江苏省灌云县陡沟中学七年级英语上册 7A Unit 3 Welcome to our school Intedgrated skills导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版

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江苏省灌云县陡沟中学七年级英语上册 7A Unit 3 Welcome to our school Intedgrated skills导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版_第1页
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江苏省灌云县陡沟中学七年级英语上册 7A Unit 3 Welcome to our school Intedgrated skills导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版_第2页
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Unit 3 Welcome to our school Intedgrated skills 一、学习目标: 1. 根据听力材料识别信息并完成表格 2. 用所得信息将语篇补充完整 3. 就相关话题进行交流二、学习重难点: 1. 用所得信息将语篇补充完整 2. 就相关话题进行交流 三、学习过程自主质疑 一、学习课本第38页的单词,能根据音标正确拼读这些单词,并写出汉语意思。take _ a.m. _ p.m_only_ sure_ kind_borrow_二、找出课本38页新出现的短语,查一查它们的意思from.to. get up go to school reading room all kinds of borrow .from. 交流展示任务一、听录音选出每个女孩上学的方式,完成A1任务二、再听一遍录音,完成表格A2任务三、再听一遍录音,完成A3任务四、描述米莉和她的朋友每天是怎么上学的。任务五、填完Millie的笔记,你一定能谈一谈你与你的同学每天是怎样上学的吧。I _to school every day.It _me about_to get to school.I often get up at _. My friend_lives_our school.He/She goes to school _.It takes _about _to get to school.任务六、听Shirley 和Amy的对话,回答问题1.Does Amy have a library? 2.When is the library open? 3.When is the reading room open? 4.Does Amy borrow books from the library? 任务七、跟读录音,表演对话任务八、描述艾米的学校情况Amys school _a big library.It is open_8 a.m. _5:30 p.m,but the reading room is _in the afternoon.Amy often _there.There are _ _books in their library. Amy often _books _it.Amy loves her school.迁移运用 一、翻译下列短语1.乘汽车上学_ 2.半小时 3.在6:30起床 4.住在我们学校附近 5.步行上学 6.早早到达学校 7.骑自行车上学 8. 每天早晨 9.阅览室 10. 20分钟 二、用所给动词的正确形式填空1.My sister always _(get) to school late.2.We often_(borrow) books from our library.3.Our school _(have ) a big playground and two reading rooms.4.-_Amy _(go) to school on Saturday?5.-_ _they sometimes _(walk) to school? -Yes.6.My friends _(not live ) near the school.So they take the bus to school.7.Lucy _(not like) Maths. She _(not be) good at it.8._(be) your cousin a worker?9.It takes the old man about an hour _(walk) every day.10.We enjoy_(play) computer games at weekends.三、句型转换1.Simon goes to school on foot every day.(对划线部分提问)_2.It takes me 40 minutes to get to school. (对划线部分提问)_四、完成句子1.Its _ _ _ _my home_the school.(从我家到学校路途遥远)2.He _ _ _ _(乘汽车上学)every day.3.It _ _(花费我)about 10 minutes _ _ _ (到达学校).四、学习评价 自我评价: A、满意( ) B、比较满意( ) C、不满意( ) 教师评价: A、满意( ) B、比较满意( ) C、不满意( ) 2


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