北师大版五年级上册英语 Unit4 《Mocky’s Birthday 》PPT课件.ppt

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Unit 4 Mockys Birthday,北师大版五年级上英语课件,1.掌握月份季节等词汇,如January(一月),summer(夏季)等。 2.掌握本课基本句型,如when is your birthday/my birthday is 3.学会自己写Email,掌握其基本格式,教学 目标,calendar 日历,month,Which do you like ?,I like (September) because ,春之梨花,spring,夏之荷花,summer,秋之菊花,autumn,冬,之,梅花,winter,season,Which do you like ?,I like (spring ) because ,January 一月,Ja-nu-a-ry,New Year(新年) January first,February 二月,Fe-bru-a-ry,Valentines Day(情人节) February 14th,March 三月,Mar-ch,Womens Day 妇女节 March eighth,April 四月,A-pril,Fools Day 愚人节 April first,May 五月,M-ay,Labor Day 劳动节 May first,June六月,June first Childrens Day 儿童节,July 七月,Ju-ly,Chinese Communist Partys birthday 党的生日 July first,August 八月,Au-gu-st,The Army Day 建军节 August first,September 九月,Sep-tem-ber,The Teachers Day 教师节 September tenth,October 十月,Oc-to-ber,National Day 国庆节 October first,November 十一月,No-vem-ber,Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 the fourth Thursday of November,December 十二月,De-cem-ber,Christmas Day 圣诞节 December twenty-fifth,When is your birthday? Its ,Group Birthday Book,Happy birthday,1、What was the weather like yesterday ?,2、Where did Mocky go yesterday ?,3、What did Mocky do for Ken ?,4、Was it Kens birthday ?,5、What did they do then ?,Homework,Make an interview about your parents birthday and give the best wishes to them when their birthday come.,To: the email address of someone you write to From: the email address of yourself Subject: the name or main content of your email Dear xx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. yours, (sign your name here),Write an email,Homework,Try to write an to one of your friend,email,The End,


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