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精选文库2012年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业单独统一招生考试英语真题第一卷 (三大题,共120分)I单项选择1、 I need someone to help out at the study center.OK,I _ .A may Bmust Cwill D should2、The fish taste good,I mean its _ . AavailableBdelicious Cwarm Dcheap3、Excuse me, _ I cannot reach those boxes on the top shelf . AavailableBdelicious C warm Dcheap4、 Thisis thethird prizeshe_ thisyear. A wins B won Cis winningDhas won5、Could you drop some books off at the library for me?Ago ahead Bwith pleasure CIdo Dthank you 6、Some people prefer eating vegetable, while_ prefer eating meat. Athe other Bthe others Cothers Danother7、I will have Hudson _ you to your room. Atake Btook Ctaken D to take 8、Have you ever been to the city _ they talked about the other day? Awhen B what Cwhere Dthat 9、You are standing _ ,Would you mindmoving aside? Aby the way Bon the way C in the wayDoff the way 10、 I have notheard frommy brother for a long time,what do you think _to him ? Ahappens Bhappened Chas happened Dhad happened11、 She _ comes.I mean she did not ,does not,or will not come at any time . Anever Bsometimes Cseldom Doften 12、Isyour camera like Bills or Anns? No,but its almost the same as_. A.theirs B.yours C.mine D. Hers13、Peter found a note on the door, _him to go to the teachers office immediately. Atell Btold Ctelling Dto tell14、Mr Smith ,can I use _departmentscar? Sure,if you can find _key .it has been missing for three days. Athe。不填 B不填;the Cthe;the DThe;a15、Modern technology has _great change in our life. Abrought up Bbrought out Cbrought back Dbrought about16、Mary saw a boy steal out of the door .But he had disappeared _she could stop him.Aas Bwhile Cuntil Dbefore17Would you be _to turn down the radio? Aso kind as Bas kind as Cso kind Dtoo kind 18、If anyone_when I am away,just tell him that Ill be back before five oclock.A.called B.calls C.will call D.has called 19、In this city,the prices of vegetables are _thanthose of meat.Ahigher Bhighest Cthe highest Dhing20、Women are smoking two extra cigarettes a week,_with four years ago. Acompares Bcompared Ccomparing Dto compareII完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从21到20各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Ten years ago,Ilene received an invitation to a New Years party from somebody that she didnt know very well .She didnt really want to go by herself, 21 she asked her friend Diana to go with her . It was a cold ,snowy night and when it was time to leave for the party ,all Ilene wanted to do was 22 home and watch TV. Diana persuadedher to change her 23 .However, after they had driven all the way across town .Ilene 24 that she had left the invitation at home .Ilene thought she could remember the 25 .they found the right street, but Ilene wasnt sure about the number,so they drove around until they came to a house where was a party 26 on.They decided this was the right place .They didnt 27 anybody there and Ilene wanted to leave right away. However,Diana persuaded her to stay .Feeling very 28 Ilene stood in a corner by herself,watching,Diana have a good time .After about an hour, she 29 to go home .As she was leaving,she slipped(滑)and fell down some icy steps outside the house . 30 just at that moment,somebody was coming up the steps on his way to the party and he caught her in his arms .And thats how Ilene met her husband.Ilene and Jeff have now been together for ten years,and they are still amazed at the way they met.21Abut Bor Cfor Dso22 Astay Bcome Ccall Dhurry23 A promise Btime Cmind DChoice24 A agreed Bworried Crealized Dexplained25 Adistance Bdoor Cname DAddress26Arunning Bgoing Ccarrying Dmarching27Ameet Bdiscover Ctrust Drecognize28 Auncomfortable Bunusual Chopeless Dhungry29 Adeclared Bdecided C remembered Dpretended 30ASkilfully BLuckily CStrangely D DangerouslyIII阅读理解(共15小题;每小题4分,满分60分)ASummer is almost here, which means it is time to sign your children up for swim classes again at theCommunity Pool. Classes begin on Monday, May 1, and will continue throughout the summer. Fifteen swim classes are being offered. Each class lasts ten hours. A new class starts each week of the summer. Each class costs $20. The pool is big enough for six students per class.Classes will increase in difficulty each week. The first week is for children up to six years old. The last week is for advanced swimmers who want to improve their race and endurance skills.Students can sign up for as many classes as they like, but they must pass the skills level test. For example, students who sign up for Level 4 (Stroke Readiness) must show their certificate(证书) for completing Level 3 or must demonstrate the front crawl and backstroke. Children cannot sign up for a level they are not ready for. Children who have never attended Community Pool classes must show up April 29 or 30 for a swim skills evaluation. Instructors will rate the students and assign them to a particular skill level.Swim classes are fun for all. Children learn new skills and make new friends. Parents get to meet other parents in the community. Swimming, like bicycling, is a healthy and valuable skill that, once learned, is never forgotten.“Its a joy to teach young children,” said Ginger, the lead instructor for swimming programs. “More than half of them are terrified when we put them into the water the first time. Two months later, theyre begging their parents to go to the pool every day.”31. How long will swim classes continue? A.The whole summer B. The whole week C.Ten hours D.Fifteen hours32. How many swim classes are being offered ?A.Six B.Ten C.Fifteen D.Twenty33.What do children have to do before signing up for a swim class?A.Take a level test. B.Take all level testsC.Learn the free style first D.Choose a good instructor 34. How do many of the children feel when first getting into the pool? A.Curious B.Afraid C.Comfortable D.Confident BYouve probably walked past people living on the streets or known a family having a hard time.Perhaps youve seen news reports about people who need help after a natural disaster .Maybe you want to protect rivers from pollution.Volunteering gives you a chance to change lives,including your own .If youre feeling frustrated (沮丧的)by the news of a disaster ,Volunteering to help can be a great way .If youd like to support a cause but cant afford to donate money,you can donate you time.Unlike school,with volunteering you get what really interests you and what is most deserving of you time .Need some ideas to get you started? Here are just a few :Help children learn and grow .Become a Big Brother or Big Sister,or volunteer for an after-school sports program .Special Olympic games and events are great ways to get to know special-needs children.Givebackover the holidays.ServeThanksgiving dinner to the homeless,volunteer at your local food bank,or send toys to young children.Play with pets at a local animal shelter(收容所).Most shelters depend on volunteers to keep the cats and dogs happy and well exercised.Help the environment Join a conservation(环保) group and help out with river protection.Takepart in a local park clean-up day.Support a health-related cause .Lots of us are close to people who have a medical problem .Itll make you feel good if you donate your time to an organization that raises money for research,delivers meals ,or offers others other help to people with an illness. Whats more,if you love children and are great at arts ,visit your local children hospital and offer to lead art activities for young patients .35. What does the text mainly call on the reader to do ? A.To offer free help to others. B.To protectrivers from being polluted. C.To read news about people after a disaster. D.To get to know a family having a hard time.36.What can you do as a volunteer for sick people ?A.Solve their problems B.Donate money to them C.Take food to them D.Make them happy37.How many ways of volunteering are mentioned in the text?A.Two B.Three C.Four D.Five CA 10-year-old girl who weighs 175 pounds has been told by doctor :diet or die .Brooke Walker keeps eating junk food(垃圾食品)and already weighs more than Britains fattest teenager did at the same age .shes been warned by the doctor that they can do no more for her .Next month ,she willbegin a healthy eating and exercise plan to save her life.Brook, whos too large for girls clothes and has to wear boys clothes, has been laughed at all her life. She stays indoors much of the time. ”when ”I look un the mirror I feel sad,” she said.“Doctors have told me that unless I lose weight and exercise I will be very, very sick when I grow up. I have tired really hard to do as the doctors say. But every time I play outside, people stop and look at me and call me “fatso”. I end up crying in my room. ”Brookes weight increased quickly when she developed a love of takeaways and fatty junk food. She often ordered food from shops or restaurant and ate at home. Her daily meal used to be potato chips, chocolates, pizza, and sweet drinks. Brookss mum Stacey ,a busy single mum, admits Brooke suffered from being dished up with fast food in her early year.In the first seven days she wont be able to phone home, but shes determined to succeed. “I cant wait to go,” she says. “I am not afraid of going away. My one wish is to lose weight and look like other girls. I am tired of being called fatty and want it to end.”38. what does the underlined word “diet” most probably mean in the text?A. To limit food B. To do exercise. C. To see a doctor D. To go outdoors39.How does Brooke feel about being fat?A. calm B. sad C. angry D. nervous40.What has caused Brookes health problem?A. Poor family background B. bad eating habit C. lack of exercise equipment D. little food at home41.From the last paragraph we can see that Brooke is _.A. tired of junk food B. afraid to go to hospital C. happy about phoning home D. eager to change her life DLeeds Castle is one of the most quiet and beautiful park in Britain .Your visit beings with a pleasant walk through the Wood Garden ,a picture in springtime when colorful flowers line the banks of a small and clean river . Another beautiful garden is Culpeper Garden-a fine example of an English country cottage garden.The castle has its own collection of over 100 kinds of rare and precious bird. Another special attraction is the Dog Collar Museum exhibiting the worlds finest public collection dating back 400 years.Not to be missed is the interesting Yew Tree Maze(paths or passage which people try to find their way through for entertainment), popular with children of all ages. Young children can enjoy the Grass Maze play area, giving parents a well rest.Leeds Castle has its own vineyard, which produces bottle of famous white wine for people to buy in the Castle Shop, which also has a wide range of quality gifts. Equally impressive are the greenhouses filled with beautiful flowers and plants, some of which are on sale at the plant central.Daytime Events-Spring Gardens Week and Flower Festival Tuesday 1st-Sunday 6th April-Easter Playtime at Leeds Castle Friday 18th-Monday 21th April-Festival of English Food and Wine Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th May-Summer Playtime at Leeds Castle Tuesday 1st July-Friday 5th September-Autumn Playtime at Leeds Castle Wednesday 15th-Sunday 19th October-Christmas at the castle Monday 15th-Wednesday 24th December 42. The Wood Garden is a good place for visitors to _ .Awalk their dogs Bboat in the river Cwatch different kinds of birds D start the tour of the castle43. Where do children find most exciting to paly in the Castle?AGreenhouses BVineyard C Yew Tree Maze DCulpeper Garden 44.What can people find at the Plant Centre?Abeautiful flower and plants Bfamous white wine Ca wide range of quality gifts D fruits grown in the castle.45.When should people visit the castle if they are interested in English food and wine?A. in April B. in May C. in September D. in October 第二卷 (两大题,共30分)IV单词拼写(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)46. The children were all moved to_(眼泪).47.Jack is a hard -working and _(诚实的)man.48.Take the_(药)three times a day after meals.49.The weather is usually _(干燥的)and sunny at this time of the years.50.Michael studied modern European_(历史)at college.51.Dont_(浪费)your money on unnecessary things.52.Hurry up!Were going tobe_(晚了)!53.He had no_(经验)of running a kindergarten.54.Your sister and I will _(结婚)this spring in New York City.55.Thanks to my English teacher,my spoken English has_(极大的)improved.V书面表达(满分10分)假设你是李华,在澳大利亚旅游期间,有幸结识了一名叫Roger的网球(tennis)明星。回国后,你给他写一封信,主要内容下: 1.表达对他的仰慕之情; 2.感谢他与你合影并送你的意见T恤衫; 3.邀请他到北京来做客。 Dear Roger _ Yours Li Hua 7-


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