Organization Theory ZHANG KE

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Public Admin TheoryProfessor: Bernard SierackiPA400KE ZHANGThe Organization Theory1. Introduction of Classical Organization Theory The Classical Organization Theory is also called “Traditional Organization Theory”. It can be traced back to Adam Smith. In “Wealth of Nations”, he put forward the principle of Division of Labor first. The principle of the Division of Labor is a fundamental principle of organizational designs which still convincing. The Classical Organization Theory begins from the late 19th century and prevalence in the early 20th century. The Classical Organization Theory can be divided into Scientific Management Theory, Administrative Management Theory and the Bureaucracy Theory. (1) The concept of Scientific Management TheoryThis theory was proposed by Taylor who was known as the Father of Scientific Management. Taylor launched a scientific management revolution in the United States. The whole concept and idea of Taylor became the foundation of Classical Management Theory. (2) The concept of Administrative Management TheoryIn the first half of the 20th century, the Administrative Management Theory was discussed from the macro. The Frenchman Fayol is known as the Father of Administrative Management Theory. Fayol absorbed the thought of scientific management and proposed the principles of the Administrative Management. In addition to the principles, Fayol also raised a number of important ideas, such as a clear responsibility between the organization system, etc. (3)The Bureaucratic Organization Theory of WeberThe Webers construction of the administrative organization theory began from the powers analysis. He believes that every organization must be based on a form of authority in order to achieve its objectives. He believes that there are three pure forms of legitimate authority: Rational-the power of the Law; Traditional power; Extraordinary powers. Weber believes in the power of these three forms, the efficiency of the Traditional power is the weakest and the Extraordinary power is too emotional. Only Rational - the power of the Law can serve as the basis of Administrative organization Theory. (4)The reason of the Classical Organization Theory In the early 19th century to the 20th century period, the United States was experiencing a boom development in the field of economy. American was beginning a technology revolution with electricity and the internal combustion engine as a symbol. In that time, American caught up with Germany and Britain to become the worlds top industrial nation.In Germany, with the opening of the second Industrial Revolution, the development of capitalist industry and the 1873 economic crisis, Germany accelerated the formation of monopolies. The organization of monopolies control the industrial production, this phenomenon forms the basis of German economic life. Similarly we can see France, although the development of French industry is quite slow, but in the late 19th and early 20th century, the French also appeared monopolies. This allows us to see easily that in the early 19th century to the 20th century, the capitalist economy promoted the development of the monopolies, and the development of the monopolies need the protection of the law and high efficiency production, so the Classical Organization Theory offered the needs, but this theory also showed the disadvantages in this period - ignoring the human needs and emotion.2. Behavioral science organizational theory (1)The Introduction of the Behavioral Science Organization TheoryIn the 1920s, the disadvantages of the organization system became more and more obvious; therefore, the scientists moved their eyes to the human. They began to study the differences of human behavior and the development on organizational structure. Gradually, the Human Relations Theory formed. In 1950s it developed into Behavioral Science Theory and became the Organizational Behavior in the mid-1960s.Behavioral Science Theory impressed on the theories and methods of psychology, sociology, human sociology. Which quite famous school of the main representative of Behavioral Science are George Mayo and Ross Ellis Berg. Their doctrine was confirmed from the mid-1920s to the early 1930s experiments in Chicago Western Electric Companys Hawthorne plant, so it was named Hawthorne Experiment. Hawthorne Experiment started from 1924 to 1932, which lasted eight years, after a series of experiments for the relationship between the work environment, working conditions, group behavior, employee attitudes, morale and productivity , they found and proved that people productivity depends not only on the physical aspects and the physical aspects of human factors, but also influenced by the social environment and social psychological aspects. According to the Hawthorne Experiments, Mayo proposed their theories systematically.(2)The reason of the Behavioral Science Organization Theory In the early 20th century to the mid-20th century, the world situation has a great change; no doubt the outbreak of World War is the beginning. The World War destroyed the countries and their citizens. Meanwhile, World War , is also a heavy blow to the international imperialism. With the end of World War II, the international forced to grow and developed socialism, and the development of the science and technology because of the World War which greatly promoted the progress of human civilization. From these events, we can see that after World War II, the governments and citizens of many countries value the peace and humanity much more than before. Perhaps the World Wargave people too much trauma, making too much emphasis on the individual of this period, while ignoring the impact of the external environment for the organization.3. Modern Organization Theory (1)The Introduction of the Modern Organization TheoryThe Modern Organization Theory was formed since the 1960s. Modern Organization Theory was based on the Classical Organizational Theory and Behavioral Science Organization Theory. In order to adapt the progress of science and technology, it became a systematic theory. Its central idea is to view the organization as an open, rational model. The Modern Organization Theory began to realize that the external environment played a decisive role on the organization and management of the internal structure of the organization. Organizational structure and management methods should be subordinated to the overall strategic objectives. This organization theory emphasizes the organization is a social organization, emphasizing survival value, social role and person is the central organization. The main feature of this theory sees human behavior as the analysis object, so it is necessary to actively strengthen peoples needs, but also to control peoples needs. Modern Organization Theories & Management; 天津大学出版社: 第1版 (2003年1月1日) (2)The reason of the Modern Organization TheoryAfter entering the 1980s, with the rapid development of social, economic, cultural, especially in information technology development and the emergence of the knowledge economy, the world situation is very profound changes. Facing the new situation of information technology, globalization, economic integration, competition among enterprises, enhanced contact management profound changes occurred with the new pattern. It is in this situation, the management there have been some new trends. Meanwhile, the development of the Modern Organization Theory needs a variety of disciplines support. The economics, mathematics, statistics, sociology, anthropology, psychology, law, computer science and other disciplines are increasingly used in business management. A series of the developments and changes, making the Modern Organization Theory more perfect and comprehensive, we can believe that the Modern Organization Theory laid the foundation a long-term development for the Organization Theory.


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