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餐厅服务英语接订位一. 接订位:1. Good morning / afternoon / evening. This is coffee shop. (XXX speaking). May I help you?您好,咖啡厅,请问有什么可以帮忙吗?2. May I have you name, please? Under what name is this booking made, please?请问您贵姓?/请问您以什么名义订位?3Would you please spell it for me? Spelling, please?请问您的名字如何拼写?4For how many people, please? / How many people will be inyour party, please?请问多少人?5. For what time and what date, Mr. Smith?史密斯先生,请问哪一天和几点钟来用餐呢?6. Would you like the smoking area or Non Smoking area?请问您喜欢吸烟区还是非吸烟区?7. Any more request?尚有什么规定吗?8. Yes, we will arrange a table by the window for you. / Im sorry, we can not guarantee that we can offer you a table by the window, because there have been many reservations today. But well do our best for you.好的,我们会为您安排一张靠江边的桌子。/ 对不起,我们不能保证一定可以给您一张靠江边的桌子,由于,今天有诸多订位,但是,我们会竭力为您安排的。10. May I have your room number or telephone number, please?(So that we can contact you easily.)请问您的房间号码或联系电话是多少?(这样我们可以以便联系您)10. Mr. Smith, May I repeat it? A table for two and non smokingarea, at 7:30 this evening for Mr./Ms smith, your telephone number is . Is that right?我反复一下:史密斯先生,两位,今晚七点半来,非吸烟区,联系电话号码 是 对吗?11.Thank you, Mr.Smith, usually, the table will be kept / hold for15 minutes. We look forward to seeing you on time. Good-bye.谢谢,史密斯先生,的订位将会保存15分钟,我们将恭候您的到来,再会。餐厅常用英语一百句1、早上好(午安、晚安)Good morning.(afternoon evening)2、您好!How are you? How do you do?Welcome to golden city restaurant.3、再会,欢迎下次再来!Good-bye! Come again next time, you are Welcome.4、慢走,感谢您的光顾。Mind your step and thank you for coming.5、请稍等。Please wait a moment. Just a moment. Just a minute.6、请原谅。Excuse me.7、对不起,让您久等了。Sorry to have kept you waiting so long.8、请问您有几位?For how many?9、请跟我来,请这边走。Come with me, please. follow me, please.10、请问您贵姓?May I have your fist name?11、请问您喝什么茶?What kinds of tea would you like to drink?12 、请稍候,我们立即给您安排。Just a moment, please. we will arrange, it for you right away.13、请问您有预订吗?Do you have a reservation?14、您看坐在这里可以吗?Would you mind sitting here?15、祝您旅途快乐!Have a pleasant journey!16、对不起,那边的桌子已给预订了。Im sorry that table is already reserved.17、不用谢,很乐意为您服务。Not at all, Im glad to serve you.18、这是菜单,请问目前可以点菜了吗?Here is menu, Are you ready to order mow?19、您想吃中餐还是西餐。Would you like to have Chinese food or European food?20、今天的特别简介是粉蒸甲鱼和蒜茸开边大虾。The recommendation of the day is.21、我们有葡萄酒、白酒、啤酒和各式软饮料。We have got port, white wine beer and different kinds of soft beverages.22、请问您想喝点什么。What would you like to drink, please.23、请问需要加冰块吗?Do you need any ice-blocks, please?24、请问需要冷饮还是热饮。Would you like to have a cold-drinks or hot drinks?25、请用茶。Have a cup of tea, please!26、请用香巾。Have a piece of napkin, please!27、我们的菜式有广东风味、北京风味、四川风味,您喜欢哪一种?We provide Cantonese BeiJing Sichuan food which style do you like.28、祝您午餐(晚餐)快乐!Please enjoy your lunch (dinner)!29、打拢了,请问目前可以上菜吗?Im sorry to disturb you. Shall I bring in your food now?30、对不起,我能把这个盘子撤走吗?Im sorry, Can I take this plate away?31、对不起,我把它换成小盘子好吗?Im sorry, May I have it changed the small plate?32、您想试一下本地的特色吗?Would you like to try local speciality?33、请问您喝什么茶?What kinds of tea would you like to drink?34、您先来杯啤酒好吗?Would you like to start with a glass of beer?35、如果您感时间的话,我给您安排某些快餐好吗?If youre hurry Ill arrange some fast foods for you-Can I arrange a snack for you if time is pressing for you.36、对不起,这个品种刚刚售完。Im sorry, the variety is just out of stood(there arent any left)37、对不起,您与否介意与那位先生同坐一桌?Im sorry, would you mind sitting the table with that gentleman.38、对不起,目前已经客满了。Im sorry the restaurant is full now.39、对不起,目前已经没有厅房了。Im sorry the banqueting hall is full now.40、如果您不介意,坐在那边角落里好吗?Would you mind sitting over there in the corner.41、如果您乐意,可以先到大堂休息一下,一有空位我立即告示您。You may have a rest in the lounge if you like.42、我们的早餐券涉及一碗稀饭、二笼包子、一碟小菜。Our breakfast coupon includes a bowl of rice gruel two portions of steamed stuffed buns and a plate of dish.43、很抱歉,我们立即采用措施,使您满意。Im sorry well take measures at once Be satisfied you.44、先生您喜欢用筷子还是刀叉。Would you like to use chopsticks or knife and forks, sir?45、服务员我想买单。Waiter I want to pay my bill.46、请给我一杯可乐。Please give me a can of coca-cola.47、请问卫生间在哪里?Where is the toilet?48、先生(女士)这是您的帐单吗?Here is your bill, sir(lady)?49、一共是128元,请问您付钞票还是信用卡?The total amount is 128 yuan, Do you pay the bi


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