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8B 期末复习句子翻译,句型转换专项练习句子翻译1. 将来人们会有机器人吗? _ people have _?2. 我应该做什么? _ _ I do?3. 当飞碟到达时你正在干什么? _ _ you _ when the UFO _?4. 他说我学习努力. He said I _ _.5. 如果你去参加聚会,你会过得很开心. If you go to the party, youll _ _ _ _.6. 你收集贝壳有多久了? _ _ have you _ _ shells?7. 你介意把音乐声关小一点吗? Would you mind _ _ the music?8. 你为什么不给她买条围巾呢? _ _ you get her a scarf?9. 你曾去过游乐园吗? _ you ever _ _ an amusement park?10. 今天是个好天气,不是吗? Its a nice day, _ _ ?11. 你能给我一些建议吗? Could you _ me _ _?12. 他迷恋上了电脑. He fell _ _ _ the computer.13. 她可以说英语和汉语. She _ _ _ speak English and Chinese.14. 将来会有更多的污染. There will _ _ _.15. 哪一个国家会在下一届世界杯中胜出? _ _ will win the next World cup?16. 他们不想在电话中谈论那件事. They dont want to talk about it _ _ _.17. 罗斯不想和她的表兄吵架,因为他是她最好的朋友. Rose doesnt want to _ _her cousin, because he is her _ _.18. 父母应好好照顾孩子. Parents _ take good _ _ their kids.19. 勿进! 她正在睡觉. _ _! She is sleeping.20. 你可以向你的哥哥借些钱. You could _ some money _ your brother.21. 当外星人出来时,女孩正在购物. The girl was shopping when the alien _ _.22. 他站在同学们前面. He is standing _ _ _ his class.23. 当飞机起飞时,你在做什么? When the plane _ _, what were you doing?24. 喝杯咖啡怎么样? _ _ drinking a cup of coffee?25. 首先,你应该说对不起. _ _ _, you should say youre sorry.26. 他说他对汤姆很生气. He said he _ _ _ Tom.27. 我告诉她我将在第二天去公园. I told her I _ go to the park _ _ _.28. 他说他擅长口语. He said he _ _ _ speaking.29. 当我长大后,我将环游世界. When I _ _, I will _ _ _ _.30. 高中毕业后,我想上大学. I want to _ _ _ after I leave high school.31. 请拿走袋子, 我不想它在这儿. Please _ _ the bag, I dont want it here.32. 那位老人以卖报纸谋生. That old man went to sell newspaper to _ _ _.33. 你如果迟些起床,你会上学迟到的. If you get up late, you _ _ _ _ school.34. 他在数学方面做得较好. He can _ _ in math.35. 有许多著名的预言从没有实现. There are many famous predictions that never _ _.36. 在我7岁的时候,我得到了这件礼物. I get the present _ _ _ _.37. 顺便问一下,你的爱好是什么? _ _ _, whats your hobby?38. 自我8岁以来我就一直在学习弹吉他. Ive _ _ the guitar _ I _ seven years old.39. 昨天我们闲聊了一会儿. We had a _ _ yesterday.40. 你介意不在这里唱歌吗? Would you mind _ _ here?41. 请你不要插队好吗? 我们都在排队等候. Could you please _ _ _ _? We are all _ _ _.42. 有人在我工作的时候跟我说话,我会很生气. I _ _ when someone talks to me while I am working.43. 不同的人喜欢不同的礼物. Different _ like different _ _ gifts.44. 她花了大量的钱买学习用品. She _ too much money _ school things.45. 我有足够的时间去完成这项任务. I have _ _ _ _ the task.46. 我从没去过上海. I _ _ _ _ Shanghai before.47. 是因为我的英语说得好才使我得到了这份工作. _ was because I spoke English very _ _ I could get this job.48. 事实上我想去拜访我的朋友. _ _, I want to visit my friend.49. 我曾去过北京,并在那里呆了七天. I have _ _ Beijing and had _ _ for 7 days.50.别忘记带上雨伞. Dont forget to _ an umbrella _ you.51. 你是新生,不是吗? Youre _ here, _ _?52. 比尔和我相处十分融洽. Bill and I _ _ _ well.53. 每天这个时候交通都十分拥挤. The _ is very _ at this time every day.54. 我们一直等了一个小时. Weve been _ _ an hour.55. 不要在教室里踢足球,好吗? Dont play soccer in the classroom,_ _?句型转换A. 先改一般疑问句再改否定句1. There will be a sport meeting tomorrow._ _ _ a sport meeting tomorrow?There _ _ a sport meeting tomorrow.2. He played football last Sunday morning._ he _ football last Sunday morning?He _ _ football last Sunday morning.3. Johns done his homework for 4 hours._ John _ his homework for 4 hours?John _ _ his homework for 4 hours.4. Shewas making dinner when the phone rang._ she _dinner when the phone rang?She _ _ dinner when the phone rang.5. They have been collecting coins since 1998._ _ _ collecting coins since 1998.They _ _ _ coins since 1998.B. 改间接引语6. “Please have a rest.” the teacher said to us.The teacher _ _ _ _ a rest.7. He said , “I can speak Japanese.”He said that _ _ speak Japanese.8. Mary said, “I will come to see my uncle .”Mary said _ _ come to see _ uncle.C. 改同义句9. She is good at speaking English.She _ _ _ speaking English.10. Whats your favorite season?_ _ do you like _ ?11. Please pass him the English book. Please _ the English book _ him.12. My father hasnt been to the Tibet, I havent been to the Tibet, either. My father hasnt been to the Tibet,_ _ _.13. To learn English is useful. _ _ _ to learn English.14. Why dont you get a camera? _ _ get a camera?15. We dont know where we should go tomorrow. We dont know where _ _ tomorrow.16. I am 14. My cousin is 14, too. My cousin is _ _ age _ me.17. He is so young that he cant go to school. He is _ young _ go to school.D. 就划线部分提问18. I have been learning Chinese for 10 years. _ _ _ you been learning Chinese?19. Hell be back in a week. _ _ will he be back?20. He should come to school on time. _ _ he _?E.完成反意疑问句21. Its going to rain, _ _?22. You arent a worker,_ _?23. Open the door please, _ _?24. Hes never seen the film before, _ _?25. Have you ever been to an amusement park? _, _ _.(作否定回答)26. Mr. Smith collected stamps 8 years ago.(用现在完成进行时改写)Mr. Smith _ _ _ stamps since 8 years ago.参考答案:句子翻译1. Will robots 2. What should3. What were doing arrived4. was hard-working5. have a good time 6. How long been collecting7. turning down 8. Why dont9. Have been to 10. isnt it11. give some advice 12. in love with13. is able to 14. be more pollution15. Which country 16. on the phone17. argue with best friend18. should care of19. Keep out 20. borrow from21. got out 22. in front of23. took off 24. What about25. First of all 26. was mad at27. would the next day 28. was good at29. grow up travel around the world30. go to college31. take away 32. make a living33. will be late for 34. do well 35. came true 36. when I was seven37. By the way 38. been playing since was39. small talk 40. not singing41. not cut in line waiting in line 42. get annoyed43. people kind of 44. spent on45. enough time to finish 46. have never been to47. It well that 48. In fact49. been to stayed there 50. take with51. new arent you 52. are getting along53. traffic busy 54. waiting for 55. will you句型转换1. Will there be wont be2. Did play didnt play3. Has done hasnt done4. Was making wasnt making5. Have they been havent been collecting6. told us to have 7. he could8. she would her 9. does well in10. Which season best 11. pass to12. neither have I 13.It is useful14. Why not 15. to go16. the same age 17. too to18. How long have 19. How soon20. What should do 21. isnt it 22. are you 23. will you24. has he 25. No I havent26. has been collecting


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