黑龙江省黑河市爱辉镇中学九年级英语全册 Units 6-10 复习导学案(无答案)2 人教新目标版

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黑龙江省黑河市爱辉镇中学九年级英语全册 Units 6-10 复习导学案(无答案)2 人教新目标版_第1页
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黑龙江省黑河市爱辉镇中学九年级英语全册 Units 6-10 复习导学案(无答案)2 人教新目标版_第2页
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黑龙江省黑河市爱辉镇中学九年级英语全册 Units 6-10 复习导学案(无答案)2 人教新目标版_第3页
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第二课时(parts 38)学习目标:能灵活运用Units6-10所学的词汇.句型及语法.能跟据课本要求进行独立写作达标练习 一、单项选择。1. The room _ I live _ is very large. A. which, /B. that, /C. which, inD. where, in2. This is the doctor _ saved the babys life.A. whoB. whomC. whoseD. which3. The film reminded him _ what he had seen in American.A. to B. in C. ofD. for4. What animal do you like _, a dog, a cat or a pig? A. wellB. betterC. best D. very5. He traveled all over the world _ he had a man-made leg. A. ifB. asC. becauseD. thoug6. Not only I but also Tom and Jack _ interested in English because it _ useful. A. is, is B. is, are C. are, is D. are, are7. I cant go _ because I have to go home at once. A. else anywhere B. anywhere else C. else nowhere D. somewhere else8. Why does this woman decided _ these places?A. not go B. doesnt go C. not going D. not to go9. Would you please help me _ the picture on the wall?A. put upB. put on C. put intoD. put off10. Excuse me, could you _ me your new dictionary?A. borrow B. keepC. lendD. take11. He is a _ boy, so he cant go to the park by himself.A. six-year-old B. six year oldC. six-years-old D. six years old12. We have never seen _ good a car _ this.A. as, asB. so, asC. such, thatD. so, that13. _ of them is a farm worker.A. Both B. All C. Neither D. Some14. It _ us five hours to work out the problem.A. costB. spentC. paidD. took15. Lets write them _ before we forget them.A. downB. on C. to D. with二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. By the time we woke up, the sun _ (rise) up.2. Would you like _ (eat) another cake?3. Jack wont leave here until his friend _ (get) here this afternoon.4. Did you make him _ (drink) a glass of water?5. The students stopped _ (talk) when the teacher came in.6. It _(say) that his family has moved to Heilongjiang.7. _ you ever _ (be) to my hometown?8. To please everyone everyday _ (be) too hard job.9. I dont know what _ (happen) to the man on April Fools Day.10. Yesterday Jin _ (read) to the students in class.三、完形填空As I have learnt English very well in the university(大学), there is a good chance I will be able to stay on as a teacher with the university where I am_1_. Most of my friends and parents_2_that its best for a girl to be a university teacher.But I dont know_3_to do. It is not that I wouldnt like to be a teacher. But I dont want to stay, not now, because I need some experience in telling my students how to turn_4_into practice.I once taught business English at a night school, yet I had never done any business. Though I prepared my lessons well, I still_5_to create (创造) a real-life situation(情景) for my students to practice with. I feel now is not the right time for me to_6_here and spend my life in a university. I want to work in a place where I can_7_what Ive learnt: my knowledge of English and French. I also want to know more about other things.I know that_8_I leave the university, I shall start from the beginning in some ways, but Im_9_to learn, to work hard to keep up with others and then, if possible, surpass(超过) them. English can be a good tool to help me. It is a_10_to an end, but not the end itself.( ) 1. A. visiting B. working C. studying D. playing( ) 2. A. know B. think C. excuse D. hear( ) 3. A. whether B. what C. how D. why( ) 4. A. pictures B. covers C. pages D. theory( ) 5. A. failed B. enjoyed C. decided D. needed( ) 6. A. study B. work C. travel D. wait( ) 7. A. learn B. finish C. worry D. use( ) 8. A. if B. before C. until D. even( ) 9. A. free B. slow C. ready D. polite( ) 10. A. language B. means C. life D. story


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