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Unit8 A Country Music Song Changed Her Life Forever. 一、教材分析 The topic of this unit is about American classic music. Its important for students to learn some information about the country music and its background. After learning this unit, students can not only know about the beauty of the country music, but also they can understand the different cultural environment.二、教学目标1、 知识与能力:Words and phrases: belong to,live,used to,have been to,have gone to,success,record.Sentences structures:1) Have you ever been to ? 2) 2. Ever since then, she has been a fan of American country music.3) Sarah hasnt been to Nashville yet, but it is her dream to go there one day.2、 过程与方法:1) Students learn some new words and phrases about the passage.2) Through listening to the tape, students can learn the target language of this unit and practice the target language with their partners.3) Students can know about the history of the country music. Then finish the exercises of this unit.4) At last practice writing a summary of this passage.3、 情感教育与价值观:In this unit, students can not only know about the country music and its background, but also they can understand the importance of listening to the music. At the same time, ask students to build up the consciousness of enjoying the country music.三、学习者特征分析 对于八年级学生来说,不论在词汇还是在语法方面都有一定的基础,尤其在八年级下第八单元学生已经学习了现在完成时态,这就对于学生理解整篇文章有很大的帮助。通过对学生听说读写能力的培养,更好运用目标语言,初步学习说明文写作。 四、教学方法Listening, imitating, speaking, pair work, group work. 五、教学重点及难点重难点:1.学会寻读技巧,寻找关键信息,并利用关键信息完成对段落大意的归纳。 2.掌握本节课的重点短语(used to,fight over,success,ever since,belong to,remind sb. that)3.掌握现在完成时的用法(have/has been to 和have /has gone to)六、 教学过程Step1. Warming-upListen to a piece of music,then answer these questions.1.Have you heard of the song?2.What kind of music is it? 3.How does the country music make you feel?Step2.Pre-reading1. _过去常常2.fight over_ 3. return home_ 4. _在收音机上5.make sb. do sth._ 6. _考虑e to realize_ 8._ 属于9.remind sb. that_10. _去过11.ever since then _12.hope to do sth. _Step3 While-reading1.自主学习Country Music Fact Sheet (2minutes)Where it is from: _ What kind of music it is: _ A famous country music place in Nashville: _ A famous country music singer: _ The number of records he has sold: _ 2.合作探究Paragraph11. Who is Sarah?2. Where is she from?3. What does she like? Paragraph21.What is country music?2. What is country music about?Paragraph31.What is Sarahs dream?2.Who is Garth Brooks?Step4 After-reading1.课堂检测 Country is a _kind of music from the _states of America. Nashville, Tenessee is the _of country music. Many songs these days are about_ life in America, such as the_ of money and success, but not about_ to a group. However, country music brings back to the “good old days” when people were kind to_ and trusted_ .It reminds us that the best things in life are free-_, friends, family, and the_ of nature and the countryside.2.知识梳理1.When Sarah was a teenager, she used to fight over almost everything with her family. used to 过去常常,后跟_。e.g._ . 她过去经常唱这首歌,但是现在不唱了。2.Ever since then, she has been a fan of American country music. ever since then 从那时以来,与_时态连用.e.g._. 从那时以来我就住在这儿3.It reminds us that the best things in life are free.reminds sb. that+从句 意为 。e.g. _. 这本书提醒我应该努力学习。4.Sarah hasnt been to Nashville yet, but it is her dream to go there one day. It is her dream to + do sth.意为 。e.g._. 去美国是我的梦想。 have been to 与 have gone toe.g. (1) I have been to Beijing. (2) Where is he? He has gone to Beijing. _曾经去过某地,现在不在那里,已经回来了。 _去了某地,还没回来或在路上,可能还在那里。 Step5课后升华Step6作业布置1. Learn the new phrases and expressions by heart.2. Write a short summary of the passage in your own words.Blackboard design1.used todo something2.ever since then板书设计1. used to 过去常常2. ever since then3. reminds sb. that+从句4. It is her dream to + do sth.5. have been to 与 have gone to七、课后反思 本节课以美国乡村音乐为话题,让学生不仅了解了一些美国乡村音乐方面的知识,而且可以了解一些当时的风土人情、社会背景,也可以陶冶情操,感受不同的文化气息。兴趣是最好的老师。根据本班学生的学习方式和学习习惯来设计我的教案,设计每个步骤时都思考着怎样才能引起他们的兴趣。这节课的设计比较多样,既有多媒体图片,又有比赛的形式,还有听课文的训练,小组讨论,表演复述课文,教学比较有层次,希望能长时间地激发学生的兴趣;另外,在题型的设计也想尽量引起他们参与活动的欲望。大致步骤为:设置语境内容理解语言教学巩固练习。通过对知识点的学习,学生们可以用英语简单描述自己以及他人对一些事物的看法。从而使其更好掌握这些知识。但本单元所涉及的阅读文章篇幅较长,知识点相对较多,需要学生课后多复习巩固。在语言教学的环节当中,先考查学生对关键词的掌握,接着是课文的关键句,在已掌握关键词和关键句的情况之下,最后以游戏的方式检测学生对文中段落描述的再现。此对话课里长句较多,内容较杂,要求初二的学生在40分钟的学习之后完全复述出来,显有难度,所以设计练习的时候做了大量的提示符号。从学生的整体反应来看,过多的提示,有利有弊,“利”在于能鼓励基础薄弱的同学开口锻炼的机会,“弊”于不利于发展能力强的学生真正的表达能力。以后我会多加注意调整和改进。5


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