初一英语下册2,3单元知识点完全总结 新目标

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初一英语下册2,3单元知识点完全总结 新目标_第1页
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初一英语下册2,3单元知识点完全总结 新目标_第3页
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Unit 2 Wheres the post office? 1.Is there a bank near here? There be 句型:表示某地有某物,表示客观存在。否定形式只需在there be + not There isnt any water in the cap.疑问句:Be + there + 其他 Is there a zoo near hear? have/has:表示某人有某物 从属关系 We have a bed in the room.2.Its on Center Street. 此句属于“主语 + be + 介词短语”的主系表结构。在街道上,英国人用 in the street ,美国人用on the street。如果后接门牌号,用介词atThe book is on the desk. The book on the desk is mine. The library is across the street. The library across the street is not far. The girl is from Japan. The girl from Japan is my classmate. (介词短语作定语or表语)3Just go straight and turn left.指路常用句型: 1. Walk on and turn left2.Its about +(具体数字)meters from here3. Take the second turning/crossing on the right4. Turn right/left at the second turning.4谢谢的说法 Thank you very much. Thanks a lot. ThanksMany thank. Thanks a million.回答谢谢:Thats all right. Youre welcome. Not at all.Anytime Dont mention it It s my pleasure 5 Through , across, over(穿过,通过) 1. Through:从中间穿过,通过。强调动作在里面进行。Mr. Stone walks through the park.2. across:表示动作在某一物体表面进行 We walk across the road.3.over:多指在空间范围上通过,越过或垂直在上,与表面不接触。The birds fly over the city.6.With与in“用” In:强调使用的材料或颜色In+语言 In+颜色 (表示某人穿什么颜色的衣服) In+this /that way 7. Welcome to the Garden District.欢迎来到花园区。 Welcome to 意为“欢迎来到”。 Welcome 【adj.】受欢迎的;Welcome to China! 【n.】 招呼,接待,招待;They give us a warm welcome.他们热烈的欢迎我们。 【v.】欢迎,迎接(某人);They welcome the new teacher warmly. We welcome you to our school. 8. Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden. 紧挨着旅馆的是一幢带有一个有趣花园的小房子。 (倒装句) (1)介词短语with an interesting garden在句子中作定语,其中with是介词,意为“具有, 带有,有.的。此外,with还可以表示“和.(一起);在.身上”等含义。 翻译:中国是一个历史悠久的国家。China is a country with a long history. 吉姆是一个留有短发的男孩。 Jim is a boy with short hair. 你愿意和我们一起打篮球吗? Would you like to play basketball with us? Play with意为“和.玩”:The dog is playing with a small cat. Boys like playing with toy cars. (2)interesting与interested interesting :指事情本身有趣,意为“有趣的,令人感兴趣的”厂子句中作定语,表语。 Interested:指人对感兴趣(be interested in sth/ doing sth) 例句:This is an interesting story. I am interested in learning English.9. Bridge Street is a good place to have fun.大桥街是一个娱乐的好地方。 to have fun是动词不定式短语,作后置定语,修饰 a good place to。 Shanghai is a good place to live in.上海是一个居住的好地方。 He is the first person to get into the lifeboat.他是第一个进入救生艇的人。10. And if youre hungry, you can buy some food in the supermarket. If引导的条件状语从句 主句 构成复合句 If连词-假使,如果 If you cant finish your homework today, you can hand it in tomorrow. If you can find him, please call me. 8. I know you are arriving next Sunday(含有宾语从句的复合句)1.are arriving 用进行时表将来时,就要达到。 The plane is arriving. 表示位置移动的词(go, come, leave, arrive)通常用现在进行时表一般将来时。2.arrive,get to, reach(到达)arrive不及物动词,后要加at/in 后要加地点名词get to:经常用于口语中reach:及物动词,后直接加地点名词Eg: arrive in Beijing =get to Beijing =reach BeijingUnit 2 重点词组in front of / in the front of turn right/left go straight across frombetween and the beginning of take a taxi=by taxi on ones way to in the neighbourhood go through穿过 next to take a walk take a look at= have a look at let sb do sth in time on time have fun=enjoy oneself=have a good time arrive in/at=get to be busy with sth be busy in doing sth take your time take off enjoy doing sth on the road=in the road Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?一Lets see the pandas first. 1. Lets let us Let s后加动词原形 Let sb do sth让某人做某事注:let 后面用人称代词作宾语,用宾格形式。 形式 内涵否定形式举例:Lets包含听话和说话人 + not Lets play football together after school, shall we?Let us 只包含听话人 Let us put the water into the glass, will you? Let sb 只包含听话人-宾格 Let him do the second exercise. 提出建议的其他表达方式 Shall weEg:Shall we go shopping. How/What about怎么样? Eg:What about going shopping? Why notWhy not后加动词原形Eg:Why not have a rest?2Why与how come均表示为什么,但在完整问句中,有所差别Why后面必须接倒装语序,而how come后不须接倒装句型,即how come+主语+动词。 Eg:Why is Mr. Stone crying How come Mr. Stone is crying?3Do you like giraffes?1. like(vt):喜欢,愿意,想要。(1)like to do sth 想做某事(表示一次性的,未发生的动作)I like to talk with you tonight like sb to do sth:I like students to tell truth.(2)like doing sth喜欢做某事(长期习惯性的动作,尤其指个人爱好)I like reading in bed(3)Would like to do sth 希望做某事 I would like to go thereHow do you like sth?你觉得怎么样?Eg:How do you like China? Like 还可以做形容词adj(相像的),介词prep(像),连词conj(如同)。Important The twins are very like (adj.) Like father, like son (prep.) 作介词时,意为“像.”常用词组:be like, look like.看起来像;sound like.听起来像。 Whats the weather like? The cat looks like a hat. What do / does + 主语 + look like? Look like表示“看起来像”= be like,后接名词作宾语。 Look表示“看起来”,是系动词,后接形容词,类似的区别如sound与sound like. You look so tired, whats wrong.My cat looks like a small tiger. 注意:(1)look like可表示“好像”。It looks like snowing.好像要下雪了。 (2)look 也可以作名词,表示“长相,相貌,神态” His mother has a good look.他妈妈长得很好看。 Do it like I tell you (conj)4. friendly与kind friendly【adj.】友好的。另外有“好用的,有用”之意,而kind没有。This machine is much friendlier than that one.这台机器比那台好用得多。 区别:be friendly with sb 和某人关系好 be friendly to sb 对某人友好kind 【adj.】友好的,和善的 = friendly, Its very kind of you.你真好 kind of 有一点=a little 【n.】 种类:This kind of question is easy to answer. a kind of一种 all kinds of各种各样5.other:表示其他的。后常跟复数如果other与表示数量意义的词一起作定语,必须位于数量词之后。What other animals do you like? I like dogs too. (1)Too,和also 和either. Too也一般位于句末肯定句He is a student,too.I like English, he likes it, too.also系/助V后,实义V前He is also a student. I like English, he also likes it.either一定位于句末 否定句 He isnt a student. I am not a student, either. If you dont go, I shall not either. 6Isnt he cute?这是一个表示否定的一般疑问句式,常用来表示反问,翻译为“难到不?”回答否定疑问句,常用yes/no.但这时yes翻译为“不”,no翻译为“是的”。这一点与我们的思维习惯恰好相反,学习时一定要注意区别:Eg:-Doesnt he have a brother?-Yes, he does不,他有。 -No, he doesnt 是的,他没有。Eg:-Arent they beautiful? 难道他们不漂亮吗? -Yes, they are. 不,他们漂亮。 Eg:-Cant you play tennis? 难道你不会打网球吗? -No, I cant. 是的,我不会。 Sleep, go to sleep和go to bed 7He sleeps during the day. (1) Sleep【V.】用于现在进行时态中,表示正在睡觉,睡,睡着。 He is sleeping now. (2) go to sleep 【V.】入睡,睡着这一动作。He couldnt go to sleep.他不能入睡。(3)go to bed指上床睡觉,强调从脱衣服到上床这一动作,表示准备睡觉,不含睡着的意思。 I go to bed at ten every night. 相关词组:sleeping sleepy 与asleep 都是sleep的形容词形式。 Sleeping:意为“睡着了的,熟睡中的”,作定语或表语。 Sleepy:意为“困倦的”,作定语或表语。 Asleep:意为“睡着的”,不作定语,只作表语。 Please be quiet. The baby is sleeping / asleep. Dont wake up the sleeping boy. The sleepy man fell asleep soon.go to sleep入睡,想方设法入睡 Fell asleep入睡,强调状态。Sleepless失眠的 Sleepwalker梦游者 Sleepy困倦的一根据句意完成单词。 1.I can see many a in the zoo. 2. The elephant is cute and f . 3. Therere many k of birds in the tree. 4. I like lying on the g on a sunny day. 5. Mary thinks watching TV is r . 6. The dolphin is very b . We like it very much. 7. Some animals like to eat m . 8. Hainan is in the s of China. 9. There are two z in our city. 10. Toms brother is a c boy. 1. animals 2. friendly 3. kinds 4. grass 5. relaxing 6. beautiful 7.meat 8. south 9. zoos 10. clever 二完成句子。1. 让我们先看熊猫吧。 Lets see the pandas first . 2. 你还喜欢其他的什么动物? What other animals do you like?3. 他儿子有几分怕生。 His son is kind of shy .4. 他太懒,他每天睡觉放松20个小时。 Hes too lazy , he sleeps and relaxes twenty hours every day.5. 为什么那只狗看着我?因为你可爱。 Why is the dog looking at me? Because youre cute. 6.她喜欢和朋友们一起玩耍,也喜欢看电视。She likes to play with her friends and watch TV.7. 玲玲很害羞,所以请保持安静。Lingling is very shy , so please keep quiet. 8. 他白天期间睡觉,但是晚上起来吃树叶。He sleeps during the day, but at night he gets up and eat leaves. 9. Jack 最喜欢的动物是企鹅。Jacks favourite animals are penguins. 10. 狗非常的友好而且聪明,The dogs are very friendly and clever.重点词组:kind of= a little bit(有几分) all kinds of be afraid of. leaf-leaves at night = in the evening during the day smart= clever beautiful -ugly a leaf seven leaves an hour much meat/ grass 一个.,另一个. one.,the other. 一些.,另一些. some.,others. 一些.,其他的. some.,the others.


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