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个性英文伤感个性署名 总算毕业了,却又是那么的想回去再读几年。但我知道没有你们的校园,再呆一天全部是不可能的。Baby,想你们。伸出双手,想要把你挽留,抓住的只是你唯美的借口。下面由就由xx为大家整理的,欢迎大家观看1、我们走过同一条街,却回到了两个世界。We walk the same street, but go back to the two world.2、你不了解我不被了解,你不爱我不被爱我们不相爱。You dont know I dont know, you dont love me dont be love we dont love.3、假如不能并肩同行,就假装恰好途经。If you cant walk side by side, pretend to be just passing by.4、脱口而出你的名字,又算怎么回事,我很想你。Out your name, and how it is, I miss you very much.5、我怎么敢倒下,我身后空无一人。How dare I fall behind me is empty.6、假如不能接收失去,人简直无法成长。我就像现在一样看着你微笑,缄默,得意,失落,于是我跟着你快乐也跟着你难过,只是我一直站在现在而你却永远停留过去.If you can not accept the loss, people simply can not grow.7、丢失的感觉就仿佛心被掏空了,空洞的可怕。I feel like the lost heart was hollowed out, empty terrible.8、你是我想躲,又想遇见的人。You are the one I want to hide, and I want to meet.9、别感动我,然后头也不回的离开我。Dont touch me, and never leave me.10、时间,能够了解爱情,能够证实爱情,也能够推翻爱情。Time can understand love, can prove love, but also can overthrow the love.11、你是我的定格,我是你的过客。You are my frame, I am your traveler.12、你总说我太敏感,其实,我只是没有安全感。You always said I was too sensitive, in fact, I just do not have a sense of security.再也回不去了,这无暇亦无邪的纯真韶光。即使你愿意,用一千万去换时光倒流的大学校园,重温飞扬奔放的四年青春,然而你换不来,只能伫立在霓虹闪烁,浮华喧嚣的城市街头,追忆菁菁校园里如水的月华。13、常常在梦里出现的人,大多数全部遥不可及。People often appear in the dream, most of them are out of reach.14、你的微笑,暖和了整个冬季。Your smile, warm the whole winter.15、常常在梦里出现的人大多全部遥不可及。Often appear in the dream, people are far away.16、等你爱我,哪怕只有一次也就足够。When you love me, even if only once is enough.17、浮云般的爱情,可能可能可能。The clouds like love, perhaps maybe.18、你没资格说我变了,知道有句话叫拜你所赐吗!You are not qualified to say that I have changed, I know that there is a word called worship you give it!19、我想到了和你的未来种种意外,却忘了考虑你会不在。I thought of all the unexpected with your future, but forgot to consider that you will not be in.20、梦中梦见你时疼的厉害却舍不得睁开眼。Dream in a dream when you hurt but do not want to open my eyes.21、你总说这是最终一次,可你每次全部这么说。You always say this is the last time, but every time you say so.22、我过得可好,能哭能笑能奔跑,你说有多好。I had now, can cry can smile can run, you say how good.23、我已经相信有些人我永远无须等。I already believe that some people I will never have to wait.24、就算我们的过去全部没有了证实,我仍然守护你。Even if we did not have a proof of the past, I still protect you.25、请别认为你有多难忘,笑是真的不是我逞强。Please dont think you have more memorable, laughter is really not I opposed.26、有些东西失去了,比拥有更让我们刻骨铭心。Some things lost, let us have more than The imprint is engraved on my heart.27、其实我没那么坚强,只是嘴硬罢了,只是你不懂罢了。In fact, I was not so strong, just fooling you, just you dont understand.28、失去的东西,就别再捡了,脏了。Lost things, do not pick up, dirty.29、我庆幸遇见了你,却遗憾只是遇见。I am glad to meet you, but unfortunately only to meet.30、以后想想,当初那份自认为能够久久的感情更像是胡闹。Think later, at the beginning of that thought for a long time to feeling more like nonsense.31、不要活在他人的嘴里和眼里,生气一分钟就少愉快了秒。Do not live in other peoples mouth and eyes, angry one minute less happy seconds.32、后来,尽可能别叫今天的泪白流。After the day, try not to call todays tears flow.33、我们全部是用最幼稚的方法失去最爱的人。We are the most naive way to lose the most loved one.34、属于我光芒四射的笑容,我何处寻求。Belongs to my radiant smile, where I am looking for.35、全部说时间是良药,但治好的全是皮外伤。It is said that time is good medicine, but the cure is full of skin trauma.36、我叫泓,因此你的欺骗如洪水涌来。My name is Wang, so you cheat as flood coming.37、把男人的话就当放屁吧!无色、无味、不过能中毒身亡。The man then when Farting! Colorless, tasteless, but can be poisoned to death.38、你仿佛真的过的很好,完全不需要我的打搅。You seem to really have been very good, do not need my bother.39、我会一直等你,直到没有再等下去的理由。I will wait for you until I have no more reason to wait.40、是你的错,还是我的错,还是现实的错。爱会让人牵肠挂肚,也会让人妒忌生恨。每个人全部有一段刻在灵魂里的往事,或许是前世,或许是今生。假如爱情是永远,就让爱情深深印在脑海里。不论是经过鬼门关、走过奈何桥、喝过孟婆汤、重新转世为人,灵魂深处永远刻有相互的微笑直到世界的尽头。Its your fault, my fault, the real fault.41、因为在意你,因此我总是解释,而你却总是说我在掩饰。Because I care about you, so I always explain, and you always say that I am in cover up.42、无人和我把酒分无人告我夜已深。No one told me and Ive divided one night.43、我倔强的不愿屈服,换来的却也只是伤痕累累。I stubbornly reluctant to yield, but also only the scars.44、孤独,是一场无人递粥的重感冒。Lonely, is a heavy cold no one handed the porridge.45、异地恋,连一个拥抱全部是奢望。In different places, even a hug is a luxury.46、用加法爱人,用减法怨恨,用乘法感恩,用除法解忧。Lover with addition, subtraction resentment with, with the multiplication of gratitude, division with melancholy.47、总以为会有什么事情发生,莫名的很不安。Always feel that there will be something happening, inexplicable very disturbed.48、你怎么还不来找我,我不想喜爱他人。Why dont you come to me, I dont want to like other people.49、总有一个人让你疼到骨子里也不舍得放弃。There is always a person let you pain to the bone is not willing to give up.50、应该认真想了,并没有太久的时光让我们任意浪费。Should seriously think, and not too long time to let us freely.51、樱花盛开只一瞬,残败却一整年。The cherry blossoms only moment, but from a year.52、原谅我的食言吧,因为我发觉我,对你并不主要!Forgive me for breaking my promise, because I found that I was not important to you!我就像现在一样看着你微笑,缄默,得意,失落,于是我跟着你快乐也跟着你难过,只是我一直站在现在而你却永远停留过去。


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