宁夏外国语学校小升初英语专项训练 完形填空17

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宁夏外国语学校小升初英语专项训练 完形填空17_第1页
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宁夏外国语学校小升初英语专项训练 完形填空17_第2页
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小学升外国语学校英语完形填空专项50-171Kate 1 John are students. They are in 2 Three. Kate is in Class Four. And John 3 in Class Two. 4 are forty-five students in Kates class. Twenty-five students 5 boys. There are fifty students in Jims 6 .Twenty-eight students are girls. They go to 7 at seven in the 8 , and go 9 at three in the 10 .( B )1.A. orB. andC. with( C )2.A.gradeB. ClassC. Grade( A )3.A. isB. areC. be( C )4.A.TheyB. TheirC. There( A )5.A. areB. amC. is( C )6.A. gradeB. teamC. class( B )7.A. classroomB. schoolC. home( A )8.A. morningB. afternoonC. evening( B )9.A. schoolB. homeC. factory( C )10.A. eveningB. morningC. afternoon1. B 连接两个并列的主语用and.2. C 根据上文,此处意思应是他们在三年级。表示几年级几班,应看作专有名词,第一个字母要大写。3. A 主语John为单数,系动词用is。4. C 这里考查There be句型,表示某处有某物。5. A 主语Twenty-five students是复数,系动词要用are.6. C 根据句意,应是“在吉姆的班上有50名学生。”7. B 固定词组go to school去上学。8. A 7点钟上学应该是早晨,而不是下午或晚上。9. B go home意为回家,如果表达“上学”用go to school“去工厂”用go to the factory。10.C 3点钟回家应该是下午而不是早晨或晚上。2Li Lei, look 1 this picture. This is a 2 of a classroom. In the picture you can see chairs 3 desks. On the blackboard, you can see a tree. A map is 4 the door. The room is different from 5 classroom. Under the 6 desk, there is a football, 7 you cant see it. The boy in the hat is my friend. Jack . He is a new student. He is 8 American. He looks 9 Kate. But they are not 10 .( C )1.A. inB. onC. atD. to( B )2.A. mapB. pictureC. roomD. door( D )3.A. orB. butC. thereD. and( A )4.A. behindB. inC. atD. of( B )5.A. yoursB. myC. meD. mine( A )6.A. teachersB. teachersC. of teacherD. teacher( D )7.A. soB. orC. andD. but( B )8.A. aB. anC. theD. that( D )9.A. afterB. atC. the sameD. like( C )10.A. studentsB. boysC. twinsD. girls1. C look 一般用作不及物动词,后面跟介词at构成短语动词才能表示及物的意义。2. B 上句“看这张照片”,这句接着介绍“这是一个教室的照片。”3. D 连接两个并列的成份用连词and4. A 此句意思是“一幅地图在门后”。Behind意为“在后面”,in“在里面”,of意为“的”5. B 名词classroom前应用形容词性物主代词my作定语。6. A the teachers desk意为“讲台”。7. D but表示转折意思。8. B American发元音开头,前面冠词用an.9. D 固定词组look like意为“看起来像”。A项look after“照顾”,B项look at意为“看”,C项look the same意为“看起来一样” , look the same后面不能带宾语。10.C 根据上句“他看起来像凯特”本句应是“但他们不是双胞胎。”


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