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Lily used to have short hair. 变为一般疑问句: _. _. 进行肯定回答: _. 变为否定句: _ . _.,Did Lily use to have short hair? / Used Lily to have short hair?,Yes, she did. / Yes, she used to.,Lily didnt use to have short hair. / Lily usednt to have short hair.,完成句子 1. 她过去常常很安静。 She _ _ _ very quiet. 2. 我过去放学后常踢足球。 I _ _ _ soccer after school.,use to be,use to play,句型转换 1. He used to take a walk in the park here. (改为否定句) He _ _ / _ to take a walk in the park here.,didnt use,usednt,2. She used to hang out with friends on weekends. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定或否定回答) - _ she _ _ hang out with friends on weekends? - Yes,she _. / - No, she _. 3. The boy used to chew gum a lot, _ he? (完成反意疑问句),Did,use to,did,usednt,didnt / usednt,根据括号内的要求完成下面句子, 每空一词。 1. Tom used to watch TV.(改为否定句) Tom _ _ _ watch TV. 2. Helen used to play computer games a lot every day.(改为一般疑问句) _ Helen _ _ play computer games a lot every day? 3. Eric used to be very thin. (改为反意疑问句) Eric used to be very thin, _ _?,didnt use / used not,to,Did,use to,didnt/usednt he,比较:be (get) used to sth. / doing sth.,be used to + doing: “对已感到习惯”,或“习惯于”,to是介词,后需加名词或动名词。 I found the job tiring at first but soon I was / got used to it. He is used to a vegetarian diet. Scarf is used to taking a walk.,知识链接,I am (get) used to taking the bus to school. I am (get) used to studying more than 10 subjects a week. I am (get) used to eating lunch at 11:30 p.m.,He used to _ in the sun, but now he is used to _ at night. A. read, read B. reading, read C. read, reading D. reading, reading 解析考查固定结构的用法。used to后接动词原形,be used to 后接动名词。故选C。,典型例题,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 My sister used to _ (be) a nurse. Im used to _ (wash) my face with cold water. My pen friend used to _ (speak) Japanese, but now he is used to _ (speak) Chinese.,be,washing,speak,speaking,比较: be used to do sth.,该句式表示“被用于(做某事)”。注意: 句式中used是use的过去分词, be used是被动语态; to为不定式符号,后跟原形动词。例如: Dont throw away the papers. They can be used to make a fire. 别扔掉这些报纸,它们可以用来引火。 Wood can be used to make paper. 木头可以用来造纸。,知识链接,单项选择 1. I _ short straight hair, but now I have long curly hair. A. use to be B. use to have C. used to have D. used to be,练一练,2. She _ listen to classical music, but now she _ listening to pop music. A. used to; used to B. is used to; is used to C. is used to; used to D. used to; is used to 3. As we know, elephants _ some heavy jobs. A. are used to do B. are used to doing C. used to D. used to doing,【2011兰州】28. Mary is used to _ a T-shirt and jeans. A. wear B. put on C. wearing D. putting on 【解析】词义辨析。句意“玛丽习惯于穿T恤衫和牛仔裤”,be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事,因此排除选项A、B,wear强调状态,put on强调动作,由句意知此处表示状态,因此选C。,中考链接,【2011苏州】I _ keep dogs for protection, but now I keep them as pets. A. would rather B. had better C. used to D. have to 【解析】考查短语辨析。 would rather意为“宁愿”;had better意为“最好”; used to意为“过去常常”; have to意为“必须”。根据后句句意“但是现在我把它们当宠物养”,可知过去是养狗保护。故选C。,【2012黔西南】Mary used to _ to work, but she is used to _ to work now. A. riding a bike, taking a bus B. riding a bike, take a bus C. ride a bike, taking a bus D. ride a bike, take a bus 【解析】used to 后接动词原形;be / get used to后接动名词形式。因此,选择C答案。,C,【2013 湖北黄冈】 How is your grandma? Shes fine. She used to _ TV at home after supper. But now she is used to _ out for a walk. A. watch; go B. watching; go C. watching; going D. watch; going 【解析】used to“过去(常常)”,其后用动词原形;be used to“习惯于”,其后用动名词,故选D。,D,【2013 黑龙江绥化】 - My aunt goes lo climb mountains every Sunday. - Oh? But she _ hate climbing mountains. A. used to B. was used to C. is used lo,A,【2011山东省烟台】- How does Jack usually go to school? - He _ ride a bike, but now he _ there to lose weight. A. used to, is used to walk B. was used to, is used to walking C. was used to, is used to walk D. used to, is used to walking,D,【2012四川宜宾】My grandma _ us stories when I was young. A. was used to tell B. is used to telling C. used to tell D. used to telling,C,1.这里曾经有一个工厂。 There used to be a factory here. 2.过去我常在晚饭后散步。 I used to take a walk after dinner. 3.他过去不常吃鱼。 He didnt use to eat fish. 4.他们过去常唱英文歌,不是吗? They used to sing songs, didnt they? 5.Lily过去是个工人。 Lily used to be a worker. 6.凯特过去上学常迟到,但现在她习惯于准时上学. Kate used to be late for school,but now she is used to going to school on time.,He _ listen to pop music, but now he _ dancing. A. is used to; used to B. use to; is used to C. used to; is used to D. used to; used to 【点拨】选C。句意:他过去常听流行音乐,但现在他习惯于跳舞。,He used to _ in the sun, but now he is used to _ at night. (2007兰州市) A. read; read B. reading; read C. read; reading D. reading; reading 【点拨】 used to do sth. 意为“过去常常做某事”,而be / get used to doing sth.意为“习惯于做某事”。根据本题句意“他过去常常在阳光下看书,但现在习惯在夜晚看书。”可知,正确答案为C。,They had a party last night, _?He used to walk to work, _? Those are apples, _? Lets go home, _? Hes been to Beijing,_? There is little water in the box,_? Everything is ok,_?,didnt they,didnt he,arent they,shall we,练习坊,hasnt he,is there,isnt it,完成句子,1. 朱迪不再是一个害羞的女孩了。 Judy is a shy girl . 2. 曹老师以前是不是教过历史?他历史知识真丰富。 Mr. Cao teach history? He has so much knowledge of history.,not,any more,Did,use to,练一练,. 单项选择 1. -How do you often go to school? -I _ walk but I take a bus now. A. am used to B. used to C. use to D. am used 2. Tina doesnt like going out. Shes very _. A. funny B. active C. quiet D. outgoing,B,C,3. - Dont you like playing basketball? - _. I like playing soccer. A. Yes,I do B. No,I dont C. Yes,I dont D. No,I do 4. She used to _ few friends, but now she has many friends. A. be B. having C. has D. have,B,D,5. He is _ in playing the guitar because he finds it _. A. interesting;interesting B. interesting;interested C. interested; interesting D. interested;interested,C,. 句型转换 1. She used to be shy. (改为一般疑问句) _ she _ _ be shy? 2. He used to spend lots of time playing computer games, _ _? (完成 反意疑问句),Did,use,to,didnt he,usednt he,3. She used to play the piano. (改为否定句) She _ _ _ play the piano. 4. The girl has a great interest in learning English. (改为同义句) The girl is very _ _ learning English. 5. - Dont you believe what I said? (作肯定回答) - _, _ _.,didnt,use,to,interested,in,Yes,I,do,-Is there _ with the computer? -Yes. Something is wrong with the mouse.,A anything wrong B wrong anything C something wrong D wrong something,A,Mr. Fat doesnt have _ to buy a car. But he is _ to buy a motorbike. A enough money, enough rich B enough money, rich enough C money enough, rich enough D money enough, enough rich,B,2、系动词+adj. look/sound/smell/taste/feel keep/get/turn/grow/ become+adj.,表语, He looks _. (高兴) The weather gets _. (暖和) The music sounds _. (美丽) The dish smells _. (好) The food tastes _. (美味) The silk feels _. (柔软) Some leaves on the tree become _ in autumn. (颜色鲜艳的),根据括号内的中文补充句子,happy,warm,beautiful,good,delicious,soft,colorful, Sometimes we make Mr. Yu happy. Sometimes we make him angry. We should keep the classroom clean and tidy.,3、make sb.+adj. 使某人 keep sth.+adj. 使某物保持,1. We should keep the windows _(开) in class. But after school, we should keep them _(关). 2. “Who made the classroom _ ?the teacher asked angrily. A clean B cleanly C dirty D beautifully,C,open,closed,【2011本溪】Sallyis_inclassnow, butsheusedtobeaveryshygirl. A.honest B.silent C.quiet D.active 【2012山东济宁】Ann kept s_ all day because his little brother broke her toy bear.,B,ilent,3(2013苏州市)Erics never seen a three-D movie at the cinema,_? Ahasnt he BHas he Cisnt he Dis he 4.-(2010兰州市)-He didnt go to the meeting this morning, did he? -_. Though he was not feeling very well. A. No, he didnt. B. Yes, he did. C. No, he did. D. Yes, he didnt.,B,B,5. (2010常州市)Hes already been back to Australia, _? _. He is on a visit to Shanghai. A. isnt he; No B. hasnt he; Yes C. isnt he; Yes D. hasnt he; No 6. (2010娄底中考) She doesnt like geography, does she? _. A. Yes, she does B. Yes, she doesnt C. No, she does,D,A,Practice,1.(2010三亚中考)He hardly hurt himself in the accident_? A. doesnt he B. didnt he C. did he D. does he 2.(2010巴中中考)Lets search the Internet for some information about famous people,_? A. will you B. wont you C. shall we,B,C,7. (2010绥化中考) Hes flown to Hainan for a holiday, _ he? A. isnt B. hasnt C. wasnt 8. - Lets go skating,_? - OK. Lets go. (2010湖北十堰市) A. do you B. dont you C. will you D. shall we 9. (2013滨州中考) There is little milk in the milk bag, _ there? A. is B. isnt C. arent D. are,B,D,A,用所给单词的适当形式填空,Mr. Turner used 1 (go)fishing in the countryside every week. It was his favorite sport. He often fished for several hours without 2 (catch)anything at all. But this didnt worry him. He always went with an empty bag. “You must give up 3 (fish),”his friends said. “Its a waste of time.” “But they dont realize one thing. I only enjoy 4 (sit)in a boat and doing nothing at all. Fishing can make me 5 (forget)the noise of the city and 1ive quietly for some time. “He always said to himself.”,to go,catching,fishing,sitting,forget,(2)so 与such 常用结构有: a . such + (1) a / an +adj +单数名词 b. so + (1) adj / adv (2)adj +不可数名词 (3) adj +a/ an +单数名词 (4)adj +复数名词 (5)many /few +可数名词复数 (6)much / little +不可数名词,Practice,用so或such填空 (1)The boy is _ young that he cant go to school. (2)He told us_ a funny story that we all laughed. (3)He has _ few books to read that he has to borrow some from the library. (4)The girl had_ high a fever that she couldnt go to school.,Practice,10. (2009孝感) Bob, you watched the fashion show last night, _? A. werent you B. didnt you C. havent you D. wont you 11. (2009山东东营) -You wont be late, _? A. should you B. will you C. dont you D. can you 12. (2009绥化) There is no important information in the newspaper, _? A. isnt there B. is it C. is there,13. (2009四川南充) There are two libraries in this city, _? A. arent there B. arent they C. are two 14. (2009山东威海) Mom, my grandfather goes for a walk after supper every day, _? A. does he B. is he C. doesnt he D. isnt he,15. (2009山东临沂) Liu Qian has made magic a hot word, _ he? A. doesnt B. didnt C. hasnt D. isnt 16. (2009山东中考) You arent a professional football player, are you? -_. I am just a football fan. A. Yes, I am B. No, Im not C. Of course D. Sometimes,17. (2009福州) Millions of people know about Susan Boyle now, _? -_, she becomes well-known because of her success on Britains Got Talent. A. do they; No B. do they; Yes C. dont they; No D. dont they; Yes,快速阅读,回答问题,My biggest problem is that Im too busy. When I was young, I used to have so much time, but these days I get up early and stay in school all day. Then I go right home and eat dinner. Before I started high school, I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends, but I just dont have the time anymore. In the morning, I used to watch TV or chat with my grandmother, but now I have to study. I love music, and my father used to take me to concerts. These days, I hardly ever have time for concerts. I do my homework and go to bed. I really miss the old days.,根据短文回答问题,1.Where does Rose Tang study ? 2.Who is Rose Tang? 3.What is Rose Tangs biggest problem? 4.What did she use to do before she started high school? 5.What did she use to do in the evening? 6. Did she use to go to concerts with her father? 7. Does she still have time for concerts? What does she usually do now?,


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