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一单元I、Do you know? P221、Ivory Coast belongs to Africa;the capital is Abidjan2、Sikkim belongs to Asia;the capital is Gangtok3、Swaziland belongs to Africa;the capital is Mbabane4、Nauru belongs to Oceania & Pacific Islands;the capital is Yaren5、Mauritania belongs to Africa;the capital is Nouakchott6、Mali belongs to Africa;the capital is BamakoII、How much do you know about the following companies? P221、PDVSA:委内瑞拉石油公司2、Thyssen:蒂森公司3、United Technologies:联合技术公司4、Fujitsu:富士通公司5、Robert Bosch:博士公司6、Mitsubishi Motors:三菱汽车公司7、Minnesota Mining & Mfg:3M公司8、Sanit-Gobain:圣戈班公司9、Sunkyong:鲜京集团10、Metallgesellschaft:德国金属公司VI、英译汉 P231、The names are arranged in alphabetical sequence.名字是按字母顺序排列的。2、The initials U.S. stand for the United States. U.S. 是 the United States的缩写。3、The first word of a paragraph in commercial correspondence is usually indented. 商务书信每一段开头的第一个字通常缩进。4、American business people consider that the spoken style used in business letters produces a more friendly atmosphere.美国商人认为商务书信中采用口语体通常能营造一种更加友好的气氛。5、The letters written by English business people are more reserved and more dignified. 英国人写的商务函电通常较为含蓄、优雅。6、When writing a business letter, we must bear in mind that every letter that leaves the office is a representative of the firm in which we are working and as a messenger of good-will. 撰写商务信函时,我们必须考虑到发出的每封信都代表着公司的形象,都是美好愿望的使者。7、What you write should be free from grammatical blemishes, and also free from the slightest possibility of being misunderstood.写就的商务书信必须无语法错误,不会引起对方哪怕是点滴的误解。8、Make it a rule to use no more words than are needed to make your meaning clear. 遵守这样一个原则:力求用尽可能少的字清楚地表达意思。9、Business letter does not call for the elegant language of the post, but it does require us to express ourselves accurately in plain language that is clear and understood. 商务书信不需要采用优雅华丽的辞藻,但要求我们用流畅易懂的语言清楚地表达意思。10、Writing plainly does not mean that letters must be confined to a mere recital of facts, in a style that is dull and unattractive.书信简单易懂并非意味着采用一种索然无味的风格对事实进行简单罗列。I、Do you know? P341、Qatar belongs to Asia;the capital is Doha2、Cameroon belongs to Africa;the capital is Yaound3、Kampuchea belongs to Asia;the capital is Phnom Penh4、Gambia belongs to Asia;the capital is Banjul5、Iceland belongs to Europe;the capital is Reykjavik6、Panama belongs to Latin America;the capital is Panama CityII、How much do you know about the following companies? P341、BASF:巴斯夫公司2、Procter & Gamble:宝洁公司3、NEC:日本电气公司4、Amoco:阿莫科石油公司5、Daewoo:大宇公司6、Total:托塔尔石油公司7、Xerox:施乐公司8、Preussag:普罗伊萨格公司9、Ciba-Geigy:汽巴-嘉基公司10、Rhone-Poulenc:罗纳普朗克公司IVFill in the blanks:P351、IN keeping with our firms development, to further expend our market, we have decided to establish an office in Qingdao2、Please be kind enough to provide the necessary information for/to us.3、This article is of particular interest to us.4、Our Sales Contract provides that the seller shall ship the goods within one month after signing the contract.5、Will you please provide Mr. Chadwick with the letter of Credit?6、We are gearing our production to your requirements.7、If your price is in line with the market price, we can take large quantities.8、There is nothing available in stock at present.9、Enclosed please find a copy of our price list.10、Through the help of a Chamber of Commerce, We have learned that you are one of the representative importers of electric items.11、We take the liberty of writing to you with a view to establishing business relations with your firm.12、The purpose of / The aim of this letter is to explore the possibilities of developing trade with you.13、Your letter dated October 1 has been passed on to us for attention and reply.14、All the offered prices are net without commission.15、Your price is rather on the high side; our level of price is about $1800 per metric ton.16、Please offer separate price for each grade.17、We recommend you to accept this offer as we see no chance of doing better.18、For the moment, we cannot supply your order ex stock.19、As we are heavily committed, we are sorry that we are not in a position to accept any fresh / new / more orders.20、Upon / On receipt of your specific enquiry, we shall airmail you immediately your quotation sheet.V. 选择题: P361、We look forward to ( receive, receiving, received ) your prompt reply.2、We have sent you samples by airmail ( based on, under, as per ) your instruction.3、Your prompt (attention, say, see, reply) to this matter will be very much appreciated.4、We have concluded considerable business with Biddle and Sawyer Company ( of, in, with, regarding ) this line of business.5、The import and export business in China is mainly (controlled, handled, done ) by the state trading corporations.6、Please make us offers (in compliance, as per, according ) our enquiry note.7、We would (inform, advise, see) that your price is out of line with the prevailing ( price, market )8、( After, When, As soon as ) you (obtain, got, anticipate ) the import licence, we will ( confirm, offer, place ) your order, if the goods are still available.9、(Provided, If, In case ) you find our products ( interested, interesting ) to you, please let us have your specific (order, estimate, enquiry )10、(Since, For, As ) you know, this is a popular brand, which ( can sell, can be sold ) easily ( at, in, on ) your market.11、We believe this transaction will prove satisfactory12、We thank you for your letter of April 5, confirming your purchase from us 5000 tons of Green Beans.13、We are well connected with leading importers in Europe.14、We would suggest you contact our Shanghai Branch Office.15、We have been buying Walnut meat from local firms who used to send us quotation regularly.16、We trust that the high quality of our products will induce you to place a trial order with us17、This particular material sells quite well, and we believe it will turn out to your satisfaction.19、Your price is found to be on the high side, to accept which would leave us only a slim profit on our sales.20、The commission shall be paid either by means of goods covered under this contract or by check.VI. 填空题: P38Dear Sirs,We learn from the Commercial Counsellors Office of our Embassy in your country that you are a large buyer of table-cloths. As this article lies within the scope of our business activities, we take this opportunity to express our wish to establish business relations with you.Chinese table-cloths are famous for their good quality and fine workmanship. They have enjoyed great sales in the European market. We are sure that by/through our joint efforts they will also meet with a favourable reception in your country.To give you a general idea of our various table-cloths, we are airmailing to you under separate cover a copy of catalogues/price lists. We shall be glad to send you offers upon receipt of your specific enquiries.We hope to hear from you soon Your faithfully,VIII汉译英 P381、为了使你们对我们可供出口的纺织品有一个总的概念,随信寄上样本、清单各一份,供查阅。To give you a general idea of our various kinds of Textiles available.2、经你地中国银行电告,你们是纺织品的进口商。我们专营纺织品出口业务,愿与贵公司建立业务关系。We are given to understand from the Bank of China in your district that you are an importer of Textiles. We handle exclusively the exportation of Textiles, and are desirous of entering into business relations with you.3、贵国驻中国大使馆已把贵公司作为中国罐头食品的买家介绍给我们。我们专营这一业务,并希望在平等互利的基础上与贵公司建立业务关系。We owe your name and address to the Embassy of your country in China and are informed that you are in the market for the Chinese canned food. We handle exclusively this line, and are desirous to establish trading relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.4、你方3月15日致我上海分公司要求供1000箱窗玻璃的信已转我公司办理,因该产品属于我公司经营。Your mail dated March 25 addressed to our Shanghai Branch Office for the supply of 1000 cases of Windowpane has been passed on to us for attention and reply, as the particular line lies within the scope of our business activities.5、关于罐头食品,我们建议你们与黑龙江粮油食品进出口公司直接联系。As regards canned food, we would rather recommend that you approach the Heilongjiang Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Import & Export Corporation direct.6、应你方的请求,我们已通知中国银行陕西省分行在日内开出信用证。As requested, we have instructed the Bank of China, Shaanxi Branch, to issue the relative Letter of Credit in a couple of days.7、如你方能降价5%,我们认为很有可能成交。If you can make a reduction in your original quotation of, say, 5%, we trust business is possible.8、中国红茶出口已有数百年历史。China has been in the exportation of Black Tea for hundreds of years.9、如你所知,我们的外贸政策是在平等互利的基础上与世界各国做贸易。As you are aware, it is our foreign trade policy to trade with foreign countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.10、货物在装运之前将由西安商品检验局检验。所装货物的品质、数量将由该局提供必要的信用证明。The cargo will be inspected by the Xian Commodities Inspection Bureau before shipment. The bureau will provide necessary evidence as to the quality and quantity of the goods shipped.IX、英译汉 P39Our company is a subsidiary company of X Computer Corporation, one of the largest computer producers in the United States. We are, therefore, well financed and because of our interest in the economic prosperity in China, we would like to place ourselves in a position where we can conduct some business relationships of mutual benefit.本公司是X计算机公司的一个附属公司。X公司是美国最大的计算机生产厂家之一。我们的资信情况良好,对中国的经济繁荣颇感兴趣,渴望能与贵方合作,建立互利的业务关系。三单元I、Do you know? P571、Egypt belongs to Africa;the capital is Cairo.2、Chile belongs to Latin America;the capital is Santiago3、Spain belongs to Europe;the capital is Madrid4、Thailand belongs to Asia;the capital is Bangkok5、Sweden belongs to Europe;the capital is Stockholm6、Switzerland belongs to Europe;the capital is Berne7、Mexico belongs to Latin America;the capital is Mexico CityII、How much do you know about the following companies? P571、Nestle:雀巢食品公司2、Texaco:德士古石油公司3、Chevron:谢夫隆石油公司4、McDonnell Douglas:麦克唐纳.道格拉斯公司5、Sony:索尼公司IV. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: P581、We received an enquiry for Dyeing Machine(印染机)。2、Please quote us your lowest price CIF Macao, inclusive of our 5% commission.3、If your price is in line, we will send you an order for 2000 pieces.4、We are sending you one sample tool we are handling at present under separate cover.5、All prices are subject to our final confirmation, unless otherwise stated or agreed upon, the quotations are net without any commission.6、We will inform you of our latest information.7、If your prices are competitive, we may place a big order with you.8、As this is our first transaction with you, will you kindly give us some information about fur?9、If there is anything we can help, please feel free to contact us.10、The Japanese company is in the market for fountain pens.V. 选择题 P581、This offer is subject to your reply reaching us before June 16.2、When fresh supplies come up, we shall not fail to make you an offer.3、Our offer is firm till March 5, 2009.4、No discount will be allowed unless you could place an order for more than 5000 pcs.5、As it is, we think there is no room for further negotiation unless you meet our requirement halfway.6、We are not in a position to offer firm, as the goods are out of stock.7、We expect to place a trial order with you in the near future.8、In terms of quality, our make is superior.9、We think it would be premature to take in orders from those firms whose standing and financial position are yet unknown.10、We are making you our offer for leather shoes as follows.V、Draft a letter using the following hints: P591、函谢来信及样品2、你方服装质地优良,但价格偏高,如接受报价,我方获利很小。3、建议你方给予价格减让,以便我方能打开小路。Dear Sirs, We write to thank you for your letter of 11th October and the samples of cotton underwear you very kindly sent us. We appreciate the good quality of these garments, but unfortunately your prices appear to be on the high side even for garments of this quality. To accept the prices you quote would leave us with only a small profit on our sales since this is an area in which the principal demand is for articles in the medium price range.We like the quality of your goods and also the way in which you have handled our enquiry and would welcome the opportunity to do business with you. May we suggest that you could perhaps make some allowance on your quoted prices that would help to introduce your goods to our customers? If you cannot do so, then we have regretfully to decline your offer as it stands. Yours faithfully,VII、汉译英 P591、信内附有带插图的商品目录一份,请查收。Please find a copy of well-illustrated catalogue enclosed with the letter.2、如你方还需要了解其他情况,请务必与我电话或传真联系,我的分机号是666。If you would like further information, dont hesitate to telephone or fax me. My extension number is 666.3、我们很有可能向你方订一大笔货。There is a good prospect of our placing a big order with you.4、这种葡萄酒是从占地500公顷的葡萄园精选优质葡萄酿制而成的,分干白、半干白和甜葡萄酒几类。This wine which has three kinds such as dry wine, medium dry wine and sweet wine is made from the best grapes sorting out of the grapes grown in the 5000acre vineyard.5、我们以前是从别处购买这种商品的,但得知贵方商品优良、信誉可靠之后,决定向贵方订货。We used to purchase the article from other sources but after knowing that your product has good quality and integrity, we decide to place order with you.6、此报价单的有效期为1周,经我方最后确认后有效。The validity of this quotation sheet is for a week, subject to our final confirmation.7、如果贵方价格有竞争力,交货期也合适,那我们就下订单。If your price is competitive and delivery date is suitable, we will send you orders.8、由于样品剪样本太厚,我们另行寄出。We have sent the sample cutter under separate cover as it is too thick.四单元I、Do you know? P761、Australia belongs to Oceania;the capital is Canberra2、Austria belongs to Europe;the capital is Vienna3、Zaire belongs to Africa;the capital is Kinshasa4、Viet Nam belongs to Asia;the capital is Hanoi5、Hungary belongs to Europe;the capital is Budapest6、Greece belongs to Europe;the capital is Athens7、Norway belongs to Europe;the capital is Oslo8、Nepal belongs to Asia;the capital is Kathmandu9、Monaco belongs to Europe;the capital is Monaco10、Malaysia belongs to Asia;the capital is Kuala LumpurII、How much do you know about the following companies? P761、Coca-Cola:可口可乐公司2、Volkswagen:大众汽车公司3、Sumitomo Electric Industries:住友电气工业公司4、Sam Sung:三星集团IV、Draft a firm offer according to the following information: P76Confirm your letter of 2nd SeptemberCIF European Main PortsNo counter-offer is acceptedLook forward to an early replyDear Sirs, We confirm receipt of your letter of 2nd September asking us to make you firm offer for the above goods CIF European Main Ports. We cabled back this morning, offering you 250 metric tons of Groundnuts at $.per metric ton CIF European Main Ports for shipment during October/November, 2005. This offer is firm, subject to our final confirmation before 25th September. Please note that we have quoted the most favourable price and are unable to eatertain any counter-offer. Look forward to your early reply. Faithfully yours,V、Fill in the blanks with proper words P771、A week ago you placed a substantial order for shirts.2、We learn from your fax that our price for the subject/captioned/above/mentioned/said article is found to be on the high side.3、Although we want to cooperate with you, yet we cant see our way clear to be on the high side.4、We assure/ensure you that we quote you the lowest price.5、Our offer is firm, subject to our confirmation.6、We agree to reduce the price by 5%7、It is regrettable that we cant entertain your request.8、In order to make it certain, I would confirm my message by fax.9、By accepting your counter-offer, we have only a little margin of profit.10、You should avail yourself of the chance to learn more.VI、Choose the best answer: P771、What is the term to be applied when the consignment is delivered with all the charges up to arrival at the port of destination paid by the seller? ( CIF ) 2、What is the contract term to be applied whereby the seller undertakes to pay for the cost of transport of the goods to a specified destination, and having allowed for this in his sales prices? ( CFR )3、When the seller undertakes to pay for the cost of transport in the case of container traffic of the goods to a specified destination, as well as for the cost of insuring them while in transit, and he includes these charges in his sales price, the term to be applied is ( CIP )4、When the seller pays for all charges up to and including the loading of a consignment on board the carrying vessel, the term to be applied is( FOB )5、When the seller pays for the goods to be loaded on board the container ship, but does not pay freight or insurance, what is the most appropriate term to be applied?( FCA )6、What is the most appropriate term to be applied when the seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination by a roll-on/roll-off vessel? ( CPT )7、When the seller pays for the goods to be placed alongside the vessel on the quay or n lighters at the named port of shipment, the term to be applied is ( FAS )8、We refer to your letter of Nov.3 asking us to make a quotation.9、We are not in a position to make any offer as the goods are out of stock10、In terms of quality, our make is superior.11、We would make you the following offer, subject to your cable acceptance reaching us not later than November 30,2009.12、Please do your best to let us have your offer as soon as possible.13、Some customers requested us to bring down our price because they considered it too high.14、The design of the pillowcase is very nice but its colour doesnt appeal to me.15、Provided your prices are right, you will find a ready market for the products.16、We cannot leave our offer open for more than three days, so mould you please telex your acceptance?17、As we are in the market for Table Cloth, we should be glad if you would send us your best quotation.VIII、汉译英 P791、由于内地原材料价格上涨幅度甚大,很抱歉不能接受你方还盘。Since the price of the raw material in the mainland is advancing greatly, we regret being unable to entertain your counteroffer.2、尽管我们想利用这次机会与你方合作,但由于订单太多,无法供货。Much as we would like to avail ourselves of the chance to cooperate with you, we can not supply you owing to heavy commitments.3、如果贵方对我方的产品感兴趣,请告知对产品的具体要求,并说明数量、尺寸、样式等。If you are interested in our products, please let us know your detailed requirements, stating quantity, size, style, etc.4、请告知我方你处这种商品的现价。Please advise us of the prevailing price at your end for this product.5、我们借此机会为贵方报下列商品的实盘。We take this opportunity to offer with engagement the following commodities.6、鉴于我们之间的业务关系,我方决定给你方优惠。In view of our long standing business relationship, we decide to give you a special favourable price.五单元I、Do you know? P961、Pakistan belongs to Asia;the capital is Islamabad2、Philippines belongs to Asia;the capital is Manila3、Kuwait belongs to Asia;the capital is Kuwait city4、Guinea belongs to Africa;the capital is Conakry5、Nigeria belongs to Africa;the capital is Lagos6、Luxemburg belongs to Europe;the capital is Luxembourg7、Netherlands belongs to Europe;the capital is Amsterdam8、Canada belongs to North America;the capital is Ottawa9、Poland belongs to Europe;the capital is WarsawII、How much do you know about the following companies? P961、Siemens:西门子公司2、Nissan Motor:日产汽车公司3、Mobil:美孚石油公司4、Hitachi:日立制作所5、General Motors:通用汽车公司III、Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words: P971、We acknowledge your letter of February 2nd asking for shipment.2、As f


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