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1. What do you think of the changes of womens roles since 19th century? Can women nowadays live independently with equal rights? A: Do you remember the novel we have read on the textbook A Pair of Silk Stockings?B: Yes, a wonderful story about Mrs.Sommers.A: So whats your feeling after reading this story?B: After getting married, the role of Mrs.Sommers changed. She became her husbands wife and their children mother. She had to bear the familys burden; she never considered her own needs.A: She looked so pitiful. She was even afraid of recalling the past. This reflected the imprisonment mprz()nm()nt and repression against women of the American society in 18th century. The women was confined to the social role of wife and mother; they didnt allow any of them to have self-awareness and personal pursuits.B: Thats inconceivable. I cant imagine that if I live at that time. So what do you think of the changes of womens role since 19th century?A: Since 19th century, women have been more and more independent. In most countries, they have common rights and female rights. I think the society should go forward and women should be treated equally.B: Yes, nowadays, you can see many women work for the government, some even served as the president or other important positions. Female officials are recognized by more and more people.A: And more and more jobs are available to women. Women can have more choices. They can have their career and do what they like, and dont need to depend on men to live.B: Thats right. In family, womens role changed also. They can work to earn money for the family the same as the man. Husband and wife are equal and they respect each other.A: A lot of changes have taken place. Women life will become more colorful.B: Of course. Its getting better. But can women nowadays live independently with equal rights? A:Not exactly so. Though the law has been established and everyone appeal to equality, women could not truly live independently with equal right. For example, when you apply for a job as the programmer, the company tend to choose the male candidates and refuse females application, even though they are better.B: Its really unfair. Whats more, in many places around the world, women are not equal with men. They dont have right, and they cant protect themselves through legal channels. In Iran and other Middle East areas, women are forbidden to exposing their face unless in their own family. And women can not participate in the elections.A: There is still a long way to go in protecting women right. 2. During the development of a language, there are periods of dramatic changes and minor changes. Why? Give some specific examples to illustrate it. A: Do you know anything about the English language?B: Yes. English is the official language used by most countries and a lot of countries set the English as the second language. A: Yeah, and in 19th-20th century, English became an international language because of the leading positions of British and American. Their culture, economy, military, politics and science have influenced other countries in the world.B: Thats right. English is important now in our life. And it does change a lot with the time. A: Yeah, yeah. I agree with you. The language has always changed, but the rate of change has been uneven; minor changes have slowly accumulated in every generation, but there have been periods of dramatic change as well. You know some of them?B: Of course. The most important of these periods occurred after the Normans Conquered England. This conquest brought new concepts from across the channel, like the French language, the Doomsday Book and so on. All in all, the English absorbed about ten thousand new words from the Normans. This greatly enriched the English language.A: Absolutely, cultural conflict bring new vitality. Also, some changes havent come from the borrowing, but from the natural growing need. Such as Shakespeares poetry, Bible. They all did a great contribution in English changing. Just as the dictionary shows, about 2000 new words and phrases were invented by William Shakespeare. His poetry showed the world that English was a rich, vibrant language with limitless expressive and emotional power.B: Yeah, many new words occurred with the development of the world. As well, the science, the Internet, their development produced many words like gene, e-mail, download, etc. When new things appeared, new words are invented to follow them. A: Besides the vocabulary, the grammar is also different from the beginning. For example, people now like to say “Lets have a drink” or “Lets take a swim”. We call them “empty” verbs. Years ago, we say “Lets drink” or “Lets swim”. B: There are various kinds of grammar changes, we are not sure how it began, but more and more people expressed like that, then it became a standard grammar. A: Yeah, these minor changes happened slowly. However, many years later, when you compare the present one with the former, you would find a big change.B. Youre right. The expansion of our knowledge and experience requires the invention of new words or the adaptation of old ones. Meaning will depend more and more upon word order and context, and spelling will become simpler, with fewer common variants. English is always changing!3.Who is your favorite athlete? What qualifications does a successful athlete usually possess?A: .A is watching NBA match by the computer.B: Hey, A. What are you watching? Basketball match? You seem to enjoy it very much.A: Yeah. Im enthusiastic about the basketball. I have never missed a wonderful basketball match.B: Oh, great. Youre really a basketball fan! So who is your favorite athlete?A: YaoMing. No people could replace his statue in my heart. But he has already retired from the NBA.B: I know him. There is no doubt that he is a successful basketball athlete. Could you tell me more information about him?A: Yes. YaoMing was born in September 12, 1980 in ShangHai. He started playing for the Shanghai Sharks as a teenager, and played on their senior team for five years in the CBA, winning a championship in his final year. YaoMing entered the NBA in 2002 and he was retired because of injury in 2011. During his basketball career, he has won many honors. And now he is the boss of Shanghai Sharks. And .B: Ok, its enough. Definitely you are Yaos fan. What qualifications does a successful athlete usually possess?A: Firstly he need to have an excellent skill in the sports. As we all know, YaoMing was one of the best basketball center in NBA and he had high percentage shot, strong defense as well as wonderful rebound.B: And then?A: Then a successful athlete should be hardworking, friendly, aggressive , positive and so on.B: Yes, I cant agree more. And what else?A: Last but not least, a successful people usually loves his country. YaoMing is a Chinese and he never forgot it. So he refused Toyatas invitation for the brand spokesman even though Tayata was ready to give him abundant money.B: I have heard YaoMings story and I admire him too.A: Yes, YaoMing has countless fans and he is famous.B: No, no, I just admire him and I am not his fan.A:Ok, what is your favorite athlete?B:My favorite athlete is LiuXiang, the “Asia flying man”. He broke the world record and won the champion in 2006. His performance made western countries surprised that Asian could run faster than the Black. Whats more, LiuXiang donates money to charity and he usually participate in charitable activities. He has helped many people.A: Yeah, LiuXiang is great. Chinese are proud for him.B: He is really a successful athlete. In my opinion, a successful athlete also should have the will,the determined spirits and be confident and calm. These are indispensable qualifications for a successful people.A: Yes, of course. Oh, I saw news about LiuXiang just now. It was said the he had got a divorce.B: Really? Show me the news, please.A: Ok.4.What might be the triggers of an allergy? How to prevent allergies? A: Hi! I saw you in our university hospital on my way to laboratory yesterday. Whats wrong with you? B: I am sick. I went to see the doctor because I have an allergy. My face became red and I was overcome with a feeling of nausea. Terribly uncomfortable.A: I am sorry to hear that. And how is your feeling now?B: I took the medicine. I am OK now. Dont worry.A: Then how did that happen? What are you allergic?B: I am allergic to seafood. So I never buy seafood. But yesterday the waiter made a mistake, the meal he give me contains the seafood.A: Oh, no. Its too dangerous. You must be more careful from now on.B: Thank you, my friend. By the way, do you know the triggers which may cause an allergy?A: I know some common allergens. For example, pollen, you know,a lot of flowers bloom in the spring, What a beautiful scenery! However, many people are allergic to it. They can not enjoy this, and colorful flowers become their “trouble”.B: Yeah, this is very disappointing.A: In fact there are so many allergens in our life, including dust mites, mold, animal dander, drug and so on. Especially drug allergies, its very serious, even can cause the death. Therefore, when the doctor use certain drugs on you, they must make sure if you will allergic.B: Thats right. Some food and drinks such as milk, eggs and nut can also cause allergy. Whats more, many girls like using cosmetics. If its not suitable, the user will get allergic and have rash on her face.A: Allergy is a very serious phenomenon. As its reported in the literature, nearly 1/3 of the people have allergic diseases in their lives. B: Its very common. So how to prevent allergies?A: If one is allergic to food, he/she must be careful in your life. Make sure that no triggers in their meals. If necessary, prepare their own food themselves everyday. They must protect themselves.B: Yeah, you are considerate. Also, for people allergic to things like dust mites, they must keep their room clean and dry. In this way, dust mites will become less and wont cause the allergy.A: Lat but not least, you must keep an optimistic, cheerful mood and do some outdoor exercises everyday to build up your body. This can enhance your bodys resistance and adaptability.B: I cant agree with you more. Allergy is really dangerous, we must learn the basic precaution to protect ourselves and other people.5.What do you think of the graduate education in China? Is it an elite education? How to enhance your comprehensive qualities required in the future?A: Hi, B. Long time no see. I am so surprised to see you here? I heard that you have entered ChongQing University.B: No, I failed to pass the second exam. But I was luckily admitted to CCNU.A: I am sorry to hear that. Anyway we are lucky enough to be the graduate students now. And we canl receive the post-graduate education in CCNU.B: Yeah. What do you think of the graduate education in China? Is it an elite education?A: It should be. In China, only the students who pass the Post-graduate Entrance Examination are qualified to the university. And this examination only check the students professional knowledge.B: You are right. We have passed this examination and defeated many students. So we will be an elite.A: Haha. Which course will you take?B: Digital CommunicationA: Yeah, It is my required course. In Chinese graduate education, students should take many required courses about their major. So the students are trained to be an elite in a certain domain.B: Yes. But it also has disadvantages for the students overall growth. Just like us, we have strong logical thinking but poor emotional thinking. And our ability of expression is poor. As for me, I am afraid of taking a speech. When facing audiences, I would forget anything.A: I also realize these disadvantages. So how to enhance our comprehensive qualities required in our future?B: We are supposed to join the students union. So that we can have more opportunities to improve our expressing skill and organizing ability.A: I agree with you. And we also need to read a diverse variety of books to broaden our horizons instead of only reading our professional books. B:I would like to add more. I think we should join some activities so that we can communicate with all kinds of people and learn from others.A: Thats right. It is a good way and I approve of your suggestion.B:Oh, its time to go. I would not like to be late for this class.A: Ok. See you later.B: See you.6. Why is cosmetic surgery so popular today? What are the advantages and disadvantages of cosmetic surgery? L:Did you see the entertainment news of Zheng Shuangs taking cosmetic surgery?Z:Oh, I know it. I used to watch her TV series and I think she was more beautiful before.L:I also think so. Presently not only many stars but also common people go to take cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery are more popular now. What do you think about the popularity of the cosmetic surgery?Z:This is a society thinking a lot of appearance that those who have a good appearance are more likely to attract others attention and get more chance. As we all know, a beautiful girl is tend to have more followers and a handsome boy has advantages in making a proposal.L:Yeah, same feeling with you.Z:And there is no doubt that the first impression is significant in a job interview , although the skill is important. A good impression is half the battle, and people will be more confident if they have a good appearance. L:Absolutely right. Some people may be not satisfied with certain parts of their body, an they always want to make change. And now cosmetic technology is quite mature, you can make the change as you want as long as you have money. And most importantly you dont have to bear so much of risk as before.Z:But as a coin has two sides, cosmetic surgery has both advantages and disadvantages.L:What advantages do you think cosmetic surgery has?Z:For those who were born with defects, they can gain confidence and face their life optimistically through cosmetic surgery . There are some people who were injured in an accident, their damaged appearance could to be maximum restored through cosmetic surgery. Those who looks ordinary can also get a beautiful appearance through cosmetic surgery.L:Cosmetic surgery can make people become beautiful, confident. We can take some proper measures for the sake of beauty, this is understandable. But we should not be crazy. Because cosmetic surgery will bring a lot of unpredictable consequences. Although the surgery technology is relatively mature, it still has possibility to fail. Whats more, there may be sequelae after the surgery. They must be careful all day not to touch the wound. Sometimes they even have to withstand moral pressure of public opinion.Z:Yes, you are right. In short, I think beauty is God-given, keeping meticulous mtkjlscare of their own beauty is private affair. Everyone wants to have a perfect face. We must have a good healthy attitude to treat cosmetic surgery and can not be obsessed, otherwise the hurt person are ourselves.7. Have you ever delivered an address? What are the important factors in making a public speech? Give examples to illustrate it.Z:Hey, I havent seen you these days. What did you do?L:Recently our University organizes a speech contest. And I signed up. Therefore, these days I have been preparing for it.Z:Thats it! Hows it going?L:The first draft of my speech has been finished, but I think it is not good enough. You have participated in this kind of speech contest many times, do you have any suggestions for my presentation?Z:Began with searching for some information in Internet. Completing presentation outline, which includes lecture topics and gradual deepening points, is a critical step.L:Oh, I have written a speech outline before. Can you check it when you are free?Z:Okay. My pleasure. By the way, have you seen some celebritys speeches?L:Yes, Ive read Martin Luther Kings speech I Have a Dream“. It is a very famous speech. At the beginning, Martin Luther King tell us the importance of “Emancipation Proclamation” signed by President Lincoln one hundred years ago. However, there still remained many unfair treatment and injustice among the black and white people. Then, he encourages the black people to fight to change their status, rather than remaining silent and passive. At last, Martin uses “I Have a Dream” to bring out the theme which was not only the speakers dream but also all the black peoples.Z:Take this speech as an example, the speaker mobilized public sentiment and struck a chord with the audience, which conveyed Martin Luther Kings ideas, views and comprehension.L:I was also infected by the atmosphere of the speech.Z:In addition to arouse the audiences emotions, I think there also are several important factors. Firstly you have to overcome stage fright. The speech itself is not a terrible thing, and there are many methods can reduce our stage fright, such as deep breathing. L:Yeah. Its a good way to reduce my stage fright.Z:The second is containing the rich content and respecting the facts. For the purpose of speech is to convey information, only real content, sincere feelings will be understood and recognized by the audience. This can bridge the gap with the speakers and create a harmonious environment. The last is paying attention to skills and grasping the balance, only the harmonious and balance of internal elements can make the article credibly.L:Thanks for your advice. I learn a lot from your words. Z:Wish you a good grade.8. Besides religious faith, we can have various beliefs. Do you have any faith? Is faith important in a persons life?L:I recently watch a movie, Life of Pi, which tells a story about faith and human beings. Do you have faith?Z:Sure I do. I have a clear view of the world, value and life. I believe the world is of rules and logic. Only by living carefully and holding great awe, can we be a person in the true sense. The value of human beings should be weighed by their contribution to this world. The goal of life is to live for achieve his value.L:In reality, everyone has their own beliefs, and I dont know the relationship between religion and faith exactly. But if when we were in the case of Pi, our faith would give us a reason to go on and keep pure and beautiful humanity, perhaps, help our self-salvation like Pi does.Z:There will be difference in the choice of belief: someone choose to believe in religion, and some choose scientific beliefs or rational faith. You can find shadow of faith from unbelievers behavior, such as utilitarian, optimists, heroic. The behavior, persistence and lasting time of peoples faith will be different.L:I agree with you. In case of an actual conflict of interest or vital moment, there is no practical difference between believer and unbeliever, everyone will show the joys and sorrows and survival instincts. Why do some people choose self-sacrifice, while others are selfish, even murder? So what really matters is a persons moral standards and specific actions rather than his alleged faith.Z:Moral life is social phenomenon accompanied by human development, and faith is the cornerstone of moral life and the living conditions of human beings. It basically determines human moral practice range, level and mode. Faith not only establishes the individuals life meaning and value standards, but also becomes a huge force of the individual resolutely forward. Conversely, lack of faith will make life becomes confused and boring.9. What are your favorite ad


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