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1 对外经贸英语合同写作对外经贸英语合同写作 2 第十一章第十一章 交货条款交货条款(delivery Clause)3 本章重点本章重点:装货时间的表达,分批装运,转船,滞期,速遣,延迟交货的责任本章难点本章难点:分批装运的表达教学方法教学方法:理论联系实际 本章学时本章学时:2学时 4 交货期(Time of shipment)装卸港(Port of shipment and destination)转船(transhipment)分批装运(installment shipment)5一、交货时间(Time of shipment/delivery)某年某月内装运用:In or during,也可省略某年某月(某日)前装运:before,by or on限于某事情后一段时间内装运:within6 例如:1.1993年10月装运 Shipment in October 1993 During October 1993 October 1993 2.3月上半月间/3月下半月间/3月初/3月底装运 Shipment in(during)first half of March Shipment in(during)second half of March Shipment in(during)beginning of Shipment in(during)March/end of March7 3.2008,3月,20前装运/3月底前装运 Shipent by(on or before)20th March/before the end of March 4.3月4月5月间装运 Shipment in(during)March/April/May 5.收到信用证后60天内装运 Shipment within 60 days after receipt of L/C8 二、装卸港(二、装卸港(port of shipment and destination)/(loading port&destination)1.装运港和目的港分开装运港和目的港分开 port of shipment port of destination 2.装运港和目的港合在一起装运港和目的港合在一起 loading port&destination9三、分批装运三、分批装运(installment shipments/partial shipments)分批装运允许或禁止分批装运允许或禁止 partial shipments are allowed/permitted partial shipments are allowed/permitted或不用句子或不用句子 permitting/allowing partial shipments with partial shipments allowed例:从中国港口至新加坡,允许分批装运例:从中国港口至新加坡,允许分批装运 From China ports to Singapore,partial1.shipments are allowed/permitted102.分批装运后约定等量等期装运分批装运后约定等量等期装运Shipment in equal monthly(quarterly/weekly)instalments(shipments/lots)each of(of each)beginning(commercing)from(with/in)从从起,分几批等量按月起,分几批等量按月/季季/星期,每批装多少星期,每批装多少或或shipment in months(weeks/quarters)in equal installment(shipments/lots)each of(ofeach) lll commercing(beginning)with(in/from)或或shipment to be spreaded equal over three months of each(each of)beginning with11 如:从五月份开始分三批按月等量装运,每批如:从五月份开始分三批按月等量装运,每批装运装运20吨吨 In three equal monthly installment(shipments/lots)each of 20 tons(of 20 tons each)beginning(commercing)from(with/in)may In three months in equal installments(shipments/lots)each of 20 tons(of 20 tons each)beginning(commercing)from(with/in)may Shipment to be spreaded equal over three months each of 20 tons(of 20 tons each)beginning(commercing)from(with/in)may12 3.分批装运后等量不等期 例如:分两批于10月份和12月份平均装运 Shipment during October and December in two equal lots(shipments/installments)货物约等分两批装运,每批间隔25天 In two approxiamately equal/shipments required lll 25 days apart(at interals of 25 days/at 25 days interval/with an internal of 25 days)13 4.分批装运后不等量,不等期 例如:六月间装200公吨,9月间装100公吨 To ship 200 M/T during/in June,and 100 M/T during in September 四、装船(transhipment)Transhipment atis allowed/permitted Transhipment atis not allowed/permitted/prohibited/forbidden 例如:装运期:1995年5月装船在哥本哈根装船 Time of shipment:In May 1995,Transhipment at Copenhagen is allowed/permitted14 五、滞期(五、滞期(demurrage),速遣速遣(despatch)条款条款 卖方应保证每个晴天工作日装卖方应保证每个晴天工作日装700吨进入全吨进入全部货仓,或按可供货仓数量的比例装货。部货仓,或按可供货仓数量的比例装货。每日的速遣费为每日的速遣费为600美元,滞期费为美元,滞期费为1200美元美元 Sellers guarantee to load 700 M/T per W WD(weather working day)for all hatches,or pro rata according to availability of hatches.Dispatch at US$600 per day and Demurrage at US$1,200 per day15 六、装运通知(shipping Advice)和装运须知(shipping instruction)如:本合同所定货物一经装运,应即以电报通知买方。Shipment effected under this contract shall be promptly informed to the buyer by cable16 七、延迟交货的责任(七、延迟交货的责任(responsibility for delay in shipment)1.提单日期应作为装运期,若延迟交货,买方得撤销合提单日期应作为装运期,若延迟交货,买方得撤销合同,并索赔因违约所造成的损失。同,并索赔因违约所造成的损失。The date of Bill of Lading shall be considered as the date of shipment.In the event of delay in shipment,buyer may www.izuqiu.org lllcancel the contract and claim damages fro breach of the contract.2.因不可抗力或任何其他意外事件,包括原材料短缺、因不可抗力或任何其他意外事件,包括原材料短缺、机器损坏、限电等非卖方所能控制的事情,导致交货迟机器损坏、限电等非卖方所能控制的事情,导致交货迟延,卖方不承担责任。延,卖方不承担责任。Seller shall not be liable for any delay of shipment due to Force Majeure or any other contingency including shortage of raw material,machinery breakdown,power curtailment etc.,beyond the control fo Seller.17 课堂练习:课堂练习:1.六月下半月及七月上半月装运六月下半月及七月上半月装运 Shipment in/during second half of June and first half of July 2.11月底前装运月底前装运 Shipment before(on/by)the end of November 3.自美国港口至黄埔自美国港口至黄埔 From American ports to Huangpu 4.4月、月、5月分两批平均装运,每批运月分两批平均装运,每批运30长短长短 In two equal shipments(installments/lots)of 30 L/T each during April and May 5.货物分三批平均装运,每批间隔货物分三批平均装运,每批间隔40天天 Shipment in three equal installments with an interval of 40 days


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