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Master of LeadershipThis course will teach you to lead with confidence. It addresses the human and learning dimensions of organizations. It is this human focus that sets the Monash Master of Leadership apart.Whether your work is in industry, the public or community sectors, or in formal education settings, if you aspire to take the next step in your career, then this course is for you.Your leadership potential will be developed through a blend of formal and informal approaches that promote learning and transformation. You will feel confident to lead organizational learning and innovation and to unleash creativity at a time when the need for this has never been greater.This innovative course is inter-professional by nature, providing the opportunity to learn with and from a diverse range of professionals with a commitment to leading individuals and organizations. A key feature is that it offers the benefits of cross-pollination between skills and knowledge; information and understanding and their application in different work contexts. It creates formal and informal learning opportunities with professionals who bring different, but complementary,knowledge and perspectives.A flexible course delivery allows you to continue working whilecompleting the course. You can choose to engage via a fully online offering or to combine this with attendance at face-to-face workshops.Become a specialistThe program focuses on contemporary theories of leadership and specialized study in particular fields. You will spend the first quarter of your study on an inter-professional unit entitled Leadership studiesand the final quarter on a Leadership challenge project relevant to your specialist interests and context. In the middle of the course, youchoose from six specializations:窗体顶端领导力大师本课程将教会你有信心带领。它涉及组织的人力和学习方面。正是这种人类的焦点,设置领导的莫纳什硕士分开。无论你的工作是在行业,公众和社区部门,或在正规教育设置,如果你渴望拿在职业生涯的下一步,那么这当然是给你的。你的领导潜能将通过促进学习和变革的正式和非正式途径的混合开发。你会感到有信心带领组织学习和创新,并在同一时间,释放创造力的时候需要这个从未如此巨大。这种创新当然是专业间的性质,提供学习,并与从不同范围内领先的个人和组织的承诺专业人员的机会。一个重要特点是,它提供了技能和知识之间的交叉授粉的利益;信息和了解,他们在不同的工作环境中的应用。它创建一个谁带来不同的专业人士,而是相辅相成,知识和观点的正式和非正式学习的机会。灵活的授课使您可以继续工作,而完成课程。您可以选择通过一个完全在线服务从事或以面对面的面对面研讨会本考勤相结合。成为专家该计划侧重于领导和特定领域的专门研究当代理论。你会花你的研究的第一季度跨专业单位题为“领导studiesand在最后一个季度的”领导力挑战项目“与您的专业兴趣和背景上。在使用过程中的中间,则从六个专业中进行选择:窗体底端一、 Community learning二、 Curriculum and pedagogy三、 General leadership studies四、 Language education五、 Organizational learning六、 Principal preparation.If you prefer to graduate with a generic and broadly applicableleadership qualification the Master of Leadership choose general leadership studies and select units to suit your requirements,including those in other specializations. If you prefer to graduate with a qualification that highlights a particular aspect of your leadership expertise, choose one of the other specializations. The flexibility of the structure, with its common entry point, means you do not have to finalize your decision before being admitted to the course.窗体顶端一,学习社区二,课程与教学论三,一般领导研究四,语言教育五,组织学习六,主要的准备。如果你喜欢用一个通用的,广泛适用于毕业领导资格 - 领导的大师 - 选择领导班子换届的研究,并选择单位,以满足您的需求,包括那些在其他专业。如果你喜欢用,突出你的领导能力的特定方面的资格毕业,选择其他的专业之一。结构的灵活性,其共同的切入点,这意味着你没有被录取到课程之前完成你的决定窗体底端一、Community learningThis specialization equips aspiring leaders with the skills andknowledge to develop, coordinate and lead the learning of people and their communities. Graduates of the course can pursue leadership roles in educational environments, business, or community settings.(This specialization may be offered from 2017.) 1.Leadership studies 2.Leadership challenge project 3.Leading local, rural and regional learning and participation 4.Learning through participation 二、 Curriculum and pedagogyThis specialization focuses on curriculum leadership and education transformation. You will acquire the capabilities to lead school and learning communities, to rethink and reform what is taught and learnt and the ways in which this is done through in depth study in four streams: digital learning, literacy, mathematics and science. Graduates of the course can pursue leadership roles in educational environments, business, or community settings. 1、Leadership studies 2、Leadership challenge project 3、Technology and education key issues and debates 4、Leadership in educational technology practices 5、Language and literacies across educational contexts 6、Literacy leadership in schools, workplaces and communities 7、Developing expertise in mathematics education 8、Leading mathematics and numeracy educators 9、Understanding research and leadership in science education 10、Engaging with practices of contemporary science窗体顶端一,学习社区这种专业化装备有抱负的领导的技能和知识开发,协调和领导的人民和他们的社区学习。该课程的毕业生可以追求的教育环境,商业或社区中的领导作用。(这种专业化可以从2017年提供)1.Leadership研究2.Leadership挑战项目3.Leading地方,农村和区域学习和参与通过参与4.Learning二,课程与教学论这种专业化的重点课程领导与教育改造。您将获得的能力,导致学校和学习型社区,重新思考和改革教什么和教训,并在此是通过深入研究,四流所做的途径:数字化学习,识字,数学和科学。该课程的毕业生可以追求的教育环境,商业或社区中的领导作用。1,领导力研究2,领导力挑战项目3,科技和教育的关键问题和辩论4,领导力教育技术实践5,语言和跨扫盲教育环境6,在学校,工作场所和社区领导素养7,在数学教育方面的专门知识8,领先的数学和数学教育工作者9,了解科研和领导科学教育10,与当代科学实践聘任窗体底端 三、 General leadership studiesThis specialization offers the opportunity to select your two specialist units from across the other specializations. You can tailor your studies to suit your own interests or needs while maintaining a strong focus on leadership. Our graduates work in a wide variety of organizations, from museums to the armed services, in schools and within management of large companies. 1、Leadership studies2、Leadership challenge project 四、 Language educationThis specialization builds your capacities to teach lead languagelearning in schools, focusing on principles and practices of languages education in the twenty-first century. In order to take this specialization you must be registered or eligible for registration as a teacher with the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) or your local equivalent. Upon graduating with this qualification, you will be eligible to apply to VIT forregistration as a specialist language teacher.(This specialization may be offered from 2017.) 1、Leadership studies2、Leadership challenge project3、Directions in teaching languages: Foundation to year 104、Global and local innovations in language 5、teaching and learning6、Language, culture and curriculum7、Pedagogy and assessment in TESOL窗体顶端三,一般领导研究这种专业化提供了机会,来自全国各地的其他专业中选择你的两个专业单位。您可以根据您的研究,以满足您自己的利益和需求,同时保持十分注重领导能力。我们的毕业生在各种各样的组织工作,从博物馆到军种,在学校和大公司的管理范围内。 1,领导力研究2,领导力挑战项目四,语言教育这种专业化建立你的能力,教语言铅学习在学校,重点原则和语言教育的做法在二十一世纪。为了利用这种专业化,你必须注册或资格登记与教学维多利亚研究所(VIT)或等值当地货币的老师。在与这个资格毕业后,你将有资格申请为VIT注册为专业语言教师。(这种专业化可以从2017年提供)1,领导力研究2,领导力挑战项目3,在路线教学语言:基金会10年4,语言全局和局部的创新5,教学和学习6,语言,文化和课程7,教育学和评估TESOL窗体底端 五、 Organizational learningThis specialization will develop your capacity to support organizational learning and creativity. You will learn how to fosterand nurture capability through learning and to meet the strategic organizational directions in sustainable ways. Graduates can pursue leadership roles in educational environments, business or community settings.1、Leadership studies2、Leadership challenge project3、Leading capable organizations4、Leading organizational decision making 六、 Principal preparationThis specialization is suited to educators from all sectors aspiringto curriculum or principal leadership in schools. It will extendyour personal and professional understanding and skill in schoolleadership, addressing your personal growth as a leader, which isdirected towards high-performance practice. Graduates can pursue leadership roles in educational environments.1、Leadership studies2、Leadership challenge project3、Leading learning communities4、Leading organizational decision 窗体顶端五,组织学习这种专业化将开发您的支持组织学习和创新的能力。您将学习如何培养并通过学习培养能力,满足可持续的方式的战略方向组织。毕业生可攻读教育环境,企业或社区中的领导作用。1,领导力研究2,领导力挑战项目3,导致能力的组织4,导致组织决策六,校长准备这种专业化是适合教育工作者有志各界在学校课程或主要领导。这将扩大您的个人和专业的理解和在校技能领导能力,解决您的个人成长作为一个领导者,这是针对高性能的做法。毕业生可攻读教育环境的领导角色。1,领导力研究2,领导力挑战项目3,导致学习社区4,导致组织决策窗体底端


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