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1. disabled adj. 伤残的 the disabled表示“残疾人;伤残者”。如: Now that he was disabled, his house had become a prison to him. 因为他残废了, 他的房子就成了他的牢笼。 Her latest book discusses the problems of the disabled. 她的新书论述残疾人的问题。,Language points,联想 disability n. 伤残;无能;无力 unable adj. 不能的;不会的 小试 用disable, disabled, disability和unable的正确形式填空。 1. People come to agree that the _ should also be treated with respect. 2. People with _ should not be looked down upon. 3. He came from a poor family and was _ to afford so expensive a flat. 4. The unexpected accident _ her from undertaking heavy work.,disabled,disabled,disabilities,unable,2. What have they done to try to overcome these difficulties? 他们做了哪些努力来克服这些困难? try to do sth.与try doing sth. try doing sth. 意为试着做某事, 而try to do sth. 意为努力做某事,3. She is proud to have taken part in competitions and to have broken a record by running two laps this year. 今年她参加了多次比赛,而且打破了两圈 (800米) 赛跑的纪录。,1) proud be proud of sth. be proud to do be proud that Your achievements are something to be proud of. I feel very proud to be a singer. He is proud that he is an excellent teacher.,2) to have done 是不定式的完成形式, 这种形式表示不定式的动作发生在谓 语动词之前。 She said she was sorry to have missed you. 她说她是很遗憾没有见到你。 He doesnt seem to have told a lie. 他不像是说过谎的样子。 She seems to have been a nurse. 她好像当过护士。,4. In other words, there are not many people like me. 换句话说, 像我这样的人并不多。 in other words 意为 “换句话说” in word 在口头上 in words 用言语来表达 in a/one word 简言之, 总之,Bear them in your mind!,考例 Your performance in the driving test didnt reach the required standard _, you failed. (NMET 1999) A. in the end B. after all C. in other words D. at the same time,点拨 根据句中的“didnt reach the required standard”和“you failed”,可知是“换句话说”,故选C。in the end最终,最后;after all毕竟, 终究;at the same time同时。,5. Unfortunately, the doctors dont know how to make me better, but I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability. 不幸的是,大夫们不知道如何治好我的病,但是我很开朗乐观,学会了适应身体的残疾。,adapt (oneself) to 使(某人自己)适合 如: When we moved to France, the children adapted to the change very quickly. 我们搬到法国后, 孩子们很快就适应 了这个变化。,adapt.from.从.选取/改编 The play is adapted from a novel. 这部电视剧是由小说改编而成的。,When he moved to Canada, the children _ (很能适应变化),adapted to the change very well.,adapt: 指修改或改变以适应新条件 adjust: 多指 “调整, 调节”使之适应 fit: 多指“大小适合”,引申为“吻合” suit: 多指“合乎要求、口味、性格、情况” match: 指“大小、色调、形状、性质”等相配或相称,辨析: adapt, adjust, fit, suit, match,1). You cant see through the telescope until it is _ to your eyes. 2). The shoes _ me well. 3). A red jacket doesnt _ green trousers. 4). No dish _ all tastes. 5). You should _ yourself to the new environment.,adjusted,fit,match,suits,adapt,Exercise,6. My motto is: live one day at a time. 我的座右铭是:一次活一天。 at times 有时 at one time 以前,曾经 in time of 在.的时候 in no time 很快,Think and compare!,7. Until I was ten years old I was the same as everyone else. 一直到我大约十岁时, 我都和其他人一样。,until 直到.为止 conj. 后接时间状语从句, 也可用语强调结构。 People dont know the value of health until they lost it.,8. I used to climb trees, swim and play football. 我过去常常爬树、游泳和踢足球。 used to表示过去经常的或持续的行为,现在已经不再发生。常用助动词did帮助构成否定句和疑问句。也可用usednt构成否定。,You used to smoke, usednt you?/didnt you? used to与would used to指过去的状况,也可指习惯,现在并非如此,而would多指过去动作的反复, 与现在无关。 He would go to the park as soon as he was free. He used to be a naughty boy.,used to do, be used to sth./doing sth.和be used to do used to表示过去经常发生的动作或存在的状态,但现在已不再发生或存在。 be used to sth./ doing sth. 表示“习惯于” be used to sth. 意为“被用来做某事”,9. I stayed there for nearly three months. nearly adv. 1) almost 差不多 its nearly two oclock. 2) closely 密切地 The matter concerns me nearly.,nearly与almost: 二者意义相近, 肯定句中可以换用。 一般almost的差距比nearly要小。另外 almost可用never, no, none, nothing, nobody等否定词连用, not nearly 是“远 不如”的意思。 Almost no one knew her. The old man is nearly 80 years old.,Compare !,10. I think I had at least a billion 点拨 该句的主干为“I think”。think后接一个省略了that的宾语从句,且这个宾语从句又包含一个while引导的时间状语从句;including是介词,后接one作宾语,in which引导的定语从句修饰先行词one,且在这个定语从句中有两个由and连接的并列谓语。,11. , when I got out of breath after running a short way or had to stop . out of breath 上气不接下气,关于breath的短语: above ones breath 高声地 catch ones breath 喘息,屏息 get ones breath again 恢复常态 waste ones breath 白费口舌 take breath 歇口气 hold ones breath 屏息,Bear them in your mind!,12. my fellow students have accepted me. accept与receive accept“接受, 接纳”, 指经过考虑, 由主观意志来决定接受, 动作者本身是主动的。,Think and compare:,receive“接到, 收到”, 指客观上收到。 He received many letters yesterday. I accepted his apologies.,13. All in all I have a good life. I am happy to have found many things I can do, like writing and computer programming. 总而言之, 我生活得挺好。我很高 兴地发现我能做许多事情,比如写作和 计算机编程。 考点1 all in all 总的来说,He has his faults, but all in all he is an honest man. 他有自己的缺点, 但总体上看他还 是诚实的。,与all有关的短语: above all 首先 after all 毕竟 all alone 独自 all at once 突然 all told 总共 for all 尽管 at all 根本不, 一点也不,learn by heart,考点2 to have found是不定式的完成式, 表示此动作发生在主句动作之前。,考例 Leonardo da Vinci (14521519) _ birds kept in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free. (重庆07) A. is said to be buying B. is said to have bought C. had said to buy D. has said to have bought,点拨 根据固定搭配sb. / sth. is said to do sth. (据说某人/物做某事)和买鸟这个动作发生在说之前,故用不定式的完成式,选B。,14. I have a very busy life with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself. 我没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。 1) sit around/about 闲坐着 Their school life is quite relaxed and they have time to sit around and gossip. 他们的学校生活很轻松, 还有时间坐在那里闲聊。,feeling sorry for myself是动词-ing形式 构成的短语, 在句中作状语,表示伴随的 情况。 She lay in bed staring at the last leaf on the tree. 她躺在床上,眼睛盯着树上那 最后一片叶子。 The soldier came into the village riding a horse. 那士兵骑着马进了村子。,15. In many ways my disability has helped me grow stronger psychologically and become more independent. 在许多方面,我身体的残疾使我心里上 变得更加坚强、更加独立。 不定式有两种, 一种是带to的不定式, 一种是不带to的不定式, 某些动词如let, make, have等后面就接不带to的不定式。,如: Let us both have a try and see if we can pass. I mean both of us. 咱俩都试试,看看能否通过,我是说我 们两个都试试。 I know we should have left twenty minutes ago; Im sorry that I made you wait for me so long! 我知道我们20分钟前就应该离开了, 对 不起让你久等了。,动词help后面既可带to, 也可以不带to。 如上述例句也可以说: helped me to grow stronger 但要注意使用被动语态时, 这些动词后 面不能省略to。如: I know he was made to work all night but there was no other way. 我知道他是被迫整晚工作的, 但也没有 其他办法。,16. Just accept them for who they are, and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do. 接受他们,给予他们鼓励,让他们能 像你一样过得丰富多彩、充实美满。 1) to live是一个不定式短语,在本句中作定语。 2) “as+形容词+as”的结构是用来比较说明前后两者在某方面相同。如:,I think the temperature is as high today as it was yesterday. 我觉得今天气温与昨天的一样高。 Look, a man whose face is as black as coal is coming towards us. 看, 一个脸似煤炭般黑的人朝我们走 过来了。,这种结构有时也可以是形容词与名词 连用,其中的形容词必须放在冠词之 前,形成 “as+形容词+a/an+名词+as” 的结构。如: He is as gentle a man as you could ever meet. 他是你所能遇到的最文雅的男人。 It is as beautiful a day as it was yesterday. 今天的天气与昨天的一样晴朗。,I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式。 1. I spilt your coffee. Sorry that was _ (笨拙的) of me. 2. Some people think children a_ to new environments more easily than adults. 3. John is the top student in our class and his m_ is “Work hard, play hard.”,clumsy,adapt,motto,练习,4. The doctor was examining the blood samples under the _ (显微镜) when he came in. 5. She was really _ (愚蠢的) to give up such a good position. 6. The little boy was anxious to join his f_ playing football in the playground. 7. You should buy some water _ (缸) for your fish rather than keep them in the bowls.,microscope,stupid,fellows,tanks,II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Jim made up a wonderful excuse to explain his _ (absent) from the meeting. 2. Mr. Smith, I hope you wont be _ (annoy) by all my questions. 3. If a country becomes _ (independence), it is no longer governed or ruled by another country.,absence,annoyed,independent,4. The students owed their success to their teachers _ (encourage). 5. It took him a few minutes to get his _ (breathe) back after the 800-metre race. 6. The professor is busy collecting information about _ (conduct) in solids for his lecture.,encouragement,breath,conduction,III. 根据括号内的提示将下列句子翻译成英语。 他们请他走人,也就是说,他被解雇了。(in other words) 2. 我一路跑到学校,上气不接下气。(out of breath),They asked him to leave in other words, he was fired. I ran to the school all the way and was out of breath.,3. 他有他的缺点,但总的说来,他是一个好孩子。(all in all) 4. 我不喜欢别人在公共场合取笑我。(make fun of),He has his faults, but, all in all, he is a good child. I hate being made fun of in public.,5. 发现自己的建议被拒绝了他很失望。(find +宾补) 6. 为了确保煤气安全, 政府已经全面检查了城市的煤气供应系统。(不定式),He was disappointed to find his suggestions turned down. To ensure the safety of gas, the government has checked the citys gas supply system thoroughly.,


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