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他不2015/2016学年 第2学期课程代码: 课程名称: 科技英语入门 试卷: A、B考试形式:开卷、闭卷 考试时间: 100 分钟学号 姓名 任课教师 专业 全校公选 得分 Unit 1Unit 2I. Vocabulary: Choose the closest in meaning to the underlined part in each sentence (15%).a 1. The largest ever scientific Earth analysis reveals that many of the planets ecosystems are simply not making the grade. A. doing well enough B. Progressing C. functioning D. moving in the right directiond 2. Only by valuing all our precious natural and human resources, can we hope to build a sustainable future. A. prosperous B. diverse C. livable D. lastingb 3. Deforestation and other radical ecosystem alterations also promote diseases, such as malaria and cholera, as well as new strains of existing contagions. A. species B. transmittable diseases C. destructions D. degradationb 4. They examined the planets many habitats and species and the systems that bind them together.A. regions B. dwelling places C. shelters D. refugesd 5. The roofing material withstands inclement weather and, on bright days, taps sunshine for electricity.A. wires B. knocks C. pats D. employs a 6. Engineers have also developed a roofing material coated with the electricity-producing film. A. covered with a layer of material B. covered with overcoat C. covered with sugar D. covered with plantsc7. Technological improvements have made solar-electric modules more cost-effective. A. units of measurement B. units of education C. components D. units of space craftsb8. The guy who puts on the roof (on a house now) puts on the solar panels at the same time. A. juries B. instrument boards C. discussion groups D. painting boardsII. Matching7/71. 挥发性有机化合物a2. 紫外线指数b3. 臭氧消耗物质c4. 空气质量指数d5. 混合太阳能照明f6. 人造光g7. 红外线hA. volatile organic substance (VOC)B. UV IndexC. ozone-depleting substance (ODC)D. AQIE. photovoltaic cell F. hybrid solar lighting G. artificial light8. 光电池e H. infrared light III. Translation1. 如何在利用地球生态系统提高人类生活水平的同时,缓解该系统所承受的压力,完全取决于人类社会。It lies within the power of human societies to ease the strain we are putting on the nature services of the planet, while continuing to use them to bring better living standards to all.2. 一般来说,再生能源比传统生产的能源要贵些,然而替代能源有助于减少污染,保护矿物燃料。While renewable energy is generally more expensive than conventionally produced supplies, alternative power helps to reduce pollution and to conserve fossil fuels.3. 科学家认为,水文系统的改变可能导致破坏性洪灾的发生更加频繁、更加严重。According to the scientists, changes to water systems may increase the frequency and severity of destructive flood.4. 地球上的石油和天然气供应能维持多久,科学家和企业界人士对此各持己见。Scientists and industry experts may disagree over how long the worlds supply of oil and natural gas will last.Unit 3/4I. multiple choice a 1. Temperature influences the formation of seeds and the production of blossoms. A. development B. shape C. arrangement D. qualitya 2. The humidity of atmosphere, the amount of precipitation, and the presence of streams, lakes, and soil moisture are important to plants. A. rain B. light C. soil D. airb 3. To secure a maximum amount of sunlight, the leaves on the vertical shoots are arranged in spirals. A. in a common place B. in curves C. in linear D. in horizontal d 4. Though the buds on horizontal shoot of these trees may be arranged spirally, the leaves commonly arrange themselves alternately in a common plane on either side of the shoot. A. alternatively B. selectively C. vertically D. interchangeablya 5. With all the flat roofs in Chicago, you could reclaim thousands of acres for the environment and also help buildings with heating and cooling and controlling rainwater going into the sewer system. A. gain B. recycle C. possess D. claimc 6. The rooftop green space also helps mitigate a phenomenon known as the urban heat island effect. A. eliminate B. conquer C. alleviate D. provokersa 7. City Hall sports a green roof that was the citys first. A. boasts B. experiments C. substitutes D. hailsa 8. More intensive green-roof systems may contain varieties of plants and garden elements such as trees but only on flat roofs. A. sophisticated B. crude C. primary D. original II. Matching 1. 落叶树 d A. penetrability2. 防风林带 c B. annual vine3. 一年生藤本植物 b C. living windbreak4. 透气度a D. deciduous trees5. 人热带雨林 g E. macrophyte6. 合成孔径雷达 h F. herbaceous7. 草本的 f G. rain forest8. 大型植物 e H. synthetic aperture radar(SAR)II. Matching 1. WithIII. Translation1. 当温度低于零摄氏度或高于43摄氏度时,大多数植物都会受到伤害甚至死亡。If it falls below 1elsius or rises above 43elsius,serious injury or death results for most vegetation.2. 人们认为它们在吸收了光之后,就能把光转化成叶绿素,在进行光合作用。It is suspected that after they absorb light,they transmit the energy from this light to chlorophyll, for photosynthesis.3. 虽然绿色屋顶的成本较传统屋顶的成本高出1.5至2倍, 但支持者认为,即使不考虑节能因素,从长远看,屋顶绿化仍很划算。While the costs of green roofs are one-and-a-half to twice that of conventional roofs, advocates say green roofs make long-term economic sense, even without factoring in energy savings.4. 植物蒸腾作用消耗一部分降水,将它返回大气中,部分水分保存在土壤或其他植物生长媒介中,其余部分则徐徐进入城市排水系统, 减少大量降雨突至时城市水系承受的压力,而扩展城市水系则需要很高的费用。Some of that water is lost when the vegetation transpires, or exhales the water back into the atmosphere. Some water is retained in the soil or other growing medium. The rest enters the urban rainwater drainage system in a slow, controlled flow, a process that helps dampen high-volume rainwater surges in urban water systems, which are expensive to expand. Unit 5 I. Choose one word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the underlined part in each sentence.a1. On one estimate, people in the United State already interact with about 150 embedded systems every day, whether they know it or not.A. integrated B. implanted C. included D. embroideredd 2. The embedded systems will also become amazingly ubiquitous.A. unique B. unquestionable C. powerful D. omnipresenta 3. Many of the core technologies of computing are all continuing to advance at a pace that matches or even exceeds Moores Law.A. surpass B. outgrows C. contradicts D. confirmsc 4. We are still a long way from a world full of disembodied intelligent machines.A. spiritual B. ethereal C. intangible D. concreted 5. All this will lead to a fundamental change in the way we perceive computers.A. learn B. know C. identify D. seeII. Match the Chinese terms with their English equivalents.1. 瘫痪 g A. ENT2. 探测器 f B. decompiler3. 紫外线 d C. kit4. 反编译器 b D. UV5. 核糖核酸 h E. infrastructure6. 工具包 c F. sniffer7. 耳鼻喉科 a G. standstill8. 基础设施 e H. RNAIII. Translation1. 这种情景与几年前形成鲜明对比,那时计算机大多是摆在书房或者客厅一角的被动的电器。2. 现在我们离充满无形的智能化机器的世界还很遥远,但是十年之后计算机的使用将变得如此自然,我们可能会越来越难以注意到它。Key to exercisesI. 1. A 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. DII. 1. G 2. F 3. D 4. B 5. H 6. C 7. A 8. EIII.1. The scenario is in sharp contrast to the computers of just a few years ago, which were still mostly passive appliances that sat in the corner of the den or living room.2. We are still a long way from a world full of disembodied intelligent machines, but the computing experience of the coming decade will be so seamless and intuitive that-increasingly-we will barely notice it .Unit 6I. Vocabulary: Choose the word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the underlined part in each sentence.a1. Reporters circled it, their microphones and cameras trained on the machine as it tried to start up.A. targetedB. instructedC. pulledD. picturedc2. Modern versions of the machines, called passive-dynamic walkers, have been built for decades and have long been thought useful models of human locomotion.A. assistanceB. developmentC. movementD. advancementc3. If you make the mechanical structures right, for example, adjusting the mass and length of the upper and lower legs to mimic the natural dynamics of walking, the legs do the right thing from physics.A. mockB. studyC. imitateD. minimizea4. It was important, Mr. Collins said, to bear in mind the way people move naturally. He said “the leg is analogous to a pendulum”, which can either be let go to swing or driven exactly in a movement.A. similarB. comparingC. correspondingD.analytical.Matching d1. 致命性 A. patrolb2. 地形 B. terraina3. 巡逻 C. casualtyc4. 伤亡 D. lethalityf5. 反馈 E. inertiae6. 惯性 F. feedbackIII.Translation1、如果人们能正确处理好机械结构,比如调整腿的上、下两部分的重量和长度来模仿自然行走的力学原理,那么机器人的腿就会按照物理学的规律正确运动。If you make the mechanical structures right, for example, adjusting the mass and length of the upper and lower legs to mimic the natural dynamics of walking, the legs do the right thing from physics.2、康奈尔大学制造的机器人在前进时用的能量非常少,主要是因为其被动力学设计强调重力和惯性的自然相互作用,而将控制和驱动力降至最低限度。Cornells robot uses very little energy to walk forward, mainly because its passive-dynamic design emphasizes the natural interaction of gravity and inertia and minimizes the role of control and actuation.Unit 7I.1. Strict labelling laws and regulations (DNA bar codes ) are in place for food in Europe to monitor the spread of GM crops.(D)A. accessing B. supervisory C. regulatory D. certifying2. Other plants have been engineered to improve flavor, increase shelf life, increase hardness and to be allergen-free.(D)A. efficiency B. deterioration C. reservation D. storage period3. One types of TPS, dubbed the Terminator system by its critics, is a genetic trick that means GM crops fail to produce fertile seeds.(D)A. dormant B. dead C. grown D. productive4. It culminated in an unofficial moratorium on the growth and import of GM crops in Europe and led to trade dispute with the US.(C)A. ban B.preventionC.temporary stoppingD.restriction2.连线题生态学 ecology转基因DNA replicate品种 genetic diversity基因多样性 variety 复制 transgenic DNA5. 翻译1. 通过选择性培育,人们对农作物植物的系统性改良已经有几千年的历史了,但基因工程使这些费时的进程得以加速,引入了不相关物种的外源遗传特征。The human race has methodically improve crop plants through selective breeding for many thousands of years,but genetic engineering allows that time-consuming process to be accelerated and exotic traits from unrelated species to be introduced.2. 更恐怖的威胁是改良的作物可能成为阴险的超级杂草,或者他们可能会偶然地培育了野生植物或作物,从遗传上污染环境。More plausible threats are that modified crops could become insidious superweeds , or that they could accidentally breed with wild plants or other crops-genetically polluting the environment.3. 为证实这种说法所进行的田间试验的结果却是混杂的-有些暗示遗传改良作物实际可促进生物多样性。Field trials to test for this have produced mixed results-some suggesting that GM crops actually boost biodiversity.4. 转基因技术的支持者在钻研了这篇论文后不久证明了这对搭档研究的成果是他们所运用的一种人工分子技术。Supporters of GM technology pored over the paper, and soon argued that the pairs results were an artefact of the molecular techniques they had used.5.未经批准的转基因棉花品种已在印度广泛种植,并试图妨碍官方认可的作物所产生的环境和经济影响。Unapproved Gm cotton varieties have reportedly been widely planted in India, hampering attempts to monitor the environmental and economic impact of the officially sanctioned crops.Unit 8I. Multiple choice 1.(C)She didnt mind; this happened all the time in her chronically sick childhood. A .acute B. temporary C. long-lasting D. transitional1. (C)The federal rules required them to report unexpected adverse events associated with the gene therapy trials. A. preventive B. counter -productive C. unfavorable D. irresponsive2. (A)They then used the AAV to insert the gene into patients who suffered abnormal blood clotting because they lack Factor IX.A. inefficient B.stagnant C.speedy D.prevalent4. (C)Even though the dose of the gene therapy was so low that no one expected it to help,it reduced the number of injections of Factor IX that these patients used on an ad hoc basis.A.frequency B.production C.amount D.presenceII. Matchingumbrella organization 作为中央管理机构的组织around the corner 即将到来chronic conditions 慢性疾病take one baby step 迈出一小步vulnerable 脆弱的mutation 变异geneticist 遗传学家recombination 重组 III. Translation1. 诚然,迄今为止还未看到奇迹般的疗效,但有初步迹象显示,重大突破或许指日可待。Its true that dramatic cures have not been seen to date, but there are tantalizing signs that important advances may be just around the corner.2. 该消息对临床医学研究界不啻一声惊雷,立即产生了广泛的影响,甚至危及未来的研究工作。The news hit the clinical trial community like a thunderclap. The consequences have been immediate and wide-ranging ,and may threaten future research.


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