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复习卷ITranslate the following words and phases:1. 试订购2. 优惠价3. 流动资金4. 价格单5. 报盘6. 折扣7. 订购8. 优惠活动 9. 药店10. 拉肚子11. 上海菜系12. 移民13.免费食物和酒水14. 奶昔 milkshake15. 普通话16安检 17.。国内航班18. 普通标准间19. 海景房20. 空姐II. Choose the best answer:1、We are _ in Chinese cotton piece goods, details as per our Enquiry Note.A fondB interestedC gladD happy2、We _ by email a catalog of electric goods we export.A sendB are sendingC are sentD is sending3、Cell phones _ within our scope of business.A fallB fallsC fallingD is falling4. We are happy to receive your letter _ a catalogue of our products.A requestingB enquiringC payingD asking5. Your early reply will be highly _.AappreciatingB. appreciatedC. appreciateD. appreciation6. This model is our _ item.A. saleB. fast sellsC. best-sellingD. leading seller7. This model is our _ item.A. saleB. fast sellsC. best-sellingD. leading seller8. Claims are _ only for that part of the loss, that is over 4%. A. chargeableB. raisedC. lodgedD. payable9.Our _ of sales are as shown. A. terms and conditionsB. termination and conditioningC. term and conditionD. terminations and conditionings10. We _ your S/C dated Feb. 23, 2004.A. have receivedB. having receivedC. had receivingD. having receiving11. This is our rock-bottom price and we are not in a position to _ it any more.A. reduceB. raiseC. growD. drop12.In order to _ our market share, we are now seeking new partners.A. expandB. extentC. extendD. expire13. If the first shipment proves _, we shall place a repeat order. A. satisfactoryB. satisfactionC. satisfiedD. satisfy 14.The joint venture company will be the dedicated wholesaler of Chinese textiles in the Australian _.A. marketingB. marketedC. marketD. market for15. _ you have entered your new office building, you probably would like to refurnish it.A. Now thatB. So thatC. ForD. Because16. Please _ that the order should be dispatched as scheduled.A. seeingB. see to itC. lookingD. Look to it17._ your letter of May 5, we are sorry that we cannot advance the time of delivery.A. With reference toB. Refer to C. ReferringD. With refer to18. Our price is in line _ the prevailing international market.A. toB. besidesC. withD. for19. Your terms are _, so we _ them.A. satisfying, acceptableB. satisfied, acceptC .satisfactory, acceptD. satisfied, acceptable20.Our offer can only remain _for three days.A. openedB. non-firmC. invalidD. valid21.We can hardly _an agreement with you since your quotation is _ to us. A. reach,acceptedB. reach,unacceptableC. arrive,acceptingD. arrive,acceptable22.We shall appreciate _ if you will _ that the amendment is cabled without delay.A. it, see to itB. you, see to itC. you, see in itD. it, see to them23.Our delay in payment was _ temporary accounting difficulties.A. owe toB. due toC. becauseD. since24.In this case, the buyer reserves the right to _ the contract.A. callB. cancerC. cameD. cancel25.As we are in urgent need of the goods, please _ the goods ASAP.A. payB. shipC. insureD. packIII. Fill in the blanks: 1. The first lot will be delivered by June/July. You will receive the remainder _ the end of the year.2. Due _ the present price level, we are unable to change the price of our offer.3. Your delay _ delivery has forced us to obtain the goods elsewhere. We are returning your shipment at your expense.4. Well sign the contract _ condition that the packing instructions of the users are observed.5. We shall place a large order _Mens Shirts with you, if the time of delivery is acceptable to us.6. We trust you will accept our offer without any delay as the demand _our cotton shirts is heavy.7. Our goods enjoy a high _ in the world market.8. If the quality of the material delivered does not come _ to that of the sample, we are ready to replace the unsold part of the batch.9. Pleas fax us the shipping _ immediately, notify the name of the vessel and the ETA10.This price is inclusive _ your 5% commission.11.Please let us have your lowest quotation on the _ of CFR London.12. We confirm your order of October 16 _ 2000MT of coal.13. We wish to draw your attention _ the fact that the date of delivery is approaching.14.We are sorry that we are not _ a position to accept your counter-offer.15. We found it is difficult to accept your price, as it is _the high side.16. Due _ heavy demand, we regret our inability to accept any fresh orders at present.17. Please keep us informed _the customers response to our new products.18.We are pleased to learn_ your letter of 8 May, 2008 that you are purchasing our goods.19. We are looking for a supplier _ our trade partners.20. For your information, we have received a crowd of enquiries _buyers in other directions.IV. Complete the following letters with the given choices: Part ADear Mr. Amelio,_ 1_and I would like to thank you for your interest in our products._ 2_which describe our full line of products that serve the automobile industry. This should help to familiarize you with _3_.If you have any further questions, _4_5_Yours faithfully,A. Thank you again for your interest B. please call us at our toll-free number, (800) -86942845.C. Your letter of inquiry regarding our product line has been brought to my attentionD. I have enclosed a price list and data sheetsE. our family of products and the high quality of our equipmentPart BDear Mr. Simpson,We are pleased to go into business with the Smith & Sons Co. Ltd., _6_.We have been informed that _7_. We would appreciate it if _8_:_9_? How promptly are terms met? Is there any account that is currently outstanding? We assure you that _10_ and we shall be glad to reciprocate the favor at any time.Yours faithfully,A. you could advise us about their business practices by providing us the following informationB. What credit limit have you placed on their accountC. who has given us your name as a referenceD. any information you may give us will be treated in strict confidenceE. you have had business relations with Smith & Sons Co.,Ltd. for many yearsPart CADear Mr. Bezzole,We regret to inform you that _11_. We do not anticipate having inventory on this item for another four weeks._12_. Model A is the professional model with automatic pressure and digital readout used by many hospitals. Model B is typically sold for home use. _13_ and hope that _14_._15_. Thank you for your patience in this matter.Sincerely yours,A. Unless you notify me otherwise, I will assume that you still want us to ship Model C as soon as it arrives in our warehouseB. one of them will be satisfactory for youC. I am enclosing brochures on both of these productsD. However, we do have two other models that may answer your needsE. the Model C blood pressure cuff you ordered is temporarily out of stockPart DDear Mr. Meavy,Re: 50 metric tons of Green BeanWe enclose herewith your Statement of Claim No.C453 together with _16_._17_ that the damage is attributed to rough handling whilst the goods were in the carriers custody. _18_, the carrier should have delivered the packages in good condition as they were at the time of shipment. Therefore, _19_.We return herewith the documents and suggest that _20_.Yours faithfully,A. the carrier should be held entirely responsible for the damage in transit for an amount of USD 2,437 on invoice value basisB. As there are no adverse remarks on the Bill of LadingC. You will note from the enclosed survey reportD. the relevant supporting documents in respect of damage to the subject goodsE. you take up this matter with the carrier in due courseV. Filling in the blanks with proper words in the following mail见课本 Chapter 13 Exercises VI. Translate the following into Chinese: 1. Founded in 2002, we are specialized in the import and export of cow product.2. All the prices in the list are subject to our final confirmation.3. We would like to know your other products, please airmail your brochure and pricelist.4. We have 25 retail outlets nationwide. We now command 30% of the market in the home appliance. 5. If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know so that we may give it our careful study.6. Our products are beautiful in pattern, elegant in style, matching in colors and skillful in workmanship.7. Shall we return the damaged goods to you or hold them at your disposal?8. We are prepared to place a trial order for the following products as per the terms and conditions in your letter. We shall appreciate it if you can dispatch them by rail immediately.9. We have the right to cancel the order unless your goods can reach us before Oct. 23.10. Enclosed is our S/C in duplicate. Please counter-sign and return one copy.11.We wish to charter a ship of about 6000 tons for single voyage from San Francisco to Qingdao, China for coal.12. Your counter-offer is too low and out of line with the prevailing market price.13. Full information as to prices, quality, quantity available and other relative particulars would be appreciated.VII. Translate the following into English: 1. 我们将完全按照你们的指示包装货物。 2. 我们订购的数量很大程度上取决于你们的价格。 3. 为了避免损坏,货物将采用木箱包装。 4.我方需要10-14号各1000件。请报到最优惠上海离岸价。5. 能否告知贵方付款条件?6.随函附寄我方棉制品的商品目录和价格单。7.如订购数量超过1000台,我们将给予30%的折扣。8. 凭检验报告我方向你方提出短重两公吨石油的索赔。9. 我们不可能在每台340美元的基础上再降价了。10. 非常抱歉我们不能把交货期提前。 11. 12. VII. Letter-writing:write an English letter with the information given below: 见书 Chapter 13 (page 241)9


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