新目标八年级Unit8 Period 1课件3

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Period 1words:ment 2.suggestion 3.album 4.personal 5.special sentences:1.What should I get?2.How/What about?3.Why dont you/Why not?4.Thats/Theyre.Language Aims(1minute)Lets learn the main sentences(15minutes)Task 1 A:What should I get my mom for her birthday?B:How about a scarf?A:No,thats too boring.A:What should I get my father for his birthday?B:What about a watchA:No,thats too cheap.A:What should I get my brother for his birthday?B:Why dont you get him a camera?A:No,thats too expensive A:What should I get my sister for her birthday?B:Why not get her a dictionary?A:That sounds goodLets practice the mainsentences(10minutes)Task 2A:Its my birthday.What should I get him?B:How about a?(bicycle,CD,camera)A:No,thats too.(cheap,boring)B:What about a?(mobile phone,camera)A:No,thats too boring.(cheap,personal)B:Why dont you give him?A:That sounds interesting.(nice,a good idea)Free talk:?Lets listen to the main sentences(5minutes)Task 3 1b listen and number the comment in the order you hear them _ _3 3_Thats too expensive._Thats too expensive._ _2 2_Thats too boring,too._Thats too boring,too._ _4 4_Theyre too cheap._Theyre too cheap._ _1 1_Thats too boring._Thats too boring.How about?What about?Why dont you?Why not?What do you think of?What should I get?Lets do theexercises(10minutes)Task 4正确形式填空:1.What should I _(get)my mom for her birthday?2.Why dont you _(get)her a scarf?3.Why not _(get)her a scarf?4.How/What about (get)her a scarf?gettinggetgetget 1.我该给爸爸什么样生日礼物?照相机怎么样?那太贵了!2.为什么你不给妈妈买一条围巾呢?好主意。汉译英


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