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Section A(1a-1c)Aims and language points:Teaching aims(教学目标)(教学目标)1.掌握if+will(主将出现)的句式。2.能运用if+will谈论因果关系。3.学会合理的安排事情。4.思考自己的梦想并为之努力。Language points (语言点语言点)1.词汇:1)名词 n.jeans2)动词 v.wear 3)形容词 adj.famous,usual 4)词组 wear jeans,take the bus to,have a great time,be sorry,be late,stay at home,give up2.句型:I think Ill wear jeans to the party.If you do,the teachers wont let you in.Are you going to the party tomorrow night?Who will you go with?Whats your dream?My dream is to be a reporter.What will you do if.X?rainstomorrowA:What will you do if it rains tomorrow?B:If it rains tomorrow,I will take my umbrella.friendlateA:What will you do if your friend is late?B:If my friend is late,I will call him/her.losewatchA:What will you do if you lose your watch?New!XB:If I lose my watch,I will buy a new one.morehomeworkA:What will you do if the teacher gives you more homework?B:If he/she gives me more homework,I will study harder.hotsunnytomorrowA:What will you do if it is hot and sunny tomorrow?B:If it is hot and sunny tomorrow,I will wear a cap.*What will you do if your friend is late?I will call him/her if my friend is late.*What will you do if you lose your watch?I will buy a new one if I lose my watch.*What will you do if it rains tomorrow?I will take my umbrella if it rains tomorrow.主句时态?主句时态?一般将来时一般将来时从句时态?从句时态?一般现在时一般现在时If 引导的条状语从句中,当主句引导的条状语从句中,当主句 是是 _时时,从句用从句用_,if 解释为解释为“_”这就是这就是 主将从现主将从现规律。规律。If I _(go)to the party,I _(have)a great time.If I _(have)a lot of money,I _(help)others.If she_(open)the box,she _(find)a teddy bear.gohaveopens主句主句if 从句从句Conclusion(结论)(结论):will havewill helpwill find一般现在时一般现在时 一般将来时态一般将来时态如果,假如如果,假如Find the rules.If I get up at 9:00,I will be late.If I am late,my friend will be angry with me.If my friend is angry with me,I will be sad.If you go,you will have a good time.If you do,you will be happy.Read together.(1)she/call/me tell/her/about itIf she calls me,I will tell her about it.(2)he/be/free go/to Shanghai(3)I/have/a lot of money buy/a big houseIf I have a lot of money,I will buy a big house.Make sentences using if.If he is free,he will go to Shanghai.IfwillThey are having a party.What will you wear if you go to the party?If I go to the party,I think I will wearjeans and a T-shirta school uniforma sweater“答记者问答记者问”时间时间 Question 1:a coat How will you go there if you go to the party?If I go to the party,I think I will go there“答记者问答记者问”时间时间 Question 2:If you go to the party,who will you go with?If I go to the party,I think Ill go with my parents“答记者问答记者问”时间时间 Question 3:friendsclassmatessisterbrother1a Match the statements with the pictures a-d.1._I think Ill wear jeans to the party.2._I think Ill stay at home.3._I think Ill take the bus to the party.4._I think Ill go to the party with Karen and Anna.cdba1b Listen and complete the responses in 1a.Statements1.I think Ill wear jeans to the party.2.I think Ill stay at home.3.I think Ill take the bus to the party.4.I think Ill go to the party with Karen and Anna.Responses1.If you do,the teachers wont_.2.If you do,youll _.3.If you do,youll _.4.If you do,youll _.let you inbe sorrybe latehave a great timeRead in pairs.A:Are you going to the party tomorrow night?B:Yes,I am.A:Who will you go with?B:I think Ill go with Karen and Anna.A:If you do,youll have a great time.1c Look at the pictures above and make conversations.Im a normal boy.But I have a dream.I think Ill be a famous actor when I grow up.I never give up.我从不放弃。我从不放弃。Wang BaoqiangWhere there is a will,there is a way.有志者有志者 事竟成事竟成。Do you have any dreams?A:Whats your dream?B:My dream is to be a reporter.A:Can you make it?B:Of course,I think I will make it.A:If you do,you will meet many interesting people.PairworkDo you remember?if “如果如果,假如假如”引导一个条件状语从句。要引导一个条件状语从句。要求求主句主句用用一般将来一般将来时态,时态,从句从句用用一般现在一般现在时态。时态。主主 将将 if 从从 现现E.g.If it _(rain),he _(stay)home.rainswill stayHave a try.用括号内所给词的正确形式填空1.Im sure if he _(go)to the party,he_ (have)a great time.2.If the rain _(stop)tonight,we will go to the cinema.3.Ill buy a computer if I _(have)enough money.4.You _(not feel)any stress if you _(get)enough exercise.5.If she _(be)kind to me,I _(not argue)with her.6.If he _(come),I _(give)him the message.7.If everyone _(pay)more attention,no one _ (get)injured(伤害).goes will have stopshave wont feelget iswont argue comes will give pays will getHomeworkOral:熟读p.104 Section A 1b听力部分四个 对话并背诵其中一个对话。Written:用if 引导的条件句至少造句五句。


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