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一、写出下列动词的现在分词( 也就是加“ ing ” ):work- sing- read- dance- have- write- run- sit- stop- come- play- look- watch- listen- like- hide- smile- swim- clap- skip- tidy- help- put- seek- 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空:1、My grandma is ( watch ) TV .2、Today my mother isnt ( go ) shopping .3、Now we are ( help ) Uncle Wang .4、What are you ( do ) ?5、Today he isnt ( play ) football .6、What is he ( do ) ?7、I am ( listen ) to the radio .8、My father and my mother are ( talk ) .9、They are ( read ) books now .10、Lingling is ( skip ) .三、读一读,用do ,dont , does , doesnt , is , isnt , are , arent 填空:1、Sam homework at 6 oclock .2、I go to school on Sunday .3、They tidying their room , they sleeping .4、 you like the door ? Yes, I .5、Amy like watching TV .6、He singing , he dancing .7、She like apples .8、We go swimming , the weather is cold .9、Lingling do her homework , she is ill .10、They listening to the radio .四、读一读,圈一圈:同学们,当下面这几个单词: always(总是)usually (通常)often(经常) sometimes(有时)出现在句子中时,表示句子是一般现在时,而不是现在进行时,所以动词后不能加“ ing ”, 但是此时要注意第三人称单数(除了我 I你 you之外,其他一个人或物)即 :he ,she , it ,人名(如 Daming ,Amy)等等. 别忘了这时动词后要加 s,动词以o, s,x, sh, ch结尾加es 。聪明的你来试一试吧!1.He usually ( wear , wears ) a blue coat .2.Fangfang ( help , helps ) her mother everyday .3.On Sundays , she usually ( play , plays ) basketball .4.Lingling is ( singsing , sings) a song .5.My father is ( goes , going ) shopping .6.I ( live , lives ) in DaQing .7.Where ( does , do) she live ?8.Sam is ( flying , fly) a kite .9.She usually ( reads , reading ) a book .10.You usually ( watches , watching ) TV .11.Amy usually ( listening , listens ) to music every day .12.I am ( tidying , tidys ) my room .13.You are ( draw , drawing ) a picture .14.Daming often ( helps , helping ) his father .15.I often ( ride , riding ) my bike . 16.WangLi is ( tidy, tidying ) her room .17.He ( does , doesnt ) go to the park every day .18.What ( does ,do ) she like fish ?19.What do you usually ( do , doing ) ?20.What are you ( do , doing ) ?五、连词成句:1. usually / I / basketball / play / on Sunsays / . 2. he / not / today / is / me / helping / But / . 3. He / not / is / today / these / things / doing / . 4. in / He / is / bed / . 5. do / you / What / usually / do / ? 6.my / photos / Look / Sam / at / . 7. reading / Hes / nespaper / a / . 8. his / Toms / playing with / train / . 9. go / the / Lets / to / park / ! 10.the / like / in / Whats / weather / here / summer / ? 11.do / like / winter / in / What / you / doing / ? 12. listening / the / Shes / to / radio / . 13.trian / with / his / Toms / playing / . 14.brother / this / And / little / is / my . 15.is / And / camera / this / my / new . 16.the / colouring / picture / am / I / . 17.for/ friend / my / Its / Fangfang / China / in / . 18.you / Do / it / like / ? 19.he / Is / doing / homework / his / ? 20. tidying / Are / you / room / your / now / ? 21.my / Its / homework / today / Science / ! 22.of / I / flowers / am / drawing / picture / a / . 23.talking / I / to / am / you / . 24.with / He / playing / his / is / train / . 25. playing / Shes / with / game / a / Amy and Sam/ . 26. game / they / What / are / playing / ? 27.is / No / playing / one / me / with / . 28. playing / Those / are / clapping / girls / games / . 29. you / Do / games / clapping / like / ? 30.together / Lets / games / clapping / play / ! 31.play / I / Can / you / with / ? 32.are / The / them / boys / catching / . 33.Some / catch / playing / are / . 34.usually / I / my / ride / bike /. 35.today / But / not / hes / it / riding / . 36.not / his / Hes / now / doing / homework / . 37.hes / Today / things / doing / these / not / . 38.today / But / doing / things / isnt / these / she / . 39.Xiaohu / Im / School / from / TV / . 40.today / Its / Day / Childrens / . 41.doing / Daming / children / with / a / some / play /is / . ing / 2 / from / Children / class / are / . 43.drangon / They / are / dance / doing / a / . 44.with / Im / the / at / family / park / my / . 45.past / Its / a hospital / going / . 46. at / Its / the / stopping / station / . 47.turning / We / around / are / . 48.going / flat / Im / Damings / to / . 49.live / I / Lake / East / Road / in / . 50.is / The / toilet / boys / the / on / right / . 四、改错:1Lets going to the park . 2Whats the weather like here on summer? 3What do you like do in winter ? 4Look my photos . 5Thats you mother. 6She is listen to the radio. 7Toms playing and his train. 8Im writeing a letter. 9Its to my friend Fangfang in China. 10What are you do ? 11Please doing your homework . 12Sam isnt tidy his room. 13Are he doing his homework ? 14This is to you . 15Is you tidying your room now ? 16Im drawing a picture for flowers . 四、改错:1Lets going to the park . 2Whats the weather like here on summer? 3What do you like do in winter ? 4Look my photos . 5Thats you mother. 6She is listen to the radio. 7Toms playing and his train. 8Im writeing a letter. 9Its to my friend Fangfang in China. 10What are you do ? 11Please doing your homework . 12Sam isnt tidy his room. 13Are he doing his homework ? 14This is to you . 15Is you tidying your room now ? 16Im drawing a picture for flowers . 17Its my science homework today. 18Are you drink ? 19Im talking you . 20He is playing with he train. 21. Shes playing a game and Amy and Sam . 22.What game are they play ? 23.Please put in your shoes . 24.No one is playing and me . 25.Those girls are play clapping games . 26.Do you like clap games ? 27.Dont is late . 28.What are you play ? 29.Can I play and you ? 30.The boys are catching they . 31.I usually playing basketball. 32.Its sunday today . 33.Hes not rideing it today . 34.My grandma usually cook . 35.She usually go shopping . 36.What do you usually doing on Sundays ? 37.Im Xiaohu in School TV . 38.Its childrens Day today . 39.Daming is doing a play and some children . 40.Children in Class 2 are coming. 41.Im at the park in my family . 42.Were haveing a picnic . 43.Its going up a hospital . 44.Im going to Daming flat. 45.Go straight in . 46.I lives in East Lake Road . 47.Nice to meeting you . 48.Its next in the park . 49.Its on front of the school . 50.The boys toilet is in the right . 选择:1Come , Amy .A. on B. at C. under2What is she now ?A. does B. doing C. do3Where is my school bag ? Its the table .A. on B. to C. over4Is it hot in summer ? A. Yes , it is . B. Yes , it isnt . C. No , it is .5Our school is next the cinema .A. for B. to C. at6Look the picture , this is my brother .A. at B. for C.with7The cat is with a ball .A. play B. playing C. plays8The tall tree the left .A. in B. to C. on9Nice meet you .A. to B. at C. in10.Its front of the school .A. in B. on C. at11.You knoe the city .A. well B. good C. ok12.My grandpa lives Harbin .A. in B. at C. on13. it on the sofa ?A. Is B. Do C. Does14.My sister is the bike .A. ride B. riding C. rideing15.Where are you , Sam ?A. going B. go C. goes16.Where West Lake Road ?A. is B. do C. are17. I in East Lake Road .A. are B. am C. is18. are you doing now ?A. What B. Where C. Who 19. are you going ?A. What B. Where C. Who20. are the children ?A. Where B. When C. What21.Were around .A. turns B. turning C. turn22.The train is going a school .A. past B. pasts C. Past23.He can me , too.A. sees B. see C. seeing24.Were the ground .A. touching B. touch C. play25.I am my homework .A. do B. does C. doing26.He is listening music .A. on B. to C. with27.Look my book.A. to B. in C.at28.Listen! The baby in the next room .A. crying B. cries C. is crying29.Look ! The twins new sweaters .A. are wearing B. wearing C. is wearing30. Its 8 oclock .The students an English class .A. have B. having C. are having读一读,回答问题:There are six people in Amys family .Look! Amy is doing her homework . Her mother is tidying her room . Her father isnt listening to the radio ,but he is reading a newspaper . Her grandfather and grandmother are there .Where are they ? They are sitting on the chair . They are watching TV. That is her little brother,Tom . He is playing with his toy car .(1). What is Amy doing ? (2).What is her mother doing ? (3).Is her father listening to the radio ? (4).What are her grandpa and grandma doing ? (5).Is Tom doing his homework ? 写出下列单词和短语:星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日 在左恻 在右恻 在那里 当然 打扰 画画 野餐 转圈 在操场上 看电视 整理房间 赶快 听音乐 看书 儿童节 快,过来 向右转 在中国 去公园 玩游戏 唱歌 许多 用所给词填空:flying , next to , listening , park , drinking, eating , right , reading , playing1、Now look for a boy , he is basketball .2、I am to music .3、Find the station . Its on the .4、Look at the family . They are a kite .5、Wheres the ? Its on the left .6、They are apples .7、Im a book .8、Look for two girls . They are the tree .9、Are you homework ? Yes , I am .10、She is milk . does do are is1、Where you live ?2、What you doing ?3、Where he live ?4、Where she going ?5、Where you ?6、What he doing ?7、What Sam doing?8、 you like the doll ?9、What the weather like ?10、 he like fish ?


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