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2021/6/71Changes in Word Meaning2021/6/72Overview General remarks Types of semantic change Causes of change in word meaning Semantic development or change resulting from the figurative use of words2021/6/73 Vocabulary is the most unstable element of a language as it is undergoing constant changes both in form and content.Comparatively speaking,the content is even more unstable than the form.General Remarks2021/6/74 almost every word we use today has a slightly different meaning from the one it had a century ago(Quirk)Shakespeare is perhaps more difficult to understand than more recent writings because many of his words were used in different sense from what they have now in contemporary dictionaries.Eg.“the rivals of my watch,bid them make haste.”(partner)“How pregnant sometimes his replies are.”(meaningful)2021/6/75results Polysemy primmary meaning derivative meaninge.g.,harvest(autumn)assume(take in,receive)Central meaningSecondary meaning e.g.,power:ability to act2021/6/76 The secondary meaning has been specialized or generalized or transferred.It may has no direct relation with the central meaning:concatenation Candidate Cheater treacle2021/6/77 Types of semantic changelGeneralization/Extension of meaning lSpecialization/Restriction of meaning lElevation/Amelioration of meaninglDegradation/Degeneration of meaning2021/6/78Extension of MeaningIt is also called widening of meaning or generalization.Its a process by which a word which originally had a specialized meaning has now become generalized.2021/6/79 Four kinds of extensionFrom specific to generalFrom concrete to abstract From proper nouns to common nouns From technical terms to general words2021/6/710From specific to generalExamplePicture:originally:a painting or drawing2021/6/711The present meaninga photograph a cinematic picturean x-ray picture a TV picturea radio-telescope pictureany picture2021/6/712More Examplesrubbishrubbleanything worthless2021/6/713From technical terms to general wordsCountdown:the counting aloud of numbers in reverse order before sth.happens,esp.before a spacecraft is launched.emergency situationThat would lead to a countdown in Cambodia.2021/6/714Feedback:it occurs in a machine or system when part of the power,sound or information produced goes back into the machine or system.Response:The reader feedback was generally favorable.2021/6/715From Concrete to Abstract Matter:timber,the hard part of a treea lot of abstract meanings:2021/6/7161)The world is made of matter.Substance(s)of which the physical thing is made2)The matter in your essay is good.Material for thought or expression3)This is a matter I know little about.Something in which attention is given 4)It made no matter to him that his brother lost all his money(importance).2021/6/717From proper nouns to common nounsantonomasiathe use of a proper noun to convey a general idea 2021/6/718Examples Sandwich:It now denotes a popular fast food.It originates from John Montague,Fourth earl of Sandwich in 18th century,England.He was so fond of gambling that he often forgot his meals.He often ordered slices of bread with thick pieces of roast beef stuffed between them be brought to him so he could eat while playing.Later,people used his name to refer to all similar food.2021/6/719Greek Myth:a king punished for his misdeeds by having to stand in waterthat recedes when he tries to drink itand under fruit that moves awayas he reaches for it.Tantalus Tantalize2021/6/720ArgusGreek myth:a giant with 100 eyes.After he was killed,hiseyes were transferred to the Peacocks tailArgus-eyed:keen-sighted;observantWe have decided itis impossible to cheat when that Argus-eyed professor gives anexam2021/6/721Restriction of meaning means that a word of wide meaning acquires a narrower,specialised sense which is applicable to only one of the objects it had previously denoted.Restriction of Meaning2021/6/722 liquorOld MeaningSpecialized meaningliquidalcoholic drink2021/6/723 meatOld MeaningSpecialized Meaning foodFlesh of animals2021/6/724wordOld meaningSpecializationdiseasediscomfortillnesspoisondrinkPoisonous drinkwifewoman married womanaccidenteventunlucky eventgirlA childA female child2021/6/725现代英语中把日常生活用语转用到科技方面,这也是词义缩小的一种现象。2021/6/726A clean room 和 a white room均为日常生活用语,现指用于精密零件制造的“绝尘室”“A clean room”or“a white room”,increasingly becomes shop talk.2021/6/727 Elevation of MeaningWords often rise from a humble beginning to a position of greater importance.This change is called elevation of meaning.(See P98)2021/6/728Pioneer:foot soldier who cleared the way for any army by falling trees,etc.A person who goes before,preparing the way for others,as a scientist doing exploratory work2021/6/729FondfoolishTender and affectionate2021/6/730minister Old:an attendant New:a person at the head of a department of a state.2021/6/731 marshalOriginally:A horse tenderPresent Meaning:Officer of highest rank2021/6/732 craftsmanOld:a person good at cheatingNow:a man who does a skilled job,usu,with hands2021/6/733 shrewdOld meaning:wicked;maliciousNow:keen-witted;clever or sharp in practical affairs2021/6/734 Degradation of meaning Words with a commendatory meaning may become ones with a derogatory sense.This is called degradation of meaning or deterioration.2021/6/735Example Villain a farmera man guilty of evil deeds2021/6/736 clowna peasanta man who is clumsy and behaves stupidly2021/6/737Word old meaning degrade meaning silly happy foolish knave boy dishonest person criticize appraise find fault with lust pleasure sexual desire2021/6/738Cause of changes in word meaning Historical cause Social cause Foreign influences Linguistic cause Psychological cause2021/6/739 Historical cause:It often happens that though a word retain its original form,its meaning has changed because the object which it denotes has changed,this is the historical cause of semantic change.pencil(from Latin word meaning)a little tail or a fine brush,like our chinese pen when it was made of wood and graphite石墨,it was still called a“pencil”2021/6/740 Social cause:change in word meaning resulting from a constant verbal traffic between common words and various technical words is referred to as social cause of semantic change Hot and cold have changed their meaning in the field of politics,as in“cold war”,”hot war”and“hot line”2021/6/741 Foreign influences:a particularly important cause of change of meaning in words has been the influence of foreign words stool:any kind of seat for one person including a kings seat The French word chair was adopted to denote a more comfortable piece of furniture.2021/6/742 Linguistic cause 语言的影响语言的影响:Towards ellipsis 省略 A general-a general officer Uniformuniform dressTowards analogy 类推 Energetic(精力旺盛)formerly meant”to operate,effect”as in“the most energetic chemicals”,now energetic means“of,having or showing energy,vigorous,forceful”as if it had been derived from energy2021/6/743 Psychological cause 1)Euphemism:It refers that the word changed after people use mild,agreeable language when speaking of an unpleasant or embarrassing fact and of taboo subjects as sex and the excretive processes of the body such as death can be used as go west.2)Grandiloquence(夸张(夸张):It refers to the use of long,important-sounding words for effect.The desire to upgrade or raise the social status of a position,occupation,or institution by changing its common name to one felt to confer greater dignity or importance is another psychological factor in the change of word meaning.In a sense,it is a form of euphemism.e.g.hair stylist was upgraded as hairologist for barbers.3)Cynicism(挖苦语)(挖苦语):It refers that the desire to sneer and to be sarcastic cause the semantic change.e.g.sanctimonious(假装神圣)means devoted,holy or scared and now means pretending to be very holy or pious.2021/6/744Semantic development or change resulting from the figurative use of words The figurative use refers to the expression of saying something is another thing thereby making the speech or article vivid and stimulating the readers imagination.The original thing is called tenor while thing compared to is called vehicle.2021/6/745 1.Metaphor:Metaphor is a figure of speech containing an implied comparison based on association of similarity,in which a word or a phrase ordinarily and primarily used for one thing is applied to another,a process which often results in semantic change or figurative extension of meaning.e.g.a beautiful woman may be described as a vision A cunning person is often referred to as a fox.2021/6/746 2.Metonymy:Metonymy is a figure of speech by which an object or idea is described by the name of something closely related to it.That is to say,a transfer of names occurs between two things associated by actual contiguity,either by physical contact,or contact through various though associations.Metonymy does not reveal any new relations but arises between words already related to each other in different ways,for example,The white house for the president or for the presidential staff of the United States.2021/6/747 1)Sign for the person or thing signified.crown,scepter,throne for king.2)Container for its contents.the bottle for alcoholic drink.3)The abstract for the concrete.the management for governing body,board of directors etc.4)The concrete for the abstract.tongue for language.5)A part for the whole and vice versa.a sail for a ship,the army for a soldier etc.6)The material for the thing made.silver for coins made of silver or for silver vessels,dishes,articles what about the meaning?Context?2021/6/7482.Fallout:the radiation that affects a place after a nuclear explosione.g.,He predicted that the fallout from Watergate would hit both parties.Assignment:Judge the types of semantic change of the meaning of the following words 1.deer:animalse.g.,The deer in the park is so lovely.注:每个例词后面的语义解释是初始意义,例句中的词汇所表达是变化后的意义,对比前后判断词义变化的类型2021/6/749e.g.,Its a common thing in our life.5.thing:political or judicial assemblyequipment,harness,apparel e.g.,The gearing of this machine is unusual.4.gear:habits,manners3.gossip:godfathere.g.,Dont believe all the gossip you hear!6.shrewd:maliciouse.g.,She is a shrewd judge of character.部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!


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