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小学英语第五册Module 3 Module 4 检测试题一、单项选择 (30分) ( )1.This _ my father. A. is B. am.( )2.Point_the door. A. at B. to( ) 3. Pass me the apples, please. -_. A. Thank you B. Here you are( ) 4. I like fish. _I dont like oranges. A .But B .and( ) 5.Do you like noodles? No, I _ A. do B. dont( ) 6. What _you_ at the weekend? A. do, do B. does, does( ) 7. At Spring Festival, we say “_”.A. Happy New Year B. Happy birthday( ) 8.In _, the trees and grass are green. A. spring B. winter( ) 9. _ the box? A. Where B. Wheres( ) 10. Sam _on the snow in winter. A. walks B. walk( )11. - _ did you go? - Dalian. A. What B. Where C. Who D. Why( )12. I _ understand this sentence(句子). A. do B. am C. dont D. am not( )13. - How are you? - _. A. Im five. B. Im fine. C. How are you? D. How do you do?( )14. She _ me a postcard yesterday.A. sent B. sends C. send D. sending( )15. They _ lots of places last week.A. visit B. visited C. visiting D. visits二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(7分)1. - What _ you _ (do) at the weekend? - I _ (visit) lots of places.2. My friend _ (send) me a nice postcard last week.3. Helen _ (go) to the British Museum every year. Last month she _ (go) there, too.4. Tom can _ (take) photos. He _ (take) a photo of his father just now.三交际运用(7分)下面是两组同学在交谈,我很想知道他们的交谈内容。请你根据对话内容把我没有听清楚的内容写在横线上,谢谢你哟(别忘了大小写啊)。1. - Hello. _ your name? - _ name is Jane. - Im Michael. - Nice to meet you, Michael.2. Tom: Hi. Jenny. How are you?Jenny: _ _, thank you. What _ you _ (do) the weekend?Tom: I _ (go) to the Great Wall.四请选择与汉语内容相符的句子,在括号内打对号。(8分)1. 他们星期六去科学博物馆。( )a. They went to the Science Museum on Saturday.( )b. We went to the Summer Palace on Saturday.2. 王叔叔周末做什么。( )a. What did your aunt do at the weekend?( )b. What did Uncle Wang do at the weekend?3. 萨姆的朋友们去他家了。( )a. Sams friends went to his house.( )b. They took some photos.4. 我们从网上购物。( )a. We did some shopping on the Internet.( )b. She did some shopping at the supermarket.五阅读下列句子,用动词的适当形式填空。(8分)1. They _ (move) to that city last year.2. I _ (drop) my ice-cream on the ground.3. She _ (study) in that school.4. Mum _ (ask) me to buy some apples. 六、根据问句找出合适的答语。(10分) ( ) 1.Happy birthday to you. A. Its two oclock. ( ) 2.Whats this? B. Its a book. ( ) 3.Whats the time, please? C. Happy New Year!( )4.Pass me the box, please. D. Thank you. ( ) 5.Whats your name? E. Its red. ( ) 6.Do you like monkeys? F. Im fine, thank you. ( ) 7.How are you? G. My name is Sam. ( ) 8.Where is the pencil? H. Yes,I do. ( ) 9.Happy New Year! I. Here you are! ( ) 10.What colour is it? J. Its on the desk.七、连词成句。(10分) 1. are , Here , you ( . ) _ 2. Here , for , is , you , a book ( . ) _ 3. dont , like , I , football ( . ) _4. time , Whats , the , please ( ? ) _5. at , the , weekend , do , What , you , do ( ? )_ 八、把下列句子翻译成汉语。(10分)1.At the weekend, Lili plays basketball. _ 2.I dont like morning exercises. _ 3.Whats your favourite song? _ 4.At Spring Festival,we have a big family dinner._ 5.He goes to work by bike.九、阅读短文,判断句子正误,用“”“X”表示。(10分) Hello,my name is Tom. I like Music.I like football.I play football at the weekend. I have a brother.His name is Sam.He likes basketball. He plays basketball on Friday. ( ) 1.Tom likes football. ( ) 2.Sam is Toms brother. ( ) 3.Sam likes football. ( ) 4.Tom and Sam are friends. ( ) 5.Sam plays basketball on Friday.


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