黑龙江省黑河市爱辉镇中学九年级英语全册 Unit 14 SectionB导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版

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黑龙江省黑河市爱辉镇中学九年级英语全册 Unit 14 SectionB导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版_第1页
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黑龙江省黑河市爱辉镇中学九年级英语全册 Unit 14 SectionB导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版_第2页
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编号:15班级小组姓名 小组评价教师评价Unit 14 SectionB 导学案学习目标1.掌握10个单词及短语。award,wave,scene,hit,appear,lead,lead singer,some day,be off,poem2.现在完成时态的灵活运用。 学习重难点1.重要的单词及短语:appear,lead,hit,lead singer,some day,be off,make a hit ,win an award,have concerts,in the last/past.,say goodbye to sb,one more,be sure to2.重要的句型及日常交际用语:-Have they been on TV yet?-Yes,theyve been on TV lots of times.When did you first hear them?Dont miss the New Ocean Waves!3.如何运用现在完成时态自学指导1.拼读-记忆Page113-114的单词及短语。补充以下短语: drive off(车)开走, see off 送行, turn off into拐进, a number of许多、大量, lpletyof/lots of/the rumber of的数量the number of的数量, one of+最高级+名词复数 最中的一个an originaldesign 别出心裁的设计, an original writer富有创见的作家, so far 迄今为止2.熟读听力课文及3a部分文章,并必须用红笔在课文中划出重点单词、短语和句型,并背诵。3.完成3b部分的填空内容,组长检查。4.先完成3c在作业本上,然后小组合作交流谈论一下你们最喜欢的乐队。5.调查完成part4,以备下节课课上做报告。6.独立完成导学案自学检测并及时上交。正课步骤:1.课前检测、回顾上节重点内容及解读学习目标。(5) 2.听力检测.(10) 3.学生朗读及解析3a部分,并疯狂背诵重要短语及句型结构。(10) 4.导学案释疑.(10) 5.调查展示与写作(作自习的语言展示你的调查结果)(activity4)(5) 6.当堂检测(3) 7.整理小结(2)自学检测一、根据句意及首字母填空:1.We often s the Internet to look for some information.2.WangFeng sings his own o songs.3.They gave all of the money they made to charities for h children.4.Hell a on CCTV3 tomorrow.5.Theyve made ten m concerts and made a h CD.6.I like the p that was written last year.7.Ive gotten the m from the mail box .8.Good l to you !9.How many musicial i have you played so far?10.She studies very hard and always in the t five in her class.二、用所给词的适当形式填空:11.Dont forget (close)the window when it rains.12.Its my job (teach) your English.13.Its your turn (clean) the classroom.14.Mary wont keep me (wait) too long.15.The boys and girls are busy (make) snowman on the playground.16.In order to get larger success,she chose (be off)in the end.辩析:1.辨析collect与 gather 2.in the past/last.与 in the past用法区别 3.the number of 与 a number of所引出的短语作主语时谓语动词单复数 当堂检测:1.The number of the books in the room over 1oooo. A is B are C were D have2.I didnt know her at all . A in the past B in the past five years C past D.before3.Its time for the harvest of rice. A gather B collect C gathering D collecting4.He said she would be a well-known scientist in the future. A some days B some day C somedays D any day5.We are sure to the truth of the matter. A work out B work on C find out D hand out知识小结整理-背诵我的收获反思


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