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飞针测试输出飞针测试输出 -Probot手动输出手动输出:t./;:;2输入Gerber数据.数据要求:1、信号Signal layer;2、钻孔文件Drill files;3、绿油层 Solder mask layers;将钻孔层由“a01改为“r01,定义为钻孔,留意需求改动一切的孔层,包括盲、埋孔。Change the Drill layer from“a01 to“r01,it means it is DRILL.Change all drill layers,includes the blind drill or buried drill.检查孔层数据能否正确,假设不正确或没有孔径大小不正确,请重新读取孔层数据或手动修正孔层数据。:t./;:;2 将顶层绿油层改为负片,即有“+改为“-;Change the solder mask layer from“+to“-,Change the top solder mask.将底层绿油层改为负片,即有“+改为“-;Change the solder mask layer from“+to“-,Change the bottom solder mask.进入到物理层设置,Go to“Setup Physical Layer.;:t./;:;2 孔层仅仅需求是电镀孔PTH,Only put the drill layer to the PTH;在设置物理层时,假设是埋、盲孔,必需设置将其与信号层一同设置与相应的物理层之中。Since layer 2 is Blind drill,which connecting layer 3&4.We have to combine it as 2&3,2&4.注注 意意 1、在物理层设置中,不需求任何的非、在物理层设置中,不需求任何的非电镀孔电镀孔NPTH;We DONT need to put the non-plated through hole(NPTH)in Setup Physical layer;2、在飞针测试中。不需求任何的、在飞针测试中。不需求任何的NPTH数据,他可以删除一切的数据,他可以删除一切的NPTH;You can just delete all the NPTH in GC-CAM.3、在物理层设置中,绿油层不需求设、在物理层设置中,绿油层不需求设置,仅仅需求孔层和信号层数据;置,仅仅需求孔层和信号层数据;We DONT need to put in the Solder Mask in Setup Physical layer.We ONLY need all drill&signal layers.将一切层都改为编辑形状“E,(Change all the layers to“E status which means editable.);然后运转“Extract Netlist,仅仅对设置为编辑形状“E的层进展计算,切记在运转网络前一定要将一切层置“E,Then go to“Extract Netlist.It will ONLY calculate the layers in“E status.1、在layer中,选择一切的信号层和钻孔层,(In the“Layer,load in all the signal&drill layers.)2、Top mask选择前面层的绿油层数据,Bot mask选择前面层的绿油层数据,(Top mask load in Top solder mask.Bot mask load in Bottom solder mask.);1、选择“Clamshell,意味是飞针测试;2、选择 Loop testpoint 为 all;3、输入adjacent的值,通常运用 0.3inch=8mm,这是EDI的默许设置;.点击OK,自动运转完成后将得到网络计算结果,Click“OK.Then result will be obtained.选择File-Write Direct 选择“Probot.假设他看不到“Probot,阐明他的dongle没有“Probot的license.1、填写输出文件的称号;2、顶层和底层线路将创建测试点;The Top&Bottom Circuit Layer will create the test points on Top&Bottom.同时必需为EDI预备三个图象层:Fronpin.dpf&Rearpin.dpf&Mehole.dpf.,首先将孔层的“r01 改回为“a01.如今可以将孔层输出为正常的DPF,假设孔层为“r01,将会得到错误的结果;如今输出“Fronpin.dpf&“Rearpin.dpf文件;1、一切输出全部完成;2、请copy一切输出的文件到EDI;3、在EDI中“Ctrl-U,选择“HLS,将 Probot输出格式文件转为 Speedy格式;4、运用“Alt-R读取 3个 DPF 图象文件.GC-CAM Probot输出流程Version:4.14May,2002 StartExisting .GWK?Select Files-Drills first (p.75)Load Aperture Lists or Drill Racks as Needed(p.78,82)Assign Aperture Lists and Drill Rack to Appropriate Layers(p.82)Load Files Using Automatic Format Detection(p.83)Did Files Load Correctly?Restore.GWK(pp.38-39)Identify and Handle Problems with Loaded Data(p.94)Next Step:Prepare DataYesNoYesFile Loading ProcessNoType data path in“Start-in field of GCCAM icon propertiesSave Data(p.94)StartDetermine which layers to use(p 111)Order layers(p 112)Set layer polarity(p 114)Solder Mask=“-Position layers(if necessary):Register,Mirror,Rotate,Offset(pp 127-132)Convert Sketched Pads,if necessary (p 133)Set up drill layers(p 140)Set up physical layers(p 148)Next Step:Netlist ExtractionData PreparationCreate solder mask if necessary(p 259)Save DataStartVerify Data is Prepared Properly(p 250)Set up Layers:All Physical and Soldermask Layers in View Mode(p 251)*Extract Netlist:(p 251)Layers=All Set mask layers if available TP Strategy=Clamshell Loop Points=All Linearize Nets=None PTH=Both Check Adjacency box Set Adjacency DistancesNext Step:Select Alignment PointsNetlist ExtractionCheck Adjacency (See online help for gap)Save Data*To automatically set layers,use File/Set Layers screen.StartSelect Alignment PointsView-Enable top solder mask(p 45)Edit-Enable top circuit layer(p 45)On top circuit layer:Mark(p 63)lower right point.Select sequence function on NC menu.Place marked point FIRST in database.-Unmark point(p.65).Repeat process for upper right and then lower left points.*Next step:Check tp listSave dataOn top circuit layer,choose 2(lower left and upper right)or 3(lower left,upper right,and lower right)small surface mount pads or fiducials to mark.(use drill holes only as last resort).*Note:the alignment points are placed first in the database starting with the 3rd point and working backwards to the first.StartSelect“Selective Mark/Unmark from Edit menuEnable Pads and Mark options;disable traces.Click in Net Point Type click box.While pressing Ctrl key,select T and I,to highlight tps and isolated points.Exit both screens with OK.Hit Q and Query Table will denote all testpoints by a T in the text box.Next Step:Create OutputNote:In Net Point Type screen,C=covered point;E=endpoint;I=isolated point;L=loop point;M=midpoint;T=testpointCheck Testpoint List Modify Test Points?NoNext Step:Create tp files YesCreate Testpoint FilesStartEdit-enable top circuit layer(p.45)Use Selective Mark to highlight pads of Net Point Type T and IEdit/copy highlighted points to buffer;edit/paste to unused layerRepeat for bottom layerEdit newly-created tp files as neededDrill holes 125 mls?Save ChangesNext Step:Create OutputYesNoUse Selective Mark to highlight round pads with x .125Edit/offset highlighted points in y directionStartSelect“Write Direct from File menuSelect“Probot from Write Direct screenSet“Fixture Data to“Isolated points and tps Select path and name for Probot OutputSpecify plated drill layer and blind viasGenerally 3 alignment points chosen,single-sidedSpecify top and bottom circuit layersOKCreate Output(p.233)Note:See“Write Direct topic in Online Help for additional info.Separate test point files created?NoYesSpecify top and bottom test point files as top and bottom circuit layersSet“Fixture Data to“All Useful HotkeysRestore All:F7Save All:F6Load layers:CTRL+LUnload layers:CTRL+SHIFT+LView Extents:CTRL+SHIFT+=Order Layers:F8Jump(to a point):JQuery:QMark:MUnmark:CTRL+SHIFT+MSelective Mark:F9Mark Connected:CTRL+F9Copy to buffer:CCut to buffer:CTRL+DELPaste:CTRL+INSPaste to:CTRL+SHIFT+F5Compare Layers:=Copy Layers:F5Control Draw:DConvert Sketched Pads:CTRL+KSet up Physical Layers:CTRL+SHIFT+PSet up Layers:CTRL+SMeasure Gap:/Extract Netlist:CTRL+SHIFT+ESelect Sequence:SHIFT+F8Write Direct:CTRL+F4ENDThank You.Linpet_Mania Pacific


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