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Review: Important Phrases of Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 4, Unit 5,1. be fresh out of/from sth. 刚从来;刚有过经历 e.g. students fresh out of/from college 大学应届毕业生 2. mean to do sth. 打算做某事;想要做某事 3. specialize in 专门研究(或从事) 4. be exposed to 使能接触到 5. more or less 大概;大约 e.g. She works 12 hours a day, more or less. 她一天大约工作12小时。,Unit 1 Another School Year What for?,6. average out 平均数为 7. go through 经历;遭受 e.g. He went through one hardship after another. 8. see to it that 保证;确保 9. along with sb./sth. 除以外(还) e.g. She keeps her pills in her bag, along with her money and her comb and lipstick. 10. do with 对付;处理;放置;用 e.g. I dont know what to all the garbage. 我不知道怎样处理所有垃圾。,e.g. I dont know what to this strange object. 我不知道这怪东西有什么用。 e.g. What have you my umbrella? 你把我的伞弄到哪里去了。 11. preside over /at 主持;(over) 领导;负责 12. maintain contact with sth. 了解(某课题或领域的情况)= keep in touch with sth. maintain contact with sb. 与保持联系 13. be out to do sth. /for sth. 试图做或得到 e.g. The company is out to break into the European market by the end of this year. 公司力图本年度打入欧洲市场。,14. be stuck for sth. 因为而不知所措 15. put sb. in touch with sth. 使接触 16. have no business doing sth. 无权做某事 17. on ones way to +Ving 即将;就要 18. get to be / do sth. 开始(成为、感觉到、认识到等) e.g. Once you get to know her better, youll realize she is compassionate at heart. e.g. His absent-mindedness is getting to be a big problem. 18. manage to do sth. 设法做某事,19. the chances are (that) e.g. The chances are, if you said “thank you”, you made someones day. (TEM-4, 2012) 如果你说“谢谢你”,那么你可能会使别人一天都过得很愉快。 20. be true of 对适用; 符合于 e.g. The music is superb and the same is true of the acting. 音乐精彩绝伦,表演也是。 21. add to sth. 使(数量)增加;使(规模)扩大 e.g. The bad weather only added to our difficulties, 恶劣的天气只是增加了我们的困难。 e.g. The house has been added up from time to time. 这座房子一次又一次地在扩建。,22. speak for sb. 代表某人讲话 23. succeed in doing sth. 成功地做某事,1. do the dishes 洗盘子 2. pitch in (with sb./sth.) 投入;参与;支援 e.g. Everyone pitched in with the work / to do the work. 每个人都投入了这项工作。 3. got onto sth. 开始讨论;转而谈论(新课题) 4. all things considered 从各方面看来 e.g. All things considered, he is doing pretty well at school. 从各方面看来,他在学校表现很好。,Unit 2 Say Yes,5. pinched ones brows together 蹙眉 6. get along/on (with sb.) (与某人)和睦相处 7. come along 到达;出现 e.g. When the right opportunity comes along, shell take it. 适当的机会来临时,她会抓住的。 8. be okay with me 对某人来说还好,都行 e.g. Whatever you decided, its okay with me. 无论你们怎么决定,对我来说都行。 9. take ones word for it 相信某人的话 e.g. He cant prove it you will have to take his word for it. 他无法证明此事,你就相信他的话好了。,10. break up 结束 e.g. Their marriage has broken up. 他们的婚姻已经破裂了。 11. as a matter of fact 事实上;其实;说真的 12. resort to sth. 诉诸;求助于;依靠 e.g. We may have to resort to using untrained staff. 我们也许只能使用未受过训练的员工了。 13. come to sb.s aid/rescue 帮助某人/援救某人 e.g. When I was in difficulty he came to my aid. 当我有困难时,他帮助了我。,14. out of sth. 因为;出于 15. on sbs part = on the part of sb. 就某人而言;由某人所为 16. for ones sake = for the sake of 为了的缘故/目的/利益 17. pick up 拿起;举起;提起 18. glance at =take/have a at sb./sth. 瞥一眼;浏览 19. take a deep breath 深吸一口气 20. snap through the pages 快速翻动(报纸等),21. be at it 处于某种状态;在从事某项活动 e.g. be at war 处于交战状态; be at lunch 在吃午饭 22. while sb. is at it 趁做某事的时候;顺便 e.g. A: “Im just going to buy a magazine.” B: “Can you get me a newspaper while you are at it?” 23. may/might (just) as well 做倒也无妨 e.g. We might as well start preparing dinner. 24. make it up (to sb.) 弥补;补偿 25. come up with 想出;提出 26. put sth. away 把放回原处;将收起来,1. asgo 和一般的人(或事物等)相比;就而言 e.g. As writers go, Oscar Wilde was not the most talented. But he was among the most popular. 就作者而言,奥斯卡王尔德不是最有才华的,但他却是最受欢迎的作者之一。 2. on record 记录在案;在历史记录中 e.g. This air crash is the worst one on record in China. 这次空难是中国记录在案的最严重的一次。 3. for the moment 目前 4. to be sure 诚然,固然,无可否认(常用作插入语),Unit 4 The Man in the Water,e.g. To be sure, most people obey the law, but crime remains a problem. 必须承认,绝大部分的人是遵纪守法的,但违法活动依然是个问题。 5. bring sth. down 击落 e.g. Twelve enemy fighters had been brought down. 有二十架敌方的双方的战斗机被击落。 6. rise to sth. 有能力处理(突发情况、问题等) rise to the occasion 应付自如;泰然应对突然出现的情况,7. account for 解释;说明 e.g. He could not account for the shows failure. 他无法说明演出失败的原因。 是的说明(或原因) e.g. The poor weather may account for the small crowd. 天气不好可能是人来得少的原因。 (数量上、比例上)占 e.g. The overseas market accounts for 45% of the companys revenue. 海外市场占该公司收入的45%。,8. refer to 1. This matter is finished, so please do not refer to it. (提到;谈到) 2. These regulations refer to every foreigner. (适用) 3. The speaker refer to him as an up-and-coming politician. (称为;叫做) 3. He often refers to note while speaking. (参考;查看) 9. describe as 把称为 10. know sb./sth/ as sb./sth. 把看作是;认为是(被) 11. stick in sb.s mind 经久不忘;铭记在心,12. be responsible for 对负责; 成为的原因 e.g. The heavy fog is responsible for this car accident. 这场车祸由大雾所致。 13. go under 沉没;破产 14. owe sth. to sb./sth. 把归功于;欠钱 15. be desperate to do sth. 渴望做某事 16. hand over sth. to sb. 把(权力或责任)移交给(某人) 17. keep ones thoughts on sb. 一直想念着,18. for ones part 就某人而言 19. go at 攻击某人 e.g. Those two teams went at each other furiously. 那两个队相互猛烈攻击。 20. make/draw a distinction between A and B 对A和B加以区分 21. act on sth. 根据(建议、信息等)行事 e.g. I didnt act on her suggestion. 我并没有按照她的建议去做。 22. come to the conclusion 得出结论,23. in reality 事实上 24. remind sb. of sb./sth. 使某人想起 remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事 25. on behalf of sb.= on sb.s behalf 代表某人 e.g. A number of scientists are campaigning on our behalf. 许多科学家正在代表我们参加运动。 为了的利益;为了某人 e.g. They work hard on behalf of the poor. 他们为了穷人的利益而奋力工作。,26. be peculiar to 是所特有的 27. let go of sb./sth. = let sb./sth. go 放弃,摈弃(想法、态度或控制) e.g. Its time to let go of the past. = Its time to let the past go. 该忘掉过去了。 放开;松手 e.g. Dont let go of the rope. = Dont let the rope go. 别松开绳子。 28. set sb. against sb. 使某人反对(朋友、亲人等),29. On the other hand 另一方面 30. be worth doing 值得做 31. care about 关心 32. bring sb. to tears 使某人落泪 33. as ever 像以前一样 34. grope for 摸索;探索,1. cant wait/can hardly wait to do sth. 迫不及待地要做某事 2. slide by 溜过去 3. be reduced to 缩小成 4. consist of sth. 由组成 5. slow (sth./sb.) down/up (使)放慢速度,减缓,松劲 e.g. The car slowed down at the crossing. 车辆在十字路口处放慢了速度。 6. so as not to do sth. 以免,Unit 5 Quick Fix Society,7. more and more 越来越,日益 ;(数量上)越来越多的 8. in search of 寻找 9. put sth. away 攒钱 10. save/keep sth. for a rainy day 未雨绸缪 11. save (sth.) (up) for sth. 为攒钱 12. help sb. out (with sth.) 帮助某人摆脱困境(或解决问题) e.g. Highways and railways help out with the transportation problem. 公路和铁路有助于解决运输问题。,13. at a time 每次;逐一;依次 14. take sth. out 获得,领到(正式文件或服务) e.g. take out a loan / an insurance policy / a mortgage 获得贷款 / 买了一份保险 / 得到按揭贷款 14. off the rack (AmE) / off the peg (BrE) 成品的;现成的 e.g. He buy his suit off the rack/peg. 他的西装买的是现成的。 15. take away 减去 16. pick up (碰巧或廉价地)买到 e.g. We managed to pick up a few bargains in the market.,17. not agree with sb. 使难受;不适合;不相宜 18. linger over 仔细欣赏;慢吞吞地做某事 19. after all 毕竟 20. pick out 精心挑选 21. devote sth. to sb./sth. 把专用于 e.g. No matter how busy he is, he devotes each Saturday to cultivating his gardens. 不管他有多忙,他把每个星期六用来从事园艺。 将献给 e.g. Mary devoted her life to caring for the sick. 玛丽献身于为病人服务。,22. devote oneself to 献身于;致力于,专心于;沉溺于 e.g. He devoted himself to his studies. 他专心于他的研究。 23. rush sb. into sth./into doing sth. (使)仓促行事,匆忙行事,做事草率 24. get it over with 完成,结束(令人不快但免不了的事) e.g. I will be glad to get the exam over with. 考试结束后我就高兴了。 25. get sb. wrong 误会,误解(某人的意思) 26. go back to sth 重新开始;重操旧业,27. skim the surface 不求甚解 28. put brakes on sth. 控制某事;约束某事 29. speed out of control 疯狂加速以致失去控制 30. more often than not 通常 31. thanks to 多亏 32. stuff oneself with sth. 使吃撑 33. in a vein attempt 徒劳地尝试,


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