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9A Unit 1 Star signs Comic strip & Welcome to the Unit(教案) 启隆乡学校 施东云 93 民主初中 施为道 教学目标1. To identify the symbols that represent the star signs2. To learn the names of the symbols that represent the star signs 教学重点Different star signs and symbols教学难点Different stars signs and symbols课前预习Preview the new words and phrases教学过程:Step I Warm-up1. Free talk: I was born in 1974. My animal sign is the tiger. Whats your animal sign? Do you know the 12 animal signs?2. Ask students what animals they are in the Chinese horoscope. Ask them to describe the characteristics of that animal. For weaker classes, you can write the English names of the Chinese star signs on the board. RatOxTigerRabbitDragonSnake HorseGoatMonkeyRoosterDogPigFor the stronger Ss, encourage Ss to say the names directly.Step II Presentation1. Explain that western countries use a different system of star signs. Explain that the western star sign system is based on the month you were born in, rather than the year you were born in.2. Present the six pictures on page 7 Part A. Explain to students that each picture in Part A represents a star sign. Present the new words: bull, centaur, crab, ram. Read them after the teacher. 3. A guessing game. (1)It lives in rivers and uses its fins and tail to swim.fish(2)It is a large, yellow and brown animal of the cat family. The male has long, thick hair. lion(3)It is a creature that is halfman, halfhorse. centaur(4)It is a sea creature with a shell, eight legs and two large pointed arm for catching things. It moves sideways on land. crab(5)It is a kind of male sheep. ram(6)It belongs to the OX family but it is different from the cow because it is male. bullStep III Practice1. Ask the students to complete Part A, then discuss the answers in groups. Students who have made mistakes in this section will benefit from correcting their answers before proceeding to the Reading section, then read the star signs well.2. Ask students to complete Part B. Explain that there are 12 star signs in total- those in Part A and those in Part B. Each star sign represents a period of time in a year.3. Present the twelve star signs. Try to remember your own star sign Star sign date English name白羊座 3/214/20 Aries 金牛座 4/21-5/21 Taurus 双子座 5/22-6/21 Gemini 巨蟹座 6/227/22 Cancer 狮子座 7/23-8/22 Leo 处女座 8/23-9/22 Virgo 天秤座 9/23-10/22 Libra 天蝎座 10/2311/21 Scorpio 人马座 11/22-12/20 Sagittarius 摩羯座 12/21-1/20 Capricorn 宝瓶座 1/21-2/19 Aquarius 双鱼座 2/20-3/20 Pisces4. Ask students whether they know what their star sign is. Encourage them to say the name of their star sign aloud.5. Talk with your partner.How old are you? Im fifteen.Whats your animal sign? My animal sign is the rooster.When is your birthday? Its on 21st Jan.So you are an Aquarius.Step IV Presentation1. What does Eddies star say today? Lets have a listening and answer more questions.What did Hobo do for Eddie?How did Eddie feel about Hobo?What did the newspaper say about Eddie?What happened to Eddies breakfast?2. Grasp the expressions in the unit , Eg.Its nice of you to bring me the newspaper.It + be +adj. +of sb. +to do sth. 形容人用 ofIt + be +adj. +for sb. +to do sth 形容动作用forWorry about sb./sth./doing sth. 3. Read the paragraph below the pictures and know about the topic of this unit.4 Perform the dialogue with your partner Step V Exercises一根据句意,完成句子1. We always say the_ is the king of the animals._ and _ live in water, but the_ can come to land.2. When a _ sees red color, it will be angry.3. The_ likes eating grass.4. A _ is half-man, half-horse. 二选择填空 ( )1.Kitty is a _ girl. She enjoys dancing and singing. A. living B. alive C. lively D. live( )2. Its generous_ him to donate_ money to UNICEF. A. of, so much B. for, so many C. of, so many D. fro, so much( )3. Im thankful to you for_ the new chairperson. A. recommend me as B. recommending me as C. recommend me for D. recommending me for( ) 4. Could you tell me how much it_ to fly to Beijing? A. costs B. spends C. takes D. pays( ) 5. Its too difficult. Why_ the teacher for help? A. not to ask B. not asking C. dont ask D. not ask( ) 6. What_ our star signs? The time of your_!A. decides, birthday B. makes, year C. has, month D. takes, birthdayStep VI当堂检测题 (见学案)Homework 1. Recite the comic strip and the new words.2. Find more information about the star signs.9AUnit One Comic strip &Welcome to the unit(学案) 启隆乡学校 施东云民主初中 施为道 教学目标1. To identify the symbols that represent the star signs2. To learn the names of the symbols that represent the star signs 教学重点Different star signs and symbols教学难点Different stars signs and symbols课前预习作业一 预习生词,会拼读二听录音,跟读comic strip三认读并写出星座名称1.Aries 2.Taurus 3.Gemini 4.Cancer 5. Leo 6. Virgo 7.Libra 8.Scorpio 9.Sagittarius 10.Sapricorn 11.Aquarius 12.Pisces 四用所给动词的适当形式填空13.Its nice of her (help) the old.14.The young should (sleep) nine hours a day to keep healthy.15.Fangfang is interested in (collect) pictures of the star signs.16.The girls are worrying about (have) nothing to drink.课堂训练题一根据句意,完成句子1. We always say the_ is the king of the animals._ and _ live in water, but the_ can come to land.2. When a _ sees red color, it will be angry.3. The_ likes eating grass.4. A _ is half-man, half-horse. 二选择填空 ( )1.Kitty is a _ girl. She enjoys dancing and singing. A. living B. alive C. lively D. live( )2. Its generous_ him to donate_ money to UNICEF. A. of, so much B. for, so many C. of, so many D. fro, so much( )3. Im thankful to you for_ the new chairperson. A. recommend me as B. recommending me as C. recommend me for D. recommending me for( ) 4. Could you tell me how much it_ to fly to Beijing? A. costs B. spends C. takes D. pays( ) 5. Its too difficult. Why_ the teacher for help? A. not to ask B. not asking C. dont ask D. not ask( ) 6. What_ our star signs? The time of your_! A. decides, birthday B. makes, year C. has, month D. takes, birthday当堂检测题一 词组翻译1. 星座 2.吃早饭3. 担心 4. 带给我报纸5. 在九月一日 6. 不应该做某事二,选择填空1Thanks for your . Youre so to me. A. kind, kindly B. kindless, kind C. kindness, kind D. kindful, kindness2. Do you have to say? A. something other B. other something C. anything else D. else anything3. It s important_ a foreign language.A. of us to learn B. for us to learn C. of us learning D. for us learning4. Tom with his parents_ to America. They_ back in two weeks.A. have gone; will come B. has gone; will come C. have been; have come D. have been; come三句型转换 1 Maybe he is late for school. He _ _ late for school. (同义句)2 Id like to play basketball this afternoon. (一般疑问句) _ _ _ to play basketball this afternoon? 3 I think you are right. (否定句) I _ you _ right.4 He can carry the box. (同义句) He _ _ _ carry the box.5. Daniel was born on 7th October.(对划线部分提问)6. We should do your homework at once. (一般疑问句)9A Unit One 第一课时配套练习一词汇a. 首字母填空1.The water in the river is so clear that we can even see f swimming down there.2. I didnt have anything for breakfast this morning, so Im h now.3. A c is a creature that is half-man, half horse.4.You s not watch so much TV, Tommy. Its bad for your eyes.5. A b doesnt produce milk, while a cow can.6. When you go out on a clear night and look up, you will see thousands of s twinkling in the black sky.7.The l is sometimes regarded as the king of the animal world.8 .It was such an i film that everybody enjoyed it very much.9.Sandy,would you please b me todays paper? Id like to read some latest news.10.When evening comes and its getting dark, some c come out of water and take a walk on the beach.b. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Its nice of her (help) the old.2. The young should (sleep) nine hours a day to keep healthy.3. Fangfang is interested in (collect) pictures of the star signs.4. The girls are worrying about (have) nothing to drink.5. David is worrying about his_(able) to do all the extra work.c. 用所给动词的适当形式填空1. If she _(have) time, she will come and see you.2. - What _ your father _(plan) at the moment? - Something about the party next week.3. When _the plane _off? (take) - About ten minutes ago.4. - _your father _(come) back from France? - Yes, already. He got home last night.5. Policeman: Where _ you _(exercise) at ten yesterday morning? A man: In the Beijing Park.二单项选择1. -Its _ _ you to donate so much money for the charity show. - Its my duty.A. nicely; forB. nice; ofC. nice; toD. nicely; of2. It is important _the children to get on well with their friends.A. forB. toC. ofD. with3. I will need to get_ and eat_ if Im feeling weak. A. lots of rest, healthy B. lots of rest, healthily C. a number of rest, healthily D. a lot of rest, healthy4. He hates to_ means” he always wants to be different from others.” A. be like anyone else B. like anyone else C. be like else anyone D. like else anyone5.You_ worry about her. She will be all right soon. A. neednt to B. dont need C. dont have to D. not need三完成句子1. Hobo 把所有食物都吃了真是太自私了。(selfish) Its _2. 对我们来说,学好英语很重要。 Its _3. 因为有老师的帮助你不应该担心你学不好英语。 You_the teachers help. 4. 我们有许多时间完成这项工作。 We have _ 四完形填空。Everyone needs friends. We all like to 1 close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and to do things with. 2 , sometimes we need to be alone. We dont always want people 3 . But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend. No two people are just the same. Friends 4 dont get on well. It doesnt mean that they no longer 5 each other. Most of the time they will make up and become friends again. Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very 6 . We miss them very much, but we can 7 them and write to them. And we can make new friends. It is surprising to find out 8 we like new people when we get to know them. There is more good 9 for people who have friends. They live longer than people who dont, Why? It 10 be that they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be just knowing that someone cares. If someone cares about you, you take better care of yourself.( ) 1. A. watch B. feel C. look D. see( ) 2. A. Nearly B. hardly C. Certainly D. Suddenly( ) 3. A. around B. alone C. away D. above( ) 4. A. always B. often C. sometimes D. usually( ) 5. A. know B. think C. hate D. like( ) 6. A. angry B. sad C. happy D. surprised( ) 7. A. ask B. call C. tell D. order( ) 8. A. how much B. how long C. how many D. how often( ) 9. A. confidence B. thought C. knowledge D. news( ) 10 A. must B. should C. could D. need.五。 阅读理解。ASome advice:Always play in a safe place. A park is a safe place because there are no cars or trucks. But do not talk to anyone you do not know. Never go with a stranger into a motor car.Before crossing the road, stop and look both ways. Look left, look right, look left again.Keep away from houses or buildings that are being built or knocked down. Something might fall on your head, or you might cut yourself on broken glass.Medicines or pills can be dangerous. Never swallow any pills or medicines you find in the cupboard.Wear a life jacket whenever you go out in a boat. Even if you are not in the open sea and the water is not deep, you should have on your life jacket. It is easy to fall out of a boat.Do not put your head out of a car, bus or a train. Many children have been killed doing this.1 ( ) In the park, we should . A. talk to anyoneB. not go into a strangers car C. drive cars or trucks D. play with those people we havent seen before2 ( ) Its to take any pills you find in the cupboard. A. safeB. deliciousC. dangerousD. exciting3 ( ) Which is wrong?A. A park is a safe place because there are no cars and trucks.B. Look both ways before you cross the road.C. Wear a life jacket if you fish from a boat in a lake.D. Put your head out of a moving bus for a better view.4 ( ) Which is not mentioned in the passage? A. a stranger B. buildings C. a plane D. medicines5 ( ) The advice should be read by _.A. the oldB. the visitorsC. the childrenD. the teachersBIt is often said that difference between people can be caused by the different times when the people were born. For example, people who were born between March21 and April20 are supposed to be active,daring and strong. They like power and enjoy adventures(冒险). They think quickly and strong wills. On the other hand, those who were born between April 21 and May20 are supposed to learn more slowly, but they remember what they learn. They love children, and usually have many friends. People born between May 21 to June20 are bright and interesting. They like to talk, and they enjoy wearing fine clothes. Those born between June22 and July22 on the other hand, think deeply. They would rather hide their feelings than express them. People who were born between July23 and August 22 are interested in many subjects and it is interesting to hear them talk. Those born between August23 and September22 are said to be calm and thoughtful. They like to read and often become successful scientists. These are some of the beliefs of astrologers(占星学家), who think human differences are caused by the positions of the sun, the moon, and the stars.( )6. Tom is a man who is quiet and likes thinking. He spends most of his free time in reading all kinds of books. When was he born, perhaps?A. Between March20 to April 20. B. Between June21 to July 20C. Between July20 to August 23.D. Between August23 and September22.( )7. According to the passage, why are the differences between people?A. They are caused by where people were born.B. It is because of the education people received.C. They must be caused by the times when people were born.D. In some astrologers opinion, its because of the position of the sun, the moon, and the stars.( )8. Which is TRUE according to the passage?A. People are the same if they were born at a time.B. If someone think quickly and have strong wills, he or she must be born on March 21 to April20.C. People born between May 21 to June20 may be bright and interesting.D. People who were born between July23 and August 22 are interested in many subjects. They can be scientists.( )9. The word supposed in the second paragraph means _ in Chinese.A. 肯定的B。不可能的C。 假设的D。 推测、假设( )10. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. The relationship between the times when people were born and the peoples characters.B. Why human differences are caused by the positions of the sun, the moon, the stars.C. The special time to people.D. Peoples different birthdays. 六. 书面表达。(10分)请根据下面材料写一份张忆宁的人物介绍。60-70词Name: Zhang YiningBirthplace: BeijingBirthday: 5th OctoberStar sign: LibraCharacter: polite, fair, elegant, love beautiful thingsEvents: 1 start learning table tennis, age of 6 2 get the second place at the 45th Table Tennis Championship 3 get the golden medal at the Olympics in 2004 9AUnit One Comic strip &Welcome to the unit(学案)参考答案课前预习作业三1白羊座 2。金牛座3双子座 4。巨蟹座5狮子座 6。处女座7天秤座 8。天蝎座9人马座 10。摩羯座11宝瓶座 12。双鱼座四13to help 14.sleep 15.collecting 16.having 课堂训练题一1.lion 2. Crabs, fish, crab 3. bull 4.ram 5. centaur二1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A当堂检测题一1. star sign 2. have breakfast 3.worry about 4. bring me the newspaper5.on 1st September 6. should not do something二1C 2. C 3. B 4. B三1. may be 2. Would you like 3. dont think are 4. is able to 5. When was Daniel born? 6. Should you do your homework at once?9A Unit One 第一课时配套练习参考答案:一 词汇 a. 1. fish 2. hungry 3. centaur 4. should 5. bull 6. stars 7. lion 8. interesting 9. bring 10. crab b. 1. to help 2. sleep 3. collecting 4. having 5. ability c. 1. has 2. is planning 3. did take 4. has come 5. were exercising 二选择 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C 三完成句子 1. selfish of Hobo to eat all the food. 2. important for us to learn English well. 3. shouldnt worry about not learning English well with 4. lots of time to finish this work. 四完形填空 1-5 BCACD6-10 BBADA五阅读理解1-5 BCDCC 6-10 DDCDB六书面表达Zhang Yining was born in Beijing. Her birthday is on 5th October. Her star sign is Libra She is polite and fair. She is also very elegant. She loves beautiful things. She is an excellent player. She started learning table tennis at the age of 6. She got the second place at the 45th Table Tennis Championship. She got the golden medal at the Olympics in 2004.


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