? -热。因为你很容易就会感冒。(注:英语里有catch cold即感冒一说,却没有catch heat的说法。),“可译性”与“不可译性”佳例赏析,【例1】A thousand mustaches can live together, but not four breasts. 【译文】千条汉子能共处,两个婆娘难相容。 【例2】A tall man entered the room. He wore a tweed coat and a pair of hobnails. 【译文】一个高个子男人走进房间。他穿着苏格 兰厚呢 料上衣和一双钉着大头钉的鞋 子-一副当地农民的打扮。,【例3】Why carry coals to Newcastle? 【译文】何必多此一举? 注:Newcastle是英国的产煤中心,把煤往那 儿运,自然是多此一举,徒劳无益。 【例4】When he dined with his sister that evening, Madeline helped herself to a cigarette from his pack on the table, and lit and smoked it inexpertly. The defiant, self-satisfied, somewhat pathetic air made Warren laugh. “When the cats away?” he said. 【译文】那天他跟妹妹梅德琳一起吃晚饭的时候,梅德琳从桌上他的烟盒里取出一支烟,点火抽了起来,姿势很笨拙;她那倔强的、得意的、有点惹人爱怜的神态引得哥哥华伦哈哈大笑。他调侃到:“老猫不在,你成精啦!嘿?”,【例5】You are just teaching your grandmother to suck eggs. 【译文】你这是在班门弄斧。 【例6】 -When does the baker follow his trade? -Whenever he kneads the dough. 【译文】-面包师傅什么时候营业? -每当他揉面的时候。,【例7】 “Mine is a long and sad tale!” Said the Mouse, turning to Alice, and sighing. “It is a long tail, certainly,” said Alice, looking down with wonder at the Mouses tail, “but why do you call it sad?” 【译文】 老鼠对爱丽丝叹了口气道:“唉,说来话长! 真叫我委屈!” “尾曲?!”爱丽丝听了,瞧着老鼠那光滑的尾 巴说:“你这尾巴分明又长又直,为什么说它 曲呢?”,【例 8】 Everything goes well in the end and Jack gets Jill. 【译文】 最后一切顺利, 有情人终成眷属。 (Jack 和Jill分别是英语里常见的男子名和女子名,这里代表男人和女人。) 【例9】 - Its an order from President Bush.” -“I dont care if it is from bush, tree, or grass.” 【译文】-“这是布什总统的命令。” - “管它什么布什、布头,还是布片 呢,与我无关。”,【例10】 -“Call me a taxi,” said a fat man. - “Okay,” said the doorman. “You are a taxi, but you look more like a truck to me.” 【译文】-“给我叫辆出租车。”胖子说。 - “好的,”门房说。“你就是出租车。不过我看你更像 一辆卡车。” 【例11】 Mr. Brown is a very white man. He was looking rather green the other day. He has been feeling blue lately. When I saw him, he was in a brown study. I hope he will soon be in the pink again. 【译文】 布朗先生是位忠实可靠的人。那天他气色不好。近来他 感到有点闷闷不乐。我见到他的时候,他显得心事重 重。我希望他早点振作起来。,【例12】 -What is the longest sentence? -Life imprisonment. 【译文】-什么样的刑期(句子)最长? -终身监禁。 【例13】 “Im a Ford, not a Lincoln.” 【译文】“我是福特,不是林肯。”或“我只是福特,怎比 得上林肯总统。” 【例14】 She always has an axe to grind if she offers to help others. 【译文】 要是她主动提出来帮助别人,肯定是另有所 图。,【15】 When the college girl announced that she weighed 140 pounds stripped for gym, the anxious father wanted to know who “Jim” was. 【译文】女大学生体重已达140磅,当她声称要为 gym(体操)而脱掉衣服时,她老爸担心地问道: “谁是Jim?” 【例16】Able was I ere I saw Elba. 【译文】看到厄尔巴之前我可是个能干的人。,【例17】He halted in the district where by night are found the lightest street, hearts, vows and librettos. 【译文】他一口气来到一个地方,一到晚上,最轻佻的 灯光,最轻松的心灵,最轻率的盟誓,最轻快 的歌剧都在这里荟萃。 【例18】We know eggsactly how to sell eggs. 【译文】我们是卖蛋行家。 【例19】Cut Costs without Cutting Corners. 【译文】减少花费而不必节省。,【例20】 The United States has now set up a loneliness industry. 【译文】 美国现在已建立了一种专门为孤独的老人们 提供服务的社会项目。,挑战练习:根据提示翻译下列句子,1The leopard changes his sports; you see he often goes from one spot to another. (提示:这句英文反用一句英语谚语:The leopard cannot change his spots(本性难移),同时又利用单词spot的不同词义“斑点”和“地点”构成双关,取得了幽默的语言效果。) 2The hostess greeted the girl with a smile. (提示:这是一句歧义句,有两种译法。) 3He never calls a spade a spade. (提示:call a spade a spade-speak quite plainly(直言无隐),原是桥牌术语,因为玩牌时有什么牌不会直说,分明手上是一张spade(黑桃),却故意说成club(梅花),或heart(红桃),或diamond(方块),以乱视听。) 4Ma is a nun, as I am. (提示:英文回文(palindrome)游戏,译出意思即可。) 5Customs officer: Have you anything to declare? Man: Yes, I would like to declare that I love my wife.(提示:declare既可理解为“申报”,也 可理解为“申明”。),6 Without Ceres and Bacchus, Venus grows cold.(提示:又是一条英语谚语,其中的Ceres是希腊神话里的谷物女神,Bacchus是酒神,他们都是丰收、温饱的象征,而Venus则是众所周知的爱神。) 7He find it very difficult to please both his wife and his mother. He is often caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.(提示:devil意思是“魔鬼”,永远是灾难与险恶的象征,deep blue sea虽然听起来很吸引人,但一旦坠入其中,恐怕也难逃没顶的厄运,因此它有时也用来比喻困难或危险。居于两者之间肯定不是好事。) 8He is always on the high horse at school. (提示:high horse就是“高头大马”,骑在这种马背上的人往往趾高气扬,自觉高人一等,态度傲慢。) 9Look before you leap, for snakes among the bright flowers creep.(提示:snake除了指蛇,还可喻指“危险”,因为无论在中国人还是西方人眼里,蛇都是危险和邪恶的象征。一个口蜜腹剑的朋友常被称为“藏在草丛中的蛇”(a snake in the grass。),10Before I could say Jack Robinson, the girl was gone. (提示:before one can say Jack Robinson 意思是“很快地”或“突然地”,它与right away 以及in a flash意思相近。) 11. -Where is Washington? -He is dead. -I mean the capital of the United States. -They loaded it all to Europe. -Now do you promise to support the constitution? -Me? How can I? Ive got a wife and five children to support. (提示:这段话是美国进行选举登记时,对选民所做的口头测试。其中Washington, capital和support都是双关语,应适当加注,尽量译出其中的幽默感。),12. When a woman complained to her butcher that his sausage tasted like meat at one end, and but bread at the other, he replied, “Madam, in the times like these, no butcher can make both ends meat. (提示:to make two ends meet是英语习语,意思是“收支平衡”,句中的to make two ends meat是谐音双关。) 13. The baby adapted to bottle-feeding as a duck takes to water. (提示:as a duck takes to water “像小鸭子初次下水游泳一样自然。”) 14. Wed like to help, but our hands are tied. (提示:ones hands are tied是习语,但最好作引申处理。) 15. Our neighbors are very fond of their dog even though its ugly, loud and smelly, I guess one mans meat is another mans poison.(提示:One mans meat is another mans poison是习语,可按字面意思理解,但不宜直译。),16. Go break a leg. (提示:比如你马上就要做presentation,或登台演出,你的同学就有可能跟你说这句话。) 17. I put my foot in my mouth. (提示:当你说了不该说的话,或突然发现说错了话就可赶紧说这句话。) 18. Its a black tie. (提示:black tie喻指正式场合的晚宴,喜庆或表演。) 19. We will throw him a bachelor party. (提示:男生在结束单身汉生活之前,他的单身好友会为他举办一场所谓的bachelor party, 宣布他将正式告别单身生活。) 20. How many people did you invite to your wedding shower? (提示:男生有bachelor party, 女生也不甘示弱,来办个wedding shower, 算是和男生分庭抗礼,以示告别单身女子生活。),THE END不鼓掌,等着瞧!,


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