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“英语阅读”课程教学大纲英文名称:Extensive Reading 课程编号:7112020571120208学时数:192学分数:12适用专业:外国语学院英语语言文学专业一、二年级学生一、课程的性质、目的和任务“英语泛读”是供高等学校英语专业一、二年级使用的基础课程,泛读课的特征体现在“泛”与“读”两个方面,就“泛”而言,泛读课 所选的语言材料的内容呈百科知识性,包括社会生活各个方面;同时语言材料的文体呈多样性,既有文学作品,又有记叙文、说明文、议论文、新闻、广告等语言风格不同的各类文章;就“读”而言,泛读课的重要任务是指导学生掌握各种阅读方法,从而提高理解的准确性,加快阅读速度。“英语泛读”课的目的在于培养学生的英语阅读能力和提高学生的阅读速度;培养学生细致观察语言的能力以及假设判断、分析归纳、推理检验等逻辑思维能力;提高学生的阅读技能,包括略读、寻读、细读、评读等能力;并通过阅读训练帮助学生扩大词汇量,增强语感,不断积累各种语言知识,加深文化沉淀。二、课程教学内容的基本要求、重点和难点本课程的重要任务是指导学生掌握各种阅读方法,从而提高理解的准确性,加快阅读速度,帮助生活在信息爆炸时代的学生学会通过阅读,快速、准确地获取并处理信息。因此,培养阅读习惯、加快阅读速度、提高理解的准确性,在阅读课程教学中同等重要。教学要求:Section A 要求在课堂上处理,学生不要预习。 Section B供课外阅读,课堂上进行检查。 Section C 主要用于快速阅读训练,要求严格在规定时间内完成。课堂教学主要是通过学生按要求在不预习前提下完成Section A(20-25分钟)来培养良好阅读习惯;通过对Section A中词汇练习及阅读思考题的讲解,教授有关阅读方法。如:根据上下文判断生词的词义,熟悉英语句子结构,了解内容题材与中心思想的区别;把握文本中心思想;阅读速度和逻辑推导;对文本的批评鉴赏能力等。课外要求学生熟练领会教材出现过的词汇,掌握所学阅读方法,并能在实际阅读过程中自觉熟练运用。课外通过大量阅读(建议至少课内阅读量的5-10倍以上),巩固所学阅读方法,扩大词汇量,提高阅读能力。第一册本册目的与要求:第一册首先指导学生根据上下文判断生词的词义,熟悉英语句子结构,了解内容题材与中心思想的区别。Section 1:Unit1Unit 4重点和难点: Context Clue to Word Meaning I (以讲解为主,附以阅读练习)内容: 1. Unit 1 University Student Life:Text On being a Student2. Unit 2 Culture Shock:Text Making a Culture Change3. Unit 3 Movies:Text How Do the Movies Do It4. Unit 4 Food:Text A Food Tour of the United StatesSection 2: Unit 5Unit 8重点和难点: Context Clue to Word meaning II (以讲解为主,附以阅读练习)内容: 1. Unit 5 Business:Text: Levi Strauss & Company2. Unit 6 Sports:Text: Football fans and Football Violence3. Unit 7 Shyness:Text: Overcome shyness4. Unit 8 Native Peoples:Text: Native American Influences on Modern American cultureSection 3:Unit 9Unit 12重点和难点:Understanding Sentences (以讲解为主,附以阅读练习)内容: 1. Unit 9 Bible Stories:Text: The Story of Creation2. Unit 10 Festivals and Holidays:Text: Christmas3. Unit 11 Advertisements:Text: The Advertising Standards Authority: An advertising Watchdog4. Unit 12 Agriculture :Text: The Agricultural revolutionSection 4:Unit 13Unit 18重点和难点:Distinguishing Topic from Main Idea (以讲解为主,附以阅读练习)内容: 1. Unit 13 Psychology:Text: Maslows Hierarchy of Needs2. Unit 14 Mysteries:Text: Have You Ever seen a UFO 3. Unit 15 Computer:Text: Multimedia Language-Learning CD ROMS 4. Unit 16 Physical Fitness:Text: Some Myths about Physical Fitness5. Unit 17 Pseudoscience Text : Analyze Yourself with the Help of Doodles6. Unit 18 Fiction :Text: Whitewashing Aunt Pollys Fence第二册本册目的与要求: 第二册重点培养学生把握文本中心思想的能力。Section 1:Unit 1Unit 5重点和难点:Finding the Main Idea (以讲解为主,附以阅读练习)内容: 1. Unit 1 Reading :Text: A Few Questions About Reading2. Unit 2 Music :Text: Musics History May show a Path to future Peace3. Unit 3 Generation :Text: The Law vs. the Piano4. Unit 4 Names :Text: Your Name Is Your Destiny5.Unit 5 Weather and Climate :Text: What Makes the weather?Section 2: Unit 6Unit 10重点和难点: Recognizing the Pattern of Details (以讲解为主,附以阅读练习)内容: 1. Unit 6 The African-Americans :Text: Martin Luther King2. Unit 7 Greek Stories :Text: Orpheus and Eurydice3. Unit 8 Science & Fiction :Text: Jules Vernes Trip to the Moon4. Unit 9 First Aid :Text: First Aid5. Unit 10 Marriage :Text: You Will Have a Good LifeSection 3:Unit 11Unit 18重点和难点: Outlining (以讲解为主,附以阅读练习)内容: 1. Unit 11 Creativity :Text: Where Do Those Bright Ideas Come From?2. Unit 12 Travel:Text: Travel Around U.S.A3. Unit 13 Examinations :Text: Types of Examinations4. Unit 14 Intellectual Property:Text: Copyright5. Unit 15 Law :Text: The Matter of McVeigh6. Unit 16 World War II :Text: Edward R. Murrow Reports on Britain Under the Bombs7. Unit 17 Housing :Text: Show me the Way to Go Home8. Unit 18 Drama :Text: A Question of Ethics第三册本册目的与要求: 第三册着重阅读速度和逻辑推导方面的操练。Section 1:Unit 1Unit 6重点和难点: Skimming (以讲解为主,附以阅读练习)内容: 1. Unit: 1 Reading Strategies :Text: Why read Faster2. Unit 2 Education :Text: Its Never too Late For Success3. Unit 3 Body Language :Text: Signals Without Words4. Unit 4 Animals :Text: Little Brother of the Wolf5. Unit 5 History :Text: Some Theories of History6. Unit 6 Language :Text: Vocabulary ChangeSection 2:Unit 7Unit12重点和难点: Scanning (以讲解为主,附以阅读练习)内容: 1. Unit t 7 Space :Text: Has the Bright Promise of the Space Program Faded?2. Unit 8 Women :Text: Women in Education, Sports and Media 3. Unit 9 Cities :Text: The Unforgettable Hong Kong4. Unit 10 Cross-Cultural CommunicationText: A Cross-Cultural Context: Americans, Germans, and English5. Unit 11 Information RetrievalText: The Management of Knowledge: Libraries can Transform Communities6. Unit 12 Environment :Text: Reducing EmissionSection 3: Unit 13Unit18重点和难点: Drawing Inferences (以讲解为主,附以阅读练习)内容: 1. Unit 13 Medicine :Text: The Interaction of Body and Mind2. Unit 14 Evolution :Text: Charles Darwin and the Evolutionary Revolution3. Unit 15 Transportation :Text: Frank Turner4. Unit 16 Time :Text: The Calendar5. Unit 17 Television :Text: Daytime TV Talk ShowsWhats Their appeal?6. Unit 18 Poetry :Text: Introduction to Poetry第四册本册目的与要求:第四册进行阅读方法综合训练,提高学生对文本的批评鉴赏能力。重点和难点:以下阅读技能的综合运用:Context Clue to Word meaning,Understanding Sentences,Distinguishing Topic from Main Idea,Finding the Main Idea,Recognizing the Pattern of Details,Outlining,Skimming,Scanning and Drawing Inferences (以阅读实践为主,附以讲解与讨论)内容: 1. Unit: 1 Language Testing :Text: Types of Test2. Unit 2 Exploration :Text: Return to the Red Planet3. Unit 3 Refugee :Text: Refugees4. Unit 4 Cigarettes :Text: The Marlboro Man Has Found Greener Pastures5. Unit 5 Anthropology :Text: What is Anthropology?6. Unit 6 Immigrants :Text: Why They Came7. Unit 7 Ecology :Text: A Delicate Balance8. Unit 8 The Holocaust :Text: The Holocaust 9. Unit 9 Diplomatic PracticeText: Speech by British Prime Minister Mrs. Margaret Thatcher10. 11. Unit 10 Christianity :Text: The Reformation11. Unit 11 Politics :Text: The Meaning of Politics12. Unit 12 Art :Text: Revolution in Art13. Unit 13 Genetics :Text: Genetic Engineering and Human Heredity14. Unit 14 Society and Values :Text: Why All the Celebrity Worship?15. Unit 15 Economics:Text: Monetarism三、教学方式及学时分配学时分配讲课练习讨论自学其它第一册3297第二册3297第三册3297第四册9327合计1055928五、其它教学环节的要求不要求预习第一部分阅读,要求预习第二部分阅读; 要求每单元结束之后记忆单词与背诵典型句型并参加每单元词汇小测验;要求教师指定所读课外阅读材料写读后感。六、本课程与其它课程的联系“英语泛读”是针对大学英语专业的单项技能训练课,是对精读课的补充与扩充,精读侧重英语基本功听说读写能力的渐进培养,泛读侧重阅读数量与速度,教学中应把握好两者之间在教学内容及方式上的不同的侧重点。七、考核方式笔试(闭卷)八、教学参考书目1.新编英语泛读教程1-4 上海外语教育出版社2.大学英语基础教程1-2 外语教学与研究出版社3.英语学习背景知识新编 北京大学出版社4.英语学习背景知识 外语教学与研究出版社5.大学英语快速阅读1-6 上海外语教育出版社6.英语扩充词汇阶梯阅读1-6 西安交通大学出版社


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