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Part One Key Words(1)fetch (v.) 取来短语:fetch sth. for sb. = fetch sb. sth. 为某人取来某物辨析词:take 带走taketo= take sb. sth.be taken tobring 带来bring.to = bring sb. sth.be brought toeg:Please fetch me Guide to China. / Fetch a pen for me.Take her to the hospital at once.Bring your guitar to the party tomorrow.(2)introduce (v.) 介绍词性:(uncountable noun.) introduction 介绍短语:introduceto 把介绍给be introduced toself-introduction 自我介绍, make a self-introductioneg:Thank you for introducing me so much.Thank you for your introduction.(3)fantastic (adj.) 极好的, 有趣的the most fantastic关联:good, great, wonderful, excellent.eg:He told me a fantastic story about her experience.(4)tale (n.) 传说, 陈述romantic tale 浪漫的传说eg:We all know the romantic tale about Romeo and Juliet.(5)island (n.) 岛islands 群岛用法:treasure island 宝岛, Taiwan Islands 台湾群岛(6)enemy (n.) 敌人, 反对者 用法:enemy-enemieseg:The Japanese are our enemies, we should attack them.(7)flat (n. & adj.) 公寓, 平的关联:smooth 平坦的, 光滑的;plain 平的eg:The floor of this flat is flat.(8)below (prep.) 在.的下面反义词:above (prep.) 在的上面用法: (指位置)在.下面eg:Dont feel shy to ask and learn from people below. (指数量、程度等)在.以下eg:The temperature will below zero degrees centigrade. (指地位等)低于eg:His position in the company is below hers.(9)freeze (v.) 结冰be frozen 被冰冻不规则动词:freeze-froze-frozen-freezeseg:water freezes in the degree of 0 0C.The Yellow River froze yesterday.The lemonade was frozen by him.(10)thick (adj.) 厚的, 浓的反义词:thin (adj.) 薄的, 瘦的fat / strong用法:smoke-thick(thin), thick forest 茂密的森林eg:The ice is not thick enough, you mustnt skate on it.(11)wheat (n.) 小麦flour 面粉eg:Flour is made of wheat. 关联:rice-wheat (flour)-noodles(12)plain (n.) 平原 & (adj.) 平的, 普通的eg:This plain desk from Jianghan Plain is very plain.同音词:plane (airplane) 飞机关联:smooth, flat (adj.) 平的, 光滑的, flat (adj.) 平的explain 解释explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事complain (v.) 抱怨Dont complain too much.(13)license (n.) 执照, 许可证 用法:driving license 驾照短语:the license to do sth. / for (doing) sth. 的许可eg:I want to get a license to sell wine / for (selling) wine.关联:the way/method to do sth. 做某事的方法the best time(season) to do sth. 最好时间the custom to do sth. 做某事的习俗the chance to do sth. 做某事的机会eg:If you want to build a house, you must get a license to do so.(14)pioneer (n.) 先锋, 创始人, 倡导者young pioneer 少先队员eg:Confucius was a pioneer in the field of education.关联:engineer (n.) 工程师(15)captain (n.) 船长, 队长 用法:Captain Zheng Hesailor水手eg:Yao Ming is the captain of Chinas Basketball Team.(16)sail (v.) 航行词性:(n.) sailing 航行, sailor 水手captain 船长eg:Captain Zheng Hes seven journeys were successful, he sailed tothe eastern coast of Africa with his sailors.(17)coast (n.) 海岸, 海滨用法:Los Angeles is in the western coast of the USA.关联:(on the) beach 海滩, seaside 海边(18)pride (n.) 骄傲, 自豪 词性:(adj.) proud 自豪的短语:take pride in=be proud of 以为自豪eg:Yang liwei is our pride. / We take pride in him.We are proud of Sun Yang, he won so many medals in London.(19)trade (n.) 贸易 & (v.) 用交换, 做生意用法:WTO (World Trade Organization) 世界贸易组织eg:Many countries trade with each other through WTO.(20)prize (n.) 奖品, 奖赏用法:Nobel Prize 诺贝尔奖 关联:praise (v.) 表扬eg:He is excellent, his teacher praised him and gave him a prize.(21)president (n.) 总统, 主席 用法:President Obama/Hu Jintao(22)leader (n.) 领导词性:(adj.) leading 领先的leading position(v.) lead引导, 领导 不规则动词:lead-led-led短语:lead to 导致, lead sb. to do sth. 领导某人去做某事eg:His carelessness led to a serious accident.Chairman Mao led us to live a happy life.(23)safety (n.) 安全 用法:Food/Road Safety 食品/道路安全词性:(adv.) safely 安全地land on the moon safely.(adj.) safe 安全的unsafe (adj.) 不安全的eg:We should pay more attention to Food safety.In the end, he was safe and arrived safely.(24)fear (v.) 害怕, 担心关联:(adj.) afraid, scary, frightened(frightening)eg:She fears (that) it will rain tomorrow. / He fears nothing.(25)pupil (n.) 小学生pupilseg:When we were 6 years old, we entered school, we were pupils.关联:middle school student, university student(26)instruction (countable noun.) 说明, 教导用法:instruction book 说明书 易混:introduction 介绍短语:follow ones instructions 遵循某人的教导eg:Follow your teachers instructions, or youll be punished.(27)owner (n.) 物主, 主人 词性:(adj. & pron.) own自己的用法:own sth. 拥有He owns a nice car.ones own某人自己的He has his own car.on ones own 独立地, 独自地He can live on his own.(28)private (adj.) 私人的, 私有的 单词:privacy (n.) 隐私用法:private things, private letter/secretary/schooleg:Privacy is more and more important.(29)tail (n.) 尾巴 同音词:tale (n.) 传说Romantic taleeg:Wolves have long tails./That monkey has no tail.(30)correct (adj.) 正确的=right & (v.) 纠正correct mistakes词性:(opp.) incorrect=wrong 不正确的, (adv.) correctly 正确地eg:Your answer is incorrect, please correct it correctly.(31)promise (v. & n.) 答应, 允诺短语:keep ones promise 守信, promise (not) to do sth. 答应做某事promise sb. (not) to do sth. 答应某人(不)去做某事eg:He promises me not to play in class any longer.You must keep your promise and dont tell others.(32)chess (n.) 国际象棋用法:play chess 下棋, Chinese chess 中国象棋关联:play soccer(football) / basketball / volleyball /beach volleyball/ tennis / table tennis(Ping-Pong) / badmintonplay the piano / the drums / the guitar / the violin / erhu(33)thirsty (adj.) 渴的 用法:thirsty and hungryeg:Im thirsty, I want to drink some water.(34)hungry (adj.) 饿的 单词:(n.) hunger 饥饿关联:thirsty (adj.) 渴的 易混:angry (adj.) 生气的-anger (n.) 生气eg:He is so hungry that he want to eat something.He is hungry and thirsty, so he is very angry.(35)memory (countable noun.) 回忆, 记忆memories用法:a good memory 好记性The photo brings back many pleasant (sweet)memories.短语:in memory of=in honor of 纪念eg:We built this tower in memory of those heroes who died in wars.(36)dismiss (v.) 解雇, 解散 用法:be dismissed 被解雇eg:He was dismissed by the boss because of his faults. / Thats all, dismiss!(37)discovery (n.) 发现-discoveries 词性:(v.) discover 发现辨析词:invent (v.) 发明invention (inventor)eg:Scientists have discovered many important discoveriesPart Two Target Phrasesa (great) number of, the number of lie (be) in hear of, hear fromplaces of interest=tourist attractions be considered (as)be used to (doing) sth. be proud of=take pride inplay an important part in (doing) sth. set up=found along within ones thirties promise (not) to do sth. be covered withlose oneself in (doing) sth. connect A with B-A be connected with B be known (famous) as break down pass away=die come to an end die of/from/out bring down-be brought down (be) full of wipe out-be wiped out neithernor in memory ofPart Three Important Sentences1. China is a great country (that/which) has about 5000 years of history.2. Its a book (which/that) introduces China in detail.3. Its Mount Tai (that/which) lies in Shandong Province.4. Thats the most fantastic place (that) I have ever heard of.5. Many tourist attractions there are (well) worth visiting, such as Sudi Causeway, the Broken Bridge and Leifeng Pagoda.6. Northern people are used to eating food (that) is made with wheat flour, while rice is the main food of southern people.7. Could you tell me something about the places (that/which) you visited there?8. It seemed that we experienced four seasons in a day.9. The scenery is so attractive that visitors often lose themselves in it.10. Taiwan is considered the Treasure Island of China.11. He was also a famous philosopher (whose) wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries.12. Unfortunately, Sun Yat-sen broke down from hard work and passed away full of regret on March 12th, 1925.13. He was a great man (whose) wide sayings are still famous now.14. He was a Ming dynasty explorer (whom/who) the Chinese people are proud of.15. The Red Army faced the danger of being wiped out by the KMT.16. We can go to either Beihai Park or Shichahai Park. They are both wonderful places to visit.17. Neither my mother nor my father likes it, but I like it very much.18. Not only Tom but also I have a car.19. Both my father and I like it a lot.20. It also plays an important part in Chinese festival.21. People invented Chinese chess in memory of the famous battle.22. Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are necessary to begin a day.Part Four Functional UsagesReasons and ResultsHer English is poor, so I often help her.My old coats are so short that I want to buy some new ones.Because of our countrys one-child policy, now most families have only one child.The government gives support to poor families, so children in cities and villages can get a good education.Since she did not feel well, she stayed at home.Why do most of the buildings have yellow roofs?Because yellow was a symbol of imperial power in ancient China.As he was ill, he couldnt come to school.Due to the heavy fog, the planes were delayed.The reason is that he is not careful enough in his work.It is so dark that I cannot see anything in the room.Part One Key Words(1)voice (n.) 嗓音, 说话声(人声)VOA (Voice of America)短语:in a/anvoice 用样的声音辨析:sound泛指所有的声音, noise噪音, voice人的声音eg:They talked in a low voice, but they were caught by the teachers.(2)upon (prep.) 在上面短语:once upon a time=long long ago 很久很久以前辨析:on, over, above, upon upon=on (有接触) over 在之上(不接触,垂直)over the river above 在上面的任何一个地方(3)sudden (adj.) 突然的sudden attack词性:(adv.) suddenly 突然地, 突然 (可单独使用)eg: Suddenly, he received a sudden letter suddenly.(4)shoulder (n.) 肩膀shoulders 形近词:should (v.) 应该用法:should (not) do sth.=had better (not) do sth. 最好做.=be supposed to do sth.=ought to do sth.关联:arm, hand, finder, fingernaileg:You should put your hands on your shoulders.(5)honest (adj.) 诚实的, 正直的 用法:an honest man关联:humorous, generous, out-going, easy-going, creative, wise, modest, kind-heartedeg:We should not tell lies, we should be honest.(6)compare (v.) 比较, 对照 词性:(n.) comparison 比较短语:compare A with B 和.相比A be compared with Bcompare A to B 把比作A be compared to Beg:I dont want to be compared with others.In writers eyes, they often compare the moon to a beauty.Compared with B, A is better.Compare the two pictures and youll find many differences.(7)soap (n.) 肥皂 用法:soap opera 肥皂剧eg:Soap operas are boring and long, watching them is a waste of time.关联:soap, towel, toothbrush, toothbrush(8)fly (v. & n.) 飞, 苍蝇flies词性:(n.) flight 飞行, 航班Flight CA310airline, airplane, airport词组:(v.) fly a kite / kites 放风筝(n.) fly 苍蝇, butterfly 蝴蝶, dragonfly 蜻蜓eg:There is a fly flying in the flight.(9)kiss (v.) 亲吻 用法:Dont kiss me!/kiss and hug(10)golden (adj.) 金质的, 金色的 词性:(n.) gold 金子用法:golden sun 金色的太阳单词:gold medal 金牌, silver medal 银牌关联:gold-golden, wood-wooden 木的, wool-woolen 羊毛的gold-silver-steel-iron-metal(11)handwriting (n.) 笔记,书写单词:handbag 手提包, hand手, handsome 潇洒的短语:hand in 上交, hand in hand 手拉手clap ones hands 鼓掌, shake hands 握手give sb. a hand=help sb. (to ) do sth.=do sb. a favor 帮忙on one hand 一方面, on the other hand 另一方面(12)chalk (n.) 粉笔chalkseg:Teachers use chalks to write on the blackboard in class.(13)dozen (n.) 十二个, 一打用法:a dozen of, dozens of 几十, 许多eg:There are two dozen of eggs in the box.关联:couple, hundred, thousand, million, billion(14)pound (n.) 英镑关联:penny-pennies, euro-euros, dollar-dollars, cent-cents, yuan易混:pond (n.) 池塘, fond (adj.) 喜欢的be fond of (doing) sth.(15)penny (n.) 便士pound 英镑用法:penny-pennies 单词:bill, yuan, dollar, cent, euro(16)bottom (n.) 底部短语:at the bottom of 在.的底部at the top of 在的顶部from the bottom of my heart 从我的内心深处eg:At the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, there are still many fishes.I want to say “thank you” from the bottom of my heart.(17)period (n.) 时期, 时代用法:Spring-Autumn Period 春秋时期, during this time period 在这时期eg:Every period has its own features./He is doing research this period.(18)awake (adj.) 醒着的(作表语)词性:(v.) wake 叫醒 不规则动词:wake-woke-waken短语:wake sb. up 叫醒某人eg:I am awake, because he woke me up too early.关联:alive (adj.) 活着的, asleep (adj.) 睡着的(19)alive (adj.) 活的 (作表语)He is still alive.词性:(v.) live 住, 过着live with sb. 和住在一起(adj.) living 活的 (作定语)living things/scientists活着的科学家lively 积极的, 活跃的-activeeg:All lively living things live with us, but some are not alive now.关联:awake (adj.) 醒着的, asleep (adj.) 睡着的Part Two Target Phraseswould rather do sth. than do sth. prefer A to B play Chinese chesskeepaway from in ones view/opinion erasefromfall in love (with sb.) once upon a time=long long ago point out, point to in the distance, at the distance of make up ones mind (to do sth.) keep ones mind on look aheadin ones view/opinion set free sooner or latercatch up with, come up with (an idea) first of all a piece of cake/news/music/chalk think back (to) dozens of look/go ahead get on/off come tobring about in/on time in a hurry set off get backhave a great future take care, take care of go for a walk for everslap sb. in the face in surprisePart Three Important Sentences1. I would rather watch TV plays than sports shows.2. I hope someday I can take part in a quiz show and win a prize.3. The mother of the land was quite angry at what he had said.4. You are a lucky dog. 5. Every dog has its day.6. The rose is regarded as a symbol of love in both China and some western countries.7. I prefer Human and Nature to The Same Song.8. But it keeps children in the living room away from healthy outdoor activities.9. I have made up my mind to be a painter.10. One tree cant make a forest.11. As for you, you never keep your mind on your goals.12. I must stick to going ahead.13. Its a piece of cake.14. Ill say I have learnt not only how to study, but how to be a man.15. Where there is a will, there is a way.16. As the saying goes, “Its the thought that counts.”17. Do you have any other colors/sizes/materials/kinds?18. Looking ahead, I will keep on working hard to realize my dream.19. Im sad to be here watching you all heading back home.20. Have a safe flight!21. Lets keep our dreams alive for ever.Part Four Functional UsagesPraise and Encouragement-You look great today. What a nice coat! -Thank you.Wow! The model in the center of the catwalk looks so beautiful!Very good!Come on!Keep trying!You can do it!Thats really cool!Well done!Excellent!/Great!/Wonderful!You speak English very well!Part Five Attributive Clause概念:在复合句中起到定语作用的从句叫定语从句定语从句通常位于“所修饰的名词或代词”后,由that, which, who, whose, whom, where, when, why等词引出,叫做定语从句“引导词”,被修饰的词叫做“先行词”。先行词决定引导词用法:先行词是指“人”的名词或代词时,用who或that引导eg:This is the girl. The girl is a student.This is the girl who/that is a student.Do you know the man? The man is short.Do you know the man who / that is short?先行词是指“物”的名词或代词时,用which或that引导eg:I have been to Mount Tai. Mount Tai lies in Shandong Province. I have been to Mount Tai which/that lies in Shandong Province.由whom引导的定语从句whom在从句中作宾语(动介之后用人宾)eg:He is the boy whom/who you wanted to find.He is the boy. You want to find the boy.Zheng He, whom we are proud of was a great captain.(who不能用介宾形式) Zheng He was a great captain. We are proud of Zheng He.由whose引导的定语从句whose在从句中作定语(定语修饰名词)eg:I need a room whose windows face south.(whose修饰windows,rooms windows)I need a room. The rooms windows face south. The girl whose mother is a doctor is waiting for you.(whose修饰mother,the girls mother) The girl is waiting for you. The girls mother is a doctor.只能用that引导的情况 A) 先行词是anything, nothing, everything等不定代词时 eg:There is nothing that I can do for you. B) 先行词是最高级或被最高级修饰时 eg:This is the tallest man that I have even seen. C) 先行词被first-last, no-little-only-any, very等词修饰时 eg:He is the first man that won so many medals.This is the last time that I can see you.There is no time that is needed in a difficult exam.He knows little Chinese that is very important.The only thing that I want to do is to sleep.Is there any milk that you bought yesterday?He is the very student that I need. D) 先行词中既有人,又有物时 eg:He need some workers and tools that are needed in this task. E) 以who或which引导的特殊疑问句,为避免重复,用that eg:Who is the girl that is crying? F)主句是there be 结构,定语从句用that,而不用which. eg:There is a book on the desk that belongs to Tom.由where,when和why引导的定语从句 A) where指地点,其先行词表示地点,在句中作地点状语 eg:He will go back to the school where he studied next week. B) when指时间,其先行词表示时间 eg:I will never forget the day when I joined the Party. C) why在从句中作原因状语(常和the reason连用) eg:I dont know the reason why he was late.


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