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授课:XXX1牛津版高二牛津版高二 模块六模块六 Unit 1授课:XXX2Discussion Besides laughter,what are other factors that can help people keep healthy and live longer?授课:XXX3having a balanced dietexercising regularlyhaving a good mood being optimisticlistening to music授课:XXX4 直接和观众交流直接和观众交流 嘲笑,取笑嘲笑,取笑 依靠、取决于依靠、取决于 拿拿来开玩笑来开玩笑 排队排队 减肥减肥 绊倒绊倒 后来后来 站在镜子前站在镜子前 刷牙刷牙talk directly to audience L3tease/make fun of L4depend upon L5make jokes about L13queue up L5lose weight L15trip over L16later on L25stand in front of the mirror L33brush ones teeth L33 授课:XXX5 即兴发挥的非凡才能即兴发挥的非凡才能 发表讲话,演讲发表讲话,演讲 事业起步事业起步,以以开始开始 无声电影无声电影 爆笑爆笑 受到各个年龄段的欢迎受到各个年龄段的欢迎 效仿某人,照效仿某人,照的样子做的样子做 毕竟,终究毕竟,终究 an outstanding ability to improvise give/make a speech L37 get a start in L41 silent film L41 howl with laughter L41be popular with all age groups L43 follow in the footsteps of sb.L46 after all L57 have an effect(effects)on L51对对有影响有影响 授课:XXX61.Another comedian points to a video tennis game and says,“Ive been playing tennis very day for a month.I dont understand why I am not losing weight!”另一个喜剧演员指着电脑网球游戏说:另一个喜剧演员指着电脑网球游戏说:“我每天我每天都打网球,已经一个月了。我就是搞不懂,体重都打网球,已经一个月了。我就是搞不懂,体重一点也降不下来呢?一点也降不下来呢?”授课:XXX72.He says it is because when he started practising stand-up as a child,he told himself jokes while standing in front of the mirror,brushing his teeth.(P3)(1)What does it refer to?it指上文提到的指上文提到的he always keeps a toothbrush in his pocket for good luck。授课:XXX8(2)while standing in front of the mirror为为while+V-ing形式作时间状语,相当于形式作时间状语,相当于_。while he was standing in front of the mirrorDont sit there _ nothing.Come and help me with this table.A.do B.to do C.doing D.and doingbrushing his teeth 是是V-ing形式作伴随状语。形式作伴随状语。授课:XXX9(2)while standing in front of the mirror为为while+V-ing形式作时间状语,相当于形式作时间状语,相当于_。while he was standing in front of the mirrorDont sit there _ nothing.Come and help me with this table.A.do B.to do C.doing D.and doingbrushing his teeth 是是V-ing形式作伴随状语。形式作伴随状语。授课:XXX10拓展拓展 在时间、条件、让步等状语从句中在时间、条件、让步等状语从句中,当从句的主语是当从句的主语是it或与主句的主语一致,或与主句的主语一致,且谓语动词是且谓语动词是be或含有或含有be的时候,从句的的时候,从句的主语及主语及be都可以被省略,只留下都可以被省略,只留下V-ing形式、形式、动词过去分词或形容词等。动词过去分词或形容词等。授课:XXX11如:如:a)When_ of her daughter,she feels very proud.(=When she is talking)b)When_ that her son had passed the exam,she was very glad.(=When she was told)c)If _,Ill call you at once.(=If it is necessary)授课:XXX12如:如:a)When talking of her daughter,she feels very proud.(=When she is talking)b)When told that her son had passed the exam,she was very glad.(=When she was told)c)If necessary,Ill call you at once.(=If it is necessary)授课:XXX133.Whatever the reason(is),research shows that in the end,the English saying Laughter is the best medicine may be true after all.(P3)Whatever引导让步状语从句,相当于引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter what,意为,意为“不管什么,无论什不管什么,无论什么么”。whatever 和和 however 引导的让步状语从引导的让步状语从句可省去动词句可省去动词“be”授课:XXX14无论谁来参加会议,他都会受到欢迎。无论谁来参加会议,他都会受到欢迎。_ comes to the conference will be welcomed._comes to the conference,he will be welcomed.WhoeverNo matter who/Whoeverwhatever除了可以引导让步状语从句外,还除了可以引导让步状语从句外,还能引导名词性从句,而能引导名词性从句,而no matter what只能只能引导让步状语从句。引导让步状语从句。授课:XXX151)Parents shouldnt give his children he likes.What B.whatever C.no matter what D.whichever.2)We should reach our hand to need help.Who B.whom C.whoever D.whomever E.no matter whoA.F.No matter whom 授课:XXX16无论是谁救了这个孩子,他都应该受到表扬。无论是谁救了这个孩子,他都应该受到表扬。Whoever saved the child should be praised.No matter who/Whoever saved the child,he should be praised.Any other expressions?Anyone who saved the boy should be praised.当当whoever用来引导名词性从句时,我们可以用来引导名词性从句时,我们可以转化为转化为 。同理,当同理,当whatever用来引导名词性从句时,我用来引导名词性从句时,我们可以转化为们可以转化为 。Anyone whoAnything that4.A stand-up comedian may make fun of an audience member,or might decided to tell different jokes depending upon how the audience reacted to .make fun of 取笑取笑,开开的玩笑的玩笑 =laugh at;play a joke one.g.Its rude to make fun of the disabled.Im serious,Im not making fun of you.Dont make fun of him,everyone has his self-respect.相关链接:相关链接:for/in fun 开玩笑地开玩笑地(重庆重庆05)Daddy didnt mind what we were doing,as long as we were together,_fun.A.had B.have C.to have D.having别取笑他别取笑他,每个人都有自尊。每个人都有自尊。主要用法有:主要用法有:(1)depend upon/on 某人或某物某人或某物我们是否去野营要看天气。我们是否去野营要看天气。Whether well go camping depends on the weather.有时可在某人或某物后用介词有时可在某人或某物后用介词 for,如:如:我们靠收音机听新闻。我们靠收音机听新闻。We depend on the radio for news.depend upon意思为意思为“依靠依靠”、“依赖依赖”、“取取决于决于”等,只作不及物动词,常与介词等,只作不及物动词,常与介词 on,upon 连用。连用。(2)depend upon/on 某人或某物不某人或某物不定式或动名词定式或动名词我指望你做这工作。我指望你做这工作。Im depending on you to do the work.你决不能指望他能准时到达。你决不能指望他能准时到达。You can never depend on him his arriving on time.(3)depend upon/on 从句从句我们的成功取决于每个人是否努力。我们的成功取决于每个人是否努力。注:注:depend upon/on后接后接 that从句从句(此此时须用时须用 it)。如:。如:你可以指望他加入我们的俱乐部。你可以指望他加入我们的俱乐部。You may depend on it that he will join our club./You may depend on him to join our club.Our success depends on whether everyone works hard or not.(4)口语中说口语中说 It(all)depends./That depends.意为意为“那要看情况那要看情况”。如:如:A:Are you going too?你也去吗你也去吗?B:That depends.那要看情况。那要看情况。授课:XXX232.One such person is Billy Crystal.such such 和和 a,an a,an 连用时,在连用时,在 a,an a,an 前前such such 和其他具体数据连用时,在后面和其他具体数据连用时,在后面这么可爱的婴儿这么可爱的婴儿 such a lovely babysuch a lovely baby one such lovely babyone such lovely baby十本这样的书十本这样的书 ten such booksten such books没有这样的人没有这样的人 no such peopleno such people所有这样的喜剧演员所有这样的喜剧演员 all such comediansall such comedians授课:XXX242.One such person is Billy Crystal.such such 和和 a,an a,an 连用时,在连用时,在 a,an a,an 前前such such 和其他具体数据连用时,在后面和其他具体数据连用时,在后面这么可爱的婴儿这么可爱的婴儿 such asuch a lovely baby lovely baby one suchone such lovely baby lovely baby十本这样的书十本这样的书 ten suchten such books books没有这样的人没有这样的人 no suchno such people people所有这样的喜剧演员所有这样的喜剧演员 all suchall such comedians comedians授课:XXX253.Each time,he performs his stand-up routine in front of millions of people when the show is broadcast live on TV.live adv.live adv.现场地;直播地现场地;直播地 With all the news broadcast live,With all the news broadcast live,the pressure on the announcers is the pressure on the announcers is becoming heavier.becoming heavier.live adj.live adj.现场的,直播的;有生命的,活的现场的,直播的;有生命的,活的 We are watching the live coverage We are watching the live coverage of the Olympics.of the Olympics.授课:XXX26区分区分 alive,live,living(形容词,做形容词,做“活的活的”讲讲)Who is the greatest man alivealive?She must be alivealive.Lets keep the fish alivealive.Have you seen a livelive whale?She was frightened at the sight of a livelive snake.Many living living things are dying out because of the global warming.Maybe he is the finest livingliving pianist.授课:XXX27 既可以指人,也可以指物。在句中做表语或宾语补足语。做定语时应放在所修饰的名词之后。alive:alive:live:live:living:living:授课:XXX28 既可以指人,也可以指物。在句中做表语或宾语补足语。做定语时应放在所修饰的名词之后。alive:alive:常做定语,放在所修饰的名词之前,一般不指人。live:live:living:living:授课:XXX29 既可以指人,也可以指物。在句中做表语或宾/主语补足语。做定语时应放在所修饰的名词之后。alive:alive:常做定语,放在所修饰的名词之前,一般不指人。live:live:用作定语或表语,即可指人,也可指物。作定语时前置。living:living:授课:XXX30 a _ fish The enemy was caught _.Do you like a _ show or a recorded show?He is dead,but his dog is still _.No man _ is greater than he.授课:XXX31 a _ fish The enemy was caught _.Do you like a _ show or a recorded show?He is dead,but his dog is still _.No man _ is greater than he.livelivelivelivealivealivealivealivealivealive授课:XXX32 Girls make upmake up 45of the student population in our school make upmake up a story/an excuse5.Instead of telling the joke he had planned,Crystal made up a new one.授课:XXX33 Girls make upmake up 45of the student population in our school make upmake up a story/an excuse构成;占构成;占比例,相当于比例,相当于 formform编写;捏造编写;捏造5.Instead of telling the joke he had planned,Crystal made up a new one.授课:XXX34 Because of his illness,he had to make upmake up for for the missing lessons We havent been getting on well.Lets make upmake up.Tom watched his sister make herself upmake herself up for her date.授课:XXX35 Because of his illness,he had to make upmake up for for the missing lessons We havent been getting on well.Lets make upmake up.Tom watched his sister make herself upmake herself up for her date.弥补,补偿弥补,补偿和解,调停和解,调停化妆化妆授课:XXX36make up 编造编造;化妆化妆;准备准备;构成构成;补齐补齐make up for 补偿补偿;弥补弥补(1)Theyre making the whole thing up.(2)They made him up as an old man in the play.(3)We can make up a bed for the boy on the sofa.授课:XXX37(4)The research group is made up of 5 scientists and 19 workers.(5)I saved as much as I could,and my mum made up the rest of the money for the bike.(6)Im trying to make up for the time I lost while I was playing games.(7)The dinner made up for all the disappointments Id had.授课:XXX38When he realized the police had spotted him,the man _ the exit as quickly as possible.A.made off B.made for C.made out D.made up授课:XXX391.make it 走完(一段路);能成功;做到走完(一段路);能成功;做到 2.make a difference 有影响,很重要有影响,很重要3.make the most of 尽量利用尽量利用4.make good/full use of 充分利用充分利用5.make out 起草起草,结论结论,辨别辨别,理解理解,填写填写,拼凑拼凑,进展进展,说明说明6.make for 走向走向,有利于有利于,倾向于倾向于,导致导致7.make a contribution to 捐赠捐赠;作出贡献作出贡献8.make sense of 理解;懂;明白理解;懂;明白9.make oneself understood 使自己被理解使自己被理解授课:XXX4010.make a mistake 犯错误犯错误 11.make friends with 与与.交朋友交朋友 12.make faces 做鬼脸做鬼脸 13.make a fire 生火生火 14.make an excuse 找借口找借口 15.make a.sound 发发.音音 16.make the bed 整理床铺整理床铺17.make room for.为为.找出空间找出空间 18.make sure 保证保证 19.make a team 组成一个队组成一个队 20.be made in 产于产于授课:XXX416.This proves that.(Lines 43)prove v.证明证明 e.g.How can you prove that you are right?你如何能证明你是正确的呢你如何能证明你是正确的呢?Theyll prove to you that Im not lying.他们会向你证明我没有撒谎。他们会向你证明我没有撒谎。授课:XXX427.I like it when the comedian .(F,P5)某些及物动词某些及物动词,如如 like,love,enjoy,prefer,hate,appreciate等之后若没有出现宾语等之后若没有出现宾语,而直接跟而直接跟 if/whether 引导的状语从句引导的状语从句,要在从句前使用代词要在从句前使用代词it。授课:XXX43e.g.She doesnt like it when her children tell lies to her.I hate it if you use my bike without my permission.We should much appreciate it if you would arrange this trip for us.授课:XXX442.You can expect to hear a lot more from Billy Crystal he has no plans to stop making films,or to stop telling jokes.(P3)考点考点 expect的含义和用法的含义和用法授课:XXX45考例考例1 Does this meal cost$50?I _ something far better than this!(07全国卷全国卷I)A.prefer B.expect C.suggest D.suppose点拨点拨 选选B。这里的这里的expect可以理解为可以理解为“期盼得到期盼得到”。句意为:这顿饭值句意为:这顿饭值50美元美元吗?我原以为它会好得多!吗?我原以为它会好得多!prefer更喜欢;更喜欢;suggest建议;建议;suppose假设,认为。假设,认为。授课:XXX46考例考例2 According to the art dealer,the painting _ to go for at least a million dollars.(2004全国卷全国卷II)A.is expected B.expects C.expected D.is expecting点拨点拨 选选A。句意为:按书画经纪人的话。句意为:按书画经纪人的话说,这幅画预计至少要卖到一百万美元。说,这幅画预计至少要卖到一百万美元。句子的主语为画,和谓语动词构成被动句子的主语为画,和谓语动词构成被动关系,所以选关系,所以选A。授课:XXX473.Laughing helps your body stay healthy and can even help you fight pain.(P3)考点考点 stay 用作系动词,意为用作系动词,意为“保持(某保持(某种状态)种状态)”。授课:XXX48考例考例 Emergency line operators must always _ calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help.(湖北(湖北2007)A.grow B.appear C.become D.stay点拨点拨 选选D。stay calm保持冷静。保持冷静。grow生生长,变成;长,变成;appear出现,显得;出现,显得;become变变为。为。When he started practising stand-up as a child,he told himself jokes while _ in front of the mirror,_ his teeth.(stand;brush)2.They could only see him _ there _ his lips.(stand;move)standingbrushing Fill in the blanks using the verbs given.movingstanding3.Crystals popularity with all age group and his ability _ people all over the world prove that stand-up can be enjoyed by everyone.(amuse)4.Doctors _ what effect stand-up and other forms of comedy have on us.(research)to amusehave been researching1.I _ tennis every day for a month.I dont understand why Im not losing weight.(play)2.Like other stand-up comedians who _to act in films,Crystal still enjoys stand-up.(go on)3.Instead of telling the jokes he _,Crystal made up a new one.(plan)Fill in the blanks,using the correct form.have been playinghave gone onhad planned1.Only a few stand-up comedians have become famous as television and film actors later _ in life.2.Doctors have been researching what effect stand-up and other forms of comedy have _ us.onFill in the blanks,using proper preposition or adverb.on3.The audience howled _ laughter.4.He hopes to follow _ the footsteps of other famous comedians,such as Bob Hope and George Burns,who lived to be 100 years and kept working _the end of their lives.untilinwith授课:XXX541.Finish A1 and A2 at page100.2.Write a passage about a funny story.授课:XXX55Thank you!56Thank you!


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