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新概念英语青少版1aUnit 1 Lesson 1 Meet the family!William: Hello. My name is William Jenkins. This is my family. This is Karen. Karen is my wife. Karen: How do you do? William;This is Lucy. Lucys my daughter. Lucy: Hello! William: This is my son, Robert. Robert: Hi! William: And this is Paul. Pauls my nephew. Paul: Hello! Nice to meet you!Unit 2 Lesson 3 What is it? Robert: Hey, this is good! Look, Lucy! What is this?Lucy: Its a wheel.Robert: No, it isnt! Look! Its green! Its a hat!Lucy: OK. Its a green hat.Robert: Now look! Whats this?Lucy: Its a flower. Its a red flower.Robert: No, it isnt. Its a red umbrella.Lucy: OK. Whats that?Robert: Its grey. Is it a bird? Yes! Its a grey bird.Lucy: No! Its a key!Robert: Right! Its a silver key.Unit 3 Lesson 5 Whos that? Annie: Who is that boy, Polly?Polly: Which boy, Annie?Annie: The boy on the silver bicycle. Polly: Thats Robert Jenkins.Annie: Whos that man?Polly: Which man?Annie: The man with the black umbrella.Polly: Thats Mr. Jenkins. Hes Roberts father.Annie: Whos that woman with the white umbrella?Polly: Thats Mrs. Jenkins. Shes Roberts mother.Annie: And whos that girl on the red bicycle?Polly: Thats Lucy Jenkins. Shes Roberts sister.Annie: Look at that young man. Who is he?Polly: Which young man?Annie: The young man in that old car. Polly: Oh, thats Paul. Paul is Lucys cousin.Annie: So Paul is Roberts cousin, too.Polly: Thats right. Robert is Lucys brother. And Paul is their cousin. Hes a student.Unit4 Lesson 7 Robert isnt well.Linda: Hello, Karen. How are you?Karen: Im fine. But Robert isnt very well.Linda: Oh, Im sorry!Whats the matter with him?Karen: Im not sure. Hes very hot. He isnt well.Linda: Is he hungry?Karen: No, he isnt hungry.Linda: Is he thirsty?Karen: Yes, hes very thirsty.Linda: Poor Robert! I am sorry! What about the doctor?Karen: The doctors very busy.Linda: Yes, but Robert is ill.Karen: Perhaps not very ill. But you are right. Better safe than sorry! Unit 5 Lesson 9 Meet the neighboursPaul: Hello! My names Paul.Claire: Hello, Paul. My names Claire. Im your new neighbour.Paul: Claire! Thats a nice name. What do you do, Claire?Claire: Im a student. What about you?Paul: Im a student,too. Im at the sports academy. (体育院校)What about you?Claire: Im an art student. Im at the art college. (艺术院校)Paul: Come and meet Karen. Shes my aunt. Shes a writer. Karen, this is Claire. Claires our new neighbour.Karen: Hello, Claire. Nice to meet you. Come and meet the family. This is William, my husband. This is Lucy. And this is Robert.William: How do you do, Claire?Claire: Hi, everybody! Thank you for the welcome!Unit Unit 6 Lesson 11 Gossip!Annie: Whos that girl, Polly?Polly: Which girl, Annie?Annie: The girl over there. That tall girl with the Jenkins family.Polly: Oh, thats Claire, our new neighbour. Shes an art student.Annie: Shes a very pretty girl.Polly: Yes, shes clever, too. Shes a nice girl.Annie: Wheres she from? Is she English?Polly: No, she isnt. Shes American. Shes from Washington.Annie: Is her family here, too?Polly: Yes. Her fathers an accountant, and her mothers a famous photographer. Look! Thats her mother over there.Annie: That woman in the expensive car?Polly: Thats right. Shes very pretty.Annie: Pretty? Shes beautiful! What about her husband? Is he handsome?Polly: Wait and see! Unit 7 Lesson 13 Wheres my pen? Karen: Wheres my pen, Lucy?Lucy: Which pen, Mum?Karen: The blue one.Lucy: This one?Karen: Yes, that one. Its my favourite pen, Lucy!Lucy: Sorry, Mum!Karen: And wheres my new ruler?Lucy: The long one?Karen: The long silver one.Lucy: Its in my schoolbag, Mum.Karen: Oh, Lucy! Give me my ruler, please.Lucy: Here you are. Im sorry, Mum. Its a very nice ruler.Karen: Yes, it is.Lucy: Mum!Karen: Yes?Lucy: Is this your pencil-case, too?Karen: No, it isnt. Its your fathers old pencil-case. Thats his favourite thing!Lucy: Sorry, Mum! Its my favourite thing, too.Karen: Oh, well! Put it on his desk. No harm done!(不要紧)Lucy: Thanks, Mum!Unit 8 Lesson 15 A bump in the night!Karen: William! Wake up!William: Mm. Whats the matter?Karen: Listen! Theres a noise in the living-room. Its a burglar(夜贼)!William: A burglar? Nonsense! Youre right! Theres a noise in the kitchen now! It is a burglar!Karen: Shh! Theres a torch(手电筒) here.William: Give me the torch, please.Karen: Here it is. Oh, William! Please be careful!William: Shh! There is someone downstairs. Whos there? Who is it?Lucy: Its me, Dad! Im wide-awake(完全苏醒的), and Im hungry.William: Were all wide-awake now!Karen: Oh, well! No harm done!Unit 9 Lesson 17 Red, white and . pink! Robert: Here are Pauls new pyjamas.(一套睡衣裤) Look at them! They are bright red! But they are a bit dirty.Lucy: Here are Dads shirts. They are pure white. But theyre a bit dirty, too. Put them in the washing machine.Lucy: What about your shirts?Robert: Yes. My shirts are dirty, too. Lucy: Put them in the washing machine.William: Karen! Where are my new shirts?Karen: Theyre in the washing machine, with Pauls pyjamas and Roberts shirts. Here you are! Two lovely clean shirts!William: Those shirts arent white! Theyre pink!Karen: Yes, they are, and theyre very pretty!Unit 10 Lesson 19 Jump in!Robert:Hurry up, Lucy! Heres the bus!Lucy: Wait a minute! My bags heavy.Robert: My bags heavy, too. Come on! Oh, no! The bus is full!Lucy: Oh, dear! Our school buses are all full.Robert: Whats in your bag?Lucy: Books, of course!Robert: My bag is full of books, too. Look, theres Claire! Hello, Claire!Claire: Hello, Robert! Hello, Lucy! Whats the matter, Lucy?Lucy: The buses are all full and our bags are very heavy.Claire: Gee, they are heavy! Whats in them?Robert: Theyre full of books, and the buses are full of people.Claire: Never mind! Heres my Mom with the car. And the cars empty. Jump in, and put your bags in, too!Unit 11 Lesson 21 Very smart! Robert: Look! These are our outfits for the school play.Karen: Oh, very smart! Look, William!William: Yes, youre both very elegant.Lucy and Robert: Thank you, Dad.William: Thats an interesting tie, Robert.Robert: Um, yes, thanks, Dad. William: Its very colourful. Very unusual.Robert: Yes, um, its my favourite tie.Karen: Those are funny shoes, Robert. Are they a bit big for you?Robert: These shoes? No, Mum. Theyre all right. Theyre right for the part.Paul: Where are my new shoes? They arent in my bedroom.Karen and William: Oh, Robert!Paul: Hey, Robert! Thats my tie! Those are my new shoes! And those are my socks, too!Unit12 Lesson 23 Just like you!Jack: Claire?Claire: Yes, Daddy?Jack: Show me your new drawings, honey.Claire: OK. These drawings are new. Theyre all people at the sports academy.Jack: Hmm. Theyre very good, Claire! Who is this tall man with the big muscles?Claire: Oh, thats Mr. Ford. Hes a teacher. Hes very strong.Jack: And who are these little men? Claire: Thats Gary, and thats Tom. Theyre students. Theyre both small, but theyre strong, too. Theyre gymnasts.(体操运动员)Jack: And who is this boy here? Claire: Thats Paul. Hes a student at the sports academy. Jack: Hes a handsome young man.Claire: Yes. Hes very nice.Jack: Your drawings are good, Claire. Claire: Thank you, Daddy. Maybe they arent bad.Jack: No, honey! Theyre great! Just like you!Unit 13 Lesson 25 Late or early Robert: Come on, Lucy! Were late!Lucy: OK, OK! What time is it?Robert: Its eight oclock. Hurry up!Daisy: Hi, there, kids! Are you in a hurry?Robert: Yes, we are. Were both late for school.Daisy: Never mind. Jump in!Robert: Gee, thanks, Mrs. Austen. Daisy: Youre welcome! Call me Daisy, please. OK, kids! Lets go!Robert: Wow, what a speed! What a car!Daisy: Here you are! The school gates. You arent late now. Whats the matter, Lucy?Lucy: Look! The gates are shut. Were both early now!Unit 14 Lesson 27 One, two, three, catch!Karen: Give me that jar, please, Robert.Robert: Which jar, Mum? This one?Karen: No, not that one. The one on the table. The empty one.Robert: Here you are, Mum! Ready? One, two, three, catch!Karen: No, Robert! Stop!Robert: Whats the matter, Mum?Karen: I cant catch it! Bring it here, please!Robert: Here you are, Mum!Karen: Thank you, Robert!Unit 15 Lesson 29 Thats not fair!Robert: Where are Paul and Gary?Sam: Theyre over there, on the football field. Theyre with Tom and Mr. Ford.Robert: Great, we can play football with them. Hey, Paul! Can we play football with you?Paul: Thats a good idea, Robert. Right. Youre the captain of one side, Robert. And Sam, youre the captain of the other side. Im the referee. Now, how many players are there?Robert: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen. So there are seven on my side, and six on Sams side.Sam: Thats not fair!Robert: Yes, it is! Mr. Fords on your side. Hes very big and very strong. He can play very well. Hes like two players!


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