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Unit 2 Im Liu Tao 教学要求: 1、能听懂、会说、会读以下日常用语与句型,并能运用所学交际 用语进行简单的自我介绍和互相问候。 Im . Are you ? Yes , I am ./ No , Im not . 2、培养学生运用所学英语单词句型进行日常交际的意识和勇气。 3、认识三个新人物:Su Hai , Wang Bing , Bobby 4、会朗读诗歌 Are you Mike ? 教学重点、难点: 1、句型:Im . Are you ? Yes , I am ./ No , Im not . 注意语调和语序 2、词汇:are , am , no , not 注意用法 3、字母:Ee , Ff , Gg 注意读音和书写 教学用具: 录音机,录音带,人物头饰,动物头饰,字母卡片 课时安排:共五课时 第一课时:A Story time 第二课时:B Fun time 第三课时:C Cartoon time 第四课时:D Letter time E Rhyme time 第五课时:F Checkout time G Ticking timeThe first period : A Story time Teaching contents : 1、Mask : Yang Ling , Mike , Su Hai , Wang Bing , Liu Tao 2、Vocabulary : are , you , yes , am , no , not 3、Pattern : Im . Are you ? Yes , I am . / No , Im not . Teaching aims : 1、The students can understand and say the sentence : Im . Are you ? Yes , I am . / No , Im not . (Pay attention to the intonation and the order .) 2、To know five persons : Yang Ling , Mike , Su Hai , Wang Bing , Liu Tao 3、The students can talk in English . They like to speak in English . Teaching aids : Cassette , recorder , masks(Yang Ling , Mike , Su Hai , Wang Bing , Liu Tao) Teaching procedures : Step 1 : Warm-up 1、Greetings : Good morning /afternoon ,boys and girls . 2、Show the masks : Yang Ling , Mike , Su Hai , Wang Bing , Liu Tao Step 2 : Presentation and practice 1、Listen to the teacher and learn to say : Im . Are you ? Yes , I am . / No , Im not . 2、Read the story after the tape . 3、Practice : Teachers and students or students and students . Group work or work in pairs . 4、Check . Step 3 : Consolidation 1、The teacher shows the masks ( Yang Ling , Mike , Su Hai , Wang Bing , Liu Tao ): Please introduce yourself to others and ask Im . Are you ? Students answer Yes , I am . / No , Im not . 2、Play a game : The students are divided for several groups . In each group , the students ask and answer one by one . 3、Listen to the tape and repeat again . 4、Break : Listen to the rhyme Are you Mike ? Step 4 : Homework 1、Listen to the tape and read aloud . 2、Workbook : Listen and number . 板书设计 教学反思The second period : B Fun time Teaching aims: 1、能听懂、会说以下交际用语及自我介绍,并能用所学用语进行 简单的对话和互相问候: Im . Are you ? (要求读音正确,语调自然) Yes , I am . / No , Im not . 2、培养学生运用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。 Teaching procedures : Step 1 : Warm-up 1、Greetings : Good morning /afternoon ,boys and girls . 2、Introduce : Introduce yourself to others .(Practice in groups) Step 2 : Presentation and practice 1、Review : 复习本部分中的相关用语 Eg. T : Are you ? S : Yes , I am . / No , Im not . Im . 2、Example : 请同学示范游戏过程,请S1面朝黑板站立,做好准 备,请S2变换嗓音向S1问好。 Eg. S2 : Hello ! S1 : Hello ! Are you ? S2 : Yes , I am . / No , Im not . 3、Practice : 仿照示范分组练习,互相提问,互相回答。 Step 3 : Consolidation 1、Listen to the tape and repeat . 2、Play a game .(Guess and say ) 3、Workbook : B Tick and say Step 4 : Home work Listen to the tape and repeat .板书设计教学反思The third period : C Cartoon time Teaching aims: 1、能认识其中的人物:Bobby and Sam ,能根据画面看懂所表达 的意思。 2、能听懂、会说画面中的日常交际用语,并能运用这些用语进行 简单的对话和交流。要求读音正确,语调自然。 3、培养学生运用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。 Teaching aids: Cassette , recorder , teaching pictures , masks Teaching procedures : Step 1 : Warm-up 1、Greetings : Good morning /afternoon ,boys and girls . 2、Free talk : 介绍画面的人物、场景等。Guess and say : Step 2 : Presentation and practice 1、Show the masks and teaching pictures: Bobby and Sam . Please guess and answer : What are they doing in the pictures ? 2、Answer : Theyre playing hide-and-seek .(捉迷藏) What happens then? Look , here comes Sam ! 3、Listen to the tape and read after it . 4、观察学生是否能抓住故事中的笑点,适当引导学生了解故事内 容。 5、引导学生通过上下文理解最后一幅图中出现的新用语Goodbye . 6、Practice : By using masks . 组织学生分角色朗读并尝试表演对 话。尽量表现出故事的幽默之处。 Step 3 : Learn to read Are you Mike ? 1、Listen to the rhyme . 2、Read after the teacher . (注意语气语调) 3、Learn to read and act . Step 4 : Do the workbook C Read and choose Page 7 Step 5 : Consolidation 1、Listen to the tape . 2、Read after the tape . 板书设计 教学反思The forth period : D Letter time E Rhyme time Teaching contents: 1、Letter : Ee , Ff , Gg (注意Gg的写法和读音) 2、Rhyme : Are you Mike ? 3、Workbook : E Match and write Teaching aims: 1、The students can read and write the three letters : Ee , Ff , Gg 2、The students can read the rhyme Are you Mike ? 3、The students can talk in English . They like to speak in English. Teaching aids: Cassette , recorder , teaching pictures Teaching procedures: Step 1 : Warm-up 1、Greetings : Good morning/afternoon , boys and girls / class. 2、Review : Unit 1 : Aa , Bb , Cc , Dd ,把字母卡贴在黑板上,让同 学们识别并大声朗读。 Step 2 : Presentation and practice 1、Show the three letters on blackboard: Ee , Ff , Gg after Aa , Bb , Cc , Dd , ask students to try to read them . 2、Listen to the tape and repeat .(注意Gg的写法和读音) 3、Read after the teacher . 4、The teacher show the style of writing of the three letters , then ask students try to write after the teacher . 5、Practice Step 3 : Consolidation 1、Listen to the tape and repeat . 2、Workbook : D Think and write E Match and write Step 4 : Learn to read Are you Mike ? 1、Listen to the rhyme Are you Mike ? 2、Read after the teacher . 3、Learn to read (注意语气语调,朗读正确) . Step 5 : Homework Listen to the tape and read aloud . Write the three letters . 板书设计 教学反思The fifth period : F Checkout time G Ticking time Teaching aims: 1、The students can listen to the tape and answer the question . 2、The students can say the communion parlance and introduce themselves to others . 3、The students can read and write the three letters : Ee , Ff , Gg . Teaching aids: Cassette , recorder , teaching pictures Teaching procedures: Step 1 : Warm-up 1、Greetings : Good morning/afternoon , boys and girls / class. 2、Read and write : Ee , Ff , Gg 3、Read the rhyme Are you Mike ? Step 2 : Presentation and practice 1、Show the teaching pictures and the masks . F Checkout time . Look at the pictures and say .(根据画面中的人 物的说话判断另一个人物的回答) 2、Listen to the tape carefully . 3、Listen and respond . ( 根据语境回答,将答案写在书中对应处 ) 4、Students practice in groups . Step 3 : Do the workbook Step 4 : Consolidation 1、Listen to the tape and read again . 2、Read and write the letters : Ee , Ff , Gg . Then ticking on page 17 .(根据同学们自己掌握的程度打钩) 3、Review the communion parlance again . Then ticking on page 17 .(根据同学们自己掌握的程度打钩) 板书设计 教学反思


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