黑龙江省黑河市爱辉镇中学九年级英语全册 Unit 11 Section B导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版

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黑龙江省黑河市爱辉镇中学九年级英语全册 Unit 11 Section B导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版_第1页
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黑龙江省黑河市爱辉镇中学九年级英语全册 Unit 11 Section B导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版_第2页
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编号:3班级小组姓名 小组评价教师评价Unit 11 Section B学习目标1.掌握6个单词,1个短语(uncrowded,slide,clown, staff,organized,market,dress up)2.能根据具体语言环境,灵活运用语言进行有礼貌的询问和获取信息重难点:宾语从句 短语学法指导一、自学 1.单词(拼读听写过关)(尽量在6分钟内完成) Slide n 滑道 v滑动; 滑行let something slide 放任某事,任其自然dress down 责备;指责 dress up 盛装:穿正式的或精选的服装 dress up as sb/dress sb up in sth 打扮成 dress oneselfdressed to kill 打扮迷人的 dress something up修饰;添枝加叶地描述market 市集, 市场 be in the market for . 想买2.通读Section B 了解大意, 尽力完成1a (交学科组长检查) 大声朗读3A至少三遍, 标注短语和自己看不明白的地方3.独立完成导学案上交二、正课1.单词检测(5)2.听力与课文背诵(3a)(12)3.导学案讨论释疑与展示(18)4.学以致用(Section B activity 3b, 6 )5.背诵(4)自学检测1.Could you tell me / there is a good museum in Sunville?在横线上填上适当的单词,并作用法比较2.在课文中找出该句,并分析句子They can find it at the Farmers Market where the food is both delicious and cheapfind sth + adj 发现 怎么样, find sb doing 发现某人正在做某事结构:find + it + adj + to do sth知识延伸: 请分别用下列短语造句bothand eitheror neithernor 3.TheFineartsmuseumisbothbeautifulandinteresting.(同义句) TheFineartsmuseumis_beautiful_interesting. 选择最佳答案,找出考点( )4.MaybeLilyandherparentsare_atthemallA bothB allC everyD none( )5.Manyvisitorsenjoy_afewdays walking thejungleA tospendacross B spending throughC spending;thoughD tospend cross( )6.He_himselfasFatherChristmas.A putsonB wearsC hasD dresses( )7.Idontknow_MrWanglivedtwo yearsago.A whereB whenC whyD which( )8.Theweatherhereisverynice.Its_toocold_toohot.A both;andB eitherorC neithernorD between;and( )9.Eitheryou orI _wrong. A areB beC wereD am相关短语put on - take off 强调穿戴的动作 in , wear 强调状态eitheror , 或者 或者 neithernor 既不 也不, 谓语动词都是就进原则kind of, a little 有点, all/different kinds of 各种各样enjoy doing sth, have fun doing sth, have a good/great time 过得愉快合作探究Teengers will want to visit the words largest water slides and eat at Uncle Bobs关于名词所有格知识整理:


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