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名词性从句,Noun Clauses,宾语从句 主语从句 表语从句 同位语从句,V+Clause,Clause+V+O,Be+Clause,N+Clause,内容,特殊疑问句: Who is he?,陈述句: He is a student.,一般疑问句:Is he a studnt?,我不知道他是谁,我问他是否是个学生。,他说他是个学生。,Watch,陈述句作宾语引导词用无词义,可以省略,that he is a student,He says _,(that),一般疑问句作宾语,引导词用有词义,“是否”,不作句子成分,whether (if) he is a student,I ask him _ _(语序不倒装),whether 或if,I dont know _(语序不倒装),who he is.,特殊疑问句作宾语,引导词用,必须作句子成分,特殊疑问词,疑问代词 who, whom, whose, which what 疑问副词:when、where、why、 how等,引导词,疑问代词作主、宾、表、 定语 宾语 疑问副词作状语 2.语法学家把宾语从句中的疑问代词,疑问副词重新命名为连接代词,连接副词。,When(ever Why Where(ever How(ever,whose,What(ever Who(ever which(ever,whom(ever,、宾语从句的位移,一、移到主语的位置(主语从句) 1、_ is known to us. 2、_is not known to us. 3、_is not known to us.,That he is a student,Whether he is a student,Who he is,(that不能省略),(不用if),二、移到表语的位置(表语从句): 1、The fact is_ 2、The question is _ 3、The question is_,that he is a student.,whether he is a student.,who he is.,(that不能省略),(不用if),三、移到名词的后面(同位语从句) 1、The fact_ 2、The question _ is not known to us. 3、The question_,that he is a student,whether he is a student,who he is,is true.,is not known to us.,(that不作句子成分,不是定语从句。),(定语从句who代表人,这里who代表question),名词性从句有三种类型: 1、that引导的名词性从句,不作句子成分,无词义 2、whether 引导的名词性从句,不作句子成分,有词义,“是否”(宾语从句whether或if),小结:,3、特殊疑问词引导的名词性从句,必须作句子成分,有词义。 疑问代词(连接代词):who whose whom (谁) whoever(无论谁)what(什么)、which(哪一个),whatever(无论什么)whichever(无论哪一个)作主语、宾语、表语等。 疑问副词(连接副词):when(为什么),where (什么地方),how(怎样),why(为什么),在名词性从句中作状语。,名词性从句高考考查主要内容: 引导词的选择与判断; 词序:不倒装; 时态:注意主、从句时态的呼应 重难点:引导词的选择与判断: 结构分析:句式、句子成分 词义分析:that无词义、whether(if)是否,I dont know where he comes from.,I think (that)he Iives in Beijing,1、 He lives in Beijing I think,2、 Does Jack come from Japan? Do you know?,Do you know whether(if) Jack comes from Japan?,3、 Where does he come from? I dont know,句型转换,1、I am sure_ (他来自美国) 2、I dont know _ 他是否喜欢音乐) 3、Do you know _ (她正在谈论什么),(that) he comes from America,wherher(if) he loves music,what she is talking about,汉译英,(一) 1、Do you know where now? A、he lives B、does he live C 、he lived D、did he live 2、Can you tell me what time ? A、the train leave B、does the train leave C、will the train leave D、the train leaves 3、I cant understand A、what does Christmas mean B、what Christmas does mean C、what mean Christmas does D、what Christmas means,单项选择,4、I dont know he will come tomorrow。 he comes, I will tell you A If;whether B whether; whether C if; That D if; If 5、I want to know A whom is she looking after B whom she is looking C whom is she looking D whom she is looking after,(二) 1、 you have done might do harm to other people A That B What C Whether D How 2、 he said at the meeting astonished everybody present. A What B That C The fact D The matter 3、 you dont like him is none of my business. A What B who C That D Whether 4、 well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather A If B Whether C That D Where 5、 leaves the room last ougut to turn off the lights A Anyone B The person C Whoever D Who,(三) 1、-I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week. -Is that you had a few days off? A why B when C what D where 2-Are you still thinking about yesterdays game? -oh, thats _ A、what makes me feel excited B、whatever I feel excited about C、how I feel about it D、whenI feel excited 3、The last time we had great fun was we were visiting the water park。 A、Where B、how C、when D.why 4、The traditional view is we sleep because our brain is“programmed” to make us do so A、when B、why C、whether D、that,5、Why not try your luck downtown Bob?Thats the best jobs are A、where B、what C、when D、why 注:有时特殊疑问词在引导名词性从句时, 没有疑问的含义,而是表示一个名词性概念,例如#1题中的why ,#2 题中的 what #3题中的when #5题中的where,(四) 1、I have no idea we can do with these waste materials A、what B、that C、how D、whether 2、Word came I was wanted at the office A、that B、what C、whether D、which 3、The fact she works hard is well known to us all A、that B、what C、why D、which,4、The news he was kidnapped(绑架)surprised us greatly A、what B、that C、why D、when 5、He often asked me the question the work was worth doing A、whether B、where C、that D、when,


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