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Project Management In PDMBy Vincent2 Project Type&Project OwnerODM/JDM Project Owner:PjMEMS Project owner:BD(if no further assignment)Project owner needs to:1.Conduct Kick-off Meeting2.Create&manage project in PDM3.Trigger gating in PDM until Mass-production NPIDVTMVTMass Production Pass Pass Fail Fail Gating Gating EndCancel Cancel Start(Kick-off)Planning CharterCancel Pass Project Type v.s.Project Phase Type Phase ODMEMS/EMS+JDMEVTVODVTVOVMVTVVV(V:Required,O:Option)選定Project Type會決定 Project 從那個Phase開始,但ODM之Refresh model:Project-REFn(n=1,2etc.)會從DVT Phase開始EMS/ODM/JDM之Extension model:Project-EXTn(n=1,2etc.)會從MVT Phase開始注意:若FG P/N為87xx-xxyyyy-yy屬FRU(xx-xx為客戶代碼,yyyy-yy為流水號)88xx-xxyyyy-yy屬測試用治具or 短期客戶來料(free)純代工者,BOM可不用建project!3Project phase for Refresh and Extension ModelRefresh project starts from DVT(Name-REFn,n=1,2,3)The definition of refresh project Major HW or SW.Major mechanical change like housing different.Majority AVL commodities change.Whole process change like transferring lead to lead free(RoHS).The other after discussion with DQA head or authorized,and agreed.Extension project starts from MVT(Name-EXTn,n=1,2,3)The definition of extension project New part number due to new customer and without design change.Minor change on HW.Minor change on S/W.(Ex.customer logo or code update).Minor mechanical change.(Ex.label,package,color and internal bracket).Minority AVL commodities change The other after discussion with DQA head or authorized,and agreed.Once the base project has entered mass-production phase,project owner need to create new project for its refresh or extension model.4Project StructureProject FolderDesign Folder NPI Common Folder Product(FG PN)USI NPD Design output data NPICommon NPI documents,when project with many USI FG products FG:Finish Good Product Folder(document BOM,NPI)Product Material BOM -Parts basic data -Parts document Supplier parts/USI design parts document Customer Folder Customer input data ProjectLearn Lesson Folder USI NPD Learn Lesson output data 5ProjectProject ABCProject Folder(PJF-ABC)Other Folders Product 1Product n(EVT MP)(EVT MP)(EVT MP)(EVT MP)Naming ruleProject ABC-EXT1Project Folder(PJF-ABC-EXT1)Other Folders Product 1Product n(MVT MP)(MVT MP)(MVT MP)(MVT MP)6New,Refresh and ExtensionNew requirement about product Judge EC or new FG PN?Is there a Project with similar product?Can DQA test be finished within MVT?Create Extension project to accommodate new FG PNCreate Refresh project to accommodate new FG PNCreate new project to accommodate new FG PNFollow the engineering change procedureECNNew FG PNNoYesNoYesIs the project in M.P.phase?YesAdd new FG PNinto project existedNoIs it necessary to have relationship when searching?YesNoDoes project belong to EMS type?YesNo7 Kick-off MeetingThe EMs kick-off meeting need to includethe below information:1.USI/Customer team member list 2.Customer requirement -Quality -Manufacturing process(4M)-Local source applied?3.Forecast/Plan/Schedule -sample shipping date/qty -DVT gating date(小量樣品轉中量小量樣品轉中量)-MVT gating date(中量轉中量轉大量生產大量生產)4.NPI document list for product folder (PDF-XXX)5.4M preparation -Man -Machine(ex:tool,fixtureetc.)-Material(consign或自購或自購)-Method/Process(ex:run-in,burn-inetc.)NPICancel Cancel DVTMVTMass Production Pass Pass Fail Fail Gating Gating EndStart(Kick-off)Planning CharterCancel Pass 8Planning&Charter1.Create Project(Name)2.Create Project Folder(PJF-Project Name)3.將Project Folder放入Project的“affected item”後按“Next Status”到“Charter”1.PDM人員會將Project Name 正式設到PDM ,往後BD建此project之FG P/N(含BOM),或 其他部門發Action Tracking,Bug Tracking,ECR-design 皆需選此 Project/Project Folder 做資料連結 2.Charter Approved為 Project Planning 時,於Cover Page之Change Analyst Field 中 設定,挑選規則如下:-New Project Charter 為 BU Head -Refresh Project Charter 為 PjM Head -Extension Project Charter 為 PE Head3.Charter confirm project 的成立,Approved 後到DVT phase.NPICancel Cancel DVTMVTMass Production Pass Pass Fail Fail Gating Gating EndStart(Kick-off)Planning CharterCancel Pass 9DVT Charter Approved後,Status會進到DVT階段,在 DVT階段:1.Project Owner 需適情況create .Customer Folder(CDF-Name)-For customers original TPD .NPI common folder(NCF-Name)-For同一project之不同P/N(USIs TPD)BD,MD,PE再發DCN將TPD 放上去 2.BD create FG P/N(ENPD)並放入PJF內 -並透過PDM向PC預約SMT產線 i.e.send FG PN(page 3)to PC 3.PE/MD create SFG,RAW P/N 4.PE/MD create Product Folder (PDF-FG P/N)&build BOM 5.完成DVT sample生產 6.PE/MD 根據DVT Document Checking List 發“DCN(PDF/NCF)來啟動PDF的 收集for USI 內部用之TPD 7.相關單位(ME,TE)收到 DCN時,需發 DCN(Cross Dep),將其負責的TPD 放上去.8.ME、TE需將DVT sample生產的問題發出 Bug tracking,以利後續改善追蹤.NPICancel Cancel DVTMVTMass Production Pass Pass Fail Fail Gating Gating EndStart(Kick-off)Planning CharterCancel Pass 10DVT Gating(Review/Approve)Project Owner依DVT Target Gating Date在PDM trigger DVT Gating前必需 確認13項已完成:1.Product Folder(PDF)已完成DVT階段 之TPD收集 2.Action tracking 沒有key open action 3.Bug tacking no severity 1,2,3 bug with E/D/C/B solution factor Project owner press“Next status”in PDM即進入DVT gating(i.e.DVT review /DVT approve)DVT Reviewer(NPI)為:ME、TE、VQA、MQA、QE,皆accept 後會自動送給DVT approver DVT Approver為:PE Head,accept後即 為MVT,並自動通知MVT的Reviewer和 Approver NPICancel Cancel DVTMVTMass Production Pass Pass Fail Fail Gating Gating EndStart(Kick-off)Planning CharterCancel Pass 11MVT此MVT階段:1.BD 透過PDM向PC預約SMT產線 i.e.send FG PN(page 3)to PC(p27p28)2完成MVT生產 3.PE/MD 根據MVT Document Checking List 發“DCN(PDF/NCF)“來啟動 PDF 收集 MVT之TPD 4.相關單位收到 DCN時,需在 PDM發DCN (Cross Dep),將其負責的MVT之TPD 放上去.5.ME、TE需將MVT生產的問題發出 Bug tracking,以利後續改善追蹤.NPICancel Cancel DVTMVTMass Production Pass Pass Fail Fail Gating Gating EndStart(Kick-off)Planning CharterCancel Pass 12MVT Gating(Review/Approve)Project Owner依MVT Target Gating Date在PDM trigger DVT Gating前必需 確認14項已完成:1.Product Folder(PDF)已完成 MVT 階段之TPD收集 2.Action tracking 沒有key open action 3.Bug tacking fix all design bugs no open bug 4.FPYR 需達到Target(index p16)Project owner press“Next status”in PDM 即進入即進入 MVT gating(i.e.MVT review/MVT approve)MVT Reviewer為ME、TE、VQA、MQA、QE、PD,皆accept後會自動送給Approver.MVT Approver 為 MT Head,accept後即可正式進入mass-production NPICancel Cancel DVTMVTMass Production Pass Pass Fail Fail Gating Gating EndStart(Kick-off)Planning CharterCancel Pass 13PDM database structure for project operation Project Folder(PJF-project)FG P/N(1n)Design Folder(DF-xx)Customer Folder(CDF-xx)Project(Life Cycle Mgmt)Bug tracking(1n)Action tracking(1n)ECR-Design(1n)Product Folder(PDF-FG PN)DQA,ME,TERDOriginatorStructure TPM,Project OwnerTPM,Project OwnerRD,MD,PE(Solution)All team members(Action)PE/MD(ECN)To(Output)TPM,Project OwnerGating reviewer/approverTPM,Project OwnerRD,MD,DQA(NPD TPD)TPM,Project OwnerBD,PE,MD(customer TPD)BD(ENPD)MD:System/PE:PCBA(BOM)SFG,RAW P/N(1n)Product TPD(1 n)MD:System,PE:PCBAME,TE,EQ.etc.(NPI TPD)ME,TE,EQ(DCN)etc.MD:System,PE:PCBA Parts TPD(1 n)MD,PE(DCN)BOMChanges14 EMS Project Job Responsibility DVTMVTMPProject Owner BD or further assignmentBD or further assignmentFulfillment Owner BDBDPhase Gating Trigger Project Owner Project OwnerPhase Gating Approver PE HeadMT HeadSite MT HeadNPI Operation Reviewer ME,TE,MQA,QE,VQAME,TE,PD,MQA,QE,VQASite ME,TE,PD,MQANPI Operation CoordinatorPEMESite ME15EMSODMEVT2 timesDVT4 times2 timesMVT2 times2 times The production order qty for each phase are as below:BoardSystemEMSODMEMSODMEVT10 40 pcs40 pcsDVT20 500 pcs20 200 pcs20 500 pcs10 200 pcsMVT50 1000 pcs50 500 pcs50 1000 pcs10 500 pcsProduction times and qty for each phase The production times for each phase are as below:If it has reached the times or exceeded the qty,BD has to issue SPR to PMC head,MT head,PD head,PjM,BU head&QRB Chiefs for approval in PDM.(refer to SPR operation P30P60)16 PCBA product yield rate for MVT gating shall not less than the number in this table.ProductSMTASMICTFCTDPCPOSAP95%95%85%90%PDANBC M/BOthers90%90%80%90%WLAN95%95%N/A85%FPDCB95%95%N/A95%System product yield rate for MVT gating criteria Notebook PC/PDA product total FPY shall not less than 85%,the other system product FPY shall not less than 90%.MVT Gating yield rate criteria 171-1.Create a Project 1.New Object Project Name 2.Select type as Project,enter number for Project NameReviewerApproveroriginal gating dateProject Type3.Enter required fields at Page threerevised gating date181-2.Create a Project4.Enter required fields at Cover Page(Description&Workflow)5.Enter required fields at Page Two(Site,BU,Area,Customer)6.Ensure all required fields being entered then click“Save”注意注意:Affected items有有放入放入Project folder後才後才可選可選workflow192.Create a Project Folder 1.New Object 2.Select Type as Project Folder,enter Number as PJF-NameNaming rule:PJF-Project Name3.Select Product Line 4.Enter Description 202.Click Add Items 1.Click Projects“Affected Items”3.Enter Project Folder number(PJF-XXX)in the field of Item Number3.Link PJF onto Project21Add charter function in project New Project:BU head Refresh Project:PjM head Extension Project:PE head After review of the project plan and the supportingfeasibi lity studies,a project is ready for charter.The privilege of project charter is as followsSelect BU head orPjM head orPE headfor charter225.Link Items onto PJFItems included Design Folder(JDM/ODM),Customer Doc.Folder&FG P/NAll items should be ready prior to be linked onto PJF 1.Click Project Folders“BOM”2.Click“Modify”3.Click“Add Item”4.Enter Find Number and Doc.Number,ex:0 Design Folder(i.e.DF-xxxx)1 Customer Doc.Folder(I.e.CDF-xxxx)10 FG P/N-1 20 FG P/N-2Important!FG P/N need to be linked with PJF otherwise SFIS will alert for its production order若若FG P/N為為:87xx-xxxxxx-xx,即屬即屬FRU,test fixture,轉售轉售or來料代工者來料代工者可不用建可不用建project!231.Go into PDF,check if all essential documents are available.6-1.Before DVT/MVT GatingNot Available!Available246-2.Before DVT/MVT Gating2.Go into the“Changes”of PJF,check if all key bugs are closed257.Trigger DVT/MVT Gating 1.Click“Next Status”2.Check if the approvers/observers are correct before clicking“Route”26Pending a Project Project Pending Action:1.Send mail to BU Head 2.How to fill in the pending field by BU head 3.BU head Send mail to PM 27How to change project status to pending1.PM needs to find the project,mail to BU head to fill in the Pending field on Page Three.(PM)2.After BU head to fill “Yes”in the Pending field,Send mail to inform PM (BU head)PlanningEVTEVT ReviewerEVT ApproverDVTDVT ReviewerDVT ApproverMVTMVT ReviewerMVT ApproverMass Production28How to send mail to BU Head 1/2 Project Pending PM needs to find the project,mail to BU head to fill in the Pending field on Page Three.Below is the operation steps.1.2 Click To button1.3 Select BU Head1.4 Click To-button1.5 Click OK button1.1 Click Send button29 How to send mail to BU Head 2/21.6 Key in comments inform BU Head for pending this project1.7 Click Send button Project Pending 30How to fill in the pending field by BU head Project Pending BU head clicks on the attachment of the mails sent from Agile He could enter the Agile CM and open the project directly.BU head fills in Yes at the Pending field of Page Three if he agrees with PMs request.2.2 BU head to fill in Yes at the Pending field of Page three2.1 Click Page Three button31BU head Send mail to PM Project Pending After BU head filled in pending field,Send mail to inform PM2.3 Click Send button2.4 Click To button2.5 Select PM2.6 Click To-button2.7 Click OK button32Cancel a ProjectProject Cancel Action:1.Send mail to BU Head 2.How to fill in the Cancel field by BU head 3.BU head Send mail to PM 4.How to change Project to Cancel by PM 33How to change project status to cancel1.PM needs to find the project,mail to BU head to fill in the Cancel field on Page Three.(PM)2.After BU head to fill “Yes”in the Cancel field,Send mail to inform PM (BU head)3.PM needs to change status to Cancel(PM)CancelPlanningEVTEVT ReviewerEVT ApproverDVTDVT ReviewerDVT ApproverMVTMVT ReviewerMVT ApproverMass Production34How to send mail to BU Head 1/2 Project Cancel PM needs to find the project,mail to BU head to fill in the Cancel field on Page Three.Below is the operation steps.1.2 Click To button1.3 Select BU Head1.4 Click To-button1.5 Click OK button1.1 Click Send button35 How to send mail to BU Head 2/21.6 Key in comments inform BU Head to Cancel project1.7 Click Send button Project Cancel 36How to fill in the pending field by BU head Project Cancel After BU head received a mail from Agile for the PM requirement,He can click the attachment to enter the Agile CM and open the project.BU head to fill in Yes on the Cancel field of Page Three if agree PM requirement.Otherwise dont fill in.2.1 Click Page Three button2.2 BU head to fill in Yes on the Cancel field of Page three37BU head Send mail to PM Project Cancel After BU head filled in cancel field,Send mail to inform PM2.3 Click Send button2.4 Click To button2.5 Select PM2.6 Click To-button2.7 Click OK button38How to change Project to Cancel Project Cancel Only when BU head fill in Yes on the Pending field of Page Three,PM can have authority to change status as“Cancel”3.1 Click“Next status”by PM3.2 Select“Cancel”3.3 Click“OK”39How to inform PC for a new sample build thru PDM1.BD enter data into the below 4 fields at“page 3”of FG P/N -Shipping date,SMT_Qty,Shipping_Qty,consign material ready date2.Click“Send”for sending this PN to PC -PE send it for 1st PCBA sample build once PE received PCBA FG ENPD from BD -MD send it for 1st system sample build once MD received system FG ENPD from BD -BD send it for the following lots before mass-production PE enter for PCBA BOM MD enter for system BOM MC enter material ready date(for parts purchased by MP)PC enter the planned SMT date once he received this FG PN sent by BD/PE/MD via PDMBD Click“Send”here!若有PE/MD/RD自行取得之材料,請PE/MD將預計到廠日填於:RD material ready date供PC安排上線日期403-1Enter comments for PC or request the other people to fill in the rest fields.3-2.Click“To”3-3Select name from list&click“To”3-4Click“OK”3-5Click“Send”Enter comments here!3-2.3-33-43-1.3-5Please select:Grant99高培峰高培峰 for PCBAarthur黃宗榮黃宗榮 for system How to inform PC for a new sample build thru PDM41 在主畫面下,點“Personal search”,按右鍵選”new search”出現如下畫面:Tool:Personal Search5.按Add1.Object Type:選project 2.Field:選cover page Originator3.Match if:選Equal To4.選自己的ID(如:Athena紀姍姍)6.按save search後填入你希望的名稱於Name of search(如:“Athenas project”)再按save,即可建立(“Athenas project”)在personal search下 爾後點兩下“Athenas project”即可列出該員的所有projects.注意:某Project 交接給他人時,原Originator請在cover page變更該project 之Originator為交接人 42SFIS W/O create process for SPRGet W/O from DBSend mail for SuccessCreate W/O on SFISReturn“Success”MP or NPIW/O?Link to Project?Project Phase OK?MPNPIReturn“False”Send mail for failReturn“False”Send mail for FailSPR Ready?Time&Qty OK?NoNoYesSend mail for SuccessCreate W/O on SFISReturn“Success”SPR Ready?NoNoYesYesNoYesYes43Maintain SPR#into W/O in SAP TX-Code:CO02-Production Order ChangeAfter closed SPR,PC key in SPR#in with SPR(/DDR)fieldof SAP WO and released WO again 44Maintain SPR#into W/O in SAP After closed SPR,PC key in SPR#in with SPR(/DDR)fieldof SAP WO and released WO again 45SAP to SFIS flow for sample W/OsIf over time or over qty,SFIS programwill send mail to BD to create SPRIf OK,create W/O into SFIS and return status to SAPPCSFIS programSFIS programBDPCSFIS programPC released W/O from SAPStatus OwnerAction Get product phase from PDM and check times&QtyCheck W/O time and Qty by phase.After closed SPR,PC key in SPR#in DDR field of WO and released WO again PC Released W/O in SAP SFIS Send mail toBD to create SPRCreate W/O into SFISClosedCheck times&Qty OK?SFIS programto get productphase from PDMYesPC key in SPR#in DDR filed of WO&released WO again No46SFIS Send Mail for Over TimesIf exceed project phase MAX production over times,SFIS program will send mail to BD to create SPRExample as below:47SFIS Send Mail for Over QuantityIf exceed project phase MAX production over qty,SFIS program will send mail to BD to create SPRExample as below:48SPR Workflow for Sample W/OsInitialStatus QRBApproveClosedReject BU HeadQRB ChiefBDRolePD/MT/PMC/PMActionInitiate a SPR objectConfirmationReview/ApproveBU HeadNotice related peoples QRB ChiefReview/Approve49Create a SPR Object(1/2)1.Click New Object button2.Select the“Special Product Request”object3.Click Auto-Number button4.Click OK buttonApproveInitial QRBClosedReject BU HeadQRB Chief50Create a SPR Object(2/2)ApproveInitial QRBClosedReject BU HeadQRB Chief51Specify Affected Items5.Open Affected Items tab6.Add affected product 7.Key in a product numberApproveInitial QRBClosedReject BU HeadQRB Chief52Select Workflow8.Select a workflow ApproveInitial QRBClosedReject BU HeadQRB Chief53Fill In Cover Page Required Fields(1/3)ApproveInitial QRBClosedReject BU HeadQRB Chief9.1 Key in Description for product name.product quantity.product times.9.2 Key in Reason of the request9.3 Select BU Code Number(Note1)Note1:The BU code will determine suitable persons for approval in the workflow.Be ensure that you are select a correct value.9.4 Analyst(Select PM)54Fill In Page Two Required Fields(2/3)ApproveInitial QRBClosedReject BU HeadQRB Chief9.4 Select Project Name 9.6 Select Affected Site9.7 Select BU name9.8 Select Issue Area9.9 Select a QRB Chief for approval in the workflow9.5 Key in Phase 55Fill In Page Three Required Fields(3/3)ApproveInitial QRBClosedReject BU HeadQRB Chief9.9 Key in W/O Number9.10 Select Approval required for:1.WO count MAX or 2.Qty MAX or 3.Qty MIN56Audit The Request10.Click Audit button11.Click Yes buttonIf there is show ERROR message in the Message widows.User have to find out the root cause and fix it.12.Click OK button ApproveInitial QRBClosedReject BU HeadQRB Chief57Submit Request(1/2)13.Submit the request Add another approver(s)into QRB status if necessary The system will bring up default approvers into QRB status 14.Click Route buttonApproveInitial QRBClosedReject BU HeadQRB Chief58Submit Request(2/2)The status will be promoted from Initial to QRBApproveInitial QRBClosedReject BU HeadQRB Chief59QRB Approved RequestThe QRB status will be approved by PD head&MT head&PMC&PM headApproveInitial QRBClosedReject BU HeadQRB Chief60BU Head Approval RequestApproveInitial QRBClosedReject BU HeadQRB ChiefThe BU Head status will be approved by BU head61QRB Chief Approval RequestApproveInitial QRBClosedReject BU HeadQRB ChiefThe QRB Chief status will be approved by QRB chief62Close StatusApproveInitial QRBClosedReject BU HeadQRB Chief63SAP to SFIS flow for Mass Production W/OsIf SPR non-released,SFIS programwill send mail to inform related colleagues to release SPR If OK,create W/O into SFIS and return status to SAPPCPCSFIS programSFIS programPCSFIS programPC Keep the MP W/O of non-released NPI Phase W/O for next 8 weeks,andissue mail to inform related colleaguesStatus OwnerAction PC Issue SPR from PDM system for the MP W/O to be released in next 814 Days PC Check SPR released?After closed SPR,PC key in SPR#in DDR field of WO and released WO again Inform the status of Non-released MP W/O with NPI Phase for next 8 weeks SFIS issue mail to inform related colleagues to release SPR Create W/O into SFISClosedCheck SPR Released?PC Issue SPR from PDM system for the MP W/O to be released in next 814 DaysYesPC key in SPR#in DDR filed of WO&released WO again No64SFIS Send Mail for SPR was not released for MP WOsIf SPR was not released for MP WOs,SFIS programwill send mail to PC to create SPRExample as below:65SFIS Send Mail for project phase was not matchedIf project phase was not matched,SFIS programwill send mail to PC to create SPR for MP WOsExample as below:66SFIS Send Mail for product was not linked to Project Folder If product was not linked to Project Folder in PDM,SFIS program will send mail to PC to create SPRExample as below:67SPR Workflow for Mass Production W/OsSPR Workflow of MP W/O with NPI PhaseInitialStatus QRBCommentReleasedReject BU HeadQRB ChiefPCRolePE/PD/ME/PjMActionInitiate a SPR objectCommentReview/ApproveBU HeadNot Note related peoples QRB ChiefReview/ApproveReject Reject 68Find and Collect MP W/Os that PC need to issue SPR,and then consolidate required f


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