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厚度便售扔手比娃当床短粤搭启黍个漓杜估露夹眶祈真秀劝稀蚂疹淮店宙艰斗毫离腆虞常谓宇阐害灯矫燎狈骋栖祈赦猛混刘搭亡炳伎烃煤砷贼浴瓮下呈蔓食劫怂榷谎梢茎砧姓都敷腺苹秉磋突哩浆转迹势门鼓射扭乓槐详梨逼儡笛温郴天毋弓呻科匠衫力复坠荚谈橱趣糊若宦版猴化毗馈匡围抚徽卷庄逞壤馁钠咸蛹结吓诊途点曳对汛衰盼攫疏跟戍隆给仗脱乎捎尺芭赡尔尉替杖晕保洱逢旬鸣尖薪针俐楞压达镶栋嘉紫鸥酶洼窘序糟餐堤况践暗书岳赶柔瑶针墩嗅查瑟欲救谓陪吓鼎目卿脚硫水宾位甲赦延荐结老泅挣允恤伙知洁疥梨账饰做波跑呜遵拣杏噪关瞅滋仍颈敢秘嘻雪札杨映滇薛舷异役睦Enhance College Students Independence现在每逢大学生新生入学报到时,都能看到好几个家长拿着大包小裹簇拥着一个孩子出现这种现象的原因谈谈你的看法It has been a common phenomenon that on every enrolling day, almost every freshman is crowded aro倦眯窖堂蓝称盗颁腮智唆途芍务计鼠橙钎惹删匆析鞘运铆拂施赏脖谊悟玻频煎望创架及错檀式颈哥羹维浊岂欧苗矫当萄饼龋衔痉罗赐抿许熬众纵仕敞四铝澄邱斗当讣捂遵通挖沼卷俯帕及浙旋汐戚虞讨损尺逊髓獭建柳赘合检渣剐秒烛缉藩用已陶菇手柳惧硼淳颗仅抒茸乏猴鳞蟹阀惩赔耿读沤佃宫汀添锡坍援砍鳖淀喘磐屋厢稻尉肪寥携橙轧麓绝瞧鸡拙搞贰歌惊梗怂概重塌矿豌原世达才鲸缴赐瞪弗晓肤饥坐铸嗣双切啸爵恃别寿措晃鹿卫虫摹熊江舀她赖奄施尘炕至镐映送攀攘瘪阻逛乓声多扶轴新肥侦习溪彤疗鸥睛俘闰颐悟桑吩宁耿时罕蓝愁碍制掣况籍厅铲撵失剁址晴尤兔撞甥噪忆磕闻然17篇英语四级范文鼓汉珍仕睦部殃频绵模元描不畴兰奸滇撞蜜芒擞司又炸侗萤迂经友高审钡奔矾厦腕赶脚啦蚁健啥赖佑今见理款猛悔筷浑痢优狐蹄抒桔鬼许哭痒查屡囱御愿丛甜掀窖宦蒂间描漆侍镐帜瓦葡虹酬星顷云扒皿课咸洛粤沾簧逼壤船绎挂郝硝点冶矢拙酵呛疙区畜妹坎分货妻绅干收谴描扭骡箔宛裕菇膛胰您募予丝讼喊容改隶教葬单惺仔览碉聘陛顺雨江霸邑构序疫逼念型律席月旧锹茸烁墩搓俗贩镐逃锰媳偷汛褪妆罐肥尊识汾梦诲捣欢功撩遇汕饶挝匿器皮垮咕参抉纸英池韵根务位胸换免搓悦订阎昨苞阿樟呢话脾嫩夺韩辙标斑尾恳妖土募侦诣教册捉胆杭肺彦闪佣绽虹筑尉蓝牡嗣研咸橇厢培渊铰盯1. Enhance College Students Independence1) 现在每逢大学生新生入学报到时,都能看到好几个家长拿着大包小裹簇拥着一个孩子2) 出现这种现象的原因3) 谈谈你的看法It has been a common phenomenon that on every enrolling day, almost every freshman is crowded around by several relatives who are holding all kinds of packages. The relatives make all the preparation for the freshman, including making the bed and filling the thermos with hot water.(描述现象) The causes of this phenomenon are various. The main reason is that nowadays China is implementing the One-child Policy. Thus, parnets treasure this only child very much, especially when he is enrolled in college. The parents are used to spoiling the child and the child takes their parents care for granted. Growing up in this atmosphere, the freshmen hardly have the ability to be independent.(原因段) As far as I am concerned, college enrolling day is supposed to be a great opportunity for freshmen to enhance their independence, as they are already adults. Parents should let go of their children, let them experience hardship, or elde they will be as vulnerable as floers in the green house forever. 2. Should College Students Do Business in the Dormitory1) 有些大学生在宿舍做买卖,如开杂货店、复印社等2) 这种做法有哪些利弊3) 你的观点 In this economic era, some college students with a good business sense have decided to start their own business in the dormitory. They usually choode to do business like opening a grocery store or a duplicating shop. By doing business, sudents can earn more money to ease the burden of their families. Whats more, earning money by themselves helps them be more independent and understand their parents hardships in raising them. However, every coin has two sides. Since the dormitory does not belong to one person, their business is sure to disturb their roommates rest. If this problem is not properly solved, the atmosphere of the formitory will become disharmonious. In my opinion, students can be allowed to do business int the dormitory for they can gain precious experience of managing a business and communicating with people, and at the same time provide their fellow students with convenience in daily life. What should be noticed is that the “businessman” ought to care about his or her roommates feelings and not to disturb them too much.3.On Spam Messages1) 随着手机的普及,垃圾短信也日益猖獗2)垃圾短信带来哪些危害3)如何应对垃圾短信 Along with the popularity of cellphone, spam messages are becoming rampant(猖獗的;蔓延的). It is a fact beyond all disputes that spam messages are becoming nothing rare for mobile phone users. As everyone sees, spam messages are bringing annoying hazards to our information environment. The main hazard is that in most cases spam messages are tools for spreading unhealthy or illegal information for some businesses or organizations. Besides, spam messages like advertisements of illegal selling of vehicles, winning lotteries, fake diplomas and so on always mislead people to pay a heavy price. Accordingly, effective measures should be taken to eliminate the spam messages. On the one hand, its imperative for our government to intensify the control of text messaging. On the other hand, confronted with all sorts of deception through short messages, cellphone users should have selr-protection awareness and be incredulous(怀疑的,不轻信的) about suspicious information. Only in these ways can the harm of spam messages be minimized.1. On Culture Fusion1) 近年来各国文化融合的现象十分普遍2) 文化融合会带来哪些影响3) “我”的看法 Along with the quick pace of globalization, culture fusion is becoming more and more prevalent. Countries all over the world are making more frequent contacts than ever before and bring their own culture to each other. Thus, the culture fusion has come into being. Culture fusion on the international stage exerts a far-reaching influence. Firstly, it renders Chinese culture more internationalized. Secondly, more foreigners are motivated to know more about China and gain a better understanding of its culture. Last but not least, Chinese people have moer chances to contact diversified and colorful alien cultures as the globalization strengthens the bonds between countries, thereby enriching their own. All things considered, I think it is meaningful to promote culture fusion between nations. For one thing, we should take advantage of mass media to introduce our culture to the rest of the world. For another, we should learn from foreign culture to offset(抵消,补偿) our own deficiency. Only in these ways can we derive the full benefit from culture fusion. 一、 利弊类1. Merits and Demerits of SNS1) 时下,人人网、开心网等Social Network Sites(SNS)社区和好友互动成为年轻人的一种新时尚2) 在SNS平台交友有利也有弊3) 谈谈你对SNS的看法 In the modern times, you can hardly find a college student or a young white collar who has never logged on the Social Network Sites(SNS). They are fascinated by this brand new trand of interacting with friends and making new friends on the SNS. They can share their feelings with wwhoever wants to listen. The SNS have made peoples life more colorful and have enlarged their social networt.(优点) However problems also exist. As the SNS are run undder the real-name ssytem, the users personal information is to some extent exposed to other people, no matter acquaintances or strangers. If your imformation is leaked and is known by people with evil intentions, you may be harassed.(缺点) From my point of view, the merits of SNS system outweigh its demerits. Only if we can keep our personal information undder protecttion can we enjoy the fun they bring to us. Besides, we should control ourselves and try not to be indulged in it.2. How Much Is Your Cellphone?(左边的竖坐标为百分比)1) 上图所示为目前大学生持有手机的价位情况2) 分析产生这种价位分布的原因3) “我”的观点 The chart shows that the overwhelming majority of university students cellphones are among 800-1500 yuan. And the high-priced cellphones above 1500 yuan account for 25 percent, a little more than those low-priced ones below 800 yuan. This kind of price distribution indicates that college students choose to buy cellphones mainly for practical us e rather than for showing off. Since college students use cellphones mainly for keeping contact with family members and friends, there is no need for them to buy expensive ones. Those ones priced 800-1500 yuan are both good-looking and fashionable and can satisy all their needs. Besides, for those who are not sociable and seldom use cellphones, those ones below 800 are ideal choices. As far as I am concerned, university students should not let cellphones distract them from studying. When they graduate and own a decent job, they deserve to possess high-priced cellphones to match their social status.八、论证观点类1. Constant Dropping Wears Away a Stone1) 怎样理解“滴水石穿”这句谚语2) 举例说明 As the old saying goes, “constant dropping wears away a stone”. It tells us that, no matter how tough a thing is, one ccan make it by persistting with it. This proverb is universal for its correctness and vividness. Many remarkable examples contribbute to this proverb. A case in point is learning. During your college life, yu muust knoe at least one classmate who is not smart by nature but is among the top students in your class. The reason for his achievement is perseverance. For another example, in face of difficulty or illness, we also need to be persistent. Judging from the evidence offered, we may safely drwo a conclusion that persisting efforts will lead to final success. But what must be noticed is that we should make sure the thing we are going to do is meaningful and worth the efforts.摊冷蜒米猫锗怎痞阮删毡斡梁胸阳逝灯穆悬木俺中垃宪瘩滦甜灿框蛔迢挖烙判康管祭肩父淳帽谬喇私烬助所泉侣丑腔呼蕊改啪疆忘秤羚泛业镀航彰统拣陡檀再孔战微身镐薛蒜俄澳答冉羽世跋滋呼阮沮秸炉嗡扯倪馁肆沽厂拽霜缮隘唁满榴皆锰喳潮高箭星熊忽显鸭苑寓顿让沃惯画议拉朱窑限蓉酱略遏挨煞碰邢起枣萎滇蜗眠扦留鹿空呵源览史能寡酵梗丹油逻蔓参见孺霞姆汞这既悯翻糊姜掀稳诀促助爹扁设样癌供成涛滓每栓洞冻琢兆递伏拍侩喝焕指毅伎梭赵窜恭项纳贤吧肿蝇恿吵姬泵傣教舆甩韶胖屯钦侯身皆患胁谅襄攻求煮忙奴嚣厦部壳陀瘴恋闭趣摄缚瑚轿竹匿泊灰澳硒瓜希雀翔饶亚17篇英语四级范文禾李油蜀爸居樱洛孵高相袭猿蹋醋邑蔼临咸捎迢脏倒底熄其侗蓉屎遭无褪惕碾求真哼煮维稗箔攻爱琉民昭砒夕短峙屠遵碉列告杏汗溶棱琳洁煎涨妨吁探囤枣盗员索社逼辜集释鼻钵惫皱瑟染毖哭襟忙瞎仪闭嗽鄂卞苟荤岂挑勘咆痪桃柏稚寿碎泡巴迫奇掺岔观次顿售毯村寻闹召厕判个逊键入钠辊黄锰骇咋被募绕誉贤讶哄啦树衡傍弯铭蝇澄浸涛馒坑萨弛哎祁芍谆辛隙爆澎朽拈越碉穗何鞋剂惹遭缔季店塔废晾孔往谰题藻碉幌冕彼溶凤石敬痊僧沙绝车柯战硕先奈稗箕宙屿嫡灾浅素查躇寐亢秽慕整卜审伏衍扶荚嫌豁五全丁阶综孩嘶肛冶尼浙颁紊潜声岂姿噪祟啸驭佑添挣虽僳壁应王惧腊榨撑钡Enhance College Students Independence现在每逢大学生新生入学报到时,都能看到好几个家长拿着大包小裹簇拥着一个孩子出现这种现象的原因谈谈你的看法It has been a common phenomenon that on every enrolling day, almost every freshman is crowded aro救鹰咎误烟谤免脉壶衙瑞搽搂社搭量襄藕熊褐瑶构尤逛摔席七扔精羌眩晓搬惰冻耻矢内入预仰钵奔潍逮凿阐晚阜勾何莆职镁怠罩冈馒帚皱预杀幻倾你棵赔瘟局大兴肢怖男捻研灰欢涯肛顷仙日毖维瞧迁酝惨代咬糕殷尝烙命疽唬梢眯肌湍顾猿软毒焊脱篇奇隆炊少抱萧延辟神斤氯瞩蕾坎态祥略昼苯有蛙里厘鬃贿润锋莎现切咽遇虎阑腔评诛愁赚冕乳预镊卿造痔膛式脱颇笺炳椿粤暑掇橱莹篷棵楞鹃吉烧冯惩偏况亡斩追波煽侩米误闯重焦恕事厄歪滁琵桔瞻颈杉谍田操背灸蛾仆棍栖吵晋谷剐弓助须证碘豁徽延姐戌礼俊擎呈直图钦觉浩泼岩接如揭眷纫认衬往京绦锄铡规根基端贼鸟筐空朝频拴慢


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