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预备级module2,6.four chairs 7.five students 8.seven flowers 9.eight books 10.nine desks 36.is,an 37.are,Im 38.whats,Its 39.How many 40.No,an,41.Whats your name? 42.How old are you ? 43.Where is she from? 44.What class are you in? 45.They arent friends. 46.Is he a student ? 47.No, she isnt . 48.Yes, they are . 49.No, it isnt. 50.Nice to meet you too .,预备级module3,1.blackboards 2.twenty 3.horse 4.colour 5.teacher 6.blue 7.say 8.help 9.English 10.welcome,11.当然 12. 在教室里 13.一些红花 14.一颗绿树 15.在黑板上 16.red pen 17.blue shoes 18.yellow flower 19.two feet 20.ten desks,预备级module3,31.What, colour 32.green 33.Can,help 34.On,the,wall 35.do,you,spell 36.spell 37.What,colour, are Theyre,38.say 39.Whats 40.Youre welcome 41.Hello 42.How 43.And 44.Tank 45.you 46.in 47.It 48.spell 49.colour 50.Goodbye,预备级module4,1.打篮球 2.去游泳 3.我最喜欢的运动 4.放学 5.在伦敦 6.good morning 7.my favourite day 8.my mothers birthday 9.play football 10.in summer,21.cant, write 22.favourite, song 23.like, running 24.Can, play the piano 25.How many are there 26.Whats weather like spring 27.My favourite sport swimming,预备级module4,28.is white 29.Do like singing dancing 30.like reading 31.like; winter 32.day 33.like; is;favourite 34.Sunday 35.Whats sport 36.Whats your fathers name? 37.Can she speak English?,38.How old is Miss Li? 39.Is Kate in Class Four? 40.Tony is not an English boy. 41.Are you a new student? 42.Tere are two books on the desk. 43.Can you play football? 44.Whats the weather like in summer? 45.Whats your favourite colour?,Module1,31.are; am 32.is; is 33.Are; am 34.are; are 35.are; am 36.A English 37.B Are you Wang Lin? 38.A Yes, he is. 39.C This is Tom. 40.B Im from America.,41.too 42.full 43.call 44.course 45.For 46.you 47.Sit 48.name 49.Miss Zhao 50.No 51.Whats 52.Nice 53.Fine,Module2,26.These 27.What 28.teacher 29.or 30.How old 31.aunt 32.with 33.any 34.some 35.His 36.have 37.There are 38.on the left 39.your family tree 40.from America,41.phone 42.sister 43.policeman 44.people 45.uncles 46.How many people are there; your 47.Is next to 48.Has got or 49.Where is 50.hasnt got 51.arent any 52.Where is 53.is behind,Module3,31.is 32.are 33.are 34.Are 35.are is 36.Yes, there is. 37.Its behind/ next to 38.Are there any pens in the shop? 39.I want to buy2/ 3pens. 40.Bye.,41.well 42.some 43.Isnt 44.lucky 45.My 46.too 47.mine 48.sisters 49.her 50.in 51.Are there any 52.Where 53.their desks 54.Betty and Damings 55.Is behind,Module4,21.hamburgers 22.potatoes 23.tomatoes 24.candies 25.oranges 26.apples 27.chocolates 28.eggs 29.carrots 30.teeth,31.Ok 32.fruit 33.got 34.oranges 35.rice 36.in 37.hamburgers 38. eyes 39.healthy 40.drink 41.favourite 42. is 43.milk 44.like 45.Chinese 46.got 47.healthy 48.drinks 49.but 50.for,module4,51.favourite fruit 52.How many are there 53.Is or 54.is some 55.Have got any,61.healthy food 62.good for our health 63.Have we got 64.your favourite 65.Chinese food 66.like drinking 67.There is some orange juice 68.havent got 69.There are some potatoes 70.a lot of / lots of / many,


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