剑桥国际少儿英语KB U Favourite toysppt课件

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,剑桥国际少儿英语 (第1册) Lesson 1, Unit 3,1,How are you? 你好吗? Im fine,thank you. 我很好,谢谢。,Sing the song(28),2,word chain,a pencil,a pencil, a book,a pencil, a book, a table,a pencil, a book, a table, a chair,3,Practice,How many chairs?Six red chairs?No. Five yellow chairs.,4,Practice,How many pencils?Two green pencils?No. Four blue pencils.,5,Practice,How many pens?Eight orange pens?No. Three red pens.,6,Practice,How many books?Nine purple books?No. Seven green books.,7,Practice,How many erasers?Ten pink erasers?No. Ten blue erasers.,8,Practice,How many tables?Two yellow tables?Yes. Two yellow tables.,9,Presentation,car,10,Presentation,ball,11,Presentation,doll,12,Presentation,computer,13,Presentation,bike,14,Presentation,train,15,Practice 1/2 What toy?,16,Practice 1/2 What toy? Check the answer.,17,Practice 2/2,18,Listen and point,computer bike car doll ball train,19,My favourite toy is my . Whats your favourite toy? My favourite toy is my .,20,Listen and say the number,21,Listen and tick,22,Practice,23,Aa,apple,ant,24,Bb,banana,ball,25,Cc,cake,cat,26,Dd,dog,duck,27,egg,elephant,Ee,28,frog,fish,F f,29,girl,giraffe,Gg,30,Hh,horse,hen,31,Ii,ice cream,Indian,32,Jj,jacket,jet,33,Kk,kite,kangaroo,34,lion,Ll,leg,35,Nn,nose,36,剑桥国际少儿英语 (第1册) Lesson 2, Unit 3,37,Warmer,38,Warmer,train,doll,computer,car,bike,ball,Whats your favourite toy?,My favourite toy is my _.,39,Presentation,red,What colour is it? Its _.,40,Presentation,yellow,What colour is it? Its _.,41,Presentation,pink,What colour is it? Its _.,42,Presentation,green,What colour is it? Its _.,43,Presentation,orange,What colour is it? Its _.,44,Presentation,purple,What colour is it? Its _.,45,Presentation,blue,What colour is it? Its _.,46,black,What colour is it? Its _.,47,brown,What colour is it? Its _.,48,white,What colour is it? Its _.,49,grey,What colour is it? Its _.,50,Presentation,black brown grey,white,What colour is it? Its _.,51,colours,Whats your favourite colour ? My favourite colour is ,52,Say the chant,black, brown, grey look, listen, point and say.,white,53,54,Say it with Monty,/t/,55,Practice,56,Aa,apple,ant,57,Bb,banana,ball,58,Cc,cake,cat,59,Dd,dog,duck,60,egg,elephant,Ee,61,frog,fish,F f,62,girl,giraffe,Gg,63,Hh,horse,hen,64,Ii,ice cream,Indian,65,Jj,jacket,jet,66,Kk,kite,kangaroo,67,lion,Ll,leg,68,Mm,mouse,monkey,69,Nn,nose,70,Oo,orange,ox,71,Pp,pineapple,72,剑桥国际少儿英语 (第1册) Lesson 3, Unit 3,73,Warmer,74,Warmer,train,doll,computer,car,bike,ball,Whats your favourite toy?,My favourite toy is my _.,75,colours,76,Say the chant,black, brown, grey look, listen, point and say.,white,77,Where is Simons ball?,1 Is Simons ball in the bag? No, it isnt. 2 Is Simons ball on the toy box? No, it isnt. 3 Is Simons ball under the table? No, it isnt.,Its next to the chair.,toy box,78,Where is the monkey?,The monkey is in the box.,in 在.的里面,79,Where is the monkey?,The monkey is on the bike.,The monkey is on the train.,on 在.的上面,80,Where is the monkey?,The monkey is under the chair.,under 在.的下面,81,Where is the monkey?,The monkey is next to the car.,The monkey is next to the computer.,next to 临近.,82,Wheres Monty?Yes, he is. No.he isnt.,Is Monty in the toy box?,Is Monty under the book?,Is Monty next to the computer?,Is Monty under the chair?,He is in the bag.,83,Story,1,5,4,3,2,6,84,Ask and answer,1. What is Maries favourite toy? 2. What is Maskmans favourite toy? 3. Where is the Maskman car? 4. Is it in the toy box? 5. Is it under the table? 6. Is it on the chair? 7. Where is the car?,85,Practice,3,4,2,6,5,86,Practice,87,Practice,88,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!,89,


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