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英语五年级上册期末检测卷听力材料及参考答案 英语五年级期末检测卷听力材料及参考答案Listening一、听句子,圈出你所听到的单词或词组。6%3. Sarah二、听对话,依据听到的次序,给图片标号。6%1. Come and look at my room. There are two photos on the wall, and a clock is between them.2. A: Mom, Im hungry! Whats for dinner?B: We have carrots. Theyre healthy.A: Oh, no,! I like vegetables, but not carrots.3. My father is a farmer. He is hardworking.4. A: Whos that boy?B: Oh, he s my friend, Tony! He likes sports very much, and he can play basketball very well.5. This is a picture of my city. You can see two tall buildings beside the river.6. Alen is a polite boy, he often says hello to the teachers.参考答案: 4 2 1 6 5 3三、听音,补全单词,填写字母或字母组合。10%参考答案: 1. baby happy 2. beef tea 3. yellow flower4. football book 5. mouse house评分标准:每个单词1分。四、听问句,选择适宜的答句。8%1. What Ms Li like?2. What do you have on Mondays?3. Do you often play sports on the weekend?4. Are there any birds in the forest?参考答案:BBAA五、听短文,判定正误。10%My names Jack. Im from a small village. There are many houses and a river there. Beside the river, there are many flowers and trees. I often play there with my friends. We have a PE class in the morning and a computer class in the afternoon on Wednesdays. I lik the computer class, but I don t like the PE class. We have noodles for lunch. Monday is my favourite day. My favorite teacher is Mr Li. Hes our art teacher. He is tall and very funny. I can clean my room and wash my clothes. Am I helpful?参考答案:Reading & Writing六、选择不一样类的单词,将编号写在括号内。10%参考答案:B C A B D七、找一找,从右栏中选择适合的搭配,将序号填入提前括号内。10%参考答案:B A C E D B A D C E八、选择题。12%参考答案:ABC BCB九、依据图片,把句子补充完整。10%参考答案:1. do homework 2. eat hamburger3. basketball pipa 4. photo above 5. lakes mountains十、看图,读句子,判定句子的正误。6%参考答案:十一、阅读短文,判定正误。12%参考答案:


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