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9A Unit 2 Traditional skillsTeaching Plan First period (Reading)Teaching aims:Knowledge objectives1. to teach the students how to grasp the main idea while reading a new material.2. to preview and learn some vocabulary associated with the article.3. to discuss and finish the answers to ExerciseA and BAbility objectives:1. to get the main idea of the article2. to have a rough idea of the main topic of each paragraphEmotion objectives1. to let the students learn more about the traditional Chinese cuture and love our great motherlandTeaching focus:1. to teach some vocabulary associated with the article.2. to understand the textTeaching aids: 1. a record, a cassette2. students book 9A page 20、21Teaching procedure:StepContentsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposeI.Pre-task preparationWarming-up1. Daily talk: Do you know any traditional skills or jobs? 2.match the words in the box with the things in the picture 3.to check the answers 1. to try to say something about the traditional skills or jobs 2.to do Exercise A1,A23.to check the answers 1.to arouse their interest about what they will learn2.to know something about the general knowledge about fishing II.While-taskprocedure1. reading 1.to ask students to look at the title and the two pictures, then skim the main idea of the passage2. to ask students to finish exercise B1 3. to ask the students to read the first sentence of each paragraph 4. to ask the students to do exercise B2 5.to ask the students to read the four sentences and write the number 1-4 1. to look at the title and the two pictures, then to say the main idea of the passage 2.to match the places with the descriptions3. to read the first sentence of each paragraph 4. to do exercise B2 5. to read the four sentences and write the number 1-41.to get a general idea of the text 2.to know if the students know something about the places in Shanghai2 New words study1. to ask the student to read and say different usages of some key words.2.to explain some important wods and make some phrases and sentences1.to read and say different usages of some key words.2.to learn some important wods and make some phrases and sentences3. to take notes1.to help the students use some key words properly and correctly2.to help the students know the story well3.Practice1. to ask the students to do C1 and C22.to check the answers1. to do C1 and tC22. to give the answers to consolidate what they have learnedIII.Post-taskactivities1.Group discussion1.to ask the students to think over the traditional Chinese skill of fishing using cormorants and try to describe it 1.to think over the traditional Chinese skill of fishing using cormorants and try to describe it 1. to examine how much the students know about the traditional Chinese skill of fishing using cormorantsWords on the blackboard Unit 2 Traditional skills Rading Fishing with birrds traditional skills or jobs traditional skills of fishing using cormorants bird fishing a fishing rodChinese knotting a poleblacksmith a cormorant a raft bambooAssignment: 1.to do exercise D1 and D22.to read the story after classReflection:Second period (Reading)Teaching aims:Knowledge objectives1.to teach the students to undrstand the passage in detail 2.to grasp some language points 3.to discuss and finish Exercise D Ability objectives:1. to put some materials into right order2. to use some language points properlyEmotion objectives1.to let the students learn more about the traditional Chinese skill of fishing using cormorants Teaching focus:1. t o teach students to grasp some language points associated with the article.2. to understand the story in detailTeaching aids: 1. a record, a cassette2. students book 9A page 20、21Teaching procedure:StepContentsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposeI.Pre-task preparationWarming-up1. to have a dictation2. to ask the students to complete the sentences with the words or phrases from C1 and C23. to check the answers to D 1.to have a dictation2.to complete the sentenes 1.to review something about the text2.to review the new wordsII.While-task procedure1.Reading 1.to ask the students to read the whole story and answer some questions.2.to ask the students to read the first paragraph and complete the information about Damin.3.to ask the students to read the second paragraph and complete the information about a cormorant4.to ask the students to read the third paragraph and complete the flow chart1. to read the whole story and answer some questions.2.to read the first paragraph and complete the information about Damin.3.to read the second paragraph and complete the information about a cormorant4.to read the third paragraph and complete the flow chartto get further understanding of the story2 Language points study1.to teach the students some language points2.to ask the students to make phrases and sentences by using them1.to ask the students to take notes2.to make phrases andsentences by using them1. to understand the text well2. to use language points properly3.Practice1. to ask the students to do D1、D2、D32.to check the answers1. to do D1、D2、D3 2.to check the answers to let the students practice in careful reading and proofreadingIII.Post-taskactivities1.Group discussion1.to ask the students answer the questions about the story2. to ask the students to tell whether they would like to learn this traditional skill of cormorants fishing and give their reasons 1.to answer the questions about the story2 to tell whether they would like to learn this traditional skill of cormorants fishing and give their reasons to consolidate what they have learnedWords on the blackboard:Fishing with birds Daming CormorantAge: 65 Size: largeAge group: elderly Colour: blackHeight: of average height Good at: catching fish Swimming wellHealth: fit, strong Apecialties: diving down 25 metresstaying underwater for up to two minutesJob: fisherman Tools he uses: cormorants, a raftHow he catches fish:Assignment:1.to read the story after class2. to recite some phrases3.to do Ex on workbook Reflection:Third period (Grammar)Teaching aims:Knowledge objectives1.to teach the students to grasp the structure of the passive voice2.to use the passive voice correctly 3.to discuss and finish Exercises on p24-26Ability objectives:1.to know what the passive voice isTeaching focus:1.to teach students to grasp the structure of the passive voice 2. to use the structure correctlyTeaching aids: 1. students book 9A page 24-26Teaching procedure:StepContentsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposeI.Pre-task preparationWarming-up1.to ask the students compare active and passive sentences 2.to ask the students to read some sentences and mark them A for active or P for passive(A2)1.to read the sentences and compare active and passive sentences 2.to read some sentences and mark them A for active or P for passiveTo show the students the effect of the passive voice II.While-task procedure1.Basicstructure 1. to ask the students to summarize the structure of passive sentences 2.to show passive verb forms3.to ask the students to do Exercise A3 1. to summarize the structure of passive sentences to read part A12.to remember passive verb forms3. to do Exercise A3 1. to practise the students ability of summarizing 2. to familiarize the students with the form of the passive voice2 Passive sentences with by 1.to ask the students to read Part B2. to ask the students to complete the passage using phrases with by3.to check the answers1.to read Part B2.to complete Exercise B3.to check the answers1. to help the students use the passive voice properly and correctly 3.Practice1. to ask the students to put the verbs in the past passive form and use phrases with by (C1)2.to check the answers 1. to do part C1 2.to give the answers3. to consolidate what they have learnedIII.Post-taskactivities1.Group discussion1.to ask the students to complete the French producer by using these verbs in the future passive form2. to check the answer1.to discuss what the French producer said2. to write and check the answer1. to examine how the students have learned about the passive voice Words on the blackboard: Active voice: Albert drives the bus.Passive voice: The bus is driven by Albert.Passive verb forms: am/is/are done was/were done will be doneAssignments:1. 1.to recite the passive verb forms2. 2.to do Ex on workbook Reflection: Fourth period (listening)Teaching aims:Knowledge objectives1.to teach the students to get a general idea of the descripition about a scene by listenng2.to circle the errors that they have learned and then correct3.to discuss and finish the listening practiceAbility objectives:1.to learn the listening instructions before listening 2.to understand the description wellTeaching focus:1.to ask the students to get a general idea of the passage by listening2.to understand the description 3.to circle the mistakes and correctTeaching aids: 1. a record, a cassette2.students book 9A page 27Teaching procedure:StepContentsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposeI.Pre-task preparationBefore listening1.to ask the students to look at the picture on the right and find out an obvious mistake 2.to show the students the listening instructions1.to find out an obvious mistake in the picture2.to read the listening instructions1. to arouse the interest about what they will listen2.to let the students know how to correct the mistakes in the picture while listening II.While-taskprocedure 1.While listening1.to give the students time to read the interview2.to play the recording once3.to play the recording again and ask the students to circle the mistakes4.to check the answers1.to read the interview 2.to listen to the recording attentively3. to listen attentivelyand circle the mistakes 4.to check the answers1.to preview the listening material2.to get a general idea of the scene by listening to the passage2.Practice1.to ask the students to listen to the recording again and correct the mistakes in the picture 1. to correct the mistakes in the picture1.to examine if the students catch the information they needIII.Post-taskactivities1.Groupdiscussion1.to ask the students to answer the questions about the description 1.to answer the questions according to the description 1. to see if they can understand what they have heardWords on the blackboard:1 The word on the board should be _.2 The old man should be _.3 His hat should be _.4 His shoes should be _.5 The girls should look at her _.6 The girl should have _hair.7 The price should be _.8 The woman on the left should be_.Assignments:1.to describe the picture2.to do Ex on workbook Reflection:Fifth period (speaking and writing)Teaching aims:Knowledge objectives1.to teach the students ways of asking questions in an interview2. to teach the students how to describe people Ability objectives:1.to let the students practise ways of asking questions in an interview2.to have an ability of oral descriptions of peopleEmotion objectives1 to let the students know how to describe people Teaching aids: 1. a record, a cassette2.students book 9A page 27 & 28Teaching procedure:StepContentsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposeI.Pre-task preparationWarming-up1.Daily talk: to ask the students some questions2.to ask the students to list as many question words as possible and write on the board 1. to think over the teachers questions and answer2. to list question words as possible1. to arouse their interest about what they will learn2.to review the question words the students have learnedII.While-task procedure 1. Speaking2.Speak up1. to ask the students to complete the conversation with the suitable question words2. to ask the students to complete the conversation with the proper questions3. to ask the students to role-play the interview on Daming1.to ask the students read through and explain the terms listed in the box 2.to ask the students to match the descriptions with the picture 3.to ask the students to make a dialogue according to the situation given1. to complete the conversation with the suitable question words2. to complete the conversation with the proper questions 3. to think of more questions that they can ask Damin and make a list, then role-play the interview1.to read through and the terms listed in the box 2.to match the descriptions with the picture, then give oral description of the pictures to say how they are different 3.to make a dialogue and act out the senceto practise their ability of asking questions in an interview to let the students know how to describe people according to their age-group, build, height, hair and face 2.writing1. to ask the students to write a short article describing a person who has a traditional skill or job 1. to write a short article describing a person who has a traditional skill or job1.to examine if the students can describe a person properlyIII.Post-taskactivities1.Group discussion 1. to ask the students to use their imagination to describe the peoples jobs in the picture below. 1.to let them discuss describe the peoples jobs in the picture 1. to practise their ability of describing peopleWords on the blackboard: age-group: young middle-aged elderly old build: fat/plump well-built slim/thin thinly-builtheight: tall above average height of average height below average height shorthair/face: black/blond(e)/red/curly/straight/long/short hair bald wears glasses has a beard/moustache Assignments:1.to recite the words listed on page 282.to do Ex on workbook Reflection:Sixth period (more practice)Teaching aims:Knowledge objectives1.to teach the students some facts about tea by reading2.to let the students know different kinds of tea in different placesAbility objectives:1.to practise the ability of getting much information from reading the passage2.to understand the passage wellEmotion objectives1 to let the students learn more about tea cultureTeaching focus:1.to ask the students to get a general idea of the passage by reading2.to explain some key words3.to finish the practiceTeaching aids: 1. a record, a cassette2. the students workbook page 30Teaching procedure:StepContentsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposeI.Pre-task preparationWarming-up1. Daily talk:When you feel thirsty, what kind of drink do you like best?2.to ask the students to choose the correct answers3.to ask the students read the first sentence in each paragraph of the article on page 30, then decide whether the statements are true or false 1.to answer the question2. to learn the new words3. to read the first sentence in each paragraph of the article on page 30, then do “true or false”.1. to arouse their interest about what they will learn2. to examine how much the students know about teaII.While-task procedure 1.While reading1.to play the tape and ask the students to listen attentively2. to ask them read the passage again1.to listen to the passage attentively2. to read the passage againto get a general idea of the passage by reading 2.Practice1. to ask the students to match the words in Column A with the meanings in Column B 2. to ask the students to answer the questions3. to ask the students to write the name of the province next to each tea. 1. to match the words in Column A with the meanings in Column B 2.to give the answers3. to write the name of the province next to each tea.to see if they can understand what they have heardIII.Post-taskactivities1.Group discussion1.to ask the students if they have some questions about the passage2. to ask the students to work with a partner to find two more types of tea and where they come from1.to discuss if they have some questions about the passage2. to work with a partner to find two more types of tea and where they come fromto explain something they cant understandWords on the blackboard: Some facts about tea black tea herbal tea oolong tea decaffeinated tea green tea organic tea white tea non-organic teaAssignments:1.to recite some phrases2.to do Ex on workbook Reflection:Seventh period (practice)Teaching aims:Knowledge objectives1.to checkout whether the students can understand and use what they have learned in this unit2.to consolidate what they have learned3.to finish the exercises associated with the unitAbility objectives:1.to practise the ability of using what they have learned2.to checkout their shortcomingEmotion objectives1to let the students have confidence about what they have learnedTeaching focus:1.to ask the students to do more practice about reading ,grammar2.to learned about the unit3.to finish all the exercisesTeaching aids: 1.students workbookTeaching procedure:StepContentsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposeI.Pre-task preparationWarming-up1.to comment their homework1.to listen, take notes and correct them1. to review what they have leanedII.While-task procedure More practice1. to ask the students to do some exercises2.to ask the students to check the answers 1. to do exercises2. to give the answers1. to consolidate what they have learnedIII.Post-taskactivitiesGroup discussion1.to ask the students if they have some questions about this unit2. to answer their questions1.to discuss if they have some questions about the story2. to raise their questions1. to explain something they cant understandWords on the blackboard: Assignments:1.to recite some notes2.to do some exercise sheetsReflection:


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