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英语阅读中长句子的理解和翻译Part I 难句子的分类辨析一, 定语从句定语从句的修饰对象始终是阅读中常常遇到而难以把握的问题,定语从句的关系词究竟修饰上文中的哪个单词,短语或者句子一要靠语法知识,二要根据上下文进行逻辑判断。定语从句有限定和非限定性之分。前者是主句意义中不可缺少的一部分,后者重要是对主句起附加阐明的作用。例句:1,Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development.该句子的主干构造是Behaviorists suggest thatwill experiencedevelopment2,Thus, the unity that characterize the strong educational system is developed by affording opportunity for diversity, which appears to be essential if education is to develop in consideration of the needs of children and youth 3, The public is unhappy about the way society is going, and its view, fueled in part by the media, seems to be that judicial decisions unacceptable to them, regardless of the evidence and law, will slow or change social direction这是个并列句, 由and 连接。二, 倒装句为了强调句子的某个部分,或为了保持句子的平衡,避免头重脚轻,英语长采用倒装的措施。倒装可以分为主谓倒装和非主谓倒装。1, Coupled with the growing quantity of information is the development of technologies which enable the storage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations than has ever been possible before.与日益增长的信息量相提并论的是使一下状况得以实现的技术的发展,即空前迅速的储存和传送更多的信息到更多的地点。2, The American baby boom after the war made unconvincing U.S. advice to poor countries that they restrain their births这句话由于宾语U.S. advice 背面跟了较长的成分(定语to poor countries和同位语they restrain their births,因此将宾语的补语unconvincing前置到了宾语的前面,其正常语序应当是made U.S. advice unconvincing。战后在美国浮现的婴儿潮使得美国向贫穷国家提出的节制生育的意见显的苍白无力。3, Into this area of industry came millions of Europeans who made of it what became known as the “melting pot”, the fusion of people from many nations into Americans.Make A of B ,意思为 使B 成为 A ; Make A B, 意思为使A成为 B,注意两者区别。此句中一方面是Into this area of industry came millions of Europeans倒装,正常语序为millions of Europeans came into this area of industry, 另一方面是made of it 的倒装,正常语序是made what became known as the “melting pot” (A)of it(B), it 指 工业区数以百万计的欧洲人来到这个工业区,使它成为人所共知的“熔炉”,将来自各国的人融合为美国人。三, 分割构造语法关系密切的两个句子成分有的时候会被其她句子成分分割。此种现象多是以插入语的形式浮现,插入语一般补影响句子的大意。因此阅读是应当将其一方面略去不看以减少阅读量。英语句子的分割基本是遵循尾重原则和尾句信息焦点原则(把重要信息放在句尾),因此阅读时,有插入语的句子的末尾一定要注意,常常是题目的出处。1, But, for a small group of students, professional training might be the way to go since all other factors being equal, well-developed skills, can be the difference between having a job and not.四, 并列平行构造英语常用并列连词,如:and, but, yet, for, nor, or, not onlybut also, eitheror或者neither.nor等连接两个或几种同等成分,这种构造称为并列构造。连接的同等成分可以是两个或几种动词的宾语,两个或几种名次的定语,两个或者几种介词短语等。1, The standardized educational or psychological tests that are wildly used to aid in selecting, classifying, assigning, or promoting students, employees, and military personnel have been the target of recent attacks in books, magazines, the daily press, and even in Congress.广泛用来借以对学生,雇员,和军事人员进行选拔,分类,分派任务或者提拔的教育或者心理方面的原则化测试,近来受到了书报杂志,甚至国会的抨击。五, 同位语同位语是用来对名词作进一步的解释,它可以是单词,短语或从句。同位语从句是名词从句的一种,置于某些名词的背面如,fact, doubt, idea, news, hope, indication, possibility, assumption等, 这种从句一般由that 引导,有的也可以由what, why, whether, when 等引导。1, If you see an article consistently advertised, it is the surest proof I know that the article does what is claimed for it, and it represents good value.Proof后有两个同位语the article does what is claimed for it和 it represents good value。如果你看到一件商品不断做广告,那就是我所懂得得最佳的证据,阐明该商品名副其实,货真价实。六, 分词作状语分词作状语人们都很熟悉,在此不作赘述,但是要注意分促的下列两种用法和构造:1,分词的逻辑主语必须与主句的主语一致,如果不一致,要用独立主格构造。如: All the money having been spent, they had to look for a part-time job.2, with +名词+分词作状语,表达随着状况。如:With oil expected to be scarce by the end of the century, the European Community has set aside 36 million dollars for hydrogen research.1, Because of increased physical fitness, life expectancy in the nation has risen to seventy years, with fewer people suffering from heart disease, the nations number one killer.七, 词义的对的理解英语中有诸多一词多类,一词多义的现象。在阅读中,在弄清原句构造的基本上,可根据下列原则来选择和拟定词的词义:1, 可以根据词在句子 中的词性来选择和拟定词义。2, 根据上下文以及词在句中的搭配关系来选择和拟定词义。此外,我们在阅读理解的过程中会遇到生词,但给我们导致困难的并不一定是这些生词,而有也许是我们所结识的某些多义词。由于我们对这些词的常用意思印象很深刻,往往一看到这些词就用最熟悉的词义去套,成果影响理解。因此,我们必须联系具体的语言环境,通过词语的上下文,词语的搭配关系,语法特性等方面来判断。如:1,Recently I heard a well-known television personality declare that he was against advertising because it persuades rather than informs. He was drawing excessively fine (细微的)distinctions. 3, After graduation, Jeff struggled to find work at various marine research jobs, supplementing the low pay with minimum wage moonlighting.阅读题类型及其特点阅读题目大体可以分为五类:主题性问题,细节性问题,态度性问题,推断性问题和词汇性问题。一, 主题性问题有三种:1,what is the main idea of this passage? 2,what is the main topic of this passage? 3, what is the authors main purpose in the passage? 文中的主题句有的时候有些标志词,表达总结的提示词:in consequence, to conclude, in summary, to sum up, in short, in brief; 表达推断的: therefore, thus , as a result, accordingly 表转折的: but, yet, however, nevertheless等,这些词后浮现的一般是主题句。此外新老观点对比的新观点一般是主题句。文中浮现诸如a popular brief, frequently assumed, universally accepted 等后作者要提出个标新立异的观点,要注意了。主题性问题干扰性的特性: 1, 局部信息, 指题枝太具体,仅是局部信息。此时要坚持“概括的是解,中心思想是解”2,无关信息二, 细节性问题1, According 题型 According to the passage/ The passage states that, 考察对时间, 地点,或者事件等细节问题。核心是找准文章中细节的位置,题号和段落是相应的。2, 数字题型,注意一般不能简朴的找到数字,要进行简朴的四则运算。3, 是非题 (1) 三误一正: which of the following is true?(2)Except型,三缺一,which of the following is true except; which of the following is mentioned except;which of the following is not true?这种题型有两种考法,一种是考并列,列举句,因此文章中浮现并列,列举时要注意。另一种考法是四个选项在文章不同位置浮现,注意定位。4, 例证题, The author provides in Line an example in order to .此种题就是为了考对作者中心思想的把握。干扰项一般有下列几种:无, 选项主线文中没提到;反,选项与原文正好相反,或者是作者反对的观点;混,原文中说甲有此特性,但选项张冠李戴用来说乙;偏,原文中说某事物有诸多特性,选项中只说一方面。三, 态度性问题The attitude of the author towards something is one of ?态度性问题的选项一般分为三种:褒义词:positive, support, useful, interesting, enthusiastic, admiring中性词:indifferent, impassive, uninterested, neural, disinterested, ambivalent, skeptical 贬义词:disgust, critical, negative, disappointed.作者对人的态度一般是褒义词,对事件一般是客观的中性词,但还要具体问题具体看待。 四, 推断性问题It can be inferred/imply/suggest/concluded/assumed from the passage that_还要注意一定是中心思想五, 词汇性的问题, 注意我曾经讲过的五种猜词的措施,在阅读中特别是同义和反义的关系。表同义的连词有: namely, in other word, this means, 反义的有 although, while, whereas, in contrast, on the contrary.等。阅读题目解的特性在诸多阅读理解中,虽然能完全读懂,也不一定能作对题目,目前的阅读题目就犹如脑筋急转弯似的, 因此我们要找到出题者解的特性,明白干扰项的特点,以明辨是非。1, 中心思想是解,一切题目的解一定要环绕中心思想展开。2, 隐蔽处是解, 在文章中的一种长句的隐蔽处或者尾句,一般是解的出处。3, 合理项不是解,不合理项是解。 作者的文章一定是提出了新的观点,一般的常识知识不会是解的。例如:问:狗是干什么的? 答:看门的。 这显然是不对的的,若有一种选项是“狗是锻炼身体的”这也许就是解了。4, 照抄原文不是解, 同义转换是解5, 含义绝对的不是解, 含义不肯定的是解。我们都学过辩证法,世界上没有绝对的东西,因此绝对的选项不会是对的的解。如, 具有absolutely,never, must, none, only, entirely, all , the most等的不是解,具有下列的也许就是解了:can, could, may usually, might, relatively, be likely to, possibly, suggest等。 6, 未知的是解 unknown7, 具体的不是解, 概括的是解,且忌,作题时只见树木不见森林。Both, various, and ,many, general, not only but also 等是解。8, 重要的是解。具有下列词的要注意 了: important, necessity, essential, significant, dominant, vital, fundamental, particular.9, 简朴的不是解,复杂的是解。这是个常识了,一般状况下,复合句,长句是解, 比较构造是解;字面意思不是解,深刻含义是解;双重否认或者三重否认的是解。10, 积极向上的是解。我们都是祖国培养的人才,因此我们的思想一定是积极向上的。如, “objective”永远是解,当问作者的态度时;尚有“独出心裁是解”,new, inventive, ingenuous11,主观的是解。 主观的比客观的难,因此“忽视是解”neglect, ignore, overlook, overestimate, suspect, expect, speculate, .like or dislike 等阅读中”蒙”的技巧, 保证50的对的率。反义项,解其中;形似项,解其中;近义项,解其中。 改错题目常出错处有:介词, 分词(目前分词,过去分词), 从句(定语从句,名词性从句),主谓一致,时态, 单复数,词性, 主被动,冠词, 尚有与否故意思相反的要改。 作文常用句型,开头,With the development of the society, * has become the prevalent phenomenon that. Nowadays/At present/Currently, more and e into being as the advancement of economy in China. Every thing has two sides, the positive and negative, and * is without exception. The graph above shows/demonstrates/describes/depicts the overwhelming tendency that 正文: 一定要体现出明确的构造.顺承的 Firstly, secondly, thirdly, At last but not least; In addition, additionally; What is more, moreover, at the same time, Coupled with; on one hand, on the other hand.转折的 however, nevertheless, yet, whereas, on the contrary, in contrast; Oppositely,因素 therefore, thus, hence, so that, As a result ; As a matter of fact=in fact= de facto考虑到taking * into consideration/account, In the light of / Making allowance for 结尾: From the above-motioned, we can safely draw a conclusion that * is a double-edged sword, hence we should spare no effort to strike a balance between * and *.Conclusively=In conclusion,In short, In summary,注意写文章时一定要注意句型的变化,和插入语的使用。至少用一两个定语从句,用一两个分词作状语(一种句子中不能有两套主谓构造)。


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