语文版中职英语基础模块 上册Unit 8Brave It Outppt课件1

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Revision Revision&Leading-in&Leading-inWarming UpWarming UpPractice&ConsolidationPractice&Consolidation Summary Homework ReadingEveryday Dialogues:1.Weather report Whats the weather like today?2.Attendance report Is everyone here?Who is not here?/Who is absent?Why?Talk about the contents that we Talk about the contents that we have learnt in this reading.have learnt in this reading.RevisionRevisionIs Life FairIs Life FairReadingReading Key words and phrases American-born:美国出生的 break:打破,折断 accident:意外,事故 since:自从,由于 wheelchair:轮椅 give up:放弃 go on to do:接下来继续做 finish:完成,结束 education:教育 success:成功 independence:独立PresentationParagragh 1 Patrick is an American-born Chinese.Patrick是一个在美国出生的中国人。是一个在美国出生的中国人。Amerian-born Chinese在美国出生的华人,通常在美国出生的华人,通常被称为美籍华人或被称为美籍华人或ABCParagragh 3Presentation When he was thirteen years old,he broke his neck in an accident.Presentation当他当他13岁的时候,在一次事故中摔岁的时候,在一次事故中摔伤了脖子。伤了脖子。when 当当时候时候Paragragh 3 Since then he has been in a wheelchair.从那时起,他就只能坐在轮椅中。从那时起,他就只能坐在轮椅中。Since then从那时起从那时起Paragragh 3Presentation But he never gave up and went on to finish school.但是他一直不放弃,继续完成了学业。但是他一直不放弃,继续完成了学业。give up“放弃放弃”She has given up the idea.Paragragh 3Presentation她已放弃了那种想法。她已放弃了那种想法。Go on to do sth(干完某事后)接着干某事干完某事后)接着干某事After he finished writing the letter,he went on to read the text.他写完信后,接着就读课文。他写完信后,接着就读课文。He knew that a good education was his only way to success and independence.他知道良好的教育是他唯一可以通向成他知道良好的教育是他唯一可以通向成功和独立的途径。功和独立的途径。Paragragh 3Presentation For Patrick,studying was hard.对于对于Patrick来说,学习是艰苦的。来说,学习是艰苦的。hard艰难的,艰苦的艰难的,艰苦的Paragragh 4Presentation But he overcame a lot of difficulties and became the best student in his school.但是他克服了很多的困难,成为了学校但是他克服了很多的困难,成为了学校最好的学生。最好的学生。a lot of 许多的许多的Paragragh 4Presentation Finally he finished the PhD program.最终,他获得了博士学位。最终,他获得了博士学位。PhD 是是doctor of philosophy的缩写的缩写 Paragragh 4Presentation Now he is very active in teaching English and helping children who are out of school.现在他非常积极地从事英语教学,并且现在他非常积极地从事英语教学,并且帮助那些辍学的孩子。帮助那些辍学的孩子。be active in doing sth 艰难积极从事某事艰难积极从事某事Paragragh 4PresentationWho are out of school 是定语从句,修饰先行词是定语从句,修饰先行词children。be out of“脱离,在脱离,在范围之外范围之外”Life isnt fair for Patrick,but he has become successful.生活对于生活对于Patrick是不公平的,但是他是不公平的,但是他成功了成功了。Paragragh 5PresentationBurroughsan American scientistwas right in saying,“A man can fail many times,but he isnt a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”最终,最终,Burroughs一位美国科学一位美国科学家家说得很对:说得很对:“一个人可能会失败一个人可能会失败很多次,但是直到他开始怨天尤人才很多次,但是直到他开始怨天尤人才是真正的失败是真正的失败。”not until “直到直到才才”Paragragh 5Presentation He didnt go to bed until 10 oclock.他直到他直到10点才睡觉点才睡觉Practice&Consolidation 1.1.Patrick never _ his study Patrick never _ his study because he knew that a good education was his because he knew that a good education was his _ to success and independence._ to success and independence.2.2.Patrick overcame Patrick overcame _ and _ and became the best student in his school.became the best student in his school.3.A man can fail _,but he _ 3.A man can fail _,but he _ a failurea failure _ to blame somebody _ to blame somebody else.else.gave uponly waya lot of difficulties many times isntuntil he begins American-born:美国出生的 break:打破,折断 accident:意外,事故 since:自从,由于 wheelchair:轮椅 give up:放弃 go on to do:接下来继续做 finish:完成,结束 education:教育 success:成功 independence:独立Summary Master the words and phrases Prepare for the next unit.Homework


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