黑龙江省黑河市爱辉镇中学九年级英语全册 Unit 12 Section B导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版

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黑龙江省黑河市爱辉镇中学九年级英语全册 Unit 12 Section B导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版_第1页
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黑龙江省黑河市爱辉镇中学九年级英语全册 Unit 12 Section B导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版_第2页
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编号:7班级小组姓名 小组评价教师评价Unit 12 Section B学习目标1.掌握8个单词,6个短语( wipe, napkin, stick, rude, point,full, gradually, particual)( be/get used to doing sth, make sb feel at home, make a noise, at the table, pick up )2.综合运用短语be (not) supposed to do sth重 难 点:短语的运用be full of, be filled with, go out of ones way to do sth, make sb feel at homeused to do , be/get used to doing, point at/to 学法指导一、自学1.单词wipe v wipe off , 檫去 wipe out消灭:彻底摧毁或被彻底破坏stick n/v stick together团结一致,互相忠诚stick someone/something up 持枪抢劫point n/v make ones point (清楚地,有说服力地)阐明观点 off the point不沾边,不相关point the finger . 公开指责,公开责备 ake someones point 接受某人的观点或立场2.通读Section B,了解大意,勾画短语,大声朗读3A 并完成文后题目,学科组长检查3.组内完成对话练习Section B activity 2c and 44.独立完成导学案并上交二、正课1.单词检测与学习目标解读(5)2.听力与课文背诵(20)3.导学案讨论释疑(15)4.背诵整理(5)自学检测:一、在课文中找出下列短语并翻译1. pick up 2 .wipe your mouth with your napkin 3. stick .into 4. point at/ to 5. thanks for 6 .have a great time 7. a bit nervous 8 .makes lots of mistakes 9. notany more 10. be really different from 11. cut it up into pieces 12 .first of all 13. make noise 14 .at the table 15. at table 16. table manners 二、用所给动词的适当形式填空17. Lucy is quite from Lily, they have many ( different)18.Thanks for me so much help ( give)19.My father used to ( angry ) with us, but now he is used to ( smile )20.The naughty boy had fun (swim) in the river the whole day21.Knives are ( use) for ( cut ) things22. My biggest dream ( be ) ( travel ) all over the world23.Please remember ( close ) the window when you leave三、完成句子P98 3a Im gradually getting used to things and dont find them so strange any more24你应该努力学习了,你已经不再是小孩了 25你习惯在放学后给同学发电子邮件吗? P98 3a They go out of their way to make me feel at home26请随便吃点水果,就跟在家一样。 27父母们总是不怕麻烦的帮助他们的孩子 28教室里挤满了书桌( be full of/ be filled with) P97, 2b, point at anyone with your chopsticks.29说话时不要用手指着别人这是很粗鲁的 30下次到河舒来的时候请顺便拜访我们学校( drop by) 合作探究:请归纳while的用法整理背诵:


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