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,Period 1 Important words 总而言之sum of sth.的金额;总数 sum up/ sum sth. up to sum up总之; 概括地说 sum up总结; 概括; 总计达(to) vt. 由于;作为的结果 in the result 结果,结局 without result 徒劳;毫无结果 with the result that. 结果是 bring about/yield good results 得到好的结果 (2)result in (cause)导致;致使(意思等同于lead to) result from (be caused by) 起因于;因而引起(意 思等同于lie in) as a consequence 结果 in consequence 结果 in consequence of 由于,【常用表达】,【巧学助记】,(1) As a result of the pilots strike,all lights have had to be cancelled. 由于飞行员罢工,所有的航班都被迫取消了。朗文 (2) The flight was delayed as a result of fog. 因有雾该航班误点。牛津 (3)(牛津P1703)He made one big mistake, and, as a result, lost his job. 他犯了个大错,结果丢了工作。 (4) I was very busy. As a result, I couldnt take care of her. 我非常忙,因此无法照料她。,【经典例句】,(1) My mother was over the age limit and_,her application for the job was rejected. (2013海淀区) Aas a result Bin conclusion Cworse still Dwhats more (2) The pilots are on strike; as a result ,all flights have had to be cancelled. 飞行员在罢工;结果所有航班都已被迫取消了。 (3) If breathed in they can result in illness or even death. 如果这些病毒被人体吸入,它们就可能导致疾病甚至死亡。,as a result,as a/the result of,He made a big mistake, and, as a result, lost his job. 他犯了个大错,结果丢了工作。 He didnt pass the exam as a result of his carelessness.他由于粗心而没有通过考试。,【词语辨析】 result in,result from,(1) Hard work results in success.努力终归成功。 (2) Success results from hard work.成功来自于努力工作。,用as a result,as a result of,result in,result from填空 (1)_ the car accident,Jackson couldnt work any longer. (2)As far as I know,his carelessness _ his failure. (3)As far as I know,his failure_ his carelessness. (4)Jenny did too much shopping,_,she nearly missed the flight.,As a result of,resulted in,resulted from,as a result,Last term,his mother were working in Australia. (1)_,he found much difficulty both in his study and life.(2)_being left alone,he had to make every meal for himself and did much more housework. But he didnt want to be influenced too much. So he studied harder than before.(3)_his hard work,he got good marks in the final exams. Now he can tell others that success (4)_hard work,and that difficulty will (5)_ firm determination and strong will.,As a result,As a result of,Results from,results from,result in导致,【直通高考】看看高考怎么考,(2014高考课标卷I短文改错) As a result, the plants are growing everywhere. 原句: As result, the plants are growing somewhere. (2012安徽阅读理解C) As a result of these problems,the population fell from 8.2 million in 1841 to 6.6 million in 1851. 由于这些问题,(爱尔兰的)人口从1841年的820万降到了1851年的660万。,(2011天津阅读C) _ (结果),reading clubs and neighborhood groups sprang up around the city.,As a result,6. total adj. 总的;全部的;整个的n总数;合计 v总数为;合计为 totally adv. 完全地;整个地 in total 总共;总计(totally) a total of 总数; 总共(修饰名词复数时, 谓语动词用复数) the total of.(谓语动词用单数) totaladd up tocome toamount to (数字总计)达到 total up add up算出总数 total (up) toadd up to总额为 totally blind 全盲 total silence 寂静无声 a total failure完全失败,【常用表达】,To be honest, I totally agree with your opinion. 诚实地说,我完全同意你的看法。 (朗文P2182) In total, over 250 employees completed the safety training. 总共有超过250名员工完成了安全培训。 You were a total failure if you hadnt married by the time you were about twentyeight. 如果到了28岁左右还没结婚,你就是个彻底的失败者。 I totally agree with you. 我完全同意你的看法。,【经典例句】,阅读下列句子,注意total的搭配和意思。 (1)There are over 4,000 students in total in our school. (in total意为altogether,in all) (2)Why? The room is in total darkness. (total作形容词,等于complete) (3)The town was totally destroyed after the earthquake. (totally是副词,等于completely) (4)Imports totalled 1.5 billion last year. (total作动词,意思是“共计,总数达”),这些书的全部费用是多少? What is _these books? 这些书总共花了我500元。 It cost me _ of 500 yuan. _, it cost me 500 yuan. The cost _ 500 yuan.,the total cost of,a total of,In total,totaled up to,用total的适当形式完成下列小片段。 The company used to have 230 clerks in (1)_and their income (2)_ 50,000 yuan per year. But last year things changed (3)_and the products could not be sold out. Most of the workers became out of work,which made them in (4)_ despair.,total,totalled,totally,total,【直通高考】看看高考怎么考,(2011天津高考阅读表达) I was a student who went on alternative break trips and had my life totally transformed by that experience. 我是一名进行过选择性休假旅行的学生,并且那样的经历使我的生活完全改变。,7. explore vt. 即使如此 somehow (or other) adv.以某种方法,不知怎的 somewhat adv. 有点儿;有些;有几分 (1)即使如此”。相当于in spite of或even so,在作此 意讲时,anyway和 anyhow一样,都用做让步状语, 一般置于句中(其前常有连词 but)或句末。 (2)“无论如何,不管怎样;总之;用于转换话题、 结束谈话或回到原话题。 (3)“况且,更何况,再说,至少”。相当于besides。 作此意讲时,两者都可用来做状语,对前面的话做补充, 给出一个令人信服的理由,此时 anyhow常出现在句 首或最后的分句之首,而不出现在句末。 (4)“粗心地,随意地”,作此意讲时,只能用 anyhow.,【常用表达】,(朗文P76)Anyhow, we have plenty of time to plan ahead. 不管怎样,我们有很多时间去提前作计划。 I am not feeling quite well, but I will attend the meeting tomorrow anyhow. 我感觉不太舒服,但是即使如此我也要参加明天的会议. How about going downtown this morning? Well.,its a bit too cold outside. And anyhow ,Ive got to do some housework. _ The work was done all anyhow. _ Somehow he was afraid of her. 不知怎的,他怕她. My jacket is somewhat like yours. 我的夹克与你那件有点相似。,况且= besides,粗心地=carelessly,【经典例句】, So anyhow,as I was saying,when I arrived Tom was already there.不管怎样,正如我所说,我到达的时候汤姆已经在那儿了。朗文 Its too late now,. 无论如何现在已经太迟了。牛津 Although his relationship with his mother had improved somewhat, he was still depressed. 尽管和母亲的关系有所改观,他仍然十分消沉。 Somehow (or other), Ruth and he seemed to be always quarrelling.不知怎么的露丝和他老是吵架。,however 即是副词, 也是连词 1)Ill come however busy I am. 副词 2)Later, however, he made up his mind to go. 副词 3)Its raining hard. However, I still want to go there. 副词 4)However you argue, I shall hold my decision. 连词 5)I will go by train but you can go however you like. 连词,【直通高考】看看高考怎么考,(2012湖北卷阅读理解) (1) But anyway ,this is still a green,beautiful country. 但是即使如此,这仍然是一个绿色的、美丽的国家。 (2) (四川卷,1) Im sorry I didnt finish it on time. _. AFine,thanks BNo,thanks CThanks a lot DThanks anyway 解析考查情景交际。A项是见面打招呼的用语;B项用于委婉拒绝;C项表示非常感谢。D项意为“无论如何,还是要谢谢你”。联系上句“抱歉我未能按时完成”可知应选D项。答案D,9goal n目标;球门;(进球)得分 achieve ones goal实现某人的目标 longterm goal长期目标 shortterm goal短期目标 pursue/reach/attain ones goal in life 追求/达到/实现某人的人生目标 score/kick a goal 得(踢进一球得)一分 win the game by three goals to one 以三比一获胜 set /achieve a goal设立/实现目标,【常用表达】,Weve achieved our goal of building a shelter for the homeless. 我们已经实现了为无家可归者建庇护所的目标。 Its inweve got a goal. 球进了,我们射门得分。 The new player headed the ball into the open goal and helped the team win the match. 新队员用头把球顶入空球门,帮助球队赢了比赛。,【经典例句】,运用 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 我们的足球队比他们领先两分。 Our football team leads them _. 你一旦设定目标,就要努力工作去实现这个目标。 Once youve_ , youve got to work hard to_. (3)Liverpool won by _ (以二比一) (4)As a student,_ (你的目标是上大学),by two goals,set a goal,achieve/reach it,two goals to one,your goal is to go to college,10. signal vi. 符号”;sign“记号,征兆,迹象”;signal“信号”;mark“标志,标记”。由句意“我们等着他们发出前进的信号”。可知选C。【答案】C,【直通高考】看看高考怎么考,(2012广东高考完形填空) Cyclists who give signals before turning or stopping help prevent accidents. 骑自行车的人在拐弯或停车前发出信号有助于防止事故的发生。,11in a way 在某种程度上;从某一角度看 (1)in a way =in a sense/in one way/in some way (2)in the (ones) way 碍事,妨碍;挡路 in no way 一点也不,决不(置于句首时,主句要部分倒装) on the/ones way to.在去的路上, 即将成为 on ones way 即将去(或来);在路上 all the way 一路上;一直;完全by way of 经由,途经 by the way顺便说一下 no way 没门,别想 all the way一路上;一直;完全 in this/that way以这种/那种方式 give way (to)让步,屈服in many ways在很多方面 当表达“在某种程度上”时,还可以用in a sense,to a/some degree和to an/some extent三个短语。,【常用表达】,(朗文P2316)In a way, Im a little surprised he accepted the offer.从某种意义上讲,他接受了这个报价让我觉得有点儿惊讶。 Teaching in school can in no way be separated from practice.学校教学决不能脱离实践。 Dont stand in the way. Move aside and let me pass.不要挡着路,靠边点让我过去。 (1) In a way ,its kind of nice to be working alone. 从某种意义上讲,独自一个人干活相当不错。朗文 (2)The changes are an improvement in one way. 这些变化从某种意义上说是一种进步。牛津 (3)We went by way of London.我们途经伦敦.朗文,【经典例句】,完成句子 从某种意义上讲,独自一个人干活相当不错。 _ _,its kind of nice to be working alone. 这些变化从某种意义上说是一种进步。 The changes are an improvement_ _. 我们途经伦敦。We went _ _London. (4)_ can we miss the chance that someone will be sent abroad for further education. 我们决不能错过这个被派往国外深造的机会。 (5)Our employer will not _ our demands for higher wages. 我们的雇主不会对我们增加工资的要求让步。 (6)Dont stand _.不要妨碍别人。,In a way,in one way,by way of,In no way,give way to,in the way,【直通高考】看看高考怎么考,(2011高考浙江卷) He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of putting up at a hotel for the night.他决定一路开车回家而不是在旅馆里过夜。 (2012浙江高考阅读C) The problem isnt in the sandwich, but in the way students deal with the conflict.问题不是在夹心面包上而是在学生们处理冲突的方式上。,(2013陕西高考任务型阅读) Pets are amusing and entertaining, but we are in a way doing animals harm by making them live in a human environment. 宠物非常有趣,但是从某种程度上来说,我们是 通过让它们生活在人类的环境中而伤害它们。,【直通高考】看看高考怎么考,直通高考看看高考怎么考 (1) (北京卷阅读理解C) Ive been teaching my history class_(以这种方式) for many years and the evaluations reflect student satisfaction with the environment that I create. 答案in this way (2)(重庆卷阅读理解A) .on the other side where the old bucket was carried,there was a joyous row of wild flowers,leading_(一直)to the garden. 答案all the way,12arise vi. (arose, arisen)出现;发生;起身,起立 (1) arise from/ out of 由引起,从中产生 (2) arise作“呈现;出现;发生”讲时;主语通常为抽象名词problem, argument, quarrel, question, movement等。 (3)表“起身”之意,为正式或旧式用法, vi没有被动语态.,【常用表达】,(译林4) The number of road accidents and the death arising from/ which arises from those accidents has increased greatly over the past years. 在过去的几年里,道路交通事故及由此而引起的死亡人数大幅上升。 Seeing his mother return home, the boy arose from his chair immediately. 看到妈妈回家了,小男孩立刻从椅子上站起来。 (朗文P89) More problems like those at the nuclear power plant are certain to arise. 该核电站一定会出现更多类似那样的问题。,【经典例句】,(1)I thought it would be easy, but a lot of problems have _ . 我本来想事情会很容易,但是出现了许多问题。 (2)Accidents _ carelessness. 事故由粗心大意引起。 (3)A heavy mist _ the lake. 湖面起了浓雾。 (4)He _ his seat.他从座位上站起来。 (5).He arose at dawn.他黎明即起。(6) A storm arose during the night.夜间起风暴了。 (7) Can we begin by discussing matters _ the last meeting? 我们是不是可以从讨论上次会议所产生的问题开始?,arose from,arisen,arise from,arose from,arising from,arise,arouse,rise与raise arise vi. 出现,发生,起因于(arose,arisen,arising) arouse vt. 唤醒,激起 (aroused,aroused,arousing) rise vi. 升起,起身,增长,上升(rose,risen,rising) raise vt. 举起,唤起,提高;饲养(raised,raised,raising) Her strange behavior aroused our suspicions. 她不寻常的举动引起了我们的猜疑。 The price of wheat has risen since last summer. 自从去年夏天以来麦子的价格已经涨了。 He raised his eyes from his work.他停下工作抬头看。 Many difficulties have _ as a result of change over a new type of fuel. Arisen Barisen Craised Daroused,We were watching the children raising the national flag,and saw it rising slowly in the wind,which aroused our patriotic爱国的minds.,【巧学助记】,【直通高考】看看高考怎么考,(2011全国,27) The next thing he saw was smoke_ from behind the house. Arose Brising Cto rise Drisen (2011天津阅读理解C) The only problem_ (产生,出现)in New York,where local readers could not decide on one book to represent the huge and diverse population.,arose,【直通高考】看看高考怎么考,(2013浙江阅读理解) .especially when new issues ariselike illness,.尤其是当新的问题产生,像疾病 (2012山东高考单项填空) A number of high buildings have arisen where there was nothing a year ago but ruins. 很多高楼在一年前还是废墟的地方出现了。,13. with the help of在的帮助下 (1)help sb. out帮助某人渡过难关/摆脱困境 help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事 help (to) do sth.帮着做某事 help oneself to自用(食物);擅自取用 (2)cant help doing sth.禁不住做某事 cannot help but do sth.不得不做某事,只得做 某事 (3)if one can help it. 如果可能(就不做某事) be of helpbe helpful 有帮助作用,【常用表达】,(1)She couldnt help but wonder (琢磨着) what he was thinking. (2)She stopped smoking with the help of (在的帮助下) her family and friends. _ the help of my parents, I bought a new flat in Beijing. AWith BUnder CIn DBeneath 解析with the help of 在的帮助下。 答案A,【经典例句】,直通高考看看高考怎么考 (1) (天津卷,2) Excuse me,I wonder if you can help me? Sure._? AWhat help BWhat is this CWhat is it DWhat do you want 解析考查交际用语。第一个人询问是否可以帮忙,从第二个人的回答sure,可以知道他愿意,接着问具体是什么事,用What is it?。句意:劳驾,你能帮帮我吗?好的,什么事? 答案C,14character n. 性格;特点;字体;角色 I cant believe she lied to meit seems so out of her character. 我不相信她对我撒谎,这太不符合她的性格了。 She has learned five thousand Chinese characters so far. 到目前为止她已学了五千个汉字。,【经典例句】,Climbing hills does good to _ building. Arespect Bfriendship Creputation Dcharacter 解析character 性格,符合句意。 respect 尊重; friendship 友谊; reputation 名誉。 答案D,15deal with处理;安排;对付 (1)deal with中的deal为不及物动词,常与疑问词how连用。 (2)do with表示“处理;对待”,其中do为及物动词,常与疑问代词what连用。与否定副词连用时,意为“容许;容忍”。 (3)cope with 处理;对付 handle sth. 处理 deal in sth. 卖某物;经营某物 a great deal of 许多;大量,【常用表达】,deal with 与 do with deal with/do with这两个短语都可表示“处理”,但用法不同。用于特殊疑问句时,deal with常与how连用,do with常与what连用。另外,deal with还有“与打交道,论述”之意。 (1)deal with(settle/arrange;associate with)“处理,对付;安排;论述关于的内容;与进行交易”。常与连接副词how 连用,强调解决或处理问题的方法和方式。 (2)do with(make use of)意为“处置,安排;对付,利用”,常与连接代词what 连用。do with 不用于被动语态。,谚以其人之道,还治其人之身。 Deal with a man as he deals with you. 我不知道他们将如何处理这个问题。 I dont know how they will deal with the problem. I dont know what they will do with the problem. 如果不认真处理,形势会更糟糕。If not carefully dealt with ,the situation will get worse. 这样复杂的局面该怎么应付我还没谱儿呢。 I have no way yet as to how to deal with such a complicated situation. 圣诞节即将到来,孩子们坐立不安了。 The children didnt know what to do with themselves as Christmas drew near.,【经典例句】,In many peoples opinion,that company,though relatively small,is pleasant_.(2010四川,11) Ato deal with Bdealing with Cto be dealt with Ddealt with 别担心,赛姆斯先生,问题已经解决了。 Dont worry,Mr Symes. Its already_ _ _. 他们尽量对发怒的顾客彬彬有礼。 They _ _ _ angry customers. 选词填空deal with,do with We have _the company for more than ten years. Have you decided what to _these damaged computers?,been dealt with,try to deal politely with,dealt with,do with,【直通高考】看看高考怎么考,(2013北京阅读理解C) The answer is there are still ways to deal with it. 答案是还有其他方式来处理它。 (2011江苏阅读) More articles,cartoons,advice columns,and radio and television programs have similarly dealt with the subject of private apologies. 有更多的文章、漫画、读者来信专栏、电台和电视节目都差不多涉及过私下道歉这一主题。 (2010四川,11) In many peoples opinion,that company,though relatively small,is pleasant_. Ato deal with Bdealing with Cto be dealt with Ddealt with,(2012高考新课标全国卷七选五) They might have had similar problems, such as dealing with a test, or the death of a beloved pet.他们可能经历过类似的问题,比如应对考试或者是喜爱的宠物的死亡。 (2012全国卷阅读E) Dweck has been studying how people deal with failure for 40 years. 40多年来,德威克一直在研究人们是如何对待失败的。 (2012浙江高考阅读C) The problem isnt in the sandwich, but in the way students deal with the conflict.问题不是在夹心面包上而是在学生们处理冲突的方式上。,16watch over 保护,守卫;照管;留心,注意 (1)watch for sth.留意或等待某事物 watch out 小心;留神;注意(用于提醒、警示) watch out for sb./sth.警惕或注意某人(某事物) watch your back 小心一点 watch your step 处处要小心谨慎 (2) be on the watch for 留神;注意 keep watch 值班;放哨 keep (a) watch on.监视 on the watch for留神,注意,【常用表达】,watch out 常用于紧急情况下提醒别人小心。常用于祈使句。 be careful 用于提醒某人要小心谨慎,以防可能出现的危险或差错,含有“提防”之意。 take care 常用于提醒某人要当心、注意身体健康及安全等。可译为“保重”。 mind 常用于提醒某人要留意、留心某些危险。,选用上述短语填空。 (1)_! There is a motorbike speeding here! (2)Would you please_ my luggage when I am away for some water? (3)_ your steps,please!(您走好!) (4)_ pickpockets on the bus. (5)Youd better _when you have to work with him,as everybody knows he likes to say ill things about his workmates. (6)Its getting colder and colder. Please _ not to catch cold.,Watch out,watch over,Mind,Watch out for,be careful,take care,【经典例句】,(1)They _by three policemen. 他们由三个警察看守着。 (2)She _her chance to speak. 她等机会发言。 (3)_!There is a car coming. 注意!有车来了。 (4)_ the pickpockets!当心有扒手! (5)Could you watch (over) my clothes while I have a swim?我游泳时你能帮我看着我的衣服吗?(6) He felt that God was watching over him. 他感觉到上帝保佑着他。 (7) Is anyone _ the jewels while theyre out? 他们出门时,有人照看珠宝吗?,were watched over,watched for,Watch out,Watch out for,watching over,直通高考看看高考怎么考 (1) (安徽卷阅读理解E) If two deaf people are walking together,using sign language,they constantly_(留意,照看) each other and protect each other by paying steady attention to the other. 答案watch out for (2) (天津卷阅读理解B) People who_(观看) the event wave flags,knowing that a gold medal is a win for an entire country,not just the athlete who earned it. 答案watch,17.make up组成 ;编出 ;和解;言归于好;化妆,弥补 make up for sth.弥补;补偿 make for朝某方向移动 make full/good/the best use of (=make the omost of)充分利用 make fun of取笑;捉弄 make into转变 make it做成功 make ones way向走去make out设法应付;活下来;过活; make sense有意义;有道理;讲得通 make sure确信 be made from/of.由制造,【常用表达】,阅读下列句子,注意make up的意思。 (1)It usually takes her an hour to make up every morning before she goes. (化妆) (2)Our association (协会) is made up of people from all walks of life(各行各业) People from all walks of life make up our association. (构成) (3)Do not try to make up any excuse. (捏造) (4)She is amazing. She can always make up interesting stories in a short time. (编出) (5)You must work hard to make up for the lost time. (弥补),(1)这个医疗队由10名医生和6名护士组成。 The medical team is made up of 10 doctors and 6 nurses. (2)玛丽要努力学习,才能把生病时落下的功课补上。 Mary had to make up for the schoolwork she missed in school when she was sick by studying very hard. (3)She spent an hour making herself up before the party.化妆 (4)Society is made up of people of different abilities. (由组成) (5)Please make up a new dialogue according to the text.(编制; 编出),拓展巩固,运用所学语言基础知识,补充完整下面短文,并背诵之 (1)_ ( 在 的 帮 助 下 ) science and technology, (2)_ ( 人 类 ) are now living a much,happier life than before. Take the invention of the computer for,example. It not only helps us (3)_ ( 解 决 ) difficult,mathematical problems to save time, but we can also (4)_,( 输 入 ) any material or information into our computer to,communicate with our teammates on our business by the network. Besides, it can take the place of us to (5)_,With the help of,human race,solve,type,deal/do with,( 处 理 ) many dangerous situations under the control of the programmers.(6)_ ( 在某种程度上), their advantages,are over humans, and this is why people create some robots with artificial intelligence to help us human beings.,However, some people are worried that dangerous problems,will (7)_ ( 从 出 现 ) any overusage of high-tech. Personally speaking, I disagree with it.(8)_ ( 无 论 如 何 ), the technology can (9)_ ( 弥 补 ) our,shortcomings and help us do lots of things. If not, why create and develop them?,In a way,arise from,Anyhow,make up for,


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