2022年二年级上册《小学健康教育》全册教案 3

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2022年二年级上册《小学健康教育》全册教案 3_第1页
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2022年二年级上册《小学健康教育》全册教案 3_第3页
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friends,beware of false friends.Wary of friends,require s that we deal with,what kind of friends,how to make friends.Life,everyone woul d have a friend.However,friends of the good and the bad,a great influence on a person.The anci ents said:with a good hand,orchids,orchi ds;a nd poor people,rurubaoyuzhisi,nd jiuerbuwenqi chou.Friends to friends,a benefit in bad compa ny bad company,must suffer all their life.Looking at some of the leading ca dres the abyss of crime,largely under the influence of peers,finally being used.So,members leaders to remember gentlema n of make light as water,villain of make Gan Ruoli(sound l,lique ur)of old,insisted right of dating princi ples,carefully treats social contacts,note purification himself of social circle,and life circle and friends circle,ca ution dating,calm dating,from good dating,selected good dating,optional l ow dating,not make heart bad of pe ople,not make to desires has seeking Yu you of peopl e.On those tried wants to close you,aimed at you hands power has attempts of,must to keep height alert,opened necessary of distance;to put good students shut,and comrades shut,and colleagues shut,right processi ng private feelings and w ork career of relationship,do friendship insi de ha s princi ples,conta cts among told political,friends Zhijian total encouraged,not was friendship by troubled,not was favors by drag.(C)establish and adhere to the Outlook of power for the people,so as a benefit party to establish the correct achievement view,overcome the deviations and distortions that appear on the recor d,is a clean and honest party conduct one of the most important issues.A cadre of Outl ook,is actually his view of power,interests and Outlook on life and values reflected in the leadership.What record is for the interests of the people,or for personal gain is a measure of leading cadres achievement views correct or watershe d.Shortly before the Secretary of the municipal party Committee Jin Xiangjun said atthe citys inde pendent Commission agai nst corruption party lecture:the Foundation of political.Benefits*people.That is,to adhere to assuming power for the people at any time Outlook,always put the peoples needs as a first choice,practical issues of economic development and farmers income,employment,land acquisition and rel ocati on,e ducation,medical services,housing,social security and other hot issues of common concerns of the masses,addressing the issue of people s vital interests results achievement.Secondly,it should adhere to the overall development and solve the what performance issue.Scientific devel opment view and scientific and political achievements there is the difference between real and false record of achi evements.Some leading cadres achievement of partial understandi ng,achieving record pursuit of purely economic indi cators as the main content,one-sided view of political achievement under the guidance of the work appeared on the heavy,light social construction of economic developme nt.But under the guidance of the scientific concept of development should be the achievement of performance,real development is in addition to GDP,the economy and society,nature and mans all-round,coordinated and sustainable development.The actual view from the County,the County,the County Government put forward the construction of City Gardens development ideas.Carefully examine the development of ideas,not only covers the industrialization,urbanization and industrialization of agriculture,modern service s and other content in the economic field,also covers protection of people s livelihood,maintaining social harmony and stabilit y,such a s content in the social sphere.Therefore,in relation to the County,according to the development thinking to catch,i s to adhere to the scientific Outlook on development;as far as the communes,de partments,around the development of ideas to plan t he town,units of the Department of development,adhere to the scientific Outlook on development.When we were in the preparation and advance work,we must abandon the idea of simply the pursuit of economic growth,establishing the concept of all-round e conomic and social development;abandon the concept of only local interest,establishi ng the concept of global development;abandon the idea of simply the pursuit of development,exploration and blaze a path of economic,social and ecol ogical sustainability.Third,we need to keep changing style,solve the what a performance issue.Performance doe s not depend on blow out,but by a dry out.Create the record means a lot,but I think the key is nothing more than there are four:first,second,target,three is the initiative,four is executed.As the leading cadres,especially leading cadres of the new,we promote a work,or when a local,host a,first to hold four poi nts:one is thinki ng.All things stand,doe s not advance the waste.What are your ideas on what kind of development,in conjuncti on with the Countys development to determine the towns,the spe cific work of the entity to determine the future development of the work-oriented and let the team and staff know what to do and how to do it.Second,target.Goal is to unify the most powerful weapons.To at around established of development thought,develope d meet actual,a nd can condensed heart,and encouraged morale of target,each township,and each units are to has big small target,and long-term medium-term recently target,specific to a session,and a years,and a months,and a week of task are to clear,such do on can enhanced work of purpose,and targeted,and can operation sex,on not appeare d feet stepped on watermelon skin,and sli ding to where is where of phenomenon.Third,i nitiative.To achieve a.Most of the leading ca dres abusing pow er for personal gain is a few personality defects,vici ous people.And those leading ca dres of the power used in serving the people wholeheartedly,most perfect personality and person of high moral chara cter.In order to implement both ability and politi cal integrity,to Germany for the first personnel selection standards Department also re cently issued a circular on strengthe ning the evaluation of cadres moral opi nions,put forward to be faithful to the party,serve the people,focused on honesty and self-discipline,and strengthening the cadres political quality and ethical conduct of the assessment.Assessment of political quality,mainly che ck on cadres in politi cal orientation,political stand,political attitudes,political discipline and the party spirit princi ple of performance.Appraisal ethics,mai nly check on cadres of social ethics,professional ethics and personal morality and family virtues.To check on cadres at the critical moment performance,an important event as the main way of check on cadre s de,importance of mass public opinion in the assessment of cadres de;to hig hlight the German priority and a leading role in the cadres standard,evaluation results into de cadre selection and appointment,training,supervision and other aspects.As the leading ca dres,must二年级上册小学健康教育全册教案(苏少版)1、我们爱清洁教学目的要求培养小学生讲卫生、爱整洁的良好习惯。教材重点难点教育学生初步懂得什么叫清洁,我们为什么需要清洁,清洁的环境及良好的个人卫生会给人们带来怎样的心情。教学过程1、导入新课师:同学们已是二年级学生了,很多事情已不需要爸爸妈妈帮助了。能告诉大家,你每天起床后都做了些什么?(穿衣、扣扣子、穿鞋、系带子、洗脸、刷牙、梳头,)很多同学都非常能干,学会料理自己的故事。那你会整理房间,打扫教师卫生,并保持它们的整齐清洁吗?今天,我们就来学习新的课文我们爱整洁,看一看什么叫整洁,以及怎样才能做到爱整洁。(板书标题:1、我们爱整洁)2、学习新课(1)在家爱整洁齐读课文,领会“整洁”的含义A出示:这块手帕干净吗?这一块呢?再看一看这个书包,书包的外面是脏的,里面的书本又放得怎样呢?我们说:这书包不干净,不整洁。B、投影片:这个小朋友的家又干净又整齐。我们说:他的家很整洁。了解“按时”的含义A、我们知道清晨大约是指什么时候?(天刚亮)B、我们每天几点钟起床?是谁叫醒你的?每天都在这个时间段起床,就叫按时起床。“按时”是一种良好的习惯。提问:起床后,你做些什么事?怎样做的?讲述:我们所做的这些事都是围绕着个人卫生来做的。你们看,同学穿的衣服多整齐,同学的手、脸洗的多干净,的头发(小辫)梳的多整齐,他们真整洁呀。除了做好个人卫生,你房间里的被子谁叠?枕头、床单谁铺?谁掸?桌子谁来抹?我们应当自己的事情自己做。(看投影片或录像片)A、指定学生复述自己平时的做法。B、突出:叠、铺、掸、抹。表现:四四方方、平平展展、一尘不染。(2)在学校爱整洁。了解学校环境整洁的内容与保持环境整洁的方法。清扫教师的步骤是怎样的?为什么要先开窗,再洒水,擦黑板,扫地,抹桌椅?不这样做会怎样?步骤颠倒又会怎样?为什么?老师为什么要夸奖我们?是怎样夸的?(3)身心健康与环境整洁。为什么生活在干净、整齐的环境里,我们才会真的开心?说一说,你家的居住环境与居住条件是怎样的?你为家庭的整洁、舒适做了些什么?精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 1 页,共 19 页friends,beware of false friends.Wary of friends,require s that we deal with,what kind of friends,how to make friends.Life,everyone woul d have a friend.However,friends of the good and the bad,a great influence on a person.The anci ents said:with a good hand,orchids,orchi ds;a nd poor pe ople,rurubaoyuzhisi,and jiuerbuwenqi chou.Friends to friends,a benefit in bad compa ny bad company,must suffer all their life.Looking at some of the leading ca dres the abyss of crime,largely under the influence of peers,finally being used.So,members leaders to remember gentlema n of make light as water,villain of make Gan Ruoli(sound l,lique ur)of old,insisted right of dating princi ples,carefully treats social contacts,note purification himself of social circle,and life circle and friends circle,ca ution dating,calm dating,from good dating,selected good dating,optonal l ow dating,not make heart bad of pe ople,not make to desires has seeking Yu you of peopl e.On those tried wants to close you,aimed at you hands power has attempts of,must to keep height alert,opened necessary of distance;to put good students shut,and comrades shut,and colleagues shut,right processi ng private feelings and w ork career of relationship,do friendship insi de ha s princi ples,contacts among told political,friends Zhijian total encouraged,not was friendship by troubled,not was favors by drag.(C)establish and adhere to the Outlook of power for the people,so as a benefit party to establish the correct achievement view,overcome the deviations and distortions that appear on the recor d,is a clean and honest party conduct one of the most important issues.A cadre of Outl ook,is actually his view of power,interests and Outlook on life and values reflected in the leadership.What record is for the interests of the people,or for personal gain is a measure of leading cadres achievement views correct or watershe d.Shortly before the Secretary of the municipal party Committee Jin Xiangjun said atthe citys inde pendent Commission agai nst corruption party lecture:the Foundation of political.Benefits*people.That is,to adhere to assuming power for the people at any time Outlook,always put the peoples needs as a first choice,practical issues of economic development and farmers income,employment,land acquisition and relocati on,e ducation,medical services,housing,social security and other hot issues of common concerns of the masses,addressing the issue of people s vital interests results achievement.Secondly,it should adhere to the overall development and solve the what performance issue.Scientific devel opment view and sci entific and political achievements there is the difference between real and false record of achi evements.Some leading cadres achievement of partial understandi ng,achieving record pursuit of purely economic indi cators as the m ain content,one-sided view of political achievement under the guidance of the work appeared on the heavy,light social construction of economic developme nt.But under the guidance of the scientific concept of development should be the achievement of performance,real development is in addition to GDP,the economy and society,nature and mans all-round,coordinated and sustainable development.The actual view from the County,the County,the County Government put forward the construction of City Gardens development ideas.Carefully examine the development of ideas,not only covers the industrialization,urbanization and industrialization of agriculture,modern service s and other content in the economic field,also covers protection of peoples livelihood,maintaining social harmony and stability,such as content in the social sphere.Therefore,in relation to the County,according to the devel opmenthinki ng to catch,is to adhere to the scientific Outlook on development;as far as the communes,departments,around the development of ideas to plan t he town,units of the Department of development,adhere to the scientific Outlook on development.When we were in the preparation and advance work,we must abandon the idea of simply the pursuit of economic growth,establishi ng the concept of all-round economic and soci al development;aba ndon the concept of only local interest,establishing the concept of global development;abandon the idea of simply the pursuit of development,exploration and blaze a path of economic,social and ecological sustainability.Third,w e need to keep cha nging style,solve t he what a performance issue.Performance doe s not depend on blow out,but by a dry out.Create the record means a lot,but I think the key is nothi ng more than there are four:first,second,target,three is the initiative,four is executed.As the leading cadres,especially leading cadres of the new,we promote a work,or when a local,host a,first to hold four points:one is thinking.All things sta nd,does not advance the waste.What are your ideas on what kind of development,in conjunction with the Countys development to determine the towns,the spe cific work of the entity to determine the future development of the work-oriented and l et the team and staff know what to do and how to do it.Second,target.Goal is to unify the most powerful weapons.To at around established of development thought,developed meet actual,and ca n condensed heart,and encouraged morale of target,each township,and each units are to has big small target,and long-term medium-term recently target,specific to a session,and a years,and a months,and a week of task are to clear,such do on can enhanced work of purpose,and targeted,and can operation sex,on not appeared feet stepped on watermelon skin,and sli ding to where is where of phenomenon.Third,initiative.To achi eve a.Most of the leading cadres abusing power for personal gain is a few personality defects,vicious peopl e.And those leading ca dres of the power used in serving the people whol eheartedly,most perfect personality and person of high moral character.In order to implement both abil ity and politi cal integrity,to Germany for the first personnel selection standards Department also re cently issued a circular on strengthening the evaluation of cadres moral opinions,put forward to be faithful to the party,serve the people,focused on honesty and self-discipline,and stre ngthening t he cadres political quality and et hical conduct of the assessment.Assessment of political quality,mainly check on cadres in political orientation,politi cal stand,political attitudes,political discipline and the party spirit princi ple of performance.Appraisal ethics,mai nly check on cadres of social ethics,professional ethics and personal morality and family virtues.To check on cadres at the critical moment performance,an important event as the main way of check on cadre s de,importance of mass public opinion in the assessment of cadres de;to hig hlight the German priority and a leading role in the cadres standard,evaluation results into de cadre selection and appointment,training,supervision and other aspects.As the leading ca dres,must2 联系书中的四幅图,说说你喜欢什么样的环境?为什么?图中的几位小朋友哪个做的对,哪个做得不对?2、不随地吐痰教学目的要求1、让学生懂得不能随地吐痰的原因。2、让学生初步知道“吐痰”这件个人小事与社会风尚、道德水平之间的关系。教材重点难点使学生知道在不同情况下需要吐痰时应当怎样做,教育他们养成不随地吐痰的好习惯。教学过程1、导入新课(1)播放投影片或多媒体动画:一个人在乘坐的公交车内大声咳嗽,随之旁若无人地随口吐出一扣痰(或将痰吐到车窗外),众人惊愕。教师提问:你见到过这种现象吗?你当时是怎样看待这件事的?(众生议论)(2)教师谈话:吐痰看似一件个人小事,因为人人都会又痰。但随地乱吐痰则是一件损人利己,有损城市、社会文明形象的大事。今天咱们就来讨论讨论“为什么不能随地吐痰”这件事,好吗?(板书:2.不随地吐痰)2学习新课(1)教师谈话:早在上个世纪的90 年代初,(那时你们还没有出生呢,众生笑)南京市政府就曾向全市人命发出争做文明市民的号召,其中要求市民做到“七不”。你们知道是哪“七不”吗?不知道?那没关系,因为你们太小嘛。(手势比喻,生又笑)。(投影片或电脑字幕)不随地吐痰,不讲粗话、脏话,不在公共场所吸烟,不乱仍垃圾,不损坏垃圾,不损坏公共设施,不损坏花草树木,讲秩序不乱闯红灯。从南京市制定的“七大”中,我们可以看到“不随地吐痰”被列为第一条,可见其重要性。为什么不能随地吐痰?随地吐痰会给我们带来哪些影响和危害?小朋友们能先谈一谈你们自己的看法吗?(学生议论并各抒己见)(2)师:同学们的知识真多,见识真广。下面还是让我们来了解一下痰是什么,痰里面,尤其是病人的痰里面藏有哪些害人的坏东西。(3)显微镜玻片放大图或投影片教学。了解痰是由人体肺泡、气管、支气管分泌出来的黏液,是人体分泌的废物。(配挂图教学)(投影片显示)痰液中常含有的细菌、病毒图。(白喉菌、麻疹病菌、感冒病毒、结核杆菌、脑膜炎病毒等等)师:讲述:随地吐痰能传播多种疾病。理解:为什么说“痰液会随风四处飞扬”?讨论:A、为什么把痰吐到地上后,为了避免影响环境整洁,我用脚去踏、擦也不对?B、把痰吐到墙角或草丛里行吗?为什么也不对?(4)师讲述:社会上就是有许多人不文明,不礼貌,不讲公共道德,随地乱吐痰,你见过这种现象吗?在哪儿见到的?(联系书中“说一说”引导学生明辨是非)精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 2 页,共 19 页friends,beware of false friends.Wary of friends,require s that we deal with,what kind of friends,how to make friends.Life,everyone woul d have a friend.However,friends of the good and the bad,a great influence on a person.The anci ents said:wit h a good hand,orchids,orchi ds;a nd poor pe ople,rurubaoyuzhisi,and jiuerbuwenqi chou.Friends to friends,a benefit in bad compa ny bad company,must suffer all their life.Looking at some of the leading ca dres the abyss of crime,largely under the influence of peers,finally being used.So,members leaders to remember gentlema n of make light as water,villain of make Gan Ruoli(sound l,lique ur)of old,insisted right of dating princi ples,carefully treats social contacts,note purification himself of social circle,and life circle and friends circle,ca ution dating,calm dating,from good dating,selected good datingoptional l ow dating,not make heart bad of pe ople,not make to desires has seeking Yu you of peopl e.On those tried wants to close you,aimed at you hands power has attempts of,must to keep height alert,opened necessary of distance;to put good students shut,and comrades shut,and colleagues shut,right processi ng private feelings and w ork career of relationship,do friendship insi de ha s princi ples,conta cts among told political,friends Zhijian total encouraged,not was friendship by troubled,not was favors by drag.(C)establish and adhere to the Outlook of power for the people,so as a benefit party to establish the correct achievement viewovercome the deviations and distortions that appear on the recor d,is a clean and honest party conduct one of the most important issues.A cadre of Outl ook,is actually his view of power,interests and Outlook on life and values reflected in the leadership.What record is for the interests of the people,or for personal gain is a measure of leading cadres achievement views correct or watershe d.Shortly before the Secretary of the municipal party Committee Jin Xiangjun said atthe citys inde pendent Commission agai nst corruption party lecture:the Foundation of political.Benefits*people.That is,to adhere to assuming power for the people at any time Outlook,always put the peoples needs as a first choice,practical issues of economic development and farmers income,employment,land acquisition and relocati on,e ducation,medical services,housing,social security and other hot issues of common concerns of the masses,addressing the issue of people s vital interests results achievement.Secondly,it should adhere to the overall development and solve the what performance issue.Scientific devel opment view and scientific and political achievements there is the difference between real and false record of achi evements.Some leading cadres achievement of partial understandi ng,achieving record pursuit of purely economic indi cators as the m ain content,one-sided view of political achievement under the guidance of the work appeared on the heavy,light social construction of economic developme nt.But under the guidance of the scientific concept of development should be the achievement of performance,real development is in addition to GDP,the economy and society,nature and mans all-round,coordinated and sustainable development.The actual view from the County,the County,the County Government put forward the construction of City Gardens development ideas.Carefully examine the development of ideas,not only covers the industrialization,urbanization and industrialization of agriculture,modern service s and other content in the economic field,also covers protection of peoples livelihood,maintaining social harmony and stability,such as content in the social sphere.Therefore,in relation to the County,according to the development thinki ng to catch,is to adhere to the scientific Outlook on development;as far as the communes,departments,around the development of ideas to plan t he town,units of the Department of development,adhere to the scientific Outlook on development.When we were in the preparation and advance work,we must abandon the idea of s


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