重大版英语四年级上册Unit 6《It’s time for PE class》ppt课件2.ppt

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Unit 6 Its Time for PE ClassLesson 2,Lets sing a song,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,Four Tasks:目标,1.Read 会读,3.Imagine 会想象,2.Cooperate 会合作,4.Act 会表演,Review,get up,go home,go to bed,Free Talk,Read by yourself 自学,Q1:What time is it?,Q2:Is DuXiaomao hungry?,Learning each other 互学,A:Learn with each other. 组内互助学习,B:Leaders should circle the hard words. 组长收集组内难词,并上台圈出。,C:Share the idea. 全班交流学习。,Lets go .,Lets go home.,Lets go to school.,Lets go to the zoo.,Lets go to the park.,Lets go swimming.,Lets go skating.,Im .,hungry,very,I want some ,Im .,thirsty,very,I want some ,Tips: 1:Lets read the content in your groups . 分组操练 2:Read the content together. 全班齐读 3:Listen,read and do. 听音跟读 做动作,Practice,Come on,its time to have dinner.,What will happen next,What will grandma say? What will DuXiaomao say? What will grandpa say?,Group Work小组合作,You can make the talk with more interesting ending. (Tips:1.小组合作,续编结尾,并表演。) 2.大胆想象,用英语表达和交流。,1: Act out this text with your group members. (小组合作表演课文) 2: Act out a new story with your group members. (小组合作续编对话,并表演),Whats for dinner?,We have,Im thirsty.,Can I have some?,I want some,1.熟读课文内容,读给家人听。,2.围绕课文内容,创编一个你喜欢的对话。,Homework,life,The,is,时间就是金子!时间就是生命!,!,The,Time,is,gold,!,Thank you!,


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